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Editorial P.3


Peculiarities of endothelial dysfunction in patients with arterial hypertension and presence of gout or
ostheoarthritis. A.P. Rebrov, N.A. Magdeyeva, I.A. Romanova P.6

The problem of drug-resistant tuberculosis. Possible solution on an example of big industrial city of siberia. A.L. Khanin, S.A. Dolgikh, I.B. Viktorova P.9

The new approach to the treatment of sexuallytransmitted deseases. E.V. Fayzoullina, L.K. Bounakova,
D.V. Frizin, D.A. Shiryak P.17

Epidemiology of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in industrial town of Middle Ural. L.V. Vasilenko, E.K. Beltyukov P.21

Importance of therapeutic training and outpatient observation in optimization of treatment of patients with congestive heart failure developed after q-myocardial infarction. N.A.Kosheleva, A.P.Rebrov P.25

Changes of respiratory function in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. Results of long-term cohort study. E.V. Zhilyaev, K.A. Fomina, K.I. Tebloyev P.29

Complex analysis of antimicrobial chemotherapy of patients with bacterial infections of respiratory tract in the geriatric hospital. E.A. Oskina, E.V. Paravina, A.V. Zhestkov, O.L. Koulagin P.33


Wilson-Konovalow disease. E.Ju. Eremina P.38

Organization matters preventive radiogical lung examinations. I.I.Kamalov, R.R.Akhmadeyev P.47


A case of thyreotoxicosis following coronary angyography (clinical observation). A.N. Oksenchouk, M.A. Kounitsina P.49


Extrahospital pneumonia: an actual problem or a routine pathology? I.Y. Blumenthal P.52


Peculiarities of immune reaction in development of experimental bronchopulmonary inflammation. N.A. Kouzoubova, E.S. Lebedeva, I.V. Dvorakovskaya, I.S. Platonova, E.A. Sourkova P.56


Human resource potential as a competitive advantage Clinical Hospital Ministry of Interior in the Ministry of Internal Affairs on RТ. M.V. Potapova, L.F. Sabirov P.62


Scientific library of KSMU — from the past to the present. E.V. Mayorova P.65


Brief survey of session of National school of gastroenterologists, hepatologists of Russian Gastroenterology
Associationon the 2nd of Decеmber, 2010, Kazan. Yu.F. Prokhorova P.69

Editorial P.3


PDF downloadPeculiarities of endothelial dysfunction in patients with arterial hypertension and presence of gout or

A.P. Rebrov, N.A. Magdeyeva, I.A. Romanova

Abstract. The aim of the present work was a detailed study of questions connected with the peculiarities of endothelial dysfunction in patients with arterial hypertension, which depend on presence of gout or ostheoarthritis. Anticoagulant and fbrinolytic activities and activity of Villebrand factor were investigated. Patients with arterial hypertension and ostheoarthritis showed disorders of fbrinolytic activities; patients with arterial hypertension and gout showed disorders of anticoagulant activities.

Key words: endothelial dysfunction, arterial hypertension, gout, ostheoarthritis.



  1. Alekseeva, L.I. Racional'nyj vybor bazisnoj terapii pri osteoartroze. Rezul'taty otkrytogo randomiziro¬vannogo mnogocentrovogo issledovanija ARTRA v Rossii / L.I. Alekseeva, N.V. Chichasova, O.I. Mendel' // Rus¬skij medicinskij zhurnal. —2005. —№ 24. —S.1637— 1640.
  2. Barskova, V.G. Diagnostika i lechenie podagricheskogo artrita / V.G. Barskova // Lechashhij vrach. — 2007. — № 2. — S.88—90.
    Inamova, O.V. Sovremennye metody diagnostiki po¬vrezhdenija sosudistoj stenki u bol'nyh revmatoidnym artritom / O.V. Inamova,
  3. A.P. Rebrov // Saratovskij nauchno-medicinskij vestnik. —2003. —№ 1(2). —S.49— 54.
  4. Karoli, N.A. Vlijanie kurenija na razvitie jendotelial'-noj disfunkcii u bol'nyh hronicheskoj obstruktivnoj bolezn'ju legkih / N.A. Karoli, A.P. Rebrov // Pul'mono¬logija. — 2004. — № 2. — S.70—75.
  5. Korochina, I.Je. Metabolicheskij sindrom i revmaticheskie bolezni / I.Je. Korochina, G.G. Bagirova // Terapevticheskij arhiv. — 2006. — № 6. — C.39—47.
  6. Korshunov, N.I. Sovremennye podhody k farmakoterapii osteoartroza / N.I. Korshunov, O.B. Ershova // Consilium medicum. — 2006. — № 2. — S.34—38.
  7. Lapkina, N.A. Markery aktivacii jendotelija sosudov pri podagre / N.A. Lapkina, A.A. Baranov, V.G. Barskova [i dr.] // Terapevticheskij arhiv. — 2005. — № 5. — S.62—65.
  8. Alderman, M.H. Serum Uric Acid As a Cardiovascular Risk Factor for Heart Disease / M.H. Alderman // Cur. Hypertens Rep. — 2001. — № 3. — R.184—188.
  9. Glass, C.K. Atherosclerosis: the road ahead / C.K. Glass, J.L. Wilztum // Cell. — 2001. — № 104. — P.503—516.
  10. Kannel, W.B. Risk stratification in hypertension: new insights from the Framingham Study / W.B. Kannel // Am. J. Hypertens. — 2000. — Vol. 13, № 1, pt. 2. — 3S—10S.
  11. Nissen, S. Reversal of Atherosclerosis with Aggressive Lipid Lowering (REVERSAL) Investigators / S. Nissen, E. Tuzcu, P.
  12. Schoenhagen [et al.] // N. Engl. J. Med. — 2005. — № 352. — R.29—38.
    Johnson, R.J. Resurrection of Uric Acid as a Causal Risk Factor in Essential Hypertension / R.J. Johnson, D.I. Feig, J. Herrera-Acosta [et al.] // Hypertension. — 2005. — № 45. — R.18
  13. Wer, C.J. Serum urate as an independent predictor of poor outcome and future vascular events after acute stroke / C.J. Wer, S.W. Muir, M.R. Walters, K.R. Lees // Stroke. — 2003. — № 34. — R.1951—1956.


PDF downloadThe problem of drug-resistant tuberculosis. Possible solution on an example of big industrial city of siberia.

A.L. Khanin, S.A. Dolgikh, I.B. Viktorova

Abstract. The level of primary drug resistance to frst-line tuberculosis drugs in Novokuznetsk (563 000 population) is 41% and primary multi-drug resistance is 14,9%. 61,8% of these patients with resistant tuberculosis (TB) were resistant to 1 or 2 second-line drugs. The resistant TB treatment center with strict methodology and enrollment criteria was found. Patients with high compliance to chemotherapy had culture negativation in 94,6% and closing of cavities in 92,6%. Small TB forms (less than one lung lobe) and number of taken medications (more than 70% of predesigned doses) were found to be the important factors associated with treatment effcacy. TB patients who were not adequately treated showed the next TB outcomes: 50% died within the two years of observation, 33% became chronic TB cases and 7,5% were self-cured. Wide use of second-line drugs in the reality of great number of treatment defaults and the absence of special «closed type» hospitals will lead to fnal loss of TB control ability.

Key words: drug-resistant tuberculosis; treatment organization; long-term treatment results.



  1. Mishin, V.I. Jeffektivnost' lechenija tuberkuleza legkih, vyzvannogo mikobakterijami s mnozhestvennoj lekarstven¬noj ustojchivost'ju/ V.I. Mishin, V.I. Chukanov, I.A. Va¬sil'eva // Problemy tuberkuleza. —2002. —№ 12. — S.18—23.
  2. Ftiziatrija: nacional'noe rukovodstvo / pod red. M.I. Pe-rel'mana. — M.: GJeOTAR-Media, 2007. —512 s.
  3. Tuberkulez s mnozhestvennoj lekarstvennoj ustojchivo¬st'ju / pod red. I. Bastiana, F. Portals. — M.: Medicina i zhizn', 2003. — 368 s.
  4. Borisov, S.E. Jetiotropnoe lechenie tuberkuleza pri le¬karstvennoj ustojchivosti MBT. Vzgljady i rekomendacii mezhdunarodnyh organizacij / S.E. Borisov, G.B. Sokolova // Consilium medicum. — 2001. — T. 3, № 12. — S.595— 602.
  5. Vzaimosvjaz' osnovnyh jepidpokazatelej po tuberkulezu so strukturoj pervichnoj lekarstvennoj ustojchivosti MBT / Ju.N. Kurunov, N.N. Kurunova, G.M. Lisichenko [i dr.] // Tuberkulez — staraja problema v novom tysjacheletii: sb. tr. konf. s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem. — Novosibirsk, 2002. — S.98—101.
  6. Lekarstvennaja ustojchivost' i ishody lechenija bol'nyh tuberkulezom legkih / A.K. Strelis, G.V. Janova, A.A. Stre-lis [i dr.] // Tuberkulez — staraja problema v novom tysjacheletii: sb. tr. konf. s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem. — Novosibirsk, 2002. — S.160—161.
  7. Vishnevskij, B.I. Chastota i struktura LU MBT pri raz¬lichnyh lokalizacijah zabolevanija/ B.I. Vishnevskij, L.N. Steklova // Problemy tuberkuleza — 2008. — № 12. — S.5—8.
  8. Ispol'zovanie ftorhinolonov v intensivnoj faze lechenija vpervye vyjavlennyh bol'nyh destruktivnym tuberkulezom legkih / Je.V. Vaniev, I.A. Vasil'eva, R.Ju. Abdullaev [i dr.] // Problemy tuberkuleza. — 2008. — № 10. — S.54—58.
  9. Hanin, A.L. Vlijanie mediko-social'nyh faktorov riska na jeffektivnost' lechenija vpervye vyjavlennyh bol'nyh tuberkulezom / A.L. Hanin, S.A. Dolgih // Social'no zna¬chimye bolezni: sb. materialov Mezhdunar. nauch.-prakt. konf. — Kemerovo, 2004. — S.55—57.
  10. Rol' i mesto ftorhinolonov v lechenii bol'nyh tuberku¬lezom: rabochee soveshhanie vedushhih ftiziatrov Rossii // Problemy tuberkuleza. — 2008. — № 8. — S.38—42.
  11. Kliniko-rentgenologicheskie i bakteriologicheskie osobennosti lekarstvenno-rezistentnogo tuberkuleza / G.B. Sokolova, I.V. Bogadel'nikova, M.G. Biron [i dr.] // Problemy tuberkuleza. — 2006. — № 12. — S.16— 20.
  12. Profilaktika tuberkuleza v lechebno-profilakticheskih uchrezhdenijah pri deficite neobhodimyh resursov: metod. rekomendacii. — VOZ, 1999. — 59 s.
  13. Ishody mnozhestvenno-lekarstvenno-ustojchivogo tuber¬kuleza po dannym klinicheskogo issledovanija v g. Tomske / G.V. Janova, A.K. Strelis, S.G. Shvedova [i dr.] // Sovre¬mennaja ftiziatrija i problemy tuberkuleza XXI veka: sb. nauch. tr. — Tomsk, 1999. — S.53—54.
  14. Astahova, I.M. Prichiny nejeffektivnosti lechenija bol'nyh tuberkulezom s mnozhestvennoj lekarstvennoj ustojchivost'ju / I.M. Astahova, T.N. Astahova, N.V. Emec // Medicina v Kuzbasse. — 2008. — № 8 (spec. vyp.). — S.84—87
  15. Shevchuk, D.V. Monitoring lekarstvennoj ustojchivosti mikobakterij tuberkuleza v Grodnenskoj oblasti / D.V. Shevchuk, F.G. Gadzhieva, I.V. Gordjuk // Materialy VIII Rossijskogo s#ezda ftiziatrov. — M., 2007. — S.40.
  16. Dosrochnoe prekrashhenie lechenija v protivotuberkuleznyh stacionarah / S.E. Borisov, E.M. Belilovskij, F. Kuk [i dr.] // Problemy tuberkuleza. — 2007. — № 7. — S.17—25.
  17. Jeffektivnost' lechenija bol'nyh s lekarstvennoj ustojchivost'ju k osnovnym i rezervnym preparatam (XDR) / V.Ju. Mishin, V.I. Chukanov, O.G. Komissarova [i dr.] // 17-j Nacional'nyj kongress po boleznjam orga¬nov dyhanija: sb.-rezjume. — Kazan', 2007. — № 422. — S.170.
  18. Karpinskij, B.A. Lechenie lekarstvenno-ustojchivogo tu¬berkuleza: metod. rekomendacii dlja vrachej-ftiziatrov / B.A. Karpinskij, I.B. Viktorova, S.A. Dolgih [i dr.]. — Novokuzneck, 2006. — 36 s.
  19. Lekarstvenno-ustojchivyj tuberkulez u podrostkov / V.A. Firsova, F.G. Polujektova, A.P. Ryzhova [i dr.] // Pro¬blemy tuberkuleza. — 2007. — № 1. — S.61—64.
  20. Rider, G.L. Jepidemiologicheskie osnovy bor'by s tuber¬kulezom / G.L. Rider; per.s angl. — M.: Ves'mir, 2001. — 192 s.


PDF downloadThe new approach to the treatment of sexuallytransmitted deseases.

E.V. Fayzoullina, L.K. Bounakova, D.V. Frizin, D.A. Shiryak

Abstract. In the article the main changes in the structure of military and prevalence in anogenital are introduced warts, urogenital herpes and chlamidia infections in Russia and especially in the Republics of Middle Volga Region. There was analyzed the clinical effciency of use three-component drug (TCD) (the number of registration ЛС 002448, the date of registration 29.12.2006) — combined fuconazole 150 mg, azythromycin 1000 mg and seknidazole 1000 mg in patients with Candidiasis, bacterial vaginosis and other STD after the removing of anogenital warts with radiowave method. The Results. It was confrmed the clinical effciency of use three components proflactic STD after operative interferences and in patients with disorderly sexual connections.

Key words: anogenital warts, bacterial vaginosis, candidiasis, syndrome and proflactic treatment.



  1. Beljaeva, T.L. Nekotorye aspekty lechenija ostrokonech¬nyh kondilom / T.L. Beljaeva, A.A. Anton'ev // Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. — 1989. — № 7. — S.58— 60.
  2. Global'naja strategija profilaktiki infekcij, pereda¬vaemyh polovym putem, i bor'by s nimi: 2006—2015 gg. (mezhdunarodnye dokumenty) // Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. — 2008. — № 6. — S.109—112.
  3. Dubenskij, V.V. Kliniko-jepidemiologicheskie osoben¬nosti papillomavirusnoj infekcii i metody lechenija / V.V. Dubenskij // Rossijskij zhurnal kozhnyh i veneriche¬skih boleznej. — 2001. — № 1. — S.51—56.
  4. Kubanov, A.A. Rezul'taty sociologicheskogo oprosa vrachej-dermatovenerologov v razlichnyh sub#ektah Rossijskoj Federacii v period modernizacii derma¬tovenerologicheskoj pomoshhi naseleniju / A.A. Kubanov, M.A. Ivanova // Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. — 2007. — № 6. — S.25—27.
  5. Kubanova, A.A. Strategija i perspektivy razvitija der¬matovenerologicheskoj sluzhby v Rossijskoj Federacii v 2001—2005 gg. (materialy doklada na VIII s#ezde dermatovenerologov Rossii) / A.A. Kubanova // Vest¬nik dermatologii i venerologii. — 2002. — № 1. — S.4—8.
  6. Kubanova, A.A. Klinicheskie rekomendacii po dermato¬venerologii 2007 goda / A.A. Kubanova; pod red. akad. RAMN, prof. A.A. Kubanovoj. — M.: DJeKS-Press, 2007. — 300 s.
  7. Martynov, A.A. Povyshenie kachestva dermatovenero¬logicheskoj pomoshhi naseleniju Rossijskoj Federacii v ramkah realizacii gosudarstvennyh programm / A.A. Martynov, A.A. Kubanova // Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. — 2008. — № 5. — S.19—23.
  8. Racional'naja farmakoterapija zabolevanij kozhi i infekcij, peredavaemyh polovym putem: rukovodstvo dlja praktikujushhih vrachej / A.A. Kubanova, V.I. Kisina, L.A. Blatun [i dr.]; pod obshh. red. A.A. Kubanovoj, V.I. Ki-sinoj. — M.: Litterra, 2005. — 882 s.
  9. Shhepin, O.P. Istochniki i ocenki metodov izuchenija obshhe¬stvennogo zdorov'ja / O.P. Shhepin, V.K. Ovcharov // Pro¬blemy social'noj gigieny, zdravoohranenija i istorii mediciny. — 2003. — № 6. — S.3—7.
  10. Boonstra, E. Syndromic management of sexually transmitted diseases in Botswana's primary health care: quality of care aspects / E. Boonstra, M. Lindbaek, E. Klouman [et al.] // Trop. Med. Int. Health. — 2003. — Vol. 8(7). — P.604—614.


PDF downloadEpidemiology of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in industrial town of Middle Ural.

L.V. Vasilenko, E.K. Beltyukov

Abstract. Background — to study the prevalence of COPD among the adult population in Beriozovskiy. In 450 town’s residents respiratory symptoms, risk factors, breath function were investigated. COPD was diagnosed according to GOLD 2007. The prevalence of COPD in Beriozovskiy is 8,2%. It was 5,1% among the women, and 11,6% among the men. It is 13,4 times more than the offcial morbidity data and gives evidence of hypodiagnostics of the illness. The people older than 50 y.o. and the people with the 2-nd stage of COPD prevail among COPD patients. The men’s prevalence of COPD is 2,3 times higher than the women’s one. Risk factors of COPD: smoking, industrial harm, a male.

Key words: COPD, epidemiology, hypodiagnostics.



  1. Statistika HOBL // Oficial'nyj sajt «Rossijskoe res¬piratornoe obshhestvo». — 2004. —URL: http://www.sotiety. pulmonology.ru/(http://www.hobl.info/)
  2. Krasnova, Ju.N. Rasprostranennost' hronicheskoj obstruk-tivnoj bolezni legkih v Irkutskoj oblasti / Ju.N. Kras¬nova, E.V. Grimajlova, A.A. Dzizinskij, B.A. Chernjak // Pul'monologija. — 2006. — № 1. — S.98—102.
  3. Global'naja iniciativa po hronicheskoj obstruktivnoj bolezni legkih: per. s angl. / pod red. A.G. Chuchalina. — M.: Atmosfera, 2007.
  4. Siafakas, N.M. Defnition and differential diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / N.M. Siafakas // Management of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease. ERS Monograf 38. — L.; Hanover; Cambridge, 2008.


PDF downloadImportance of therapeutic training and outpatient observation in optimization of treatment of patients with congestive heart failure developed after q-myocardial infarction

N.A.Kosheleva, A.P.Rebrov

Abstract. Therapeutic training and outpatient observation of patients with congestive heart failure (CHF) contribute to their better treatment compliance and more favorable prognosis for the disease. Aim — to determine the importance of training and outpatient observation in optimization of treatment of patients with CHF developed after Q-myocardial infarction. 80 patients with Functional Classes I–IV CHF were divided into two groups: the 1st group was of active management (n=40) and the 2nd group was of standard management (n=40). All patients underwent therapeutic training. Patients of the active management group were followed-up outpatiently by means of telephoning once a month. They were administered ACE inhibitors -Lisinopril (Listril, Dr.Reddy’s, India) as a part of complex treatment. Patients of the standard group management were not followed-up on a regular basis. Examination of the patients was carried out during visit 1 (week 0), visit 2 (week 24), visit 3 (week 52). Therapeutic training and dynamic patient monitoring adherence to treatment allowed to highly impact on patients’ treatment compliance. Patients of the active management group showed better results in quality of life, and in the 6-minute walk test. They also showed the slowing down of the heart remodeling progression in comparison to the patients of the standard management group. Active management of the patients with CHF within one year enabled to decrease the number of unfavorable events due to progression of CHF (by 40,2%) as well as destabilization of IHD (by 12,4%) compared to the patients of the standard management. Being administered as a part of complex treatment, Lisinopril proved to be highly tolerant and effcient.

Key words: congestive heart failure, therapeutic training, outpatient observation.



  1. Fomin, I.V. Rasprostranennost' hronicheskoj serdechnoj nedostatochnosti v Evropejskoj chasti Rossijskoj Federa¬cii — dannye JePOHA-HSN / I.V. Fomin, Ju.N. Belenkov, V.Ju. Mareev, F.T. Ageev // Serdechnaja nedostatochnost'. — 2006. — № 3. — S.112—115.
  2. Iong, P. Prognosis and determinants of survival in patients newly hospitalization and mortality for heart failure: a population — based study / P. Iong, E. Vowinckel, P.P. Liu [et al.] // Arch. Intern. Med. — 2002. — Vol. 162 (15). — P.1689—1694.
  3. Rumsfeld, I.S. Heart failure disease management works, but will it succed? / I.S. Rumsfeld, F.A. Masoudi // Eur. Heart J. — 2004. —Vol. 25 (18). — P.1565—1567.
  4. Gonseth, J. The effectiveness of disease management programmes in reducing hospital re-admission in older patient with heart failure: a systematic review and meta-analysis of published reports / J. Gonseth, P. Guallar-Castillon [et al.] // Eur. Heart J. — 2004. — Vol. 25 (18). — P.1570—1595.
  5. Belenkov, Ju.N. Vlijanie specializirovannyh form ak¬tivnogo ambulatornogo vedenija na funkcional'nyj sta¬tus, kachestvo zhizni i pokazateli gemodinamiki bol'nyh s vyrazhennoj serdechnoj nedostatochnost'ju. Rezul'taty Rossijskoj programmy «ShANS» / Ju.N. Belenkov, F.T. Age¬ev, G.T. Banshhikov [i dr.] // Serdechnaja nedostatochnost'. — 2007. — № 3. — S.112—116.
  6. Nikulina, N.N. Jeffektivnost' terapevticheskogo obuche¬nija i ambulatornogo nabljudenija bol'nyh s HSN III—IV funkcional'nym klassom: klinicheskie i instrumen¬tal'nye dokazatel'stva / N.N. Nikulina, S.S. Jakushin, N.V. Zajceva [i dr.] // Serdechnaja nedostatochnost'. — 2004. — № 5. — S.240—243.
  7. Packer, M. Comparative effects of low and high doses of the angiotensin-converting inhibitor, lisinopril, on morbidity and mortality in chronic heart failure. ATLAS Study Group / M. Packer, P.A. Poole-Wilson, P.W. Armstrong [et al.] // Circulation. —1999. — Vol. 100. — P.2312—2318.


PDF downloadChanges of respiratory function in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases. Results of long-term cohort study.

E.V. Zhilyaev, K.A. Fomina, K.I. Tebloyev

Abstract. Changes of respiratory function in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and asthma during a long follow-up are of particular interest for public health and for estimation of therapy effcacy. Aim: to assess the rate of respiratory function deterioration in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and asthma and infuence by routine medical treatment on it. Design — long-term open cohort study. Random sampling of the patients with proven diagnosis of COPD or asthma (codes 491 and 493 of IDC-9 and codes J44.0, J44.8, J45.1 of IDC-10 according discharge report), who were repeatedly hospitalized to Main Clinical Hospital of IAM Russia since 01.01.1993 to 31.12.2008, who at least twice have performed spirometry during these hospitalizations. The following data of medical records were analyzed: all spyrometry variables at the frst and at subsequent admissions, sex, age, disease duration, height, weight, all medications used during follow-up, all events of disease exacerbation. Average frequency of usage (AFU) was calculated as ratio of summarized duration of the medication intake during follow-up. 44 patients were included. Mean follow-up duration was (6,7 ± 3,1) yrs. We found signifcant progression of both restrictive and obstructive respiratory dysfunction. There was a signifcant inverse correlation between the AFU of glucocorticoids (budesonide, beclometasone, futicasone) and change of PEF (r = –0,339, p = 0,03). AFU of broncholytic drugs (salbutamol, salmeterol, formoterol, ipratropium bromide, tiotropium bromide) positively correlated with change of FEV1 (r = +0,344, p = 0,027). We proved that in patients with COPD and asthma in long-term perspective restrictive and obstructive respiratory dysfunctions are progressively worsening. We found signifcant associations between inhaled glucocorticoids usage and rapid decrease of PEF, between broncholytics inhalation and slow decrease of FEV1.

Key words: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, asthma, respiratory function, cohort study.



  1. Chuchalin, A.G. Hronicheskaja obstruktivnaja bolezn' legkih / A.G. Chuchalin. — M.: Izdatel'skij dom «Atmosfera», 2008. — 568 s.
  2. Smoking cessation and lung function in mild-to-moderate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The Lung Health Study / P.D. Scanlon, J.E. Connett, L.A. Waller [et al.] // Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care. Med. — 2000. — Vol. 161. — P.381— 390.
  3. A 4-Year trial of tiotropium in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / D.P. Tashkin, B. Celli, S. Senn [et al.] // N. Engl. J. Med. — 2008. — Vol. 359. — P.1543—1554.
  4. Determinants of percent predicted FEV1 in current asthmatic subjects / M.G. Cline, R. Dodge, M.D. Lebowitz [et al.] // Chest. — 1994. — Vol. 106. — P. 1089—1093.
  5. Risk factors associated with persistent airfow limitation in severe or diffcult-to-treat asthma: insights from the TENOR study / J.H. Lee, T. Haselkorn, L. Borish [et al.] // Chest. — 2007. — Vol. 132. — P.1882—1889.
  6. Initial improvements in lung function and bronchial hyperresponsiveness are maintained during 5 years of treatment with inhaled beclomethasone dipropionate and terbutaline / W.R.Douma, H.A.M. Kerstjens [et al.] // Chest. — 2002. — Vol. 121. — P.151—157.
  7. Effects of early intervention with inhaled budesonide on lung function in newly diagnosed asthma / P.M. O’Byrne, S. Pedersen, W.W. Busse [et al.] // Chest. — 2006. — Vol. 129. — P.1478—1485.
  8. Is delayed introduction of inhaled corticosteroids harmful in patients with obstructive airways disease (asthma and COPD)? The Dutch chronic nonspecifc lung disease (CNSLD) study group / S.E. Overbeek, H.A.M. Kerstjens, J.M. Bogaard [et al.] // Chest. — 1996. — Vol. 110. — P.35—41.


PDF downloadComplex analysis of antimicrobial chemotherapy of patients with bacterial infections of respiratory tract in the geriatric hospital.

E.A. Oskina, E.V. Paravina, A.V. Zhestkov, O.L. Koulagin

Abstract. The complex approach to the analysis of antimicrobial chemotherapy of patients of the senior age groups with infections of respiratory tract with the usage of clinical, microbiological and pharmacoepidemiological research methods are shown in the article.

Keywords: geriatrics, pneumonia, antimicrobial chemotherapy, clinical-and-economic analysis, drug utilization.



  1. Dvoreckij, L.I. Diagnostika i lechenie bakterial'nyh infekcij u pozhilyh / L.I. Dvoreckij, L.B. Lazebnik, S.V. Jakovlev. — M.: Universum pablishing, 1997. — S.1—54.
  2. Petrov, V.I. Prikladnaja farmakojekonomika: ucheb. po¬sobie dlja vuzov / V.I. Petrov. — M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2005. — 336 s.
  3. VOZ. Standarty antibakterial'noj terapii. — M.: Med. literatura, 2005. — S.13—48.
  4. Galkin, R.A. Kak razrabotat' formuljar / R.A. Galkin, A.S. Shpigel', V.V. Pavlov, S.I. Kuznecov. — Samara: Perspektiva, 2001. — 344 s.
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  6. Strachunskij, L.S. Farmakojepidemiologija: osnovnye ponjatija i prakticheskoe primenenie / L.S. Strachunskij, S.N. Kozlov, S.A. Rachina // Klinicheskaja farmakologija i terapija. — 2001. — № 10(4). — S.41—48. Chuchalin, A.G. Vnebol'nichnaja pnevmonija u vzroslyh: klinicheskie rekomendacii / A.G. Chuchalin, A.I. Sinopal'-nikov. — M.: Izd-vo «Atmosfera», 2005. — 200 s. Strachunskij, L.S. Sostojanie rezistentnosti k anti¬infekcionnym himiopreparatam v Rossii: prakt. ruko¬vodstvo po antiinfekcionnoj himioterapii / L.S. Stra-chunskij, Ju.B. Bogdanovich; pod red. L.S. Strachunskogo, Ju.B. Belousova, S.N. Kozlova. — M.: RC «Farmedinfo», 2002. — S.32—40.
  7. Harper, C. Clinical aspects of pneumonia in the elderly veteran / C. Harper, P. Newton // J. Amer. Geriatr. Soc. — 1989. — Vol. 37. — P.559—872. 10. Felmingham, D. The Alexander Project 1996-1997. Latest susceptibility data from this international study of bacterial pathogens from community-acquired lower respiratory tract infections / D. Felmingham, R. Gruneberg // J. Antimicrob. Chemother. — 2000. — Vol. 45. — P.191—203.



PDF downloadWilson-Konovalow disease.

E.Ju. Eremina

Abstract. The lecture includes the contemporary data dealing with special features of the clinical symptomatology, diagnostic methods and the treatment of the Wilson — Konovalow disease and clinical observation of the author.

Key words: Wilson—Konovalow disease, clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment.



  1. Podymova, S.D. Bolezni pecheni / S.D. Podymova. — M.: Medicina, 2005. — 768 s.
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  5. Ala, A. Wilson disease in septuagenarian siblings: Raising the bar for diagnosis / A. Ala, J. Borjigin, A. Rochwarger, M. Schilsky // Hepatology. — 2005. — Vol. 41. — P.668—670.
  6. Aftab, A. Wilson's Disease / A. Aftab, A. Walker, K. Ashkan [et al.] // Lancet. — 2007. —Vol. 3, № 369. — P.397—408.
  7. Askari, F.K. Treatment of Wilson's disease with zinc. XVIII. Initial treatment of the hepatic decompensation presentation with trientine and zinc / F.K. Askari, J. Greenson, R.D. Dick // J. Lab. Clin. Med. — 2003. — Vol. 142. — P. 385—390.
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  12. Brewer, G.J. Treatment of Wilson disease with ammonium tetrathiomolybdate: III. Initial therapy in a total of 55 neurologically affected patients and follow-up with zinc therapy / G.J. Brewer, P. Hedera, K.J. Kluin [et al.] // Arch. Neurol. — 2003. — Vol. 60. — P.379—385.
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  17. Emre, S. Orthotopic liver transplantation for Wilson's disease: a single-center experience / S. Emre, E.O. Atillasoy, S. Ozdemir // Transplantation. — 2001. — Vol. 72 — P.1232—1236.
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  23. Merle, U. Clinical presentation, diagnosis and long-term outcome of Wilson's disease: a cohort study / U. Merle, M. Schaefer, P. Ferenci, W. Stremmel // Gut. — 2007. — Vol. 56(1). — P.115—120.
  24. Moller, L.B. Homozygosity for a gross partial gene deletion of the C-terminal end of ATP7B in a Wilson patient with hepatic and no neurological manifestations / L.B. Moller, P. Ott, C. Lund, N. Horn // Am. J. Med. Genet. — 2005. — Vol. 138. — P.340—343.
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PDF downloadOrganization matters preventive radiogical lung examinations.

I.I.Kamalov, R.R.Akhmadeyev

Abstract. In this article authors write about organizationol questions of prophylactic roentgenological imaging of pulmons, It is recommended to make correct and qualitifed protocols of fuorography and low dosation digital roentgenography of pulmons, in order that protocols of doctors roentgenology was useful for cardiologists, pulmonologists and oncologists. Authors tell about standartization of roentgenological imaging and lowering x-ray doses for the patients. We can’t say: «organs of thoracic chest — normal», because except tuberculosis and oncopathology there are a lot of others different diseases.

Key words: fuorography, prophylactic roentgenological imaging.



  1. Zakon Rossijskoj Federacii «O preduprezhdenii ras¬prostranenija tuberkuleza v Rossijskoj Federacii». Prinjat Gosudarstvennoj dumoj 24 maja 2001 goda.
  2. Postanovlenie Pravitel'stva RF ot 25 dekabrja 2001 g. № 892 «O realizacii Federal'nogo zakona «O predupre¬zhdenii rasprostranenija tuberkuleza v Rossijskoj Fe¬deracii».
  3. Prikaz Ministerstva zdravoohranenija SSSR ot 29 maja 1990 g. № 129 «Ob uporjadochenii rentgenologicheskih obsledovanij».



PDF downloadA case of thyreotoxicosis following coronary angyography (clinical observation).

A.N. Oksenchouk, M.A. Kounitsina

Abstract. At present radiocontrast techniques are widely used in performance of diagnostic and therapeutic manipulations. One of such methods of investigation is coronary angiography, which complications may be iodine- induced impairments of the thyroid gland function. Persons without thyroid gland diseases in the past in history preserve tolerance to large iodine doses intake. In persons with undetected thyroid gland diseases iodine- induced thyrotoxicosis (IITh) or hyperthyreosis may develop when excessive iodine amounts are induced. The incidence of IITh morbidity depends on the initial iodine defciency acuteness and on the amount and rate of iodine intake saturation. This clinical case demonstrates the development of thyrotoxicosis with follicular adenoma following coronary angiography conduction. Diagnostic diffculties were associated with the atypical course of the disease, requiring differential diagnostics between thyrotoxicosis and thymoma.

Key words: coronary angiography, thyroid gland functional autonomy, iodine-induced thyrotoxicosis.



  1. Kelly, M. Metabolism of urographic contrast media / M. Kelly, K. Golman //Invest. Radiol. — 1981. — Vol. 16. — R.159— 164.
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  3. Kulstad, C.E. Contrast induced thyrotoxicosis / C.E. Kulstad, A. Carlson // Ann. Emerg. Med. — 2004. — Vol. 44. — R.281—282.
  4. Egorova, A.V. Osobenosti funkcional'nogo sostojanija shhitovidnoj zhelezy posle provedenija diagnosticheskih issledovanij s primeneniem jodsoderzhashhih rentgeno-kontrastnyh sredstv / A.V. Egorova, N.Ju. Sviridenko, N.M. Platonova // Problemy jendokrinologii. — 2009. — T. 51, № 1. — S.50—52.
  5. Saller, B. Kinetics of acute and chronic iodineexcess / B. Saller, H. Fink, K. Mann // Exp. Clin. Endocrinol. Diabetes. — 1998. — Vol. 106. — R.34—38.
  6. Sinicyn, V.E. Primenenie ionnyh rentgenokontrastnyh sredstv v sovremennoj luchevoj diagnostike. Voprosy klinicheskoj jeffektivnosti, bezopasnosti i farmako-jekonomiki / V.E. Sinicyn // Medicinskaja vizualizacija. — 2003. — № 1. — S.121—126.



PDF downloadCommunity-acquired pneumonia: an actual problem or a routine pathology?

I.Y. Blumenthal

Abstract. The extrahospital pneumonia remains one of the most imminent problems in bronchopulmonary pathology. Paradoxically, although we have achieved impressive understanding of the pathogenesis of the infectious process, the number of patients who endure a severe clinical course and die, continues to grow. Five hundred and thirty cases of patients diagnosed with Acute Respiratory Virus Infection between 01.11.2009 and 14.12.2009 were studied. Of them, 186 differed in the etymology of their viral-bacterial pneumonia: virus A (H1N1) was found in 64 people (35%), parafu in 8 people, fue A in 5 people, and adenoviral infection in 14 people. The virus that caused pneumonia in 95 remaining cases was not determined. The course of disease in 35—40% of cases was either severe or very severe. Many of these patients experienced bilateral lesions of lungs complicated by respiratory insuffciency of II—III degree. Majority of the affected people fell into the age category of 25—30 and 45—55 years old. Another peculiarity of this type of pneumonia is a rapid increase of respiratory insuffciency, up to development of interstitial edema lungs (such as Acute Respiratory Distress in adults). The following criteria were chosen to determine when patients should be put on IVL: FB>30/minute, bilateral contagion of lungs accompanied by interstitial edema, SaO2<85%. The time that a patient spent on IVL ranged from several hours to several days, averaging at 4—6 days — an indication of a severe course of the virus-related pneumonia.

Key words: community-acquired pneumonia, virus-related pneumonia, ARDS.



  1. Chuchalin, A.G. Pnevmonija: aktual'naja problema sovremen¬noj mediciny / A.G. Chuchalin // Materia Medica. — 1995. — № 4. — S.5—10.
  2. Sinopal'nikov, A.I. Vnebol'nichnaja pnevmonija u vzros¬lyh / A.I. Sinopal'nikov // Consilium-medicum. — 2007. — T. 9, № 3. — C.5—16.
  3. Novikov, Ju.K. Vnebol'nichnye pnevmonii / Ju.K. Novikov // Russkij medicinskij zhurnal. — 1999. — T. 7, № 17. — S.825—829.
  4. Chuchalin, A.G. Vnebol'nichnaja pnevmonija u vzroslyh: prakticheskie rekomendacii po diagnostike, lecheniju i profilaktike: posobie dlja vrachej / A.G. Chuchalin, A.I. Sinopal'nikov, R.S. Kozlov [i dr.]. — M., 2010. — S.8.
  5. Bljumental', I.Ja. Stupenchataja antibiotikoterapija: jeffektivnost', stoimost' / I.Ja. Bljumental' // Kazan. med. zhurn. — 2004. —№ 1. — S.9—11.
  6. Verhnev, V.A. Opyt lechenija bol'nyh s pandemicheskim grippom A(HINI)-2009, oslozhnennogo pnevmoniej / V.A. Verhnev, R.G. Sitnikova, L.Ju. Ahieva, I.Ja. Bljumen-tal' // Sb. nauch. tez. XII s#ezda Federacii anesteziologov i reanimatologov 19—22 sentjabrja 2010 g., Moskva. —M., 2010. — S.86.



PDF downloadPeculiarities of immune reaction in development of experimental bronchopulmonary inflammation.

N.A. Kouzoubova, E.S. Lebedeva, I.V. Dvorakovskaya, I.S. Platonova, E.A. Sourkova

Abstract. Some features of immune response were studied during development of chronic infammatory process in rat’s lungs. Prolonged nitrogen dioxide exposure was used as initiating factor. Content of circulatory immune complexes (CIC) characterizing contribution of adaptive immunity in pathologic process formation was studied in serum. Formation of COPD-like chronic infammatory process has been revealed according to results of histological, TNFα and TGFβ investigations. Depression of macrophage immunity was revealed. At the same time formation of great number of CIC took place in serum. The content of CIC with average molecular mass was not decreased during six months after nitrogen dioxide exposure. It might be a result of the autoimmune process development and may contribute to subsequent progress of autoimmune reactions supporting persistence of infammation in bronchi opulmonary system. Findings confrm the conception of autoimmune component role in COPD.

Key words: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, chronic infammation, autoimmune mechanism.



  1. Patent № 2360296 «Sposob modelirovanija hronicheskoj obstruktivnoj bolezni legkih» / L.N. Danilov, E.S. Lebe¬deva, N.A. Kuzubova [i dr.]. — Bjul. № 18. — 27.06.2009.
  2. Surkova, E.A. Uroven' (TGF-β) v syvorotke krovi i bron-hoal'veoljarnom lavazhe bol'nyh pri hronicheskoj ob-struktivnoj bolezni legkih / E.A. Surkova, N.A. Kuzubova, T.P. Ses' [i dr.] // Medicinskaja immunologija. — 2008. — T. 10, № 1. — C.93—98.
  3. Hronicheskaja obstruktivnaja bolezn' legkih. Federal'naja programma / pod red. akad. RAMN A.G. Chuchalina. — 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. — M., 2004. — 61 s.
  4. Agusti, A. Systemic effects of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / A. Agusti // Proc. Am. Thorac. Soc. — 2005. — Vol. 2. — P.367—370.
  5. Agusti, A. Does COPD have an autoimmune component? / A. Agusti, W. McNee, K. Donaldson, M. Cosio // Thorax. — 2003. — Vol. 58. — P.832—834.
  6. Albert, L.J. Molecular mimicry and autoimmunity / L.J. Albert, R.D. Inman // N. Engl. J. Med. — 1999. — Vol. 341. — P.2068—2074.
  7. Barnes, P.J. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / P.J. Barnes // N. Engl. J. Med. — 2000. — Vol. 343. — P.269—280.
  8. Di Stefano, A. STAT4 activation in smokers and patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / A. di Stefano, G. Caramori, A. Capelli [et al.] // Eur. Respir. J. — 2004. — Vol. 24. — P.78—85.
  9. Global Initiative for Chronic Obstructive Lung Disease, NHLBI/ WHO workshop report — National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, update 2010. — URL: http: // www.goldcopa.com
  10. Gompertz, S. Changes in bronchial infammation during acute exacerbations of chronic bronchitis / S. Gompertz, C. O’Brien, D.L. Byley [et al.] // Eur. Respir. J. — 2001. — Vol. 17. — P.1112—1119.
  11. Hogg, J.C. Latent adenoviral infection in the pathogenesis of emphysema / J.C. Hogg // Chest. — 2000. — Vol. 117, № 5, suppl. 1. — P.282S—285S.
  12. Kamradt, T. Tolerance and autoimmunity / T. Kamradt, N.A. Mitchison // N. Engl. J. Med. — 2001. — Vol. 344. — P.655—664.
  13. Prieto, A. Defective natural killer phagocytic activities in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease are restored by glycophosphopeptical (immunoferone) / A. Prieto, E. Reyes, E.D. Bernstein [et al.] // Am. J. Crit. Care. Med. — 2001. — Vol. 163. — P.1578—1583.
  14. Rahman, I. Oxidative stress and regulation of glutathione in lung infammation / I. Rahman, W. McNee // Eur. Respir. J. — 2000. — Vol. 16. — P.534—554.
  15. Shapiro, S.D. Evolving concepts in the pathogenesis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / S.D. Shapiro // Clin. Chest. Med. — 2000. — Vol. 21. — P.621—632.
  16. Shapiro, S.D. End-stage chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The cigarette is burned out but infammation rages on / S.D. Shapiro // Am. J. Respir. Crit .Care Med. — 2001. — Vol. 164. — P.339—340.
  17. Shapiro, S. The pathogenesis of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease: advances in the past 100 years / S.D. Shapiro, E. Ingenito // Am. J. Resp. Cell Moll Biol. — 2005. — Vol. 32. — P.367—372.
  18. Sohy, C. Acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases and antibiotics: what studies are still needed? / C. Sohy, C. Pillete, M.C. Niederman, Y. Sibille // Eur. Respir. J. — 2002. — Vol. 19. — P.966—975.
  19. Srivatstava, P. Interaction of heat shock proteins with peptides and antigen presenting cells: chaperoning of the innate and adaptive immune responses / P. Srivatstava // Ann. Rev. Immunol. — 2002. — Vol. 20. — P.395—425.
  20. Volkel, N. Emphysema is the autoimmune disease? / N. Volkel, L. Taraseviciene-Stewart // Proc. Am. Thorac. Soc. — 2005. — Vol. 2. — P.23—25.
  21. Wu, D.Q. The expression of transforming growth factor beta-1 in rat model of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and effects of early drugs intervention / D.Q. Wu, J. Liu, X.Y. Lu, H.H. Shen // Zhejiang Da Xue Xue Bao Yi Xue Ban. — 2004. — Vol. 33, № 5. — P.427—432.



PDF downloadHuman resource potential as a competitive advantage Clinical Hospital Ministry of Interior in the Ministry of Internal Affairs on RТ.

M.V. Potapova, L.F. Sabirov

Abstract. In stated article organizational approaches to management of treatment-and-prophylactic establishment reveal.
The importance of management in human potential, ways of planning and the primary goals in work with employees is
shown. The description of a control system applied in clinical hospital is given by the personnel. Business — technology —
коучинг is described new to system of public health services.

Key words: the personnel, GOST R ISO 9001-2008, strategy, personnel potential, motivation, management, coaching,



PDF downloadScientific library of KSMU — from the past to the present.

E.V. Mayorova

Abstract. The article is devoted to the 80th anniversary of Scientifc Library of Kazan State Medical University. The author refects the history of library activity; introduction of new informational and library technologies; development of more comfortable library environment, which is expressed in rendering the informational services, computerization of library-informational processes.

Key words: library, resources, library activity, new technologies.



PDF downloadBrief survey of session of National school of gastroenterologists, hepatologists of Russian Gastroenterology
Associationon the 2nd of Decеmber, 2010, Kazan

Yu.F. Prokhorova