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Reflectory activity in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. A.R. Gaynoutdinov, G.A. Ivanichev P.4

Investigation of the heart electric field in patients with left anterior hemiblock in combination with left ventricular hypertrophy by data of electrocardiotopography. N.A. Andreichev, E.N. Andreicheva, L.V. Baleyeva P.9

Relationship between endothelial damage and activity of skin and articular syndromes in patients with psoriatic arthritis. A.P. Rebrov, I.Z. Gaydoukova P.15

Frequency and pathogenesis of unfavourable adverse reactions of antituberculous preparations. A.V. Mordyk P.17

Pathogenetic aspects of correction of abnormality of organism adaptive reaction in case of infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis. O.G. Ivanova, A.V. Mordyk P.21

Diagnosis and treatment of different forms of desquamative glossitis. T.N. Modina, A.V. Shoumsky, E.V. Mamayeva, V.A. Zheleznyak P.26


«Standardized patient» methodology as the stage of forming clinical thinking in the future doctors. S.А. Bоulatov, L.Yu. Palmova P.33


Canine ventricular fibrillation with dominant frequency structure. M.I. Gouriyanov P.37


Sarcoidosis and digestive system organs involvement. A.A. Vizel, N.B. Amirov P.43


Management policy for patients with atrial fibrillation at prehospital, hospital and outpatient stages. O.N. Miller P.51


The analysis of work of medical service of Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Republic of Tatarstan by the results of 2009 and the primary goals for 2010. M.V. Potapova, L.R. Ginyatoullina P.58



PDF downloadReflectory activity in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

A.R. Gaynoutdinov, G.A. Ivanichev

Abstract. The lung functions, contractility diaphragm ability, spinal and spino-bulbo-spinal refexes of intercostal muscles have been examined in 97 patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). It has been determined that under the conditions of high bronchial resistance and contractile weakness of diaphragm the refectory activity disturbances of spinal and supraspinal structures of breathing neuromotoric system take place.

Key words: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, refectory activity of intercostal muscles.



  1. Baklavadzhjan, O.G. Reakcii nejronov bul'barnogo dyha¬tel'nogo centra na razdrazhenie perednego ventral'nogo i medial'nogo jader talamusa / O.G. Baklavadzhjan, L.B. Nerse-sjan, N.K. Manukjan // Nejrofiziologija. — 1993. — № 3. — S. 218—223.
  2. Breslav, I.S. Patterny dyhanija / I.S. Breslav. — L.: Nauka, 1984. — 206 s.
  3. Gokin, A.P. Izmenenie spinobul'bospinal'noyh refleksov v techenie dyhatel'nogo cikla koshek / A.P. Gokin // Nejro¬fiziologija. — 1981. — № 3. — S. 421—425.
  4. Gukov, B.A. Klinicheskie aspekty sokratitel'noj sposob¬nosti dyhatel'nyh myshc / B.A. Gukov // Sovremennye problemy klinicheskoj fiziologii dyhanija. — L., 1987. — S. 44—56.
  5. Es'kov, V.M. Rol' tormoznyh processov v generacii dyha¬tel'noj ritmiki / V.M. Es'kov, O.E. Filatova // Nejrofi¬ziologija. — 1993. — № 6. — S. 421—427.
  6. Karpuhina, M.V. Vlijanie central'nogo serogo veshhestva i chernoj substancii na nizko- i vysokoporogovye startl-
  7. refleksy u narkotizirovannyh krys / M.V. Karpuhina, A.P. Gokin // Nejrofiziologija. — 1990. — № 2. — S. 276— 278.
  8. Limanskij, Ju.P. Refleksy stvola golovnogo mozga / Ju.P. Limanskij. — Kiev: Nauk. dumka, 1987. — 240 s.
  9. Nikolov, N.D. Izmenenie tonicheskoj reguljacii spinal'nyh i bul'bospinal'nyh refleksov pod vlijaniem serii jelek¬tricheskih razdrazhenij vagusa / N.D. Nikolov, A.P. Gokin, A.V. Vankov// Issledovanie mehanizmov nervnoj dejatel'¬nosti. — M.: Nauka, 1984. — S. 58—66.
  10. Pavlasek, Ju. Issledovanie vnutriretikuljarnyh meha¬nizmov, formirujushhih retikulospinal'nye signaly / Ju. Pavlasek, P. Duda, A.P. Gokin, A.I. Piljavskij // Issle¬dovanie mehanizmov nervnoj dejatel'nosti. — M.: Nauka, 1984. — S. 44—57.
  11. Pavlasek, Ju. Rol' retikuljarnoj formacii v reguljacii motoriki. Issledovanie nekotoryh vnutriretikuljar-nyh mehanizmov i funkcional'nyh svojstv retikulo-spinal'noj sistemy / Ju. Pavlasek, M. Shaling, P. Shtraus // Nejrofiziologija. — 1984. — № 5. — S. 637— 651.
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  13. Fiziologija dyhanija / otv. red. I.S. Breslav, G.G. Isaev. — SPb.: Nauka, 1994. — 680 s.
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  16. Nardini, S. Respiratory muscle function and COPD / S. Nardini // Monaldi Archives for Chest Disease (Review). — 1995. — Vol. 50, № 4. — R. 325—336.
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  18. Similolowski, T. Inspiratory muscle testing in stable COPD patients / T. Similolowski, J.-P.H. Derenne // Eur. Respir. J. — 1994. — № 7. — P. 1871—1876.


PDF downloadInvestigation of the heart electric field in patients with left anterior hemiblock in combination with left ventricular hypertrophy by data of electrocardiotopography

N.A. Andreichev, E.N. Andreicheva, L.V. Baleyeva

Abstract. Amplitude parameters of QRS complex are studied by means of electrocardiotopography in 45 healthy persons and 76 patients with left anterior hemiblock (LAH), 13 of them have left ventricular hypertrophy (LVH). In combination of LAH and LVH the displacement of maximum of R wave to upper and left areas, signifcant increasing of maximum S and amplitude of S wave in general, increasing of amplitude of R wave on the posterior upper-left area of the chest and on the linea axillaris media sinistra, decreasing of amplitude of R wave in the zone RS on the anterior chest surface especially in points III-8,9, reduction of overlaping zone of electronegativity are typical. New additional diagnostic criterion of LVH in combination with LAH is proposed, with high sensitivity, specifcity and informativity.

Key words: left anterior hemiblock, electrocardiotopography, left ventricular hypertrophy, electropositivity, electronegativity, zero zone, average topogram.



  1. Amirov, R.Z. Integral'nye topogrammy perioda QRS v norme / R.Z. Amirov, I.N. Minaeva // Jelektronika i himija v kardiologii: sb. — Voronezh, 1971. — Vyp. 6. —S. 88— 93.
  2. Amirov, R.Z. Integral'nye topogrammy potencialov serd¬ca: sb. / R.Z. Amirov. —M., 1973. — 108 s.
  3. Amirov, R.Z. Aktual'nye voprosy jelektrokardiotopografii / R.Z. Amirov // Kardiologija. — 1986. —№ 6. — S. 14—17.
  4. Andreev, V.M. O vnutrizheludochkovyh blokadah / V.M. An¬dreev, A.M. Brodskaja, I.N. Ugarova // Kazan. med. zhurnal.— 1983. —№ 5. — S. 376.
  5. Andreichev, N.A. Perspektivy komp'juternoj obrabotki mnozhestvennyh otvedenij JeKG / N.A. Andreichev, A.A. Gale-ev // Materialy II Mezhdunarodnogo slavjanskogo kongressa po jelektrostimuljacii i klinicheskoj jelektrofiziologii serdca. —SPb., 1995. — S. 11—12.
  6. Andreichev, N.A. Amplitudnaja harakteristika jelektrichesko¬go polja serdca / N.A. Andreichev, D.K. Hodzhaeva, A.S. Galja-vich // Kazan. med. zhurnal. —1984. — № 5. — S. 347—350.
  7. Andreichev, N.A. Osnovy mul'tifatornogo analiza jelek¬tricheskogo polja serdca v ocenke porazhenija miokarda / N.A. Andreichev // Ros. kardiol. zhurnal. — 1998. — № 6. — S. 46—49.
  8. Andreicheva, E.N. Diagnostika gipertrofii levogo zhelu¬dochka po dannym jelektrokardiotopografii / E.N. And-reicheva, N.A. Andreichev // IV Mezhdunarodnyj slavjan¬skij kongress po jelektrostimuljacii: tez. dokl. — SPb., 2000. — S. 24.
  9. Gusev, A.I. Diagnostika narushenij vnutrizheludochkovoj provodimosti metodom integral'noj topografii / A.I. Gu¬sev, N.E. Smagina // Materialy Mezhdunar. simpoziuma po jelektrokardiologii. — Jalta, 1979. — S. 63—64.
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  13. Saltykova, M.M. Differencial'naja diagnostika izme¬nenij JeKG pri ishemicheskoj bolezni serdca v sochetanii s arterial'noj gipertoniej (dannye prekordial'nogo kartirovanija) / M.M. Saltykova, G.V. Rjabykina, A.V. So¬bolev // Terapevt. arhiv.— 1993. — № 12. — S. 26—30.
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  15. Hodzhaeva, D.K. K izucheniju jelektricheskoj aktivnosti mio¬karda pri narushenii vnutrizheludochkovoj provodimosti / D.K. Hodzhaeva, N.A. Andreichev // Fiziologija i patologija serdechno-sosudistoj sistemy i pochek: sb. — Cheboksary, 1982. — S. 118—120.
  16. Amirov, R.Z. A quantitative and classification of integral topograms / R.Z. Amirov, R.R. Teregoulov // International Symposium on Body Surface Potentials Mapping. — Tokyo, Japan, 1994.
  17. Dhingra, R.C. Signifcance of left axis deviation in patients with cronic left bundle branch block / R.C. Dhingra, F. Amat-y-Leon, Ch. Wyndham [et al.]. — Amer. J. Cardiol. — 1978. — Vol. 42, № 4. — P. 551—556.
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PDF downloadRelationship between endothelial damage and activity of skin and articular syndromes in patients with psoriatic arthritis

A.P. Rebrov, I.Z. Gaydoukova

Abstract. Study of the connection between endothelial damage and skin and articular syndromes in patients with psoriatic arthritis (PsA) was carried out. 37 patients with PsA and 22 controls were involved. Age, sex, cardiovascular risk factors in PsA patients and controls were the same. Circulating endotheliocytes’ (CEC) level was defned, as well as PsA activity and rate of skin psoriatic affection. Correlation between CEC level, arthritis activity and skin changes progressing was revealed. It was stated that endothelial damage refects the process progressing in skin and in osteo-articular systems.

Key worlds: circulating endotheliocytes, psoriatic arthritis.



  1. Badokin, V.V. Psoriaticheskij artrit: klinika, diagnostika, lechenie: avtoref. dis. ... d-ra med. nauk / V.V. Badokin. — M., 2003.
  2. Badokin, V.V. Psoriaticheskij artrit i psoriaz: problema vzaimosvjazi i vzaimoobuslovlennosti / V.V. Badokin // Izbrannye lekcii po klinicheskoj revmatologii / pod red. V.A. Nasonovoj, N.V. Bunchuka. — M.: Medicina, 2001. — S. 82—89.
  3. Gisondi, P. Lower limb enthesopathy in patients with psoriatic arthritis without clinical signs of arthropathy: a hospital — based case-control study / P. Gisondi, I. Tinnazzi, G. El-Dalati [et al.] // Annals of the rheumatic diseases. — 2008. — Vol. 67, № 1. — R. 26—29.
  4. McGonagle, D. The biomechanical link between skin and joint disease in psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis: what every dermatologist needs to know / D. McGonagle, A. Lyn Tan, M. Bengamin // Annals of the rheumatic diseases. — 2008. — Vol. 67, № 1. — R. 1—3.
  5. Benjamin, N. The anatomical basis for disease localization in seronegative spondiloarthropathy / N. Benjamin, D. McGonagle // Annals of the rheumatic diseases. — 2001. — Vol. 199. — R. 503—526.
  6. Benjamin, M. Microdamage and altered vascularity at the enthesis — bone interface provides an anatomic explanation for bone involvement in the HLA —B27 —associated spondyloarthropaties / M. Benjamin, H. Toumi, D. Suzuki [et al.] // Arthritis Rheum. — 2007. — Vol. 56. — R. 244—233.


PDF downloadFrequency and pathogenesis of unfavourable adverse reactions of antituberculous preparations

A.V. Mordyk

Abstract. Frequency of development of adverse reactions to antituberculous preparations in 485 patients diagnosed for the frst time for pulmonary tuberculosis, pathogenesis of adverse reactions to antituberculous preparations in 102 patients diagnosed for the frst time for infltrative pulmonary tuberculosis was studied, in 62 from whom the chemotherapy was complicated with intolerance signs. It was revealed that adverse reaction to antituberculous drugs developed in 62,8% patients, involved into the investigation. Endogenic intoxication, expressed activation of process of free radical oxidation, dysfunction of vegetative nervous system, membranodestruction, organism adaptation and reactivity disturbances were the basic pathogenetic factors promoting their development.

Key words: tuberculosis, chemotherapy, antituberculous preparations, adverse reaction, pathogenesis.



  1. Astahova, A.V. Neblagoprijatnye pobochnye reakcii i kontrol' bezopasnosti lekarstv: rukovodstvo po farmako-nadzoru / A.V. Astahova, V.K. Lepahin. — M.: Kogito-Centr, 2004. — 200 s.
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  4. Gurevich, M.V. Vlijanie nekotoryh lekarstvennyh prepara¬tov razlichnyh farmakologicheskih grupp na variabel'nost' ritma serdca / M.V. Gurevich, P.V. Struchkov, O.V. Aleksand¬rov // Kachestvennaja klinicheskaja praktika. — 2002. — № 1. — S. 100—105.
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  6. Mishin, V.Ju. Aktual'nye voprosy tuberkuleza organov dyhanija / V.Ju. Mishin. — M.: Medicina, 2003. — 87 s.
  7. Mishin, V.Ju. Pobochnoe dejstvie protivotuberkuleznyh preparatov pri standartnyh i individualizirovannyh re¬zhimah himioterapii / V.Ju. Mishin, V.I. Chukanov, Ju.G. Gri¬gor'ev. — M.: Izd-vo «Komp'juterburg», 2004. — 208 s.
  8. Farhutdinov, R.R. Hemiljuminescentnye metody issle¬dovanija svobodnoradikal'nogo okislenija v biologii i medicine / R. R. Farhutdinov, V.A. Lihovskih. — Ufa, 1998. — 90 s.
  9. Shilova, M.V. Jeffektivnost' lechenija bol'nyh tuberkule¬zom na sovremennom jetape / M.V. Shilova, T.S. Hruleva // Problemy tuberkuleza. — 2005. — № 3. — S. 3—11.
  10. Heart rate variability. Standarts of measurement, physiological interpretation and clinical use: Task Forse of the European Society of Cardiology and the North American Society of Pasing and Electrophysiology: Membership of the Task Forse listed in the Appendix // Eur. Heart J. — 1996. — Vol. 17. — P. 334—381.


PDF downloadPathogenetic aspects of correction of abnormality of organism adaptive reaction in case of infiltrative pulmonary tuberculosis

O.G. Ivanova, A.V. Mordyk

Abstract. It was stated that the abnormality of organism reactivity of patients diagnosed for the frst time for infltrative pulmonary tuberculosis is manifested by increase of number of inferior adaptive reactions (registered in 64,1% cases). The degree of patients’ adaptive reaction abnormality was defned by intensity of free radical oxidation (r = -842): the greatest activity of tree radical oxidation on the background of decrease of antioxidant system capacity was registered in patients with expressed abnormality of adaptive reactions. Inclusion of mexidol into the treatment plan of patients promoted normalization of organism adaptive reactions (by 16,7%) and improvement of treatment results (closing of destruction cavities — by 24,9%, reduction of frequency of complications – by 16,6%). The obtained results allow to recommend the introduction of mexidol into the complex therapy of patients diagnosed for the frst time for infltrative pulmonary tuberculosis.

Key words: infltrative pulmonary tuberculosis, organism adaptive reactions, free radical oxidation, mexidol.



  1. Adaptacija, reaktivnost' organizma i ih vlijanie na ishod jekssudativnogo plevrita / V.I. Trofimov, N.A. Brazhenko, Z.I. Kostina, O.N. Brazhenko // Problemy tuberkuleza. — 2003. — № 5. — S. 31—34.
  2. Bogorodskaja, EM. Jeffektivnost' lechenija bol'nyh tuber¬kulezom i puti ee povyshenija / E.M. Bogorodskaja, M.V. Shi¬lova // Materialy Vserossijskogo soveshhanija glavnyh vrachej i rukovoditelej orgmetodotdelov protivotuber¬kuleznyh uchrezhdenij Rossii. — M., 2007. — S.7—35.
  3. Brazhenko, N.A. Jetiotropnoe, patogeneticheskoe i hirur¬gicheskoe lechenie ftiziopul'monologicheskih bol'nyh: metod. posobie dlja vrachej / N.A. Brazhenko. — SPb.: Izd-vo SPbGMU, 1998. — 66 s.
  4. Velichkovskij, B.T. Svobodnoradikal'noe okislenie kak zveno srochnoj i dolgovremennoj adaptacii organizma k faktoram okruzhajushhej sredy / B.T. Velichkovskij // Aneste¬ziologija i reanimatologija. — 2001. — № 6. — S. 45—52.
  5. Denisova, L.V. Lechenie infil'trativnogo tuberkuleza legkih s uchetom reaktivnosti organizma i ee korrekcii: avtoref. dis. … kand. med. nauk / L.V. Denisova. — L., 1990. — 21 s.
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PDF downloadDiagnosis and treatment of different forms of desquamative glossitis

T.N. Modina, A.V. Shoumsky, E.V. Mamayeva, V.A. Zheleznyak

Abstract. The proposed methods of diagnostics and the developed treatment regimen of desquamative glossitis will allow to achieve highly effcient therapy. From the early treatment the impact on the pathogenetic mechanisms of development of some forms of glossitis helps to reduce complaints and subjective sensations, rapid epithelialization of the desquamated section and more stable remission compared with traditional therapy. The data on clinical-laboratory and immunological parameters show that the use of differential integrated approach in treatment of desquamative glossitis would help to eliminate dysfunction of mucosal immunity, restore adequate fora of the oral cavity and normalize microcirculation of vessels.

Key words: tongue, desquamative glossitis, integrated differential treatment.



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PDF download«Standardized patient» methodology as the stage of forming clinical thinking in the future doctors

S.А. Bоulatov, L.Yu. Palmova

Abstract. In the centre of practical skills of the Kazan State Medical University a special methodological course «Standardized patient» is implemented for senior students of Therapeutic Faculty. The patients’ roles are played by specially trained actors. A student has to take a history, to carry out objective examination, to develop the plan of additional examination and to make up individual treatment programs. Results of work of the ffth-year students of a medical faculty for 5 years were analysed. By the beginning of individual work with actors weak practical skills on internal diseases propedeutics were acquired by 70% of students. The most diffcult for students were objective examination of patients (37%), differential diagnostics of diseases (28,6%) and administration of therapy (45,7%). Following the completion of the course 71% of students said that it has become easier for them to communicate with patients, and that their practical skills in communicating with patients improved. «Standardized patient» methodology can be used for control over the practical skills of interns, hospital doctors and medical practitioners.

Key words: standardized patient, actor, medical education, clinical thinking.



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PDF downloadCanine ventricular fibrillation with dominant frequency structure

M.I. Gouriyanov

Abstract. The lack of rhythm assimilation by canine heart characterized by electrocardiographic registration of unstable oscillations in the frequency ranges of delta-, theta-, alpha-, beta- and gamma-rhythms of electroencephalogram, refects the development of disintegration of functional integrity of myocardium in case of ventricular fbrillation. Domination of alpha-rhythm frequencies in the frequency structure of electrocardiogram refects reservation of elements of organized bioelectrical activity of myocardial cells in the initial stage of canine ventricular fbrillation.

Key words: canine heart, ventricular fbrillation, lack of rhythm assimilation.



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PDF downloadSarcoidosis and digestive system organs involvement

A.A. Vizel, N.B. Amirov



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PDF downloadManagement policy for patients with atrial fibrillation at prehospital, hospital and outpatient stages

O.N. Miller



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