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History of the phthisiopulmonology (tuberculosis) chair: on the occasion of 75th anniversary. E.A. Bakunina P.8


Bronchial asthma: the current trends in treatment. A.A. Vizel P.14


Top of the iceberg — epidemiology of COPD (Literature overview). E.Yu. Pronina P.18

The tumor necrosis factor-alpha in sarcoidosis: from pathogenesis to treatment. A.G. Skrypkina, I.Yu. Vizel.24

The tobacco epidemic: pharmacological control features. N.B. Amirov, T.I. Andreyeva P.28


Ventilation trends in copd patients at high altitude. N.N. Brimkоulov, D.V. Vinnikov P.34

Control of systemic inflammation cellular component by t-regulatory cells in time of exacerbation patients with mild and moderate stage of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. О.A. Enikeyev, V.I. Nikoulicheva, Sh.Z. Zagidoullin, S.A. Enikeyeva P.38

Analysis of work of diagnostic medical bronchoscopy room in antituberculosis sanatorium. A.K. Lankov, M.B. Petrov P.41

Рneumonia and complications during the pandemic influenza A/Н1N1/09. I.V. Leshchenko, A.V Krivonogov .P44

Features of tuberculosis with plural drug resistance and prioritized activities aimed at limitation of its spread in Karelia. Yu.M. Markelov P.51

Invasive diagnosis at intrathoracic syndromes of lymphadenopathy and disseminations. A.V. Potanin, I.Yu. Vizel, V.P. Potanin, A.A. Vizel P.56

Effect of destructive process in lungs of new case TB patient on parameters of respiratory mechanics. M.F. Yaоushev P.60

«Cloud» computing in solution of classification tasks on the example of male infertility: new source of medical data. Sh.M. Gymadeyev, A.I. Latypov, O.R. Radchenko, S.V. Radchenko P.64


Notes of Inpatient Specialist. V. Ermolin P.72


A.Yu. Anisimov P.74



PDF downloadHistory of the phthisiopulmonology (tuberculosis) chair: on the occasion of 75th anniversary

E.A. Bakunina

Abstract. 75 years ago the chair of phthisiopulmonology (tuberculosis) of the Kazan State Medical University was founded. In autumn 2011 this anniversary is celebrated. The great contribution to the domestic phthisiatry, pulmonology, and sarcoidology was made by the chair members.

Key words: chair of phthisiopulmonology, history.



PDF downloadBronchial asthma: the current trends in treatment

A.A. Vizel

Abstract. The contemporary trends of the therapy of bronchial asthma are presented. The commentary by the existing means of the optimization of treatment with help of long acting bronchodilators and inhalation of glucocorticosteroids were given. Are given at present controlled the clinical trials initiated and recommended by FDA.

Key words: bronchial asthma, treatment.



PDF downloadTop of the iceberg — epidemiology of COPD (Literature overview)

E.Yu. Pronina

Abstract. COPD is a global problem of global health. According to various scientists, this disease affects from 4—6% to 10—25% of the adult population and characterized by increase in the prevalence in both developed and developing countries. COPD is one of the 10 diseases; the economic costs are very high. COPD is the only disease with increasing mortality. Progression rate of mortality is especially noticeable in women aged over 55, men — over 75 years. According to forecasts, by 2020 there will be an annual register of more than 6 million deaths from COPD and projected movement of disease from 6th to 5th or even third place among all causes of death.

Key words: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) incidence, prevalence, mortality.



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  3. Baranova, G.N. Rasprostranennost' hronicheskih zabo¬levanij legkih v Cheljabinskoj oblasti / G.N. Baranova, G.L. Ignatova // Pul'monologija. — 2003. — № LVIII.3. — S.377. — Pril. XIII Nacional'nyj kongress po boleznjam organov dyhanija: sb. rezjume.
  4. Vasil'eva, O.S. Zabolevanija organov dyhanija ot orga¬nicheskoj pyli v sel'skohozjajstvennom proizvodstve / O.S. Vasil'eva, B.T. Velichkovskij, V.F. Spirin // Pul'¬monologija. — 1996. — № 4. — S.7—10.
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PDF downloadThe tumor necrosis factor-alpha in sarcoidosis: from pathogenesis to treatment

A.G. Skrypkina, I.Yu. Vizel

Abstract. Sarcoidosis is a chronic multisystem disease of unknown etiology, characterized by noncaseating granulomatous infltration of virtually any organ system. Treatment is often undertaken in an attempt to resolve symptoms or prevent progression to organ failure. Previous studies have suggested a prominent role for tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-alpha) in the infammatory process seen in sarcoidosis. Although data from noncomparative trials suggest that pentoxiflline, methotrexate and specifc TNF antagonists have good therapeutic effects in some cases of sarcoidosis, their target effects in a granulomatous disease such as sarcoidosis are less consistent.

Key words: sarcoidosis, tumor necrosis factor alfa, treatment.



  1. Vizel', A.A. Sarkoidoz: obzor rabot poslednih let / A.A. Vizel' // Pul'monologija. — 2009. — № 1. — S.83.
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  3. Ocenka jeffektivnosti malyh doz pentoksifillina v sochetanii s tokoferola acetatom pri vnutrigrudnom sarkoidoze / A.A. Vizel', E.A. Vizel', G.R. Nasretdinova [i dr.] // Pul'monologija. — 2005. — № 1. — S.24—28.
  4. Alveolar macrophages and T cells from sarcoid, but not normal lung, are permissive to adenovirus infection and allow analysis of nf-kappab-dependent signaling pathways / M. Conron, J. Bondeson, P. Pantelidis [et al.] // Amer. J. Respir. Cell. Mol. Biol. — 2001. — Vol. 25, № 2. — R.141—149.
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  9. Detection of TNF-alfa and NCF in the serum and BALF of patients with sarcoidosis and evaluate their clinical signifcance / Z. Li, W. Chen, X. Hou [et al.] // Zhonghua Jie He He Hu Xi Za Zhi. — 1999. — Vol. 22, № 1. — R.37—39.
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PDF downloadThe tobacco epidemic: pharmacological control features

N.B. Amirov, T.I. Andreyeva

Abstract. This article demonstrates the consequences of prevalence of nicotine addiction. Describes non pharmacotherapy and pharmacotherapy methods of struggle with tobacco epidemic.

Key word: tobacco epidemic, pharmacotherapy methods.



  1. Andreeva, T.I. Tabak i zdorov'e / T.I. Andreeva, K. Kra-sovskij. — Kiev, 2004. — 224 s. — URL: http://www.adic. org.ua/nosmoking/books/tob-health/index.html
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  10. Covey, L.S. Advances in non-nicotine pharmacotherapy for smoking cessation / L.S. Covey, M.A. Sullivan, J.A. Johnston, A.H. Glassman, M.D. Robinson, D.P. Adams // Drugs. — 2000. — Vol. 59(1). — R.17—31.
  11. Diergaarde, L. Contextual renewal of nicotine seeking in rats and its suppression by the cannabinoid-1 receptor antagonist Rimonabant (SR141716A) / L. Diergaarde, W. de Vries, H. Raaso, A.N. Schoffelmeer, T.J. De Vries // Neuropharmacology. — 2008. — Vol. 55(5). — R.712—716.
  12. Doggrell, S.A. Which is the best primary medication for long-term smoking cessation--nicotine replacement therapy, bupropion or varenicline? / S.A. Doggrell // Expert. Opin. Pharmacother. — 2007. — Vol. 8(17). — R.2903—2915.
  13. Eisenberg, M.J. Pharmacotherapies for smoking cessation: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials / M.J. Eisenberg, K.B. Filion, D. Yavin // CMAJ. — 2008. — Vol. 179(2). — R.135—144.
  14. Etter, J.F. Cytisine for smoking cessation: a literature review and a meta-analysis / J.F. Etter // Arch. Intern. Med. — 2006. — Vol. 166(15). — R.1553—1559.
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  16. Ferguson, S.G. Prediction of abstinence at 10 weeks based on smoking status at 2 weeks during a quit attempt: secondary analysis of two parallel, 10-week, randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trials of 21-mg nicotine patch in adult smokers / S.G. Ferguson, J.G. Gitchell, S. Shiffman, M.A. Sembower // Clin. Ther. — 2009. — Vol. 31(9). — R.1957—1965.
  17. Garrison, G.D. Varenicline: a frst-line treatment option for smoking cessation / G.D. Garrison, S.E. Dugan // Clin. Ther. — 2009. — Vol. 31(3). — R.463—91.
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  19. Gelfand, E.V. Rimonabant: a selective blocker of the cannabinoid CB1 receptors for the management of obesity, smoking cessation and cardiometabolic risk factors / E.V. Gelfand, C.P. Cannon // Expert. Opin. Investig. Drugs. —
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PDF downloadVentilation trends in copd patients at high altitude

N.N. Brimkоulov, D.V. Vinnikov

Abstract. The aim of this study was to verify age-related lung function decline in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD), exposed to chronic intermittent hypoxia. 58 subjects aged (46,3±5,8) years along with the same number of healthy adults working at altitude 3 800—4 500 meters were included in this prospective 4-year observation. COPD group patients revealed reduction of all indices, including forced expiratory volume within the frst second (FEV1) from 88,2 to 81,8% predicted (81 ml a year), while in healthy group — only 58 ml a year (p<0.001). The greater was the baseline reading, the bigger was FEV1 reduction during observation (r=0,37; p<0,01). Thus, COPD patients living of working at high altitude should be recommended more aggressive preventative and treatment management, since critical lung function indices reduction may occur faster than in healthy subjects.

Key words: COPD, spirometry, intermittent hypoxia.



  1. Dzholdubaev, Y. Kliniko-jepidemiologicheskaja harakte¬ristika osobennostej techenija i ishodov hronicheskogo bronhita v uslovijah vysokogor'ja: avtoref. dis. … d-ra. med. nauk / Y. Dzholdubaev. — Frunze, 1991. — 30 s.
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PDF downloadControl of systemic inflammation cellular component by t-regulatory cells in time of exacerbation patients with mild and moderate stage of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

О.A. Enikeyev, V.I. Nikoulicheva, Sh.Z. Zagidoullin, S.A. Enikeyeva

Abstract. Aim. Estimate infuence of T-regulatory cells on systemic infammation cellular component in dynamics of exacerbation in patients with mild and moderate stage of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). 21 patients participated in research with mild and 21 patient with moderate severity level of COPD. Control group consist from 20 conditionally healthy faces. Signifcant decreasing of T-regulatory cells (CD4+CD25++) and increasing of T-NK cells (CD3+CD16+CD56+) supervised in both groups in all times of observation. In all patients found leucocytosis and signifcant rise of B-lymphocytes after 10 days of therapy. Conventional therapy of COPD exacerbations in hospital did not affect on restoration of balance between proinfammatory/infammatory cell subpopulations in patients with mild and moderate stage of this disease.

Key words: Т-regulatory cells, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, systemic infammation, immunology.



  1. Avdeev, S.N. Hronicheskaja obstruktivnaja bolezn' legkih: karmannoe rukovodstvo dlja prakticheskih vrachej / S.N. Av¬deev. — 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. — M.: Izdat. holding «Atmosfera», 2010. — S.17.
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  18. Tkacova, R. Systemic infammation in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: may adipose tissue play a role? Review of the literature and future perspectives / R. Tkacova // Mediators Infamm. — 2010. — Vol. 4. — P.585—989.
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PDF downloadAnalysis of work of diagnostic medical bronchoscopy room in antituberculosis sanatorium

A.K. Lankov, M.B. Petrov

Abstract. The analysis of work diagnostic medical bronchoscopy room of antituberculosis sanatorium and case report is presented.

Key words: sanatorium, tuberculosis, bronchoscopy. 



  1. Poddubnyj, B.K. Diagnosticheskaja i lechebnaja jendoskopija verhnih dyhatel'nyh putej / B.K. Poddubnyj, N.V. Be¬lousov, G.V. Ungiadze. — M., 2006.
  2. Rentgeno-jendoskopicheskaja diagnostika zabolevanij organov dyhanija / N.E. Chernehovskaja, G.G. Fedchenko, V.G. Andreev, A.V. Povaljaev. — M., 2007.
  3. Chernehovskaja, N.E. Lechebnaja bronhoskopija v kompleksnoj terapii zabolevanij organov dyhanija / N.E. Chernehov-skaja, V.G. Andreev, A.V. Povaljaev. — M., 2008.


PDF downloadРneumonia and complications during the pandemic influenza A/Н1N1/09

I.V. Leshchenko, A.V Krivonogov

Abstract. Studied the characteristics of the course and complications of community-acquired pneumonia (CAP) for pandemic infuenza A/Н1N1/09 based on clinical and laboratory data and radiology. The study involved 250 patients in 4 groups: Group 1 — 57 patients with uncomplicated VP, Group 2 — 124 patients with CAP, and the systemic infammatory response syndrome (SIRS), third group — 53 patients with CAP complicated by severe sepsis, and 4 group — 16 patients with CAP with septic shock. All patients received antiviral, antibacterial and symptomatic therapy, oxygen therapy was carried out by the testimony and artifcial lung ventilation (ALV). In 225 patients (90.0%) have 2-way loss of lung tissue. 193 (77,2%) patients required oxygen therapy, 108 of them (56%) were hospitalized in the intensive care unit and intensive care unit (ICU) (15,6%) carried out artifcial ventilation (mechanical ventilation). Overall mortality was 10,4%, among obese patients — 30,0%.

Key words: community-acquired pneumonia, pandemic infuenza А/Н1N1/09, clinic, complication, treatment.



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  4. Bone R.C. Systemic infammatory response syndrome: a unifying concept of systemic infammation / R.C. Bone // A. Fein, A. Abraham. Sepsis and Multiorgan Failure. — Philadelphia, Pa: Lippencott, Williams, & Wilkins, 1997. — P.1—10. [Guideline].
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  6. Borgatta, B. The 2009 Influenza A /H1N1/ Pandemic-A Blast from the Past / B. Borgatta, J. Rello // US Respiratory Disease. — 2010. — Vol. 6. — P.65—70.
  7. Clinical Aspects of Pandemic 2009 Infuenza A /H1N1/ Virus Infection / E. Bautista, T. Chotpitayasunondh, Z. Gao [et al.] // N. Engl. J. Med. — 2010. — Vol. 362. — P.1708—1719.
  8. Rai, S. Swine-Origin Infuenza A /H1N1/09: / S. Rai, S. Rane, S. Kumar [et al.] // An Update. Bombay Hospital Journal. — 2009. — Vol. 51 (3). — P.331—341.
  9. Surviving Sepsis Campaign: international guidelines for management of severe sepsis and septic shock: Surviving Sepsis Campaign: international guidelines for management of severe sepsis and septic shock: 2008 / R.P. Dellinger, M.M. Levy, J.M. Carlet [et al.] // Intensive Care Med. — 2008. — Vol. 34(1). — P.17—60.
  10. WHO Guidelines for Pharmacological Management of Pandemic /H1N1/09 Infuenza and other Infuenza Viruses.


PDF downloadFeatures of tuberculosis with plural drug resistance and prioritized activities aimed at limitation of its spread in Karelia

Yu.M. Markelov

Abstract. During past 10 years forms of multi-drug resistance both initial (from 2,8% to 30,9%) and secondary (from 11% to 77,3%) have become much more frequent in Karelia. Molecular-genetic studies of 119 strains of Mycobacterium Tuberculoses revealed that absolute majority of strains with multidrug resistance (90,0%), circulating within the territory of Kareila, belonged to the genetic family of Beijing. Tuberculoses with plural drug resistance was associated with the most socially maladjusted part of patients, and was accompanied with symptomatic destructive changes, massive and stable bacterioexcretion, frequent interruption of treatment, which caused fast epidemic spread in Karelia. The most important antiepidemic activities aimed at prevention of further spread of TB with multi-drug resistance include fast identifcation of bacillary patients with urgent determination of resistogram in combination with increased effciency of therapy: prescription of adequate and controlled drag therapy, corresponding to the spectrum of drug-resistance combined with social and psychological support in order to complete it in specialized hospital for treatment of patients with multi-drug resistance.

Key words: tuberculoses with multi-drug resistance, molecular-genetic specifcs, antiepidemic activities.



  1. Vasil'ev, A.V. Osobennosti ochagov tuberkuleza v so¬vremennyh uslovijah krupnogo goroda / A.V. Vasil'ev, A.N. Grishko // 6-j Nacional'nyj kongress po boleznjam organov dyhanija, 1—4 ijulja. — Novosibirsk, 1996. — S.2188.
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  3. Manicheva, O.A. Lekarstvennaja chuvstvitel'nost' myco-bacterium tuberculosis v sopostavlenii s ih zhiznespo¬sobnost'ju, citotoksichnost'ju, genotipom i techeniem processa u bol'nyh tuberkulezom organov dyhanija / O.A. Manicheva, E.B. Lasunskaja, V.Ju. Zhuravlev // Problemy tuberkuleza i boleznej legkih. — 2008. — № 12. — S.18—22.
  4. Narvskaja, O.V. Genomnyj polimorfizm mycobacterium tuberculosis i ego znachenie v jepidemicheskom processe: avtoref. dis. … d-ra med. nauk / O.V. Narvskaja. — SPb., 2003. — 35 s.
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PDF downloadInvasive diagnosis at intrathoracic syndromes of lymphadenopathy and disseminations

A.V. Potanin, I.Yu. Vizel, V.P. Potanin, A.A. Vizel

Abstract. The clinical diagnoses of 321 patients with radiological syndromes of an intrathoracic lymphadenopathy, a dissemination and their combinations have been compared with results of biopsy. The expediency of histological verifcation of the diagnosis is shown. The sarcoidosis and a lymphoma were the most frequent defnitive diagnoses.

Key words: Videoassist thoracic surgery, dissemination, lymphadenopathy.



  1. O differencial'noj diagnostike disseminirovannogo tuberkuleza legkih i sarkoidoza / A.A. Vizel', M.F. Jau-shev, M.Je. Guryljova [i dr.] // Kazanskij medicinskij zhurnal. — 1993. — № 5. — S.350—353.
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PDF downloadEffect of destructive process in lungs of new case TB patient on parameters of respiratory mechanics

M.F. Yaоushev

Abstract. In order to reveal relation between grade of destructive process in lung and respiratory mechanics parameters investigation of 208 new cases of TB was carried out. Investigation of the patients included spirometry, fow-volume loops, body plethysmography, lung compliance (PV-curve). For the aims of analysis our patients were divided into four subgroups according to grade of destructive process — limited destructive and nondestructive TB, diffuse destructive and nondestructive TB. It was shown that ventilatory defects were increasing from limited nondestructive TB to diffuse destructive TB. Bronchial obstruction was increasing, restrictive defect was identifed. We revealed positive correlation between grade of destructive process in lungs and static (Cst) and dynamic compliance (Cdyn). The level of Cdyn decreasing was higher due to increasing in lung tissue nonhomogeneity.

Key words: TB, destructive process, respiratory mechanics.



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PDF download«Cloud» computing in solution of classification tasks on the example of male infertility: new source of medical data

Sh.M. Gymadeyev, A.I. Latypov, O.R. Radchenko, S.V. Radchenko

Abstract. The article consider some methods and preliminary results of hybrid software architecture application in public health, based on HIS and Google Docs «cloud» computing services integration. Google Docs open API allowed the automatic processing of Internet users' extended data, which concerns variable anamnestic details, by self-provided software. Signifcant data extension in couple with procedural accessibility are vital to classifcation tasks in idiopathic males infertility area. We suggest the adaptive origin of some male infertility forms, potentially curable by non-specifc treatment and rehabilitation measures. The allocation of adaptive infertility forms is medically and economically effective, but demands the anamnestic data processing in a great scale. Virtually, we cannot receive such data amounts beside data source, which was not described and classifed earlier. Its wide use is possible due to Google Docs services open API only.

Key words: male infertility, «cloud» computing, medical data sources, Google Docs, anamnesis, automation of data collection, hybrid software architecture.



  1. Gimadeev, Sh.M. Integracija istochnikov medicinskoj informacii: celi i metodologija / Sh.M. Gimadeev, A.I. Latypov, S.V. Radchenko // Vrach i informacionnye tehnologii. — 2006. — № 6. — S.61—67. Gimadeev, Sh.M. Rol' klinicheskoj znachimosti vidov medicinskoj informacii v proektirovanii telemedi¬cinskih sistem / Sh.M. Gimadeev, A.I. Latypov, S.V. Rad-chenko // Gactrojenterologija. — 2004. — № 4, spec. vyp. — S.75—76.
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PDF downloadNotes of Inpatient Specialist.

V. Ermolin



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