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Characteristics of psychovegetative syndrome and its pharmacological correction in law enforcement. Bulatova G.R., Novikova L.B., Naushirvanov O.R., Nigmatullin R.Kh. P.9

The eleсtroentсephalography characteristic of psychovegetative disorders in war veterans. Golokov V.A., Dolinskaya E.A., Solovyeva S.F., Golokova E.A. P.15

Complex therapy of psychogenic disordes combatans. Ichitovkina E.G., Zlokazova M.V., Solovyev A.G., Epshtein A.M. P.18

Topical application of recombinant interferon alfa in patients with influenza A(H1N1)PDM09. Tyutyunnikov S.V., Antonov Yu.A., Kuzyakin G.V. P.25

Studying the systolic function of left ventricle in patients with congestive heart failure in combination with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Frolova E.B., Yaushev M.F., Sharipova R.R. P.30

Evaluation of the efficacy of altay (balsam tincture) in the treatment of ulcers associated h. Pylori. Gimaletdinova I.A., Absalyamova L.R., Spiridonov A.V., Amirov N.B. P.36

Evaluation of the effectiveness stationer technologies in the complex treatment of employees of internal affairs bodies with the pathology of the musculoskeletal system. Zubareva G.D., Epshtein A.M., Ichitovkina E.G., Kukovyakin S.А. P.41

Seasonal allergic rhinitis: modern treatment оptions. Kamasheva G.R., Nadeeva R.А., Amirov N.B. P.44

Monitoring forensic psychiatric examination in civil cases synergistically associated with individual factors demographic indicators in Tatarstan. Krasilnikov V.I. P.48

Analysis of the causes of low adherence to treatment in patients of primary open angle glaucoma. Makogon S.I., Makogon A.S. P.53

Assess the importance of sources of medical information in the formation of compliance in patients with glaucoma. Makogon S.I., Makogon A.S. P.58

The study of the dynamics and structure of primary disability due to glaucoma in persons older than working age in the Altai region. Makogon S.I., Makogon A.S., Chechulina S.V. P.62

Cerebrovascular diseases risk factors among police officers in the republic of Bashkortostan. Murtazina R.R., Nigmatullin R.Kh., Akhunov D.M. P.68

Possibilities of doppler sonography in diagnostics of early violations of diastolic function of the myo-cardium. Mukhametzyanova N.A., Valeeva M.R. P.71

Psychogenic vertigo: clinical features and principles of diagnostics. Sitdikova A.I., Zakirova D.R., Iksanova E.N., Khuzina G.R. P.76

Syndrome of the angry intestines in practice of the gastroenterologist: from emergence mechanisms before effective therapy. Spiridonov A.V., Absalyamova L.R., Gimaletdinova I.A. P.80

Analysis of completed suicides of prisoners of the federal penitentiary service of Russia in territory of Kazan city, republic of Tatarstan, Russia. Timerzyanov M.I., Gazizyanova R.M., Nizamov A.Kh. P.85


Methods radiofrequency obliteration of the veins of the lower limbs under angiographic control.Sharafeev A.Z., Khalirakhmanov A.F., Sharafutdinov B.M., Khizriev S.M. P.90


Instruction of the cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the system of postgraduate education of the general practitioner, of the cardiologists. Maiorova E.M., Garipova A.F. P.95

Primary hyperaldoseronism in the structure of arterial hypertension: actuality of problem. Nadeeva R.A., Kamasheva G.R., Yagfarova R.R. P.98


Silent myocardial ischemia (literature review). Abdrakhmanova A.I., Amirov N.B., Sayfullina G.B. P.103

Current recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of pyelonephritis and evidence-based medicine. Arkhipov E.V., Sigitova O.N., Bogdanova A.R. P.115

Modern principles of pharmacological treatment ischemic nephropathy. Bogdanova A.R., Sharipova R.R. P.121


Aspects of rehabilitation and adaptative exercises of police officers and veteran policemen with atrial fibrillation. Kamalov R.Z., Khisameev R.Sh., Sabirov L.F., Sharafeev A.Z., Mukhametshina G.A. P.127

Tuberculous spondylitis case report. Safargaliyeva L.Kh., Yagfarova R.R. P.131


The experience of rehabilitation department Clinical hospital ministry of internal affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan. Burenina I.A., Iskhakova A.N., Amirov N.B., Sabirov L.F. P.135

Experience and key activity data of FGHI Russian MIA health facility clinical hospital physiotherapy department. Burenina I.A., Amirov N.B., Sabirov L.F. P.142

Organization of work FPHA health part MIA on republic of Bashkortostan in the period of preparation and realization of summit of countries of shanghai organization of collaboration and meeting of heads of the states and governments BRIX on 8-10 july 2015 in Ufa. Naushirvanov O.R., Nigmatullin R.Kh., Fazlyev M.M., Kutuev Z.Z. P.148

The analysis of functioning of quality management system of a versatile hospital for the five-year period. Sabirov L.F., Spiridonov A.V. P.152

The analysis of the work of the military-medical station medical unit of MIA in RT over the last 5 years. Sadykov R.Z., Pavlov A.A., Ishkineev F.I. P.156


Diagnostic and treatment characteristics of much too strong labor. Yagovkina N.E. P.164



PDF downloadCharacteristics of psychovegetative syndrome and its pharmacological correction in law enforcement 

Bulatova Gusel R., neurologist, Medical Station of MIA in BR, Russia, Ufa, e-mail: bulat_ova@mail.ru

Novikova Liliya B., D. Med. Sci., professor, Head of the Department of neurology and neurosurgery of Bashkir State Medical University, Russia, Ufa

Naushirvanov Oleg R., Head of Medical Station of MIA in BR, Russia, Ufa

Nigmatullin Rustem Kh., C. Med. Sci., deputy Head of Medical Station of MIA in BR, Russia, Ufa

Abstract. The purpose of the research. To study the peculiarities of the psychovegetative disorders with law enforcement officials and to evaluate their medical correction efficiency. Material and methods. We have examined 60 patients, law enforcement officers, with clinical symptoms of psychovegetative syndrome. They were divided into three groups in a view of various kinds of treatment of asthenic-vegetative disorders — with appointment of psychostimulant drug, combination of Ladasten and Cerebrolysin, with prescribing of vasoactive and metabolizing therapy. All patients were underwent clinico-neurologic, psychological and electroencephalographic checkup before and after the treatment course, almost half of them performed ultrasound examination of cerebral circulation before the treatment. Results and discussion. Ultrasound examination of cerebral circulation showed the anatomical features of the vertebral arteries, hemodynamic changes in basilar basin, the initial atherosclerotic changes in extracranial arteries, disorders of cerebrovascular reactivity, disturbance in intracranial venous circulation. Analysis of the observation before and after treatment shows clear decrease of fatigue and vegetative disorders and quality improvement of electroencephalographic parameters against the background of the therapy conducted. It should be mentioned that in the group that was prescribed with cerebrolysin and ladasten, positive dynamics of neuropsychological and electroencephalographic criteria were much more notably expressed, than in the group prescribed with ladasten or in the comparison group. Conclusion. Examination results show clinical, neuropsychological and neurophysiological peculiarities of psychovegetative disorders with the law enforcement officers. The received data will help improve the quality of psychovegetative syndrome diagnostics and medicament correction with law enforcement officials.

Key words: psychovegetative syndrome, law enforcement officers, electroencephalography, ultrasonic methods of researching cerebral circulation, treatment of asthenic-vegetative disorders.

For reference: Bulatova GR, Novikova LB, Nauchirvanov OR, Nigmatullin RCh. Characteristics of psychovegetative syndrome and its pharmacological correction in law enforcement. Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (6): 9—14.



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PDF downloadThe eleсtroentсephalography characteristic of psychovegetative disorders in war veterans

Golokov Vladislav A., C. Med. Sci, Major region police staff, Head of the Department nervous of Hospital of Medical Station of MiA of russia in Yakutia region, russia, Yakutsk, e-mail: yamchik@inbox.ru

Dolinskaya Elvira A., Coloner region police staff, Head of Medical Station of MIA of Russia in Yakutia region, Russia, Yakutsk, e-mail:mshmvdrsy@mail.ru

Solovyeva Sardana F., Lt. Coloner region police staff, Head of the Department of Hospital of Medical Station of MiA of russia in Yakutia region, russia, Yakutsk, e-mail: mshmvdrsy@mail.ru

Golokova Elena A., neurologist of the Department of functional diagnostics of Republic Hospital, Yakutsk, Russia, e-mail: ele-stars@mail.ru

Abstract. Aim. Assessment of electroencephalography features of psychovegetative disorders in war veterans. Material and methods. A 120 of the Internal Affairs bodies employees (IAB) depending on participation in military operations and the bland head injury (BHI) postponed in the anamnesis are examined. To all patients the standard computer electroencephalogram (EEG) with use of classification of E.A. Zhirmunskaya and V.S. Losev was carried out (1994). Results and discussion. The analysis of the received results showed that at the staff of Internal Affairs bodies employees who was taking part in military operations and which rubbed through bland HI to this period in the presence of PVD in the remote recovery period, the EEG hypersynchronous type that the diencephalon of departments of a brain testifies to dysfunction prevails. Conclusion. Combating stress together with a head injury results to abnormality of vegetative nervous system functions (diencephalon of departments of a brain), that significant detected in the standard computer EEG with use of classification of E.A. Zhirmunskaya and V.S. Losev.

Key words: psychovegetative disorders, war veterans, electroencephalography, bland head injury, diencephalon of departments of a brain.

For reference: Golokov VA, Dolinskaya EA, Solovyeva SF, Golokova EA. The eleсtroentсephalography characteristic of psychovegetative disorders in war veterans. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (6):14—17.



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PDF downloadComplex therapy of psychogenic disordes combatans

Ichitovkina Elena G., C. Med. Sci., Head of the Center of the psychophysiological diagnostics of Medical Station of MIA in Kirov, Major internal service, tel. 8-912-724-72-57, e-mail: elena.ichitovckina@yandex.ru

Zlokazova Marina V., D. Med. Sci., professor of the Department of psychiatry of Kirov State Medical Academy, e-mail: marinavz@mail.ru

Solovyev Andrey G., D. Med. Sci., professor, Head of the Department of psychiatry and clinical psychology of Northern State Medical University, Arkhangelsk, e-mail: ASoloviev@nsmu.ru

Epshtein Andrey M., C. Med. Sci., Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, professor, Head of Medical Station of MIA in Kirov, e-mail: ame1957@yandex.ru

Abstract. The purpose of evaluation of the effectiveness of therapy of psychogenic disorders combatants. Material and methods. 644 combatant Department of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Kirov region, they were divided into two groups: the main — 305 people., Who after participating in hostilities diagnosed BPD, is undergoing a course of therapy, Wed. age (35,2±1,3) years length of service — (10±1,1) years, the number of trips in the TFR — 5,3±1,1; the comparison group — 339 people. Mental health combatants, Wed. age (35,3±1,2) years length of service — (10±1,3) years. Clinical examination was carried out in two stages: first — within 5 days after returning from business trips, the second — a month after returning. For the experimental psychological studies, we used a technique V.V. Boyko, questionnaire I.O. Koteneva traumatic stress (2001). Results and discussion. Clinical and nosologic structure of psychogenic disorders combatants characterized polymorphism psychopathology and requires a student-centered approach Multiprofessional during therapy. It is shown that the basic reduction of psychopathological disorders combatants retained emotional Deficits, within kombatantnoy accentuation of personality. Conclusion. The need to consider the establishment of vhopros in the structure of the regional health units MIA common clinical diagnostic and medical institutions — mental health centers with the introduction of their structure psychiatrists, psychotherapists, clinical psychologists to improve the quality of diagnostic, therapeutic and psycho, psychoprophylactic assistance, which will allow more efficiently solve the problem of maintaining the functional reliability of police officers.

Key words: psychogenic disorders, combatants, therapy.

For reference: Ichitovkina ЕG, Zlokazova МV, Soloviev АG, Epstein AM. Complex therapy of psychogenic disordes combatans. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (6): 17—24.



  1. Gluhov DV, Mihajlicin VN, Zhoverenchuk EV. Professional'naja nadezhnost' oficerov operativnogo upravlenija pod vozdejstviem informacionnogo stressa [Professional reliable operational control officers under the influence of information stress]. Psihicheskoe zdorov'e [Mental Health]. 2011; 5 (60): 12–14.
  2. Beskaravajnyj EB, Gudkov AB. Dinamika kachestva somaticheskogo zdorov'ja i psihomotronyh reakcij u voennosluzhashhih podrazdelenij special'nogo naznachenija v processe vypolnenija sluzhebno-boevyh zadach [Dynamics of physical health and quality of psihomotronyh reactions in military special forces in the implementation of service and combat missions]. Medicinskij vestnik MVD [Medical Gazette of the Ministry of Interior]. 2014; 70 (3): 76-80.
  3. Voloshin VM. Posttravmaticheskoe stressovoe rasstrojstvo (femenologija, klinika, dinamika i sovremennye podhody k psihofarmakoterapii) [PTSD (femenologiya clinic, dynamics and modern approaches to pharmacotherapy)]. M: «Anaharsis». 2005; 200 p.
  4. Ichitovkina EG, Zlokazova MV, Soloviev AG. Vlijanie lichnostnyh i psihosocial'nyh harakteristik na razvitie pogranichnyh psihicheskih rasstrojstv u kombatantov ministerstva vnutrennih del Influence of personality and psychosocial characteristics in the development of borderline mental disorders in the Interior Ministry combatants. Vestnik psihoterapii [Herald of psychothe- rapy]. 2011; 37 (42): 56–68.
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  6. Ichitovkina EG, Zlokazova MV, Solov'ev AG. Dinamika osobennostej lichnosti sotrudnikov organov vnutrennih del pod vozdejstviem stress-faktorov boevoj obstanovki [The dynamics of personality characteristics of police officers under the influence of stress factors combat situation]. Psihicheskoe zdorov'e [Mental Health]. 2010; 10: 25–28.
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  8. Kotenev IO. Psihologicheskie reakcii rabotnikov milicii v cherezvychajnyh obstojatel'stvah i poststressovye sostojanija: preduprezhdenie i psihologicheskaja korrekcija [Psychological reactions of police officers in extremely circumstances and post-stress states: prevention and psychological correctiont]. Psihopedagogika v pravoohranitel'nyh organah [Psycho in law enforcement]. 1996; 1 (3): 76–84.


PDF downloadTopical application of recombinant interferon alfa in patients with influenza A(H1N1)PDM09

Tyutyunnikov Sergey V., D. Med. Sci., associate professor, professor of the Department of faculty therapy and occupational diseases with the course of clinical pharmacology of Altai State Medical university, russia, Barnaul, tel. 8-903-949-67-10, e-mail: tsvagmu @ mail.ru

Antonov Yuri A., Head of the Center of psychophysiological diagnostics of Medical Station of MIA in Altai region, graduate student of the Department of faculty therapy and occupational diseases with the course of clinical pharmacology of Altai State Medical University, Russia, Barnaul, tel. (3852) 391-846, e-mail: antonov67@mail.ru

Kuzyakin Grigory V., Head of Medical Station of MIA in Altai region, Russia, Barnaul, tel. (3852) 391-852

Abstract. Aim. Explore the therapeutic efficacy of topical application of recombinant interferon alfa in patients with influenza A(H1N1) pdm09. Material and methods. A study of the clinical picture of the disease, the thermometer face, the study of cytokines saliva and blood count was performed in 92 patients with influenza A(H1N1) pdm09 mild to moderate severity. The blind, randomized study group I patients (48) received basic therapy and treatment with a topical application of the gel viferon, II group (44 people) — basic therapy with a topical application of a placebo gel viferon. The control group (35 people) were healthy individuals. Results and discussion. It is shown that in patients with influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 the treatment gel viferon, unlike placebo, normalization of blood counts are observed, the level of proinflammatory cytokines in the saliva, the indicator thermometry face, reducing the duration of illness. Conclusion. The high therapeutic effectiveness of topical application of recombinant interferon alfa for the treatment of patients with influenza A(H1N1)pdm09 allows to recommend it for use in clinical practice.

Key words: influenza, interferon alpha, cytokines, thermometer face.

For reference: Tyutyunnikov SV, Antonov YA, Kuzyakin GV. Topical application of recombinant interferon alfa in patients with influenza A(H1N1)pdm09. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (6): 24—30.



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  7. Tjutjunnikov SV, Antonov JuA, Volodin MM et al. Klinicheskie projavlenija grippa A(H1N1)pdm09 i termometrija lica bol'nyh [Clinical flu A(H1N1)pdm09 symptoms and patients’ facial thermometry]. Aktual'nye voprosy otorinolaringologii, oftal'mologii, stomatologii i osobennosti prepodavanija special'nostej v medicinskom vuze: sbornik tezisov, Barnaul [Topical issues of otolaryngology, ophthalmology, dentistry, and especially teaching specialties in medical school: a collection of abstracts, Barnaul]. Barnaul. 2015; 4–16.
  8. Tjutjunnikov SV, Antonov YuA, Kuzjakin GV, Volodin MM et al. Termometrija lica u bol'nyh grippom A(H1N1)pdm09 [Patients’ suffering from the flu A(H1N1)pdm09 facial thermometry]. Vestnik sovremennoj klinicheskoj mediciny [The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine]. 2015; 8 (5): 64–67.
  9. Tjutjunnikov SV. Jekzogennye i jendogennye faktory v formirovanii hronicheskogo bronhita, lechenie s ispol'zovaniem ingaljacionnyh gljukokortikosteroidov i V2 agonistov: avtoref dis d-ra med nauk [Exogenous and endogenous factors in the formation of chronic bronchitis, treatment with inhaled glucocorticosteroids and B2 agonists]. Altajskij gos med un-t, Barnaul [Altai State Medical University, Barnaul]. 2001; 46 p.
  10. Tjutjunnikov SV, Antonov YuA, Kuzjakin GV, Nalimova IS et al. Vlijanie topicheskogo primenenija rekombinantnogo interferona al'fa — 2b na soderzhanie citokinov v sljune bol'nyh grippom A/H1N1 [Recombinant interferon alpha — 2b use influence on cytoxine in flu patients saliva]. Vestnik sovremennoj klinicheskoj mediciny [The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine]. 2014; 7: 106-112.
  11. Tjutjunnikov SV, Antonov YuA, Nalimova IS et al. Patent na poleznuju model' 148493 RF, MPK A61S19/00 (2006.01). Ustrojstvo dlja sbora sljuny [The saliva collecting device patent], model 148493 RF, MPK A61S19/00 (2006.01)]. 2014; 34: 75.


PDF downloadStudying the systolic function of left ventricle in patients with congestive heart failure in combination with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Frolova Elvira B., C. Med. Sci. deputy Head of Clinical Hospital of Medical Station of MIA in RT, Kazan, Russia, tel. +7-917-267-73-25, e-mail: frolova.67@mail.ru

Yaushev Marat F., D. Med. Sci., professor of the Department of ftiziopulmonologiy of Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia, tel. +7-908-332-84-98, e-mail: umukgmu@rambler.ru

Sharipova Rozaliya R., resident of the Department of practitionale of Kazan State Medical university, Kazan, Russia, tel. +7-917-228-34-94, e-mail: zaldino@land.ru

Abstract. Results of the 120 CHF (Congestive Heart Failure) in combination with COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease) patients trial were presented in this article. The goal of investigation was to establish characteristics of changes in systolic function of left ventricle in connection with clinical picture and exercise tolerance. Material and methods. 3 groups of 40 patients (COPD, COPD+CHF, CHF) were investigated, including Functional class assessment (NYHA) and parameters of Echocardiography. Results. The worsening of echocardiographic parameters was revealed in COPD — COPD+CHF — CHF row; changes of Echocardiography parameters in CHF patients group were more significant; most of patient (83,9%) had preserved left ventricle systolic function. Patients with COPD (100%) demonstrated this effect significantly more frequently compared to CHF (80%) and CHF+COPD (86,8%) groups; more than half of patients in CHF+COPD (54,2%) and CHF (50%) group had concentric and eccentric type of left ventricle hypertrophy, which was more frequent than in COPD group (8,4%). Conclusion. Dominating effects on left ventricle systolic function was made by CHF; presence of COPD in CHF patients doesn’t affect the type of left ventricle remodeling.

Key words: congestive heart failure, COPD, echocardiography, systolic function.

For reference: Frolova EB, Yaushev MF, Sharipova RR. Studying the systolic function of left ventricle in patients with congestive heart failure in combination with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (6): 30—35.



  1. Mareev VYu, Ageev FT, Arutjunov GP. Nacional’nye rekomendacii VNOK I OSSN po diagnostike i lecheniju HSN (tretij peresmotr) [National recommendations of VNOK and AHVF about diagnostics and treatment of CHF (third revision)]. Zhurnal serdechnaja nedostatochnost’ [Heart Failure]. 2009; 10 (2): 64–103.
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PDF downloadEvaluation of the efficacy of altay (balsam tincture) in the treatment of ulcers associated H. Pylori

Gimaletdinova Irina A., physician-gastroenterologist of Clinical Hospital of Medical Station of MIA in TR

Absalyamova Leyle R., Head of the Department of gastroenterology of Clinical Hospital of Medical Station of MIA in TR

Spiridonov Albert V., C. Med. Sci., deputy Head of Clinical Hospital of Medical Station of MIA in TR

Amirov Nail B., D. Med. Sci., professor of the Department of general medical practice of Kazan State Medical University, deputy Head of Medical Station of MIA in TR

Abstract. Purpose of the study. To study the effectiveness of the drug Vinylinum (balm Shostakovskiy) as part of the classical scheme of triple eradication therapy in patients with ulcerative lesions of the stomach and duodenum, to assess the dynamics of clinical symptoms of ulcer in patients receiving the drug, study the effect of Vinylinum the effectiveness of eradication. Material and methods. The results of a clinical study in which observed 15 patients with gastric ulcer and duodenal ulcers associated with Helicobacterpylori, received within 10 days of triple eradication therapy first line was also formed a second group (15 people), patients who along with standard eradication received drug therapy Vinylinum (balm Shostakovskiy) at a dose of 1 teaspoon disertnaya overnight. Results and discussion. Our data show that the efficiency of the classical scheme of eradication therapy first line. Dynamics of reduction of ulcer symptom occurs in a shorter time, thereby improving the quality of life of patients. The effects on H. pylori infection have been identified. Conclusion. This drug can be recommended in the treatment of gastroduodenal ulcers, as the NR-non-associated and associated HP-speeding up the leveling of clinical symptoms, but not improving eradication at last.

Key words: peptic ulcer, h. pylori, vinilinBalsam Tincture.

For reference: Gimaletdinova IA, Absalyamova LR, Spiridonov AV, Amirov NB. Evaluation of the efficacy of altay (balsam tincture) in the treatment of ulcers associated H. Pylori. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (6): 35—40.



  1. Amirov NB. Klinicheskaya effektivnost' ispol'zovaniya lazernoi terapii v kompleksnom lechenii yazvennoi bolezni dvenadcatiperstnoi kishki [Clinical effectiveness of laser therapy use in complex treatment of duodenal ulcer] Kazansk. Med. Zhurn [KMJ]. 2003; 84(3): 169-174.
  2. Aruin LI. Nelicobacter pylori v jetiologii i patogeneze jazvennoj bolezni [Helikobakter of a pilora in an etiology and pathogenesis of stomach ulcer]. Mater. 7-j sessii Rossijsk Gruppy po izucheniju Helicobacter pylori, N Novgorod [Mater 7th session Russ Groups on studying helikobakter of a pilora, N Novgorod]. 1998; 201.
  3. Gubergric MM. K klinike jazvennoj bolezni (1949) [To clinic of stomach ulcer]. Izbrannye trudy [Chosen works]. Kiev. 1959; 158 p.
  4. Dasaeva LA, Lopatkina VV. Diagnostika jazvennoj bolezni zheludka i dvenadcatiperstnoj kishki i podbor jeffektivnyh shem lechenija u bol'nyh raznogo vozrasta [Diagnosis of stomach ulcer of a stomach and duodenum and selection of effective schemes of treatment at patients of different age]. RMZh Gastrojenterologija [RMJ Gastroenterology]. 2013; 20: 23-31.
  5. Lapina TL. Lechenie jerozivno-jazvennyh porazhenij zheludka i dvenadcatiperstnoj kishki [Treatment of erosive and ulcer damages of a stomach and duodenum].Russk. Med. Zhurn [RMJ]. 2001; 9 (13-14): 602-607.
  6. Maev IV, Samsonov AA, Andreev DN, Kochetov SA. Jevoljucija predstavlenij o diagnostike i lechenii infekcii Nelicobacterpylori (po materialam konsensusa Maastriht 4, Florencija, 2010) [Evolution of ideas of diagnostics and treatment of an infection of Nelitsobatsterpylori (on consensus materials Maastricht 4, Florence, 2010)]. Vestnik prakticheskogo vracha [Messenger of the practical doctor]. 2012; 1: 87-94.
  7. Maev IV, Petrova E.G. Sovremennye molekuljarno-geneticheskie osnovy v klinicheskoj gastrojenterologii [Modern molecular and genetic bases in clinical gastroenterology]. Klin Med [Clin Med]. 2005; 5: 7-14.
  8. Tkachenko EI. Optimal'naja terapija jazvennoj bolezni [Optimum therapy of stomach ulcer]. Klinich Farmakologija i terapija [Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics]. 1999; 1: 11-13.
  9. Cimmerman JaS. Gastrojenterologija: rukovodstvo — 2-e izd, pererab i dop [Gastroenterology: A Guide — 2nd ed, Rev and additional]. M: GJeOTAR-Media [M: GEOTAR Media]. 2015; 816 p.
  10. Cimmerman JaS. Hronicheskij gastrit i jazvennaja bolezn' [Chronic gastritis and peptic ulcer]. Perm': PGMA. 2000; 256 p.
  11. Blaser VJ. Helicobacter pylori: Balance and inbalance. Eur J Gastroenterol Hepatol. 1998; 10: 15-18.


PDF downloadEvaluation of the effectiveness stationer technologies in the complex treatment of employees of internal affairs bodies with the pathology of the musculoskeletal system

Zubareva Galina D., Head of Hospital of Medical Station of MIA in Kirov region, Russia, Kirov

Epshtein Andrey M., C. Med. Sci., Head of Medical Station of MIA in Kirov region, Russia, Kirov, e-mail: ame1957@yandex.ru

Ichitovkina Elena G., C. Med. Sci., Head of the Center of psychophysiological diagnostics of Medical Station of MIA in Kirov region, Russia, Kirov, tel. 8-912-724-72-57, e-mail: elena.ichitovckina@yandex.ru

Kukovyakin Sergey А., D. Med. Sci., professor, Head of the Department of public health and health services of Kirov State Medical Academy, russia, Kirov, tel. 8(8332)37-48-58

Abstract. Aim — for the purpose of evaluating the effectiveness of the stationer technologies in the complex treatment of employees of internal Affairs bodies with the pathology of the musculoskeletal system. Material and methods. 4115 surveyed employees of internal Affairs bodies of the Kirov region, past outpatient treatment and received medical care using stationer technologies in the health part of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia in the Kirov region in the period from 2006 to 2015. Used to assess the statistical performance of hospital and polyclinics in accordance with the order of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia dated 20.10.2006 № 838. Statistical processing of research results, carried out using the program SPSS 13,0. Results and discussion. The results showed that the use of the stationer technology leads to a decrease in the incidence of diseases, reduction of the period of temporary disability. Conclusion. Proven effective organizational and methodological approaches and prove the necessity of wider application stationer technology with the development of standardized, short-term, comprehensive therapy programs.

Key words: stationer technology, pathology of the musculoskeletal system, performance evaluation.

For reference: Zubareva GD, Epstein AM, Ichitovkina EG, Kukovyakin SА. Evaluation of the effectiveness stationer technologies in the complex treatment of employees of internal affairs bodies with the pathology of the musculoskeletal system. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (6): 41—43.



  1. Ismagilov MF, Nazipova AJa. Stacionarzameshhajushhie formy organizacii medicinskoj pomoshhi bol'nym v uslovijah reformirovanija sistemy zdravoohranenija [The hospital replacing technologies of medical care to patients in a health care reform]. Nevrologicheskij vestnik [Neurological Gazette]. 2009; XLI (4): 61-67.
  2. Proshhaev KI, Il'nickij AN, Fesenko VV. Stacionarzameshhajushhie tehnologii pri arterial'noj gipertenzii [The hospital replacing technologies with hypertension]. Obedinennyj nauchnyj zhurnal [Joint Research magazine]. 2008; 12: 34-36.
  3. Reshetnikov AV. Tehnologija sociologicheskogo issledovanija kak metodicheskaja osnova mediko-sociologicheskogo monitoringa [Technology case study as a methodological basis of medical and sociological monitoring]. Sociologija mediciny [Medicine Sociology]. 2011; 1: 3-14.
  4. Proshhaev KI, Ponomareva IP. Principy sozdanija I realizacii modeli geriatriches koj palliativnoj pomoshhi (na primere Belgorodskogo regiona) [Principles for the establishment and implementation of the model of geriatric palliative care (by the example of the Belgorod region)]. Vestnik novyh medicinski h tehnologij [Bulletin of new medical technologies]. 2013; 20 (1): 8-11.


PDF downloadSeasonal allergic rhinitis: modern treatment оptions

Kamasheva Gulnara R., C. Med. Sci., associate professor of the Department of general medical practice of Kazan State Medical University, Russia, Kazan, e-mail: kamasheva73@rambler.ru

Nadeeva Rozaliya А., C. Med. Sci., assistant of professor of the Department of general medical practice of Kazan State Medical University, Russia, Kazan, e-mail: rosa.nadeeva@gmail.com

Amirov Nail B., D. Med. Sci., professor of the Department of general medical practice of Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia, e-mail: namirov@mail.ru

Abstract. The aim of research is to evaluate the clinical effectiveness of barrier preparations in the treatment of seasonal allergic rhinitis (SAR) caused by pollen allergens. Material and methods. We observed 30 patients with acute moderate/severe SAR pollen etiology, the average age was (23,5±9,1) years. The main group (20 patients) received symptomatic therapy SAR (2nd generation antihistamines, intranasal glucocorticosteroids) and barrier preparations Nazaval or Prevalin. The control group consisted of 10 people who received only symptomatic treatment. Results and discussion. The main group of observation on 7-th and 14-th days of treatment there was a significant decrease in the severity of symptoms of SAR (rhinorrhea, nasal congestion, sneezing, nasal itching, eye symptoms, sleep disturbances) as compared with the control group. Conclusion. Inclusion of barrier preparations (Prevalin — nasal spray and Nazaval — nasal spray) in the treatment of SAR in acute significantly reduce the severity of clinical manifestations of SAR, improve the quality of life of patients.

Key words: allergic rhinitis, pollen, antihistamines, intranasal glucocorticosteroids, barrier preparations.

For reference: Kamasheva GR, Nadeeva RА, Amirov NB. Seasonal allergic rhinitis: modern treatment оptions. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (6): 44—48.



  1. Haitov PM, Il'ina NI red. Allergologija i immunologija; Nacional'noe rukovodstvo [Allergy and Immunolo- gy; National leadership]. M: «GJeOTAR–Media» [M: «GEOTAR-Media]. 2009; 656 p.
  2. Nenasheva NM. Dostizhenie kontrolja allergicheskogo rinita s pomoshh'ju stupenchatoj terapii [Achieving control of allergic rhinitis using sequential therapy]. Jeffektivnaja farmakoterapija; Pul'monologija i otorinolaringologija [Effective pharmacotherapy; Pulmonary and otola- ryngology]. 2015; 1: 14–22.
  3. Ozdoganoglu T, Songu M, Inancli HM. Quality of life in allergic rhinitis. Ther Adv Respir Dis. 2012; 6: 25–39.
  4. Emel'janov AV, Dzjuba OF. Pollinozy: metodicheskoe posobie [Pollinosis: Manual]. M. 2005; 76 p.
  5. Gushhin IS. Jevoljucionnoe preduprezhdenie: allergija [Evolutionary Warning: allergy]. Patologicheskaja fiziologija i jeksperimental'naja terapija [Pathological Physiology and Experimental Therapy]. 2014; 1: 57–67.
  6. Gushhin IS. IgE–oposredovannnaja giperchuvstvitel'nost' kak otvet na narushenie bar'ernoj funkcii tkanej [IgE-mediated hypersensitivity in response to the violation of the barrier function of the tissue]. Immunologija [Immunology]. 2015; 1: 45–52.
  7. Haitov RM red. Klinicheskaja allergologija: Rukovodstvo dlja prakticheskih vrachej [Clinical Allergy: A guide for practitioners]. M: MEDpress–inform. 2002; 624 p.
  8. Federal'nye klinicheskie rekomendacii po diagnostike i lecheniju allergicheskogo rinita — M,2013 [Federal guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of allergic rhinitis — 2013]. http://www.raaci.ru/ClinRec/2.Allergic_rhinitis.pdf
  9. Tarasova GD, Zajceva OV, Torgovanova EA. Profilakticheskij bar'er pri allergicheskom rinite [Preventive barrier in allergic rhinitis]. Rossijskij allergologicheskij zhurnal [Russian journal Allergy]. 2012; 2: 69–72.
  10. In collaboration with the World Health Organization, GA (2)LEN and AllerGen. Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma (ARIA) 2008 update (i). Allergy. 2008; 63: 8–160.
  11. Aberg N, Ospanova ST, Nikitin NP, Emberlin J, Dahl A. A nasally applied cellulose powder in seasonal allergic rhinitis in adults with grass pollen allergy: a double–blind, randomized, placebo–controlled, parallel–group study. Int Arch Allergy Immunol. 2014: 163 (4): 313–318.
  12. Stoelzel K, Bothe G, Chong PW, Lenarz M. Safety and efficacy of Nasya; Prevalin in reducing symptoms of allergic rhinitis. Clin Respir J. 2014; 8 (4): 382–390.


PDF downloadMonitoring forensic psychiatric examination in civil cases synergistically associated with individual factors demographic indicators in Tatarstan

Krasilnikov Vladimir I., D. Med. Sci., professor of the Department of criminology of Kazan law institute of the Russian Interior Ministry, the chief scientific officer-th of Republican Clinical Hospital of Kazan, Russia, tel. 8-987-296-99-03, e-mail: vikrasilnikov@mail.ru

Abstract. The purpose of research — definition of legal capacity, capacity and sdelkosposobnosti surveyed, whether the individual to understand the significance of his actions and control them. Material and methods. Was conducted a comprehensive-tion combines medical and social analysis at the junction of criminology, forensic science, and in particular, of Forensic Psychiatry 7503 forensic psychiatric examinations for civil cases over the five years 2010--2014. Results and discussion. Great influence on the psychological state of people has the character of the reorganization of the relations between the owners — the growth of social tensions and maladjustment, however, one-postglacial socioeconomic conditions, no matter how heavy they are, not every case is characterized by mental disorders. Conclusion. The relation of social-economic and psycho-physiological factors, in our view, under-represented as a ratio of the conditions and causes. Reason (psychophysiological-singularity of the individual) creates the possibility of a specific action (manifestation of social exclusion), and the conditions (in this case, the socio-economic circumstances) SPO-proper implementation of this feature.

Key words: forensic psychiatric examination, the examination of civil cases, psychiatric disorders, dementia, mental retardation.

For reference: Krasilnikov VI. Monitoring of forensic psychiatric examinations for civil cases synergistically associated with individual factors of demographic indicators in the Republic of Tatarstan. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (6): 48—52.



  1. Berezantsev AY, Batueva NG. Agressija, psihopatologija i social'no–psihologicheskie mehanizmy reguljacii povedenija: (teoreticheskie aspekty) [Aggression, psychopathology and socio–psychological mechanisms of regulation of behavior: (theoretical aspects)]. Rossijskij psihiatricheskij zhurnal [Russian Journal of Psychiatry]. 2007; 6: 22–28.
  2. Golenkov AV, Tsymbalova AB, Nikolaev EL. Sudebno-psihiatricheskij analiz ubijstv v Chuvashii [Forensic analysis of homicides in Chuvashia]. Materialy 13–j nauchno–prakticheskoj konferencii «Aktual'nye voprosy psihiatrii, narkologii i medicinskoj psihologii», kafedry psihiatrii i medicinskoj psihologii Chuvashskogo gosudarstvennogo universiteta im IN Ul'janova [Materials of the 13th scientific and practical conference «Actual issues of Psychiatry, Addiction and Medical Psychology» Kafedra Psychiatry and Medical Psychology Chuvash State University IN Ulyanova]. 2011; 40–46.
  3. Diloyan VV. Kriminogennyh faktorov u bol'nyh shizofreniej, sovershivshih tjazhkie OOD protiv rodstvennikov [Combinations criminogenic factors in patients with schizophrenia, Sauveur–shivshih grave LTD against relatives]. Sovremennye tendencii organizacii psihiatricheskoj pomoshhi: klinicheskie i social'nye aspekty: materialy konf [Modern trends op–zation of mental health care: clinical and social aspects: materials Rus konf]. 2004; 412–413.
  4. Zinnurov FK, Krasil'nikov VI. O sudebno–psihiatricheskoj jekspertize lic, sovershivshih obshhestvenno opasnye dejstvija (OOD) (st 105 UK RF) [On the forensic psychiatric examination of persons who have committed co–socially dangerous acts (CCCs) (Art 105 of the Criminal Code)]. Vestnik Kazanskogo juridicheskogo instituta MVD Rossii [Bulletin of Kazan Law Institute of the Russian Interior Ministry]. 2015; 2 (20): 53– 60.
  5. Kazantsev SY, Krasil'nikov VI. Sudebno–psihiatricheskaja jekspertiza i ispolnenie prinuditel'nyh mer medicinskogo haraktera [Forensic psychiatric examination and enforcement of compulsory measures of medical haraktera]. Vestnik Kazanskogo juridicheskogo instituta MVD Rossii [Kazan Herald legal institute the Russian Interior Ministry]. 2014; 4 (18): 77–81.
  6. Kalashnikov AS, Safuanov FS. Rol' psihicheskih rasstrojstv, ne iskljuchajushhih vmenjaemosti, v formirovanii raznonapravlennoj agressii [The role of mental disorders not excluding sanity, in the formation of multidirectional aggression]. Rossijskij psihiatricheskij zhurnal [Russiansky psychiatric journal]. 2010; 4: 16–22.
  7. Kotov VP, Maltsev MМ. Nekotorye statisticheskie pokazateli dejatel'nosti po profilaktike opasnyh dejstvij psihicheskih bol'nyh [Some statistical indicators of activity for the prevention of danger–governmental actions psychiatric patients]. Social'naja i klinicheskaja psihiatrija [Social and clinical psihiatriya]. 2012; 3: 11–12.
  8. Petrenko RA, Getmanov I P, Kimstach VN. Biologicheskie i sociokul'turnye faktory agressii [Biological and sociocultural factory aggression]. Novocherkassk: Oniks+ [Novocherkassk: Onyx+]. 2008; 91 p.
  9. Rzhevskaya NK, Ruzhenkov VA. Kriminal'naja agressija psihicheski bol'nyh v razlichnye periody social'no–jekonomicheskogo razvitija Rossii [Criminal aggression of the mentally ill in various periods of–WIDE social and economic development of modern Russia]. Uspehi sovremennogo estestvoznanija [Advances the natural history]. 2007; 1: 30–35.
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PDF downloadAnalysis of the causes of low adherence to treatment in patients of primary open angle glaucoma

Makogon Svetlana I., C. Med. Sci., major of internal service of military medical commission of Medical Sanitary Unit of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia of Altai territory, doctor-oculist, Barnaul, Russia, tel. 8-913-096-58-00, e-mail: vvk_msi@mail.ru

Makogon Alexander S., C. Med. Sci., associate professor, manager of a course eye diseases of Altay State Medical University, Barnaul, Russia, tel. 8-913-210-26-21, e-mail: mas65@mail.ru

Abstract. The purpose of our study — an analysis of the factors influencing the commitment to long-term treatment of patients with glaucoma and assess the degree of adherence to treatment, depending on the importance of these factors. Material and methods. To conduct the study questionnaire was developed, including cluster with an indication of socio-demographic data (age, education), duration of disease, issues that reflect a commitment to therapy due to insufficient adherence to medical recommendations. The survey was attended by 366 patients with primary open-angle glaucoma I—IV stages living in the Altai region, treated in the regional ophthalmologic hospital. Adherence of patients to treatment was evaluated on a scale of Moriscos—Green. Results and discussion. The average value of the Moriscos—Green test was (2,87±0,13) points. High adherence to treatment was diagnosed in 27,9% of the surveyed patients (4 points). The average level of adherence to treatment was observed in 36,6% of patients (3 points). Low level — 35,5% of patients (2 or fewer points). Conclusions. Patients with glaucoma have low adherence to treatment (35,5% of patients, and less than 2 points). Poor adherence to treatment in patients with glaucoma is associated with male sex, lack of symptoms, early stage, treatment of multiple antihypertensives, the presence of adverse effects of antihypertensive therapy. Factors associated with a high commitment to the female sex, treatment with one of antihypertensive drugs or a combination of fixed, low side effects of antihypertensive therapy, advanced disease stage, follow-up at the ophthalmologist for glaucoma.

Key words: factors affecting adherence to treatment, glaucoma, test Moriscos—Green.

For reference: Makogon SI, Makogon AS. Analysis of the causes of low adherence to treatment in patients of primary open angle glaucoma. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (6): 52—57.



  1. Erichev VP. Istoricheskie aspekty izucheniya problemy glaukomy i sovremennye vzglyady na razvitie etogo sostoyaniya [Historical aspects of the study of the problem of glaucoma and modern views on the development of this condition]. Novosti meditsiny i farmatsii: Oftal'mologiya [News of medicine and pharmacy: Ophthalmology]. 2012; 417: 12.
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  3. Efimenko SA. Sotsial'nye aspekty vzaimootnoshenii vracha i patsienta [Social aspects of the relationship of doctor and patient]. Sotsiologiya meditsiny [Sociology of medicine]. 2006; 6: 9–14.
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  5. Martynov AA, Spiridonova EV, Butareva MM. Povyshenie priverzhennosti patsientov statsionarov i ambulatorno–poliklinicheskikh podrazdelenii k lechebno–reabilitatsionnym programmam i faktory, okazyvayushchie vliyanie na komplaentnost' [Improving adherence of patients to the inpatient and outpatient units to treatment and rehabilitation programs and the factors that influence compliance]. Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii [Journal of dermatology and venereology]. 2012; 1: 21–27.
  6. Onishchenko AL, Likhacheva IG, Tkachev VA, Plastinina SL. Izuchenie faktorov nedostatochnoi priverzhennosti k lecheniyu bol'nykh pervichnoi glaukomoi [A study of factors inadequate adherence to treatment of patients with primary glaucoma]. Glaukoma [Glaukoma]. 2009; 3: 32–34.
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PDF downloadAssess the importance of sources of medical information in the formation of compliance in patients with glaucoma

Makogon Svetlana I., C. Med. Sci., major of internal service of military medical commission of Medical Sanitary Unit of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia of Altai territory, doctor-oculist, Barnaul, Russia, tel. 8-913-096-58-00, e-mail: vvk_msi@mail.ru

Makogon Alexander S., C. Med. Sci., associate professor, manager of a course eye diseases Altay State Medical University, Barnaul, Russia, tel. 8-913-210-26-21, e-mail: mas65@mail.ru

Abstract. Aim: to identify the sources of medical information obtained glaucoma patients of different age groups and problems in understanding the information material. Material and methods. To conduct the study questionnaire was developed, which includes three sets of issues: Assessment of the source and amount of information about the disease glaucoma, on emerging issues in the preparation of this information and the role of the physician in bringing information to the patient. The survey was attended by 366 patients with glaucoma I, II and III stages living in the Altai region, and being treated at the Regional ophthalmic hospital. Results and discussion. Most of the patients received the information from the medical staff (68%) (p≤0,05). Among patients with glaucoma is also a popular source of medical information, such as periodicals, radio and television. Especially popular this source of information for a group of elderly (38,9% and 42,0% of men and women, respectively) (p≤0,05). Of great importance in the formation of positive attitude of the patient to the medical measures has the personality of the doctor, his skills, confidence, interest in the fate of the patient, which, undoubtedly, it is important to achieve a positive result. Most of the patients rated their interaction with the ophthalmologist as mutual understanding and trust — so say 42,9% of elderly women and 57,6% of men in the same age group. Conclusions. The most important source of health information for patients with glaucoma is the information from the ophthalmologist. Among the group of elderly patients is popular this kind of information source as periodicals, radio and TV, among a group of patients of middle and advanced age — the Internet. Given the low public awareness of glaucoma, it is advisable to improve health education, pay attention to the improvement and dissemination of such sources as information sources in the clinic.

Key words: health awareness, age groups, glaucoma.

For reference: Makogon SI, Makogon AS. Assess the importance of sources of medical information in the formation of compliance in patients with glaucoma. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (6): 58—62.



  1. Avdeeva MV, Lobzin YuV, Luchkevich VS. Aktual'nost' sovershenstvovaniya profilaktiki khronicheskikh neinfektsionnykh zabolevanii v sisteme pervichnoi mediko–sanitarnoi pomoshchi [The relevance of improving the prevention of chronic noncommunicable diseases in primary health care]. Vrach [Doctor]. 2013; 11: 83–85.
  2. Edemskii AG, Filimonenko IV. Informirovannost' patsienta — instrument upravleniya sprosom na meditsinskie uslugi v kommercheskom sektore zdravookhraneniya [Patient awareness — a tool for managing the demand for medical services in the commercial sector of health]. Materialy konferentsii «Ekonomika i menedzhment v sovremennom mire» [Materials of the conference «Economics and management in the modern world»]. 2012; 64–68.
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  9. Martynov AA, Spiridonova EV, Butareva MM. Povyshenie priverzhennosti patsientov statsionarov i ambulatorno–poliklinicheskikh podrazdelenii k lechebno–reabilitatsionnym programmam i faktory, okazyvayushchie vliyanie na komplaentnost' [Improving adherence of patients to the inpatient and outpatient units to treatment and rehabilitation programs and the factors that influence compliance]. Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii [Journal of dermatology and venereology]. 2012; 1: 21–27.
  10. Shil'nikova NF, Khodakova OV, Bogatova IV. Analiz sotsial'noi udovletvorennosti naseleniya ambulatorno–poliklinicheskoi pomoshch'yu [The analysis of the social satisfaction of outpatient clinics]. Problemy sotsial'noi gigieny, zdravookhraneniya i istorii meditsiny [Problems of social hygiene, health and the history of medicine]. 2012; 1: 40–42.


PDF downloadThe study of the dynamics and structure of primary disability due to glaucoma in persons older than working age in the Altai region

Makogon Svetlana I., C. Med. Sci., major of internal service of military medical commission of Medical Sanitary Unit of the Ministry of the Interior of Russia of Altai territory, doctor-oculist, Barnaul, Russia, tel. 8-913-096-58-00, e-mail: vvk_msi@mail.ru

Makogon Alexander S., C. Med. Sci., associate professor, manager of a course eye diseases of Altay State Medical University, Barnaul, Russia, tel. 8-913-210-26-21, e-mail: mas65@mail.ru

Chechulina Svetlana V., ITU physician, ophthalmologist of The most important medico-social assessment for the Altai territory, assistant of professor of course of ophthalmology of Altai State Medical university, Barnaul, Russia

Abstract. The aim of our study was to investigate the dynamics and structure of disability due to glaucoma in people older than working age in the Altai region for over 10 years (2004—2013). Material and methods. We analyzed the data of the Main bureau of medical and social examination of the Altai Territory in the dynamics of the 2004—2013. Analysis of disability of the adult urban and rural population of working age and older working-age population. Results and discussion. During the period from 2004 to 2013 in the Altai Territory the number of new cases of disability for all classes of disease, decreased by 2,6 times. Among the causes of primary disability in adults in the Altai Territory class eye disease and adnexa held 9—10 ranking places. The nosological structure of primary disability ranking first place belongs to glaucoma with an average value for the analyzed period of 34,4%, the second place ranking — retinal degeneration (15,6%), the third place ranking — complicated myopia (14,1%). During the study years, we saw an increase in the proportion of glaucoma by 20,2% (from 30,5% to 38,2%). Conclusions. For the 10-year period (2004—2013). In the Altai Territory the number of URL class eye disease and adnexa decreased 2,14 times. The nosological structure of primary disability due to diseases of the eye and adnexa Glaucoma takes the first place ranking. The contingent was formed for the first time recognized as disabled persons mostly working age, disabled groups I and II.

Key words: glaucoma, disability over working age.

For reference: Makogon SI, Makogon AS, Chechulina SV. The study of the dynamics and structure of primary disability due to glaucoma in persons older than working age in the altai region. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (6): 62—67.



  1. Dolzhich GI, Rachevskaya AF, Akulov SN, Chugunova II. Dinamika roli glaukomy v strukture pervichnoi invalidnosti v Rostovskoi oblasti [Dynamics the role of glaucoma in the structure of primary disability in the Rostov region]. Glaukoma: problemy i resheniya: Sb nauchn st [Glaucoma: problems and solutions]. 2004; 401-402.
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PDF downloadCerebrovascular diseases risk factors among police officers in the republic of Bashkortostan

Murtazina Rima R., senior neurologist of military-medical commission of Medical Station of MIA, Russia, Ufa

Nigmatullin Rustem Kh., deputy Head of Medical Station of MIA, Russia, Ufa

Akhunov Dinar M., deputy Head of Hospital of Medical Station of MIA, Russia, Ufa

Abstract. Purpose of the investigation — risk factors analysis for cardiovascular disease law enforcement aimed at military medical commission to determine the validity of the further service. Material and Methods. The analyses included 564 patients [age 37—58 years, average age — (43,8±8,3) years] observed by military medical commission NFM Russian Interior Ministry in the Republic of Bashkortostan during 2012—2014. The first group included 524 chronic cerebral ischemia patients without stroke, the second — 40 patients with stroke and transient ischemic attack in history. Results and discussion. The blood pressure analyzing turned out that patients with stroke numbers of blood pressure were significantly higher, at the same time blood glucose level in these patients was lower. The blood glucose and blood cholesterol no significant differences were received in groups. Conclusion. Increase probability of stroke progress in young and middle-aged cerebrovascular disease patients was established. Identified risk factors can be used in medical institutions of the Russian Interior Ministry in the development and implementation of preventive measures for prevention of vascular diseases of the brain in the served population.

Key words: cerebrovascular disease, cerebrovascular disease risk factors among police officers.

For reference: Murtazina RR, Nigmatullin RCh, Ahunov DM. Cerebrovascular diseases risk factors among police officers in the republic of bashkortostan. Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (6): 68—70.



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PDF downloadPossibilities of doppler sonography in diagnostics of early violations of diastolic function of the myocardium

Mukhametzyanova Nailya A., C. Med. Sci., phisician of functional and ultrasonic diagnostics of Medical Station of MIA in TR, Russia, Kazan, tel. 8-917-887-22-61, e-mail: mna_1956@mail.ru

Valeeva Maria R., phisician of functional diagnostics of Clinical Hospital № 18, Kazan, Russia, tel. 8-905-314-48-63

Abstract. Research objective. A choice and the comparative characteristic of indicators for detection of diastolic dysfunction of the left and right ventricles of heart. Material and methods. The echocardiographic research in various modes conducted to 70 patients at the age of 41—69 years (the 48th man and 22 women), in control group to 24 persons (19 men and 5 women). Investigated were divided into groups: patients with a hypertensive illness without hypertrophy and with a hypertrophy of a myocardium of the left ventricle, a hypertensive illness in combination with coronary heart disease with the postponed myocardial infarction. Results and discussion. Indicators of an active relaxation — STEAM (ATe/IVRT, IVRT/ET) and an assessment of the movement of fibrous rings of atrioventricular valves in the mode of impulsnovolnovy fabric doppler sonography (E´/Aʹ), the Tei index increase the frequency of identification of violation of DF. In all groups of patients the increase in KDD in cavities of ventricles was registered. Systolic dysfunction of both ventricles at patients with GB+IBS+PIKS was registered decrease in systolic speed of the movement of FC of atrioventricular valves with reduction of average size S ʹ and increase in the Tei index. Conclusion. To diagnostics of early violations of diastolic function of a myocardium it is expedient to apply indicators of an active relaxation and fabric doppler sonography, and to DF PZh assessment use of the mode of an impulsnovolnovy fabric doppler more significantly. For detection of systolic dysfunction of ventricles of heart to use indicators of systolic speeds of the movement of FC of atrioventricular valves — S ʹ.

Key words: diastolic dysfunction, indicators of an active relaxation, pulse and wave fabric doppler sonography (PW TDI).

For reference: Mukhametzyanova NA, Valeeva MR. Possibilities of doppler sonography in diagnostics of early violations of diastolic function of the myocardium. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (6): 70—75.



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  3. Cowie MR, Wood DA, Coats A. Incidence and aetiology of heart failure; A population–based study. Eur Heart J. 1999; 20: 421–428.
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  6. Rybakova MK, Alehin MN, Mit'kov VV. Prakticheskoe rukovodstvo po ul'trazvukovoj diagnostike; Jehokardiografija [A practical guide to ultrasound; Echocardiography]. M: Vidar. 2008; 512 p.
  7. Ctecenko AE, Sedov VP, Alehin MN, Afanas'eva NB. Znachenie narushhenij diastoly levogo zheludochka pri vneserdechnyh operativnyh vmeshatel'stvah u onkologicheskih bol'nyh, stradajushhih ishemicheskoj bolezn'ju serdca [Value naruscheny diastolic left ventricular extracardiac surgical interventions in cancer patients suffering from ischemic heart disease]. Kremlevskaja medicina; Klinicheskij vestnik [Kremlin medicine; Clinical Gazette]. 1999; 2: 24–30.
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PDF downloadPsychogenic vertigo: clinical features and principles of diagnostics

Sitdikova Alina I., neurologist of Military medical commission of Russian Interior Ministry in the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Russia, tel. +7(965)-582-57-17, e-mail: alinochka_636@mail.ru

Zakirova Dilyra R., Head of the Department of neurologic of Clinical Hospital of Russian Interior Ministry in the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Russia, tel. +7(987)-066-73-08, e-mail: dilyara.zakirova555@yandex.ru

Iksanova Ekaterina N., neurologist of Clinical Hospital of NFM Russian Interior Ministry in the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Russia, tel. +7(906)-116-24-21, e-mail: iksanova_en@mail.ru

Khuzina Gulnara R., C. Med. Sci., associate professor of the Department of neurology and rehabilitation of Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia, tel. +7(987)-296-43-86, e-mail: gkhuzina@yandex.ru

Abstract. The aim of the study this paper presents an analysis of comorbidity psychogenic dizziness and borderline personality disorders, and assessment of prediction data of pathological conditions. These disorders can be extremely difficult to differentiate from organic neurological symptoms. Material and methods. Psychogenic vertigo most often occur as an indefinite sensations, described as dizziness. The most common cause of psychogenic vertigo are anxiety, asthenic-depressivnii state, as a result of exhaustion of the nervous system, fatigue, and also appears in the film neurogenic syncope and presyncope States, with chronic vestibulopathy, which, as a rule, is accompanied by prolonged neurotic disorders. In these cases, it is necessary to conduct consistent and mandatory stages of diagnosis. Description of test steps. The results and discussion. Thus, it is possible to highlight the clinical features of psychogenic dizziness, accompanied borderline personality disorders, which will help in identifying this combined pathology. Conclusion. Given the high prevalence of vertigo in General practice in General, the problem of recognition of psychogenic dizziness is prognostically relevant and meaningful. All of these disorders comorbidly and can progress in the absence of adequate therapy, in this regard, along with timely diagnosis, selection of appropriate drug therapy and rehabilitation.

Key words: dizziness, anxiety, maladjustment, coordination, unsteadiness.

For reference: Sitdikova AI, Zakirova DR, Iksanova EN, Huzina GR. Psychogenic vertigo: clinical features and principles of diagnostics. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (6): 76—79.



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PDF downloadSyndrome of the angry intestines in practice of the gastroenterologist: from emergence mechanisms before effective therapy

Spiridonov Albert V., C. Med. Sci., deputy Head of Clinical Hospital of Medical Station MIA in TR, Kazan, Russia, tel. +7(843)-291-86-94, e-mail: 89046668452@bk.ru

Absalyamova Leyle R., Head of the Department of gastroenterology of Clinical Hospital of Medical Station MIA in TR, Kazan, Russia, tel. +7(843)-291-86-8, e-mail: 89046668452@bk.ru

Gimaletdinova Irina A., gastroenterologist of Clinical Hospital of Medical Station MIA in TR, Kazan, Russia, tel. +7(843)-291-86-85, e-mail: 89046668452@bk.ru

Abstract. Aim — to estimate efficiency of the offered schemes of therapy of sick SRK with the IBS-C and IBS-D types on the basis of a short questionnaire of quality of life and an assessment of «a pain scale». Material and methods. In 2014 we created the group of patients corresponding to the Roman criteria. This compliance was confirmed by an exception of organic character of a disease and existence of clinical characteristics. Selection was carried out at the polyclinic level. The group included 24 patients. Results and discussions. To patients, after receiving the informed consent before therapy it was offered to answer questions on a short questionnaire of WHO for an assessment of quality of life and to estimate intensity of pain on «A pain scale». The short questionnaire of WHOQOL-BREF consists of 26 points and estimates the following wide areas: physical health, psychological health, social relations and environment. «The pain scale», has gradation from 0 — there is no pain, 5 — average intensity, 10 — the expressed pain. The assessment was carried out prior to therapy, in two weeks and in a month. Conclusion. Considering positive experience of therapy of patients with SRK at the polyclinic level, and also Yakovenko E.P. recommendations. (2011) it is possible to recommend to use the offered schemes of therapy of SRK taking into account its type.

Key words: syndrome of the angry intestines, quality of life, efficiency.

For reference: Spiridonov AV, Absalyamova LR, Gimaletdinova IA. Syndrome of the angry intestines in practice of the gastroenterologist: from emergence mechanisms before effective therapy. Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (6): 79—84.



  1. Amirov NB, Absaljamova LR, Galeeva ZM, Gimaletdinova IA, Potapova MV, Sabirov LF, Frolova JeB. Dinamika raboty gastrojenterologicheskogo otdelenija klinicheskogo gospitalja MSCh MVD Rossii po RT za 5–ti letnij period [Dynamics of work of gastroenterologichesky office of the MSCh Ministry of Internal Affairs clinical hospital of Russia on RT for 5 summer period]. Vestnik sovremennoj klinicheskoj mediciny [The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine].2012; 5 (S.1): 32–40.
  2. Butorova LI, Tokmulina GM. Sindrom razdrazhennogo kishechnika: osnovnye principy diagnostiki i lechenija v poliklinicheskoj praktike: uchebnoe posobine [Syndrome of the angry intestines: the basic principles of diagnostics and treatment in polyclinic practice: school–book]. Moskva. 2014; 96 p.
  3. Mahov VM, Romasenko LV, Turko TV, Sheptak NN. Sindrom razdrazhennogo kishechnika — komorbidnoe somatopsihicheskoe zabolevanie [Syndrome of the angry intestines — a komorbidny somatopsikhichesky disease]. Lechashhij Vrach [Doctor in charge of the case]. 2014; 8: 10–14.
  4. Mahov VM, Romasenko LV, Turko TV. Komorbidnost’ disfunkcional’nyh rasstrojstv organov pishhevarenija [Komorbidnost of dysfunctional frustration of digestive organs]. Russkij Medicinskij Zhurnal; Bolezni organov pishhevarenija [Russian Medical Magazine; Diseases of digestive organs]. 2007; 9 (2): 37–42.
  5. Nemcov VI. Sindrom razdrazhennogo kishechnika: novye predstavlenija ob jetiopatogeneze i lechenii [Syndrome of the angry intestines: new ideas of an etiopatogeneza and treatment]. Lechashhij vrach [Doctor in charge of the case]. 2015; 6: http: //www.lvrach.ru/ 2015/06/15436246/
  6. Parfenov AP. Sindrom razdrazhennogo kishechnika [Syndrome of the angry intestines]. Lechashhij vrach [Doctor in charge of the case]. 2002; 6: http://www.lvrach.ru/2002/06/4529506/
  7. Ryss ES, Smirnov AV. Osnovy klinicheskoj gastrojenterologii: uchebnoe posobie [Fundamentals of clinical gastroenterology: school–book]. Sankt Peterburg. 2012; 372 p.
  8. Spiridonov AV, Sabirov LF, Frolova JeB, Amirov NB. Principy organizacii i osnovnye pokazateli dejatel’nosti gastrojenterologicheskoj sluzhby mnogoprofil’nogo stacionara: metodicheskie rekomendacii [Principles of the organization and main indicators of activity of gastroenterologichesky service of a versatile hospital: methodical recommendation]. Kazan: GBOU DPO «Kazanskaja gosudarstvennaja medicinskaja akademija» Minzdrava Rossii, FKUZ «Mediko–sanitarnaja chast’ ministerstva vnutrennih del Rossijskoj federacii po Respublike Tatarstan» [Kazan State Medical Academy, Medical — Sanitary Unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Tatarstan]. 2014; 38 p.
  9. Jakovenko AV, Ivanov AN, Prjanishnikova AS, Agafonova NA, Jakovenko JeP. Patogeneticheskie podhody v lechenii sindroma razdarzhennogo kishechnika [Pathogenetic approaches in treatment of a syndrome of razdarzhenny intestines]. Lechashhij vrach [Doctor in charge of the case]. 2011; 7: http://www.lvrach.ru/2011/07/15435230/
  10. Jakovenko JeP, Agafonova NA, Jakovenko AV, Ivanov AN, Prjanishnikova AS, Krasnolobova LP. Rol’ motornyh narushenij v mehanizmah formirovanija klinicheskih projavlenij sindroma razdrazhennoj kishki (SRK) i SRK–podobnyh narushenij [Role of motor violations in mechanisms of formation of clinical manifestations of the syndrome of the angry gut (SAG) and SRK–like violations].Voprosy terapii [Questions of therapy]: Consilium Medicum. 2011; 1: 69–73.
  11. Poynard T, Naveau S, Mory B, Chaput JC. Meta–analysis of smooth muscle relaxants in the treatment of irritable bowel syndrome. Aliment Pharmacol Ther. 2001; 15: 355–360.
  12. Yakovenko E, Grigoriev P, Tcherenchimediins et al. Is irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) related to altered gut flora? Gut. 1997; 41 (suppl 3): 123.


PDF downloadAnalysis of completed suicides of prisoners of the federal penitentiary service of Russia in territory of kazan city, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia

Timerzyanov Marat I., C. Med. Sci., expert in forensic medicine, Chief of Republic Bureau of Forensic Medicine, Kazan, Russia, tel. (843) 272-67-75, e-mail: Marat.Timerzyanov@tatar.ru

Gazizyanova Rosalia M., C. Med. Sci., expert in forensic medicine, deputy Chief of Republic Bureau of Forensic Medicine, Kazan, Russia, tel. (843) 272-19-75, e-mail: Rozaliya.Gazizyanova@tatar.ru

Nizamov Almaz Kh., doctor of organizational and methodical department of Republic Bureau of Forensic Medicine, Kazan, Russia, tel. (843) 273-91-45, e-mail: Almaz.Nizamov@tatar.ru

Abstract. The purpose of research — case studies of completed suicides among prisoners in the penitentiary system of the Republic of Tatarstan. The material of the study is based on accounting data department forensics corpses Gause «RBSME MoH» of Kazan, the medical service of the FPS Russian Republic of Tatarstan, as well as the report of the Commissioner for Human Rights in the Republic of Tatarstan. In addition, shows the structure and function of the penitentiary system in the Russian Federation. Results and discussion. Urgency and social importance of the problem of suicide among prisoners should be an incentive to further strengthen measures of prevention work in the prison system, the prevention of suicides of prisoners. The problem of suicides inmates at the relevant date, evidence of such suicides are indicative to assess the protection the rights, freedoms and legitimate interests of convicted persons, and, in the end, the rule of law and the rule of law in general. Conclusion. The solution of the problem should be primarily preventive orientation, be planned and financially supported by

Key words: penitentiary service of Russia, prisoners, suicides.

For reference: Timerzyanov MI, Gazizyanova RM, Nizamov AH. Analysis of completed suicides of prisoners of the federal penitentiary service of Russia in territory of Kazan city, Republic of Tatarstan, Russia. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (6): 85—89.



  1. Debol'skij MG, Matveeva IA. Suicidal'noe povedenie osuzhdennyh, podozrevaemyh i obvinjaemyh v mestah lishenija svobody [Suicidal behavior of convicts, suspects and accused persons in prisons]. Psihologija i pravo [Psychology and Law]. 2013; 3: 1–10.
  2. Saburskaja SH. O sobljudenii prav i svobod cheloveka i grazhdanina v Respublike Tatarstan v 2012 godu: doklad upolnomochennogo po pravam cheloveka v Respublike Tatarstan [On the observance of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen in the Republic of Tatarstan in 2012: Report of the Human Rights Ombudsman in the Republic of Tatarstan]. Kazan': tipografija «ZurKazan» [Kazan: typography «ZurKazan»]. 2013; 65 p.
  3. Saburskaja SH. O sobljudenii prav i svobod cheloveka i grazhdanina v Respublike Tatarstan v 2014 godu: doklad Upolnomochennogo po pravam cheloveka v Respublike Tatarstan [On the observance of the rights and freedoms of man and citizen in the Republic of Tatarstan in 2014: Report of the Human Rights Ombudsman in the Republic of Tatarstan]. Kazan': tipografija «ZurKazan [Kazan: typography «ZurKazan»»]. 2015; 115 p.
  4. Shalev Sh. Odinochnoe zakljuchenie: sbornik materialov i dokumentov [Solitary confinement: a collection of materials and documents]. London: Centr kriminologii im Mangejma, Londonskaja shkola jekonomiki i politologii [London: Centre for Criminology them. Mannheim, London School of Economics and Political Science]. 2008; 103 p.
  5. Shahmanov RA. Preduprezhdenie samoubijstv sredi osuzhdennyh k lisheniju svobody (Pravovye i kriminologicheskie aspekty) [Suicide prevention among convicts (legal and criminological aspects)]. Rjazan' [Ryazan]. 2001; 218 p.



PDF downloadMethods radiofrequency obliteration of the veins of the lower limbs under angiographic control

Sharafeev Aidar Z., D. Med. Sci., Head of the Department of cardiology, endovascular and cardiovascular surgery of Kazan State Medical Academy, Head of the Department of cath lab of Hospital Medical № 2, Kazan, Russia, e-mail: aidarch@mail.ru

Khalirakhmanov Airat F., physician of the Department of cath lab of Hospital Medical № 2, Kazan, Russia, tel. +7-929-722-33-34, e-mail: ai.bolit@mail.ru

Sharafutdinov Bulat M., physician of the Department of cath lab of Hospital Medical № 2, Kazan, Russia. tel. +7-927-404-24-99, e-mail: bulaty555@mail.ru

Khizriev Seyfedin M., clinical intern of the Department of cardiology, endovascular and cardiovascular surgery of Kazan State Medical Academy, Kazan, Russia, tel. 8-919-696-66-22, e-mail: seyfedin005@gmail.com

Abstract. Actuality. Varicose veins of the lower extremities is one of the most common vascular diseases. Open surgery for varicose disease is now less relevant. Many surgeons prefer Radiofrequency ablation (RFA) for the treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities. The advantage of RFA before stripping to the date shown in several randomized trials. Material and methods. This article describes a successful clinical case of radiofrequency ablation veins of the lower limbs under angiographic control, analyzed in detail this method of intervention. Results. Control ultrasound veins of the lower limbs at 1 and 30 days have shown the effectiveness of the operation. Conclusion. The clinical case showed that endovenous RFA with angiography, low–impact and effective method of eliminating reflux along the tributaries of the saphenous veins and can be used as an independent method of treatment of varicose veins of the lower extremities.

Key words: varicose leg veins, radiofrequency ablation.

For reference: Sharafeev AZ, Khalirakhmanov AF, Sharafutdinov BM, Hizriev SM. Methods radiofrequency obliteration of the veins of the lower limbs under angiographic control. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (6): 90—94.



  1. Gracheva SV, Dzhibladze TA, Zagorodniy NV. Meditsinskoye primeneniye lazerov razlichnykh vidov [The medical application of lasers various types]. Gol'miyevyy lazer v meditsine [Holmium laser in meditsine]. 2003; 4 (3): 32–33.
  2. Guzhkov ON, Rybachkov VV. Kombinirovannyy miniinvazivnyy podkhod v lechenii varikoznoy bolezni [Combined minimally invasive approach in the treatment of varicose veins]. Tez dokl VI konferentsii assotsiatsii flebologov Rossii [Proc rep The VI Conference of Phlebology Association of Russia]. 2006; 4: 123.
  3. Zyyatdinov KSh, Akberov RF, Sharafeev AZ. Vozmozhnosti ultrazvukovogo angioskanirovaniya v rannem vyyavlenii bol'nykh s koronarnym aterosklerozom [Features angioscanning ultrasound in the early detection of patients with coronary atherosclerosis]. Kaz med zhurnal [Kaz med magazine]. 2011. 92 (4): 525–529.
  4. Konstantinova GD. Spornyye voprosy sovremennoy skleroterapii varikoznoy bolezni ven nizhnikh konechnostey [Controversial issues of modern sclerotherapy varicose veins of the lower extremities]. Angiologiya i sosudistaya khirurgiya. [Angiology and vascular surgeon]. 1997; 3: 55–62.
  5. Leont'yev SN. Chrezkozhnaya punktsionnaya lazernaya obliteratsiya nesosotoyatel'nykh perforantnykh ven pod ul'trazvukovym kontrolem [Percutaneous puncture laser obliteration nesosotoyatelnyh perforating veins under ultrasound guidance]. Novosibirskij nauchno-issledovatel'skij institut patologii krovoobrashhenija, Novosibirsk [Research Institute of Circulation Pathology, Novosibirsk]. 2004; 140 p.
  6. Shevchenko YuL, Stoyko YuM, Lytkina MI. Osnovy klinicheskoy flebologii [Fundamentals of Clinical Phlebology]. M: OAO Izdatel'stvo Medicina [M: Publishing House of Medicine]. 2005; 177 p.
  7. Shimanko LI, Dibirov MD, Vasil'yev AYu et al. Ekho-skleroterapiya perforantnykh ven [Echosclerotherapy perforating veins]. Materialy 3 konferentsii Assotsiatsii flebologov Rossii [Proceedings 3 conference of the Association of Phlebology Russia]. 2001; 142–143.
  8. Eklof V, Rutherford R, Bergan J. Revision of the CEAP classification for chronic venous disorders: Consensus statement. J Vase Surg. 2004; 40 (6): 1248–1252.
  9. Merchant RF, Palma RG, Kabnick LS. Endovascular obliteration of saphenous reflux: a multicenter study. J Vase Surg. 2007; 35: 1190–1196.
  10. Proebstle TM. Reduced recanalization rales of the saphenous vein after endovenous laser treatment with increased energy dosing, definition of a threshold for the endovenous fluence equivalent. J Vas Surg. 2006; 44: 834–839.



PDF downloadInstruction of the cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the system of postgraduate education of the general practitioner, of the cardiologists

Maiorova Elena M., C. Med. Sci., associate professor of the Department of therapy of Kazan State Medical Academy, Kazan, Russia, tel. +7-843-236-21-70, e-mail: lena2912@list.ru

Garipova Alsu F., assistant of professor of the Department of therapy of Kazan State Medical Academy, Kazan, Russia, tel. +7-843-236-21-70, e-mail: garalsu@bk.ru

Abstract. The aim of research — analysis of the guidelines on the management of cardiopulmonary resuscitation adopted by the European resuscitation Council in 2010. Material and methods. The algorithm and methodology of cardiopulmonary resuscitation are presented. Results and discussion. The teaching and tutorial full-body human moulage to practice first aid and emergency assistance skills in extreme situations is described. Given the state of emergency, those can be simulated on the simulator. Conclusion. Education of cardiopulmonary resuscitation according to current recommendations and the use of educational and training programs for full-body human moulage practical skills of first aid and resuscitation in extreme situations will prepare the highly qualified specialists and improve the quality of medical first aid and resuscitation in extreme situations.

Key words: cardiopulmonary resuscitation, cardiac arrest, cardiac death.

For reference: Maiorova EM, Garipova AF, Instruction of the cardiopulmonary resuscitation in the system of postgraduate education of the general practitioner, of the cardiologists. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (6): 95—97.



  1. Alekseevoj OP. Neotlozhnaja terapija v shemah i tablicah [Emergency Treatment in diagrams and tables]. Nizhnij Novgorod: Izdatel'stvo Nizhegorodskoj gosudarstvennoj medicinskoj akademii. 2002; 176 p.
  2. Usenko LV, Mal'ceva LA, Carev AV. Serdechno — legochnaja i cerebral'naja reanimacija: novye rekomendacii Evropejskogo Soveta po reanimacii 2005 g i nereshennye problemy reanimatologii na Ukraine [Cardiopulmonary and cerebral resuscitation, new recommendations of the European Resuscitation Council 2005 and the unresolved problems in Ukraine Resuscitation]. Medicina neotlozhnyh sostojanij [Medical emergency conditions]. 2006; 4: 17— 22.
  3. Obzor rekomendacij Amerikanskoj Associacii serdechnyh zabolevanij po SLR i neotlozhnoj pomoshhi pri serdechno — sosudistyh zabolevanijah ot 2010 goda [Review of the recommendations of the American Heart Association CPR and emergency cardiovascular diseases by 2010]. Guidelenes CPR ECH American Heart Association. 2010; 28 p.
  4. Usenko LV, Carev AV, Kobeljackij JuJu. Serdechno — legochnaja i cerebral'naja reanimacija: novye rekomendacii Evropejskogo soveta po reanimacii 2010 g [Cardiopulmonary and cerebral resuscitation, new recommendations of the European Resuscitation Council 2010]. Medicina neotlozhnyh sostojanij [Medical emergency conditions]. 2011; 3 (34): 70 p.
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  8. Belenkova JuN, Oganova RG. Kardiologija: nacional'noe rukovodstvo [Cardiology: national leadership]. M: GJeOTAR — Media. 2011; 1232 p.


PDF downloadPrimary hyperaldoseronism in the structure of arterial hypertension: actuality of problem

Nadeeva Rozaliya A., C. Med. Sci, assistant of professor of the Department of general medical practice of Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia, e-mail: rosa.nadeeva@gmail.com

Kamasheva Gulnara R., C. Med. Sci., associate professor of the Department of general practice of Kazan State Medical university, russia, Kazan, e-mail: kamasheva73@rambler.ru

Yagfarova Rita R., physician of the Department of therapeutic of Clinical Hospital of Medical Station of MIA in Republic of Tatarstan

Abstract. Purpose of the study. The article presents current data on the prevalence of primary hyperaldosteronism, diagnostic criteria and principles of pathogenetic treatment. Material and methods. The prevalence of patients with primary hyperaldosteronism among patients with hypertension reaches up to 10%. However, detection of primary hyperaldosteronism remains low due to the use of former recommendations based on the obligatory presence of hypokalemia and/or adrenal adenomas. Results and discussion. In consideration of results of evidence-based studies defined groups of identified patients whom indicated a screening of primary hyperaldosteronism. Not clear clinical picture, the absence of hypokalemia and formations in adrenal glands hides primary hyperaldosteronism under the mask of essential hypertension, which leads to a lack of pathogenetic treatment. Conclusion. Available method of screening for primary hyperaldosteronism is the determination of the aldosterone-renin ratio. For its research needs to take into account the characteristics associated with the influence of some drugs on the level of aldosterone. As pathogenetic treatment of primary idiopathic hyperaldosteronism the mineralocorticoid receptor antagonists are recommended.

Key words: hyperaldosteronism, arterial hypertension aldosterone, renin, spironolactone.

For reference: Nadeeva RA, Kamasheva GR, Yagfarova RR. Primary hyperaldoseronism in the structure of arterial hypertension: actuality of problem. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (6): 98—102.



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  3. Molashenko NV, Troshina EA. Pervichnyj idiopaticheskij giperal'destoronizm v klinicheskoj praktike [Primary идиопатический гиперальдесторонизм in clinical practice]. Ozhirenie i metabolism [Obesity and metabolism]. 2012; 4 (33): 3–9.
  4. Fadeev VF, Belcevich DG, Rogal EY, Molashenko NV, Melnichenko GA. Lechenie giperal'dosteronizma [Treatment of hyperaldosteronism]. Problemy ehndokrinologii [Problems of endocrinology]. 2010; 3: 42–44.
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PDF downloadSilent myocardial ischemia (literature review)

Abdrakhmanova Alsu I., C. Med. Sci., associate professor of the Department of cardiology, roentgen-endovascular and cardiovascular surgery of Kazan State Medical Academy, Kazan, Russia, tel. 8-917-922-66-29, e-mail: alsuchaa@mail.ru

Amirov Nail B., D. Med. Sci., professor of the Department of general medical practice of Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia, e-mail: namirov@mail.ru

Sayfullina Guzalya B., physician of Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Center, Kazan, Russia, e-mail: sayfullina_rad@mail.ru

Abstract. The purpose of research — analysis of recent publications devoted to silent myocardial ischemia. Material and methods. The review of the publications in scientific and medical literature devoted to studying of silent myocardial ischemia is carried out. The analysis of the current state of views on the prevalence, pathogenesis, classification, diagnosis and treatment of myocardial ischemia bezbolevay, the course and prognosis in various groups is made. Conclusions. Silent myocardial ischemia is a widespread phenomenon, common in 2—57% of the population, and among healthy individuals with risk factors for ischemic heart disease — in 15--20% of cases. The pathogenetic mechanisms are one with silent ischemia pain ischemia, primarily due to a mismatch between myocardial oxygen demand and coronary blood flow. The basis of the diagnosis of PMI: electrocardiography, Holter ECG monitoring, exercise test, coronary angiography, scintigraphy, single photon emission computed tomography, electron beam computed tomography. Treatment of silent myocardial ischemia is carried out according to the same principles as treatment of other clinical forms of ischemic heart disease. The presence of «silent» myocardial ischemia is a poor prognostic factor increases the risk of complications koronarogennyh 2—19 times the risk of sudden death — in 3—9 times.

Key words: silent myocardial ischemia, coronary heart disease.

For reference: Abdrahmanova AI, Amirov NB, Sayfullina GB. Silent myocardial ischemia (literature reeview). The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (6): 103—115.



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PDF downloadCurrent recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of pyelonephritis and evidence-based medicine

Arkhipov Evgeniy V., C. Med. Sci., assistant of professor of the Department of general practice of Kazan State Medical University, Russia, Kazan, tel. 843-231-21-39, e-mail: jekaland@mail.ru

Sigitova Olga N., D. Med. Sci., professor, Head of the Department of general practice of Kazan State Medical University, Russia, Kazan, tel. 49, 843-231-21-39, e-mail: osigit@rambler.ru

Bogdanova Alina R., C. Med. Sci., assistant of professor of the Department of general practice of Kazan State Medical University, Russia, Kazan, tel. 843-231-21-39, e-mail: _alinochka@mail.ru

Abstract. Pyelonephritis — one of the most common and potentially treatable diseases in outpatient practice, often it takes a relapsing course and progresses to chronic kidney disease. The aim of the article to analyze of current data on the issue of diagnosis, classification and treatment of pyelonephritis. Material and methods. A review of publications domestic and foreign authors, studied data from randomized clinical and epidemiological studies. Results. Modern classification, approaches to diagnosis and tactics of antimicrobial therapy of pyelonephritis are Present in the article from the position of evidence based medicine, that should be the guide for practitioners engaged in management and treatment of these patients. Conclusion. Use in practice of modern methods of diagnosis and rational therapy of pyelonephritis can significantly reduce the risk of recurrence and complications of the disease, with a real ability to fully achieve both clinical and microbiological cure.

Key words: pyelonephritis, urinary tract infection, diagnosis, antibacterial therapy.

For reference: Arkhipov EV, Sigitova ON, Bogdanova AR. Current recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of pyelonephritis and evidence-based medicine. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (6): 115—120.



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PDF downloadModern principles of pharmacological treatment ischemic nephropathy

Bogdanova Alina R., C. Med. Sci., assistant of professor of the Department of general medical practice of Kazan State Medical University, Russia, Kazan, e-mail: _alinochka@mail.ru

Sharipova Rozaliya R., therapist of the Department of therapy of Medical Station of MIA, Russia, Kazan, e-mail: zaldino@land.ru

Abstract. The aim — the analysis of modern data on a problem of conservative treatment of an ischemic nephropathy. Material and methods. The review of publications of the domestic and foreign authors devoted to a question of drug correction of arterial hypertension as the leading syndrome of an ischemic nephropathy and violations of a lipidic exchange is carried out. Results. The modern principles of drug treatment of an ischemic nephropathy about the positions of evidential medicine based on «Clinical recommendations about diagnostics and treatment of renovascular hypertension and ischemic kidney disease» are presented (Scientific organization of nephrologists of Russia, 2014). Conclusion. Ischemic nephropathy often determines the tactics of the patients and influences the choice of treatment in this regard, timely treatment can not only reduce the incidence of end-stage renal failure, and reduce the risk of cardiovascular complications, including fatal, but to change the patients' life expectancy.

Key words: ischemic kidney disease, antihypertensive therapy, lipid-lowering therapy.

For reference: Bogdanova AR, Sharipova RR. Modern principles of pharmacological treatment ischemic nephropathy. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (6): 120—126.



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PDF downloadAspects of rehabilitation and adaptative exercises of police officers and veteran police men with atrial fibrillation

Kamalov Rashat Z., doctoral candidate of National State University for physical training, sport and health named after P.Ph. Lesgaft, St. Petersburg, Russia, Kazan, e-mail: doctorkrz@mail.ru

Khisameev Rustem Sh., Head of the Medical Unit of the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Russian Federation in Republic Tatarstan, Russia, Kazan, e-mail: 1610med@mail.ru

Sabirov Lenar F., C. Med. Sci., Head of the Medical Unit’s clinic of the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Russian Federation in Republic Tatarstan, Russia, Kazan, e-mail: hospitalmvdrt1@rambler.ru

Sharafeev Aidar Z., D. Med. Sci., professor, Head of the Department of cardiology, x-ray endovascular and cardiovascular of Kazan State Medicine Academy, Russia, Kazan, e-mail: Aidarch@mail.ru

Mukhametshina Guzel A., C. Med. Sci., cardiologist of the Medical Unit of the Ministry of Home Affairs of the Russian Federation in Republic Tatarstan, Russia, Kazan, e-mail: guzel.muhametshina.71@mail.ru

Abstract. Aim. Researching into the adaptative-and-recovery mechanism of a heart and a cardiovascular system during composite treatment in cardiac patients and athletes, completed of their sport activities, whom need support of cardiac function adaptation mechanisms during health-improving exercises. Material and methods. Methods of medical rehabilitation of veteran policeman and professional athlete were applied during postsurgical period, which based on new mechanisms of muscular groups energy supply. These methods contribute to recovery of a left atrium and improvement of heart’s pumping function. Results and discussion. Carrying out physical exercises, comprising methods of adaptative interval exercises for muscular groups resulted in activation of tissue regeneration processes, as well as anabolism and catabolism equilibrium maintenance processes. Taking into account continuity, step-by-step approach, and long duration of rehabilitation period, as well as such factors as myocardium adaptation level during postsurgical period and after viral diseases, application of remedial gymnastics primarily directed to necessity of myofibrilla growth stimulation followed by mitochondria bulk growth stimulation. This goal is achieved by application of remedial gymnastics and kinesiotherapy, which combine general and specific exercises, as well as by adherence to graduated load with step-by-step increasing of intensity, duration and weight. Conclusions. The present clinical study displays that sinus rhythm, restored by surgical treatment, has viral infection tolerance. Principles of contemporary adaptology and medical rehabilitation make it possible to improve remedial gymnastics methods.

Key words: recreational and physical training, energy, dynamic, static-dynamic exercise, myocardium, myofibrils, mitochondrial hyperplasia.

For reference: Kamalov RZ, Khisameev RSh, Sabirov LF, Sharafeev AZ, Mukhametshina GA. Aspects of rehabilitation and adaptative exercises of police officers and veteran policemen with atrial fibrillation. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (6): 127—130.



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  4. Luzikov VN. Regulirovanie formirovanija mitohondrij; molekuljarnyj aspekt [Control over formation of mitochondria: molecular aspect]. L: Nauka [Science]. 1980; 316 p.
  5. Selujanov VN, Erkomashvili IV. Adaptacija skeletnyh myshc i teorija fizicheskoj podgotovki [Adaptation of skeletal muscles and physical training theory]. Nauchno — sportivnyj vestnik [Scientific — sports bulletin]. 1999; 3: 3–8.
  6. Selujanov VN. Ozdorovitel'naja trenirovka po sisteme Izoton [Health–improving training by Izoton system]. M: Sport Akadem Press [Sport Academic Press]. 1995; 68 p.
  7. Davhale R, Potapova MV, Amirov NB. Rasprostranennost' arterial'noj gipertenzii sredi sotrudnikov pravoohranitel'nyh organov [Prevalence of arterial hypertension among police officers]. Vestnik sovremennoj klinicheskoj mediciny [The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine]. 2013; 6 (2): 66–73.


PDF downloadTuberculous spondylitis case report

Safargaliyeva Lilya Kh., Head of the Department of therapeutic of Clinical Hospital of Medical Station of MIA in TR, e-mail: Safargalieva.lilia@mail.ru

Yagfarova Rita R., phisician of the Department of therapeutic of Clinical Hospital of Medical Station of MIA in TR

Abstract. Aim. The article briefly describes a clinical case of tuberculous spondylitis. Material and methods. The patient hospitalyzed with pain in back and signs of acute nephritis. Results and discussion. the diagnosis of hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome was excluded. The final diagnosis was acute tubulointerstitial nephritis. The patient was discharged with improvement. One week after discharge, pain appeared again and fever. These symptoms occurred at physical exertion. The multislice CT scan of the spine showed signs of spondylodiscitis of 7—8 thoracic vertebrae with presence of paravertebral infiltration. Conclusion. The final clinical diagnosis was made by phthisio orthopeditian: Tuberculous spondylitis of the spine, spondylitis phase, complicated by paravertebral abscess. It was recommended to perform operative treatment in the surgical department of the TB dispensary.

Key words: differential diagnosis, tuberculous spondylitis.

For reference: Safargaliyeva LH, Yagfarova RR. Tuberculous spondylitis case report. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (6): 131—134.



PDF downloadThe experience of rehabilitation department Clinical hospital ministry of internal affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan

Burenina Irina A., C. Med. Sci., associate professor of the Department of rehabilitation and sports medicine of Kazan State Medical Academy, Kazan, Russia, e-mail: burenina-irina@yandex.ru

Iskhakova Alfiya N., neurologist of the Department of rehabilitation of Clinical Hospital of MIA in Republic Tatarstan, Kazan, Russia, e-mail: 4elovek2004@mail.ru

Amirov Nail B., D. Med. Sci., professor of the Department of general medical practice of Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia, e-mail: namirov@mail.ru

Sabirov Lenar F., C. Med. Sci., Head of Clinical Hospital of MIA in Republic Tatarstan, Kazan, Russia, e-mail: hospitalmvd1@mail.ru

Abstract. Aim. This article contains information about Russian MIA Health Facility Clinical Hospital rehabilitation department in the Republic of Tatarstan, that is successfully implementing the program of rehabilitation of the Interior Affairs employees. The article describes a 5-year experience of the department and shows major groups of patients admitted to rehabilitation treatment. The paper presents the basic principles and methods of the department's work, highlighting its activity for a 5-year period. These positive results indicate the effectiveness of applying rehabilitation program.

Key words: medical rehabilitation, medical and psychological rehabilitation, rehabilitation treatment, individual rehabilitation program.

For reference: Burenina IA, Iskhakova AN, Amirov NB, Sabirov LF. The experience of rehabilitation department clinical hospital Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (6): 135—141.



  1. Amirov NB, Davhale R, Potapova MV. Rasprostranennost' arterial'noj gipertenzii sredi sotrudnikov pravoohranitel'nyh organov (obzor literatury) [The prevalence of hypertension among law enforcement officers (review)]. Vestnik sovremennoj klinicheskoj mediciny [The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine]. 2013; 4 (2): 66–73.
  2. Auhadeev JeI, Bodrova RA. Novyj metodologicheskiĭ podhod k reabilitacii pacientov na osnove mezhdunarodnoĭ klassifikacii funkcionirovanija [The new methodological approach to the rehabilitation of patients based on the International Classification of Functioning]. Vestnik vosstanovitel'noĭ mediciny [Herald of regenerative medicine]. 2014; 1: 6–10.
  3. Bodrova RA, Auhadeev JeI, Tihonov IV. Opyt primenenija Mezhdunarodnoĭ klassifikacii funkcionirovanija v ocenke jeffektivnosti reabilitacii pacientov s posledstvijami porazhenija CNS [Experience of International Classification of Functioning in the evaluation of the effectiveness of rehabilitation of patients with consequences of CNS]. Prakticheskaja medicina [Practical Medicine]. 2013; 1 (66): 98–100.
  4. Burenina IA. Metodicheskie osnovy sovremennoj reabilitacii (klinicheskaja lekcija) Methodical bases of the modern rehabilitation (clinical lecture). Vestnik sovremennoj klinicheskoj mediciny [The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine]. 2008; 1 (1): 88–92.
  5. Burenina IA, Agliullina FF, Ishakova AN. Ocenka psihologicheskogo statusa sotrudnikov vnutrennih del, postupivshih na reabilitaciju v otdelenie vosstanovitel'nogo lechenija klinicheskogo gospitalja MSCh MVD PO RT [Evaluation of the psychological status of employees of the Interior, received at the rehabilitation department of Rehabilitation Clinical Hospital NFM Police in RT]. Vestnik sovremennoj klinicheskoj mediciny [The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine]. 2012; 5 (1): 10–11.
  6. Ivanova GE. Medicinskaja reabilitacija v Rossii: perespektivy razvitija [Medical rehabilitation in Russia: prospects of development]. Vestnik vosstanovitel'noj mediciny [Herald of regenerative medicine]. 2013; 5: 2–13.
  7. Pazhil'cev I.V. Psihologicheskie osobennosti lichnosti sotrudnikov specpodrazdelenij MVD Rossii — uchastnikov kontrterroristicheskoj operacii na Severnom Kavkaze i ih psihoterapevticheskaja korrekcija: avtoreferat dis kand psihologicheskih nauk [Psychological features of the person of employees of special divisions of the Ministry of Interior of Russia — the participants of counterterrorist operation in the North Caucasus and their psychotherapeutic correction: abstract dis Cand psychological sciences]. Sankt–Peterburg. 2007; 20 p.
  8. Prikaz Ministerstva vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii ot 10 janvarja 2012 g N 5, g. Moskva «O mediko–psihologicheskoj reabilitacii sotrudnikov organov vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii» [Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated January 10, 2012 N 5 Moscow «On the medical and psychological rehabilitation of internal affairs of the Russian Federation»].
  9. Prikaz Ministerstva zdravoohranenija RF ot 29 dekabrja 2012 goda N 1705n «O Porjadke organizacii medicinskoj reabilitacii» [Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of December 29, 2012 N 1705n «on the organization of medical rehabilitation»].
  10. Pokrovskij VI edit. Rukovodstvo po reabilitacii lic, podvergshihsja stressornym nagruzkam Guidelines for the rehabilitation of persons affected by stressor stress. M : Medicine [Medicina]. 2004; 400 p.


PDF downloadExperience and key activity data of FGHI Russian MIA health facility clinical hospital physiotherapy department

Burenina Irina A., C. Med. Sci., associate professor of Department of rehabilitation and sports medicine of Kazan State Medical Academy, e-mail: burenina-irina@yandex.ru

Amirov Nail B., D. Med. Sci., professor of the Department of general medical practice of Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia, e-mail: namirov@mail.ru

Sabirov Lenar F., C. Med. Sci., Head of Clinical Hospital of MIA in Republic Tatarstan, Kazan, Russia, e-mail: hospitalmvd1@mail.ru

Abstract. Purpose of the study. To analyze the main trends and indicators of physical therapy (PIF) Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Republic of Tatarstan in view of its reorganization and modernization. Material and methods. An analysis of the structural operations for the period since the founding of branches and dynamics of health statistics for the past 5 years, from 2010 to 2014/ This article contains information about the physical therapy department, its equipment and modernization, shows the history of the formation of separation, is reflected 5 years experience department, shows the main types of treatment provided by the department. Results and discussion. It was found that over a five year period of the physiotherapy department the number of inpatients and outpatients who received treatment in the PIF amounted to 5501 from 5551 people taken for treatment (99,09%). Total number who received physiotherapy treatment has increased from 2897 in 2010 to 5501 people in 2014 people. There was also an increase in the number of procedures dispensed with 43517 in 2010 to 105227 in 2014. The number of procedures per 1 patient also has a slight tendency to grow up compared with previous years, from 15,4 to 19,1 procedures, due to the introduction of new physical therapy technology. Conclusion. The results of the department work demonstrated how effective physical therapy in treatment of patients. The courses of physiotherapy lengthen periods of remission of chronic diseases, reduce cases of exacerbation.

Key words: physiotherapy, physical methods of treatment, medical rehabilitation.

For reference: Burenina IA, Amirov NB, Sabirov LF. The experience of rehabilitation department clinical hospital ministry of internal affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (6): 141—148.



  1. Prikaz Ministerstva vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii ot 10 janvarja 2012 g № 5 g. Moskva «O medico-psihologicheskoj reabilitacii sotrudnikov organov vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii» [Order of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation dated January 10, 2012 № 5 Moscow «On the medical and psychological rehabilitation of internal affairs of the Russian Federation»].
  2. Ponomarenko GN. Klinicheskie prakticheskie rekomendacii — novyj jetap razvitija fizioterapii [Clinical Practice Guidelines — a new stage in the development of physiotherapy]. Fizioterapija, bal'neologija i reabilitacija [Physiotherapy, balneology and rehabilitation]. 2014; 2: 35–40.
  3. Ponomarenko GN edit. Fizioterapija: Nacional'noe rukovodstvo. [Physiotherapy: National leadership]. M: GJeOTAR-Media [GEOTAR Media]. 2014; 864 p.
  4. Ulashhik VS. Fizioterapija; novejshie metody i tehnologii [Physiotherapy; the newest methods and technologies]. Izdatel'stvo: Knizhnyj dom [Publisher: Book House]. 2013; 448 p.
  5. Ponomarenko GN. Aktual'nye voprosy fizioterapii; izbrannye lekcii [Topical issues of physiotherapy; selected lectures]. Izdatel'stvo: Sankt–Peterburg [Publisher: St. Petersburg]. 2010; 238 p.
  6. Amirov NB. Klinicheskaja jeffektivnost' ispol'zovanija lazernoj terapii v kompleksnom lechenii bol'nyh jazvennoj bolezn'ju dvenadcatiperstnoj kishki [The clinical efficacy of the use of laser therapy in complex treatment of patients with duodenal ulcer]. Kazanskij medicinskij zhurnal [Kazan Journal of Medicine]. 2003; 84 (3): 169–174.
  7. Burenina IA, Zakirova DR. Jeffektivnost' Primenenija Mnogofunkcional'noj Massazhnoj Krovati «NUGA–BEST NM 5000» v kompleksnom lechenii bol'nyh s vertebrogennoj ljumbalgiej [The effectiveness of the use of multifunctional massage bed «NUGA–BEST NM 5000» in complex treatment of patients with vertebral lumbodynia]. Vestnik sovremennoj klinicheskoj mediciny [The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine]. 2008; 1 (1): 25–27.
  8. Erohina GA. Fizicheskie faktory v lechenii ishemicheskoj bolezni serdca [Physical factors in the treatment of coronary artery disease].Fizioterapija, bal'neologija i reabilitacija [Physiotherapy, balneology and rehabilitation]. 2011; 1: 44–48.
  9. Vafin AJu, Auhadeev JeI, Sadykova RS, Bodrova RA. Ctrategija sovershenstvovanija medicinskogo obespechenija fizicheskoĭ kul'tury i sporta v Respublike Tatarstan v preddverii Vsemirnoĭ Universiady 2013 g. [Strategy of improving medical support physical culture and sports in the Republic of Tatarstan on the eve of the World Universiade 2013]. Kazanskiĭ medicinskiĭ zhurnal [Kazan Journal of Medicine]. 2013; 94 (3): 397–402.
  10. Ivanova GE. Medicinskaja reabilitacija v Rossii: perespektivy razvitija [Medical rehabilitation in Russia: prospects of development]. Vestnik vosstanovitel'noj mediciny [Herald of regenerative medicine]. 2013; 5: 2–13.
  11. Bodrova RA, Auhadeev JeI, Tihonov IV. Opyt primenenija Mezhdunarodnoĭ klassifikacii funkcionirovanija v ocenke jeffektivnosti reabilitacii pacientov s posledstvijami porazhenija CNS [Experience of International Classification of Functioning in the evaluation of the effectiveness of rehabilitation of patients with consequences of CNS]. Prakticheskaja medicina [Practical Medicine]. 2013; 1 (66): 98–100.
  12. Burenina IA, Agliullina FF, Ishakova AN. Ocenka  psihologicheskogo statusa sotrudnikov vnutrennih del, postupivshih na reabilitaciju v otdelenie vosstanovitel'nogo lechenija klinicheskogo gospitalja MSCh MVD PO RT [Evaluation of the psychological status of employees of the Interior, received at the rehabilitation department of Rehabilitation Clinical Hospital NFM Police in RT]. Vestnik sovremennoj klinicheskoj mediciny [The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine]. 2012; 5 (1): 10–11.
  13. Amirov NB. Mehanizmy terapevticheskogo lazernogo vozdejstvija v klinike vnutrennih boleznej (Obzor) [The mechanisms of therapeutic laser action in the clinic of internal diseases (Review)]. Kazanskij medicinskij zhurnal [Kazan Journal of Medicine]. 2001; 82 (5): 369–372.


PDF downloadOrganization of work FPHA health part MIA on republic of Bashkortostan in the period of preparation and realization of summit of countries of shanghai organization of collaboration and meeting of heads of the states and governments BRIX on 8-10 july 2015 in Ufa

Naushirvanov Oleg R., Head of Health part MIA, Russia, Ufa

Nigmatullin Rustem Kh., C. Med. Sci., deputy Head of Health part MIA, Russia, Ufa

Fazlyev Marat M., D. Med. Sci., professor, Head of Hospital of Health part MIA, Russia, Ufa

Kutuev Zemfir Z., C. Med. Sci., deputy Head of Hospital Health part MIA, Russia, Ufa

Abstract. Purpose of the investigation. Study of the state of health of employees of MIA depending on the groups of destiny and distribution on nosologies of diseases at their turned after medicare during realization of summit of countries of Shanghai organization of collaboration and meeting of heads of the states and governments BRIX on July, 8—10 of 2015 in Ufa. Material and methods. Experience of FPHA Health part MIA on Republic of Bashkortostan on organization of the medical providing of employees of MIA of Russia, bearing service on the events of international and federal value. Results and discussion. The got results showed that the employees of MIA, related to III and IV to the groups destinies that made all 30% from the general amount of the involved employees considerably more often applied for medicare. Conclusion. Literate organization of preparation of the medical providing showed high efficiency and timeliness at providing of medicare to the employees of MIA.

Key words: organization of the medical providing, morbidity of employees of MIA, points of temporal distribution, temporal first-aid stations, medical medical-assistant's brigades.

For reference: Nauchirvanov OR, Nigmatullin RCh, Fasliev MM, Kutuev ZZ. Organization of work FPHA Health part mia on Republic of Bashkortostan in the period of preparation and realization of summit of countries of shanghai organization of collaboration and meeting of heads of the states and governments BRIX on 8-10 july 2015 in Ufa. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (6): 148—152.



  1. Voprosyi profilaktiki zabolevaniy i kontrolya zdorovya lichnogo sostava organov vnutrennih del [Questions of prophylaxis of diseases and control of health of personnel of organs of internal affairs]: ucheb.metod.posobie. M. 1998; 75–88.
  2. Kartashov VT. Sostoyanie sistemyi dispanserizatsii v Vooruzhennyih silah i napravlenie ee sovershenstvovaniya [State of the system of the health centre system in Armed forces and direction of her perfection]. Voenno–meditsinskiy zhurnal [Military medical Journal]. 2007; 9: 27–29.
  3. Muhitova EI. Sostoyanie zdorovya sotrudnikov MVD  v period provedeniya Universiadyi [State of health of employees of MIA in the period of realization of university Game]. Vestnik sovremennoy klinicheskoy meditsinyi [The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine]. 2014; 7: 127–129.
  4. Gladinets IV. Opyit meditsinskogo obespecheniya. voennosluzhaschih vnutrennih voysk MVD Rossii, nesuschih sluzhbu na meropriyatiyah mezhdunarodnogo i federalnogo znacheniya [Experience of the medical providing of servicemen of internal troops of MIA of Russia, bearing service on the events of international and federal value]. Meditsinskiy vestnik МVD [MIA Medical Bulletin]. 2013; 1: 3–6.
  5. Bocharov DG. Otdelnyie voprosyi meditsinskogo obespecheniya sotrudnikov organov vnutrennih del [Separate questions of the medical providing of employees of organs of internal affairs]. Ekonomicheskiy vestnik МVD Rossii [Economic announcer MIA of Russia]. 2010; 6: 8–10.


PDF downloadThe analysis of functioning of quality management system of a versatile hospital for the five-year period

Sabirov Lenar F., C. Med. Sci., Head of Clinical Hospital of Medical Station of MIA in TR, assistant of professor of the Department of public health, economy and management of health care of Kazan State Medical Academy, Russia, Kazan, tel. 8(843)277-88-84, e-mail: hospitalmvdrt1@rambler.ru

Spiridonov Albert V., C. Med. Sci., deputy Head of Clinical Hospital of Medical Station of MIA in TR, Russia, Kazan, tel. 8 (843)291-26-94

Abstract. Aim — to carry out the analysis of efficiency of functioning of quality management system of the FKUZ «MSCh Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia across the Republic of Tatarstan» clinical hospital. Material and methods. The unified statistics of activity of establishment for the five-year period were analysed. The analysis of satisfaction of patients with quality of medical services is carried out. The analysis included 3426 questionnaires. By results of data of control of functioning of quality management system the discrepancies revealed during audits are analysed. 604 cards of control underwent in total analysis. Also in article the main organizational moments of introduction of quality management system in the FKUZ «MSCh Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia across the Republic of Tatarstan» clinical hospital, the principles of its functioning reveal. Conclusion. The developed and introduced quality management system shows the advantages by means of objective certificates (schemes of processes, local regulations, statistics, etc.). Serves as a platform for further improvement on the basis of which can be introduced system of ecological management, system of production safety and labor protection.

Key words: management, quality, medicine, efficiency.

For reference: Sabirov LF, Spiridonov AV. The analysis of functioning of quality management system of a versatile hospital for the five-year period. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (6): 152—156.



  1. Abdrahmanov AA. ISO 9000: Menedzhment kachestva medicinskih uslug [Quality management of medical services]. Mir kachestva [World of quality]. 2005; 1: 2.
  2. Kopaneva IN. Kak izmerit' udovletvorennost' potrebitelja [How to measure satisfaction of the consumer]. Metody menedzhmenta kachestva [Quality management Methods]. 2003; 6: 21–26.
  3. Lotov ND. Mirovoj opyt vnedrenija sistem kachestva na osnove MS ISO serii 9000 [World experience of introduction of quality systems on the basis of series 9000 ISO MS]. Avtoreferat dissertacii na soiskanie stepeni kandidata jekonomicheskih nauk [The abstract of the thesis on competition of degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences]. 2005; 23 p.
  4. Porter M, Tajsberg JeO. Pereosmyslenie sistemy zdravoohranenija; kak sozdat' konkurenciju, osnovannuju na cennosti i orientirovannuju na rezul'tat [Reconsideration of health system: how to create the competition based on value and focused on result]. Kiev: Izd–vo A Kapusty (podrazdelenie Agentstva «Standart») [A Kapusta's publishing house (division of Standart Agency)]. 2007; 620 p.
  5. Spiridonov AV, Sabirov LF, Frolova JeB, Amirov NB. Principy organizacii i osnovnye pokazateli dejatel'nosti gastrojenterologicheskoj sluzhby mnogoprofil'nogo stacionara: metodicheskie rekomendacii [Principles of the organization and main indicators of activity of gastroenterologichesky service of a versatile hospital: methodical recommendation]. Kazan: GBOU DPO «Kazanskaja gosudarstvennaja medicinskaja akademija» Minzdrava Rossii, FKUZ «Mediko–sanitarnaja chast' ministerstva vnutrennih del Rossijskoj federacii po Respublike Tatarstan» [Kazan State Medical Academy, Medical — Sanitary Unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Tatarstan]. 2014; 38 p.
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  7. Ushakov IV, Kicul IS, Knjazjuk NF. Opyt primenenija processnogo podhoda v upravlenii medicinskoj organizaciej [Experience applications of process approach in management of the medical organization]. Materialy ezhegod konf DiaMa, Tula [Proceedings of the annual conference of DiaMa, Tula]. 2005; 30–34.


PDF downloadThe analysis of the work of the military-medical comission medical unit of MIA in RT over the last 5 years

Sadykov Ruslan Z., deputy Head of the Military-Medical Comission of Medical Station of MIA in TR, tel. 8-843-291-21-82, e-mail: ruslans09@mail.ru

Pavlov Alexandеr A., neurologist of the Military-Medical Comission of Medical Station of MIA in TR, tel. 8-843-291-21-82, e-mail: alex-pav@list.ru

Ishkineev Farid I., deputy Head of of the Military-Medical Comission of Medical Station of MIA in TR, tel. 8-843-291-21-42, e-mail: ifi2001@mail.ru

Abstract. A research objective — the analysis of work indicators of the military-medical Commission of Medical Unit of MIA in RT in dynamics during 2010-2014. Material and methods. The history of emergence of military-medical examination, formation stages in the Republic of Tatarstan is stated. The analysis of the main indicators of work of the military-medical commission is provided. Such categories of persons, as again arriving on service and the staff of law-enforcement bodies are studied in detail. Organizational and methodical work is lit Results and their discussion. The main tendencies of indicators change of military-medical commission and the factors providing them are defined. Conclusion. The military-medical commission of Medical Unit of MIA in RT provided performance of the entrusted tasks and functions during 2010-2014. All sections of the annual working plan were executed.

Key words: medical examination, military-medical examination, military-medical commission.

For reference: Sadykov RZ, Pavlov AA, Ishkineev FI. The analysis of the work of the military-medical Comission Medical Unit of MIA in RT over the last 5 years. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (6): 156—163.



  1. Sрirochinnyj AA. Analiticheskij obzor deyatel'nosti voenno–vrachebnyh komissij mediko–sanitarnyh chastej organov vnutrennih del po sub’ektam Rossijskoj Federacii [Analytical review of the activities of the military–medical commissions of medical–sanitary parts of the bodies of internal Affairs on subjects of the Russian Federation]. Departament po material'no–tekhnicheskomu i medicinskomu obespecheniyu MVD RF [Department for material, technical and medical issues of the MIA of RF]. 2015: 35 p.
  2. Ganishev AV. Osnovnye principy voenno–vrachebnoj ehkspertizy v organah vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii [The basic principles of military medical examination in internal Affairs agencies of the Russian Federation]. Medicinskij vestnik MVD [Medical reporter of MIA]. 2015; 1 (44): 2–7.
  3. Ganishev AV, Kon’kov AV. Metodologicheskie aspekty voenno–vrachebnoj ehkspertizy v organah vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii [Methodological aspects of military medical examination in internal Affairs agencies of the Russian Federation]. Medicinskij vestnik MVD [Medical reporter of MIA]. 2015; 3 (76): 8–14.
  4. Lentishchev IV. Metodicheskie ukazaniya po sostavleniyu svidetel'stva o bolezni [Methodical instructions on drawing up of the certificate of illness]. CVVK MVD RF [CMMC of MIA of RF]. 2004: 14.
  5. Kulikov VV. Osnovy voenno–vrachebnoj ehkspertizy [Fundamentals of military medical examination]. Posobie dlya vrachej [Textbook for doctors]. GVMU, CVVK i GIUV Minoborony Rossii [MMMB, CMMC & MMCH]. 2001: 263 p.
  6. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 4 iyulya 2013 g. N 565 «Ob utverzhdenii Polozheniya o voenno–vrachebnoj ehkspertize» [The decree of the government of the Russian Federation of 4 July 2013 N 565 «About the Position statement about military–medical examination»].
  7. Prikaz MVD RF ot 14 iyulya 2010 g. N 523 «Ob utverzhdenii Instrukcii o poryadke provedeniya voenno–vrachebnoj ehkspertizy i medicinskogo osvidetel'stvovaniya v organah vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii i vnutrennih vojskah Ministerstva vnutrennih del Rossijskoj Federacii» [Order of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation from July, 14th, 2010 N 523 «About approval of the Instruction about the procedure for military–medical examination and medical examination in internal Affairs agencies of the Russian Federation and internal troops of the Ministry of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation»].
  8. Lentishchev IV. Rukovodstvo po medicinskomu osvidetel'stvovaniyu v voenno–vrachebnyh komissiyah organov vnutrennih del MVD Rossii [Guidance on medical examination in the military–medical commissions of the bodies of internal Affairs of Russia]. Metodicheskie rekomendacii [Medical recommendations]. CVVK MVD RF [MMC of MIA of RF]. 2004: 30 p.



PDF downloadDiagnostic and treatment characteristics of much too strong labor

Yagovkina Natalya E., graduate student of the Department of obstetrics and gynecology of Kazan State Medical Academy, Kazan, Russia, tel. 8-987-290-48-25, e-mail: natashadoc@yandex.ru

Abstract. Actuality. Oxytocia may be considered as pathology process because it is the result of much too strong labor and can be traumatic for mother and pathologic for child. Purpose. The article presents the analysis of diagnostic methods of much too strong labor and treatment methods of much too contractive activity of uterus. Results and discussion. The studies show the convincing evidence of the fact that the most effective method of much too strong labor’s prognosis is the registration of uterine activity with multiplex hysterography, especially with combined use with other methods of registration of contractive activity of uterus. The modern studies prove the necessity of use of intensive therapy: the therapeutic tocolysis, prophylactic and treatment methods of fetal hypoxia. Conclusion. The necessity of clinical diagnostic and pharmacological regulation of pregnant women with too much strong labor in order to prevent the adverse labor outcomes has been proved.

Key words: rapid labor, hysterography, tocolysis.

For reference: Yagovkina NE. Diagnostic and treatment characteristics of much too strong labor. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (6): 164—169.



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