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Editorial P.4


Tendencies and ways of development of Clinical Hospital of Medico-Sanitary Unit of Internal Affairs Ministry in RT. L.F.Sabirov, M.V.Potapova P.5


Неаrt rate variability at heart failure. N.B. Amirov, E.V. Chоukhnin, E.B. Frolova, L.I. Gornayeva P.8

Issues of epidemiology and pharmacoeconomics of chronic obstructive lung disease in large industrial centre in the south of Western Siberia. N.V. Bagisheva P.12

Pathology of upper gastrointestinal tract in patients with rheumatoid arthritis. N.E. Belyanskaya, D.I. Abdoulganiyeva P.15

Orthopedic complications in children after acute hematogenous metaepiphysial osteomyelitis of lower limbs. M.R.Gilmoutdinov, I.F.Akhtyamov, A.P.Skvortsov, P.N.Grebnev P.18

Hip replacement using a Muller acetabular reinforcement ring. I.I. Kоuzmin, I.F. Akhtyamov, O.I. Kouzmin, M.A. Kislitsyn P.21

Application of up-to-date methods for the development of remission in patients with inflammatory-destructive processes in the periodontium. T.N. Modina,E.V. Mamayeva, M.V. Bolbat P.25

Mitral valve prolapse: norm or pathology? M.V. Potapova, O.R. Sokolova, R.Z. Sadikov P.30

Remote functional results of esophagogastroplastiy. Yu.V. Сhikinev, E.A. Drobyazgin, I.V. Berkasova, A.V. Koutepov P.33

Esophagoplasty at bening stenosis of esophagus. Yu.V. Сhikinev, E.A. Drobyazgin, A.V. Korobeynikov, I.V. Berkasova, A.V. Koutepov P.38


Arterial hypertension and endothelium dysfunction (part I). A.A. Popova, S.D. Mayanskaya, N.N. Mayanskaya, E.N. Berezikova, L.D.Khidirova P.41


Basic methodological principles of aromatherapy application in medical rehabilitation. I.A. Bоurenina P.47


Clinical features, diagnostics and medical care arrangement at malignant pleurities. A.A. Varin, A.L. Khanin P.51

Significance of «Malaria school» — special puepose sanitary-and-hygienic education of persons without immunity — for early diagnosties and treatment of tropical malaria. V.S. Morokov P.56

Sixteen-year experience in short-term training physicians of Russia and CIS in endosurgical technologies. I.V. Feоdorov, E.I. Sigal, V.V. Odintsov P.59


Combined course of nonspecific ulcerative colitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis. M.V. Fomina, L.R. Absalyamova, I.A. Gimaletdinova, E.F. Sadykova, Yu.F. Prokhorova, S.R. Abdоulkhakov P.63


From clinical studies to clinical practice not all so is simple, as it would be desirable. (letter to the editorial board). A.A. Vizel, I.Yu.Vizel P.66



PDF downloadTendencies and ways of development of Clinical Hospital of Medico-Sanitary Unit of Internal Affairs Ministry in RT

L.F.Sabirov, M.V.Potapova

Medico-Sanitary Unit of Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan



PDF downloadНеаrt rate variability at heart failure

N.B. Amirov, E.V. Chоukhnin, E.B. Frolova, L.I. Gornayeva

Abstract. The purposes: to defne dynamics of indicators of heart rate variability in reply to a physiological load in group of patients with heart failure in compcerison with control group. We examined 230 patients on a complex of daily monitoring of ECG «DNA» with the program of heart rate variability at carrying out of scalene assays. With increase of class of heart failure at loads the power of VHF decreases (t=3,5) LF (t=5,1) and HF (t=3,7) increase, but, estimating dynamics of indicators between rest and load, insuffcient depression of LF and HF, in comparison with normal group becomes perceptible. In group with high degree of heart failure of loads insuffcient realisation of the sinus knot of sympathetic activation and insuffcient depression of activity of vagus nerve observed.

Key word: heart rate variability, heart failure, scalene assays.



  1. Vegetativnye rasstrojstva: klinika, diagnostika, leche¬nie: rukovodstvo dlja vrachej / pod red. A. M. Vejna. — M.: Medicinskoe informacionnoe agentstvo, 1998. —S. 66.
  2. Variabel'nost' serdechnogo ritma. Standarty izmerenija, fi¬ziologicheskoj interpretacii i klinicheskogo ispol'zovanija. Rabochaja gruppa Evropejskogo kardiologicheskogo obshhestva i Severo-amerikanskogo obshhestva stimuljacii i jelektrofizio¬logii // Vestnik aritmologii. — 1995. — Vyp. 11.
  3. Ibatov, A.D. Kardiovaskuljarnye testy i pokazateli VRS u bol'nyh s PIKS i razlichnym funkcional'nym klassom serdechnoj nedostatochnosti / A.D. Ibatov, E.A. Syrkina, A.L. Syrkin, O.P. Fesechenko // Zhurnal serdechnoj nedo¬statochnosti — 2003. — № 4. —S. 23—26.
  4. Appel, M.L. Beat to beat variability in cardiovascular variables: Noise or music? / M.L. Appel, R.D. Berger, J.P. Saul [et al.] // J. Am. Coil. Cardiol. — 1989. — № 14. — R. 1139—1148.
  5. Casolo, G. Decreased spontaneous heart rate variability on congestive heart failure / G. Casolo, E. Balli, T. Taddei // Am. J. Cardiol. — 1989. — № 64. — R. 1162—1167.
  6. Fei, L. Heart rate variability and its relation to ventricular arrhythmias in congestive heart failure / L. Fei, P.J. Keeling, G.S. Gill // Br. Heart J. — 1994. — № 71. — R. 322—328.
  7. Kamath, M.V. Power spectral analysis of heart rate variability: a noninvasive signature of cardiac autonomic function / M.V. Kamath, E.L. Fallen // Crit. Revs Biomed. Eng. — 1993. — № 21. — R. 245—311.
  8. Kienzle, M.G. Clinical hemodynamic and sympathetic neural correlates of heart rate variability in congestive heart failure / M.G. Kienzle, D.W. Ferguson, C.L. Birkett [et al.] // Am. J. Cardiol. — 1992. — № 69. — R. 482.
  9. Malliani, A. Cardiovascular neural regulation explored in the frequency domain / A. Malliani, M. Pagani, F. Lombardi, S. Cerutti // Circulation. — 1991. — № 84. — R. 1482—1492.
  10. Nolan, J. Decreased cardiac parasimpathetic activity in chronic heart failure and its relation the left ventricular function / J. Nolan [et al.] // Ibit. — 1992. — № 67. — R. 482—485.
  11. Saul, J.P. Assessment of autonomic regulation in chronic con¬gestive heart failure by heart rate spectral analysis / J.P. Saul, Y. Arai, R.D. Berger // Am. J. Cardiol. — 1988. —№ 61. — R. 1292—1299.


PDF downloadIssues of epidemiology and pharmacoeconomics of chronic obstructive lung disease in large industrial centre in the south of Western Siberia

N.V. Bagisheva

Abstract. Prevalence of chronic obstructive lung disease (COLD) was investigated in a big industrial centre of the Western Siberia, Omsk city. Expenditures for the curing of patients under the conditions of oub-patient treatment and in-patient departments were estimated. According to results of patients appealing for the medical help, the prevalence was 1,02%, according to data of questionnaire — 14,0%, the results of autopsy — 26,4%. The main part of direct expenditures is formed by in-patient department aid, only 21% of patients with COLD get it. Introduction of basic therapy in out-patient practice and frec ensuring of patients with medicinal preparations in the frameworks of additional medicinal providing (AMP) makes it possible to reduce direct, indirect and unfnancial expenditures in COLD.

Key words: chronic obstructive lung disease, prevalence, expenditures.



  1. Global'naja strategija diagnostiki, lechenija i profilaktiki hronicheskoj obstruktivnoj bolezni legkih. Peresmotr 2003 g. — M.: Atmosfera, 2003. — 95 s.
  2. Standarty po diagnostike i lecheniju bol'nyh hroniche¬skoj obstruktivnoj bolezn'ju legkih (ATS/ERS, peresmotr 2004.): per. s angl. / pod red. A.G. Chuchalina. — M.: Atmos¬fera, 2005. — 96 s.
  3. Global'naja strategija diagnostiki, lechenija i profilaktiki hronicheskoj obstruktivnoj bolezni legkih. Peresmotr 2006 g. — M.: Atmosfera, 2007. — 95 s.
  4. Reznikov, S.G. Hronicheskie nespecificheskie zabolevanija legkih / S.G. Reznikov, O.P. Goleva. — Omsk, 1998. — 133 s.
  5. Farmakojekonomicheskie aspekty terapii boleznej organov dyhanija / N.V. Ovsjannikov [i dr]. // Farmakojekonomicheskie is¬sledovanija kak osnova povyshenija jeffektivnosti zdravooh¬ranenija / pod red. A.V. Grishina.—Omsk, 2004.—S.175—193.
  6. Omskij oblastnoj statisticheskij ezhegodnik: v 2 ch.: ofic. izd. / Feder. sluzhba gos. statistiki; red. A.A. Ageenko. — Omsk, 2005. — Ch. I. — 241 s.
  7. Chuchalin, A.G. Hronicheskie obstruktivnye bolezni legkih / A.G. Chuchalin. — M. : BINOM, 2000. — 509 s.
  8. Fominyh, S.G. Klinicheskaja farmakologija lekarstvennyh sredstv, ispol'zuemyh pri zabolevanijah organov dyhanija: ucheb. posobie / S.G. Fominyh, S.V. Skal'skij; Omskaja gos. med. akad. — Omsk, 2005. — 140 s.


PDF downloadPathology of upper gastrointestinal tract in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

N.E. Belyanskaya, D.I. Abdoulganiyeva

Abstract. In our study we studied pathology of upper gastrointestinal tract in 21 patients with rheumatoid arthritis: dyspepsia, endoscope fndings of upper gastrointestinal mucosa, acidity of the stomach and esophagus. Our data showed a high rate of dyspepsia and endoscope changes in rheumatoid arthritis patients in comparison with control group. One of the explanations of this fndings may be high acidity of the stomach.

Key words: rheumatoid arthritis, dyspepsia, gastrointestinal tract, acidity.



  1. Vjaznikova, O.A. Sindrom dispepsii i patologija verhnih otdelov zheludochno-kishechnogo trakta u bol'nyh revmatoid¬nym artritom: avtoref. dis. ... kand. med. nauk / O.A. Vjaz¬nikova. — Nizhnij Novgorod, 2008.
  2. Karateev, A.E. Primenenie nesteroidnyh protivovos¬palitel'nyh preparatov. Klinicheskie rekomendacii / A.E. Karateev, E.L. Nasonov // Russkij medicinskij zhurnal.—2006. — № 14 (25). — S. 1769—1778.
  3. Karateev, A.E. NPVP-inducirovannaja dispepsija: rasprostranennost' i vozmozhnost' medikamentoznoj korrekcii / A.E. Karateev, E.L.Nasonov, GG. Koreshkov // Nauchno-prakticheskaja revmatologija. — 2003. — № 5. — S. 76—78.
  4. Leja, Ju.Ja. pH-metrija zheludka / Ju.Ja. Leja. — L., 1987.
  5. Shvarc, G.Ja. Sovremennye nesteroidnye protivovospali¬tel'nye preparaty / G.Ja. Shvarc. — M., 2004.
  6. Rademaker, J.W. The effect of indometacin-induced gastric mucosal injury on 24-h intragastric acidity and plasma gastrin concentration in healthy volunteers / J.W. Rademaker, K.D. Rainsford, P.I. Stetsko [et al.] // Aliment. Pharmacol.Ther. — 1995. — Vol. 9, № 6. — P. 625—631.
  7. Savarino, V. Effect of one month treatment with nonsteroidal anti-infammatory drugs (NSAIDs) on gastric pH of rheumatoid arthritis patients / V. Savarino, G.S. Mela, P. Zentilin, M.A. Clim-mino [et al.] // Dig. Dis. Sci. — 1998. — Vol. 43. — P. 459— 463.
  8. Singh, G. Epidemiology of NSAID-induced GI complications / G. Singh, G. Triadaflopoulus // J. Rheumatol. — 1999. — № 26, suppl. 26. — R. 18—24.


PDF downloadOrthopedic complications in children after acute hematogenous metaepiphysial osteomyelitis of lower limbs

M.R. Gilmoutdinov, I.F. Akhtyamov, A.P. Skvortsov, P.N. Grebnev

Kazan State Medical University, Restorative Traumatology and Orthopedics, Kazan

Abstract. In order to evaluate the effciency of treatment of acute hematogenous metaepiphysial osteomyelitis (AHMO) of lower limbs in children and determine the main types of orthopedic complications, the analysis of AHMO treatment in 106 children aged from 11 days to 2,7 years was held. Those children received hospital treatment in the Republican Children’s Clinical Hospital of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan since 1993 to 2007. In 56,6% of cases complete recovery was achieved. In 43,4% of cases various orthopedic complications were detected: with predominant proximal femoral bone part affections in the form of destructions of different intensity (28,1%) and deformations with concomitant shortenings in the area epimetaphysis of bones, forming the knee joint (61,98%).

Key words: osteomyelitis, orthopedic complications.



  1. Akzhigitov, G.N. Gematogennyj osteomielit / G.N. Akzhigitov, Ja.B. Judin. — M.: Medicina, 1998.
  2. Blandinskij, V.F. Osteomielit u detej / V.F. Blandinskij, V.V. Nesterov, A.L. Anfinogenov [i dr.]; Ros. simpozium po detskoj hirurgii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem: tez. dokl., 18 aprelja 2006 g., Izhevsk. — Izhevsk, 2006. — Ch. 1. — S. 33—34.
  3. Bushmelev, V.A. Ostryj gematogennyj osteomielit u detej: ucheb. posobie / V.A. Bushmelev, N.S. Strelkov. — Izhevsk, 2000.
  4. Gajko, G.V. Narushenie rosta i formirovanija dlinnyh kostej posle gematogennogo osteomielita u detej i pod­rostkov / G.V. Gajko // Ortopedija, travmatologija i prote­zirovanie. — 1988. — №4. — S. 28—32.
  5. Gumerov, A.A. Aktual'nye voprosy hirurgicheskoj infekcii u detej / A.A. Gumerov, S.B. Lapirov, F.H. Gajnanov [i dr.]; materialy Vseros. simpoziuma detskih hirurgov. — Vo­ronezh, 2004. — S. 73—74.
  6. Danieljan, O.A. Osnovnye zadachi klinicheskogo i instrumen­tal'nyh metodov issledovanija u bol'nyh s posledstvijami gematogennogo osteomielita / O.A. Danieljan, O.M. Janakova, A.M. Zaslavskaja; materialy Vseros. nauch.-prakt. konf. — Kazan', 1996. — S. 212.
  7. Parshikov, V.V. Osobennosti klinicheskogo techenija ostrogo gematogennogo osteomielita u novorozhdennyh / V.V. Parshikov, Ju.P. Birjukov, A.S. Zheleznov [i dr.] // Pe­diatrija i detskaja hirurgija v PFO: materialy nauch.-prakt. konf. // Kazan. med. zhurnal. — 2006. — T. 87, vyp. 3. — S. 35—36.
  8. Salimov, Sh.T. Osteomielit u detej / Sh.T. Salimov, A.Z. Fakirov, Ch. Boltaev [i dr.]; Ros. simpozium po detskoj hirurgii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem: tez. dokl., 18 aprelja 2006 g., Izhevsk. — Izhevsk, 2006. — Ch. 1. — S. 226—228.


PDF downloadHip replacement using a Muller acetabular reinforcement ring

I.I. Kоuzmin, I.F. Akhtyamov, O.I. Kouzmin, M.A. Kislitsyn

Abstract. In this article results of observation of 141 patients who underwent hip replacement by using Muller reinforcement ring are being discussed. Study of the results of hip replacement performed by this technique has been carried on for fve years. In the majority of cases the method was used for the treatment of acetabular bone defects of different etiology and people of young age (under 30). The application of Muller acetabular reinforcement ring made it possible to achieve positive results after the frst operation in 150 of cases. In 6 of cases the repeated operation was required. The authors come to the conclusion that a supporting structure like Muller acetabular reinforcement ring type is a necessary element in hip replacement, which can be used with great effciency in combination with orthoplastics.

Key words: hip replacement, hip joint.



  1. Kornilov, N.V. // Jendoprotezirovanie krupnyh sustavov: Materialy simpoziuma s mezhdunar. uchastiem. — M., 2000. — S.49—52.
  2. Fokin, V.A. // Margo anterior. — № 3. — 2000. — C. 1—3.
  3. Berry, D.J. Acetabular anti-protrusio rings and cages in revision total hip arthroplasty / D.J. Berry // Seminars in Arthroplasty. — 1995. — Vol. 6 (2). — Р. 68.
  4. Brady, О.H. Use of reconstruction rings for the management of acetabular bone loss during revision hip surgery / О.H. Brady, В.A. Marsi, D.S. Garbus, С.Р. Duncan // J. Am. Acad. Orthop. Surg. — 1999. — № 7 (1). — Р.1—7.
  5. Cabanela, M.E. Reconstruction rings and bone graft in total hip revision surgery / M.E. Cabanela // Orthop. Clin. North. Am. — 1998. — № 29 (2). — Р. 255—262.
  6. Christopher, L.P. Acetabular revision with the Burch-Schneider antiprotrusio cage and cancellous allograft bone / L.P. Christopher, C. Michael, M. Kent // J. Arthroplasty. — 1995. — № 10(3). — Р. 307—312.
  7. Fuchs, M.D. Results of acetabular revisions with newer cement techniques / M.D. Fuchs, E.A. Salvati [et al.] // Orthop. Clin. North. Am. — 1988. — № 19. — Р. 649—655.
  8. Gill, T.J. Total hip arthroplasty with use of an acetabular rein­forcement ring in patients who have congenital dysplasia of the hip. Results at fve to ffteen years / T.J. Gill, J.В. Sledge, M.E. Miiller // J. Bone Jt. Surg. — 1998. — № 80 (7). — Р. 969—979.
  9. Gross, A.E. Revision arthroplasty of the acetabulum with res­toration of bone stock / A.E. Gross // Clin. Orthop. — 1999. — Vol. 369. — Р. 198—207.
  10. Gurtner, P. Die Pfarmendachschale in der Revisions-Arthroplastik der Hufte / P. Gurtner, M. Aebi, R. Ganz // Z. Orthop. — 1993. — Vol. 131. — Р. 594—600.
  11. Haddad, F.S. Acetabular reconstruction with morcellized allograft and ring support: a medium-term review / F.S. Haddad, N. Shergill, S.K. Muirhead-Aliwood // J. Arthroplasty. — 1999. — № 14 (7). — Р. 788—795.
  12. Haentjens, P. Cemented acetabular reconstruction with the Muller support ring / P. Haentjens, H. de Boeck [et al.] // Clin. Orthop. and Related Research. — 1993. — Vol. 290. — Р. 225—235.
  13. Karlstrom, G. Total hip replacement with Muller acetabular support rings / G. Karlstrom, L.G. Broback // Acta Orthop. Scand. — 1988. — Vol. 591, suppl. 227. — Р. 34.
  14. Korovessis, P. Muller roof reinforcement rings. Medium-term results / P. Korovessis, M. Stamatakis, A. Baikousis [et al.] // Clin. Orthop. — 1999. — Vol. 362. — P. 125—137.
  15. Matsuno, H. Cementless cup supporter for protrusio acetabuli in patients with rheumatoid arthritis / H. Matsuno, Т. Yasuda [et al.] // International Orthopaedics (SICOT). — 2000. — Vol. 24(l). —P. 15—18.
  16. Pitto, R.P. Die Primarstabilitat zweier Pfaiinendachschalen und einer Pfannenschutzschale / R.P. Pitto, R. Schmidt // Biomed. Tech. Berl. — 1998. — № 43 (7—8). — S. 210—215.
  17. Rosson, J. The use of reinforcement rings to reconstruct def-cient acetabula / J. Rosson, J. Schatzker // J. Bone Jt. Surg. — 1992. — Vol. 74-B (5). — P. 716—720.
  18. Schatzker, J. Acetabular revision. The role of rings and cages /
  19. J. Schatzker, M.K. Wong // Clin. Orthop. — 1999. — Vol. 369. — P. 187—197.
  20. Schneider, R. Die Armierung der Pfanne bei der Totalendoprothese der Hufte / R. Schneider // Unfallheilkunde. — 1980. — № 83. — S. 482.
  21. Sotelo-Garza, A. The results of Chamley arthroplasty of the hip performed for protrusio acetabuli / A. Sotelo-Garza, J. Charnley // Orthop. — 1978. — P. 132.
  22. Taunton, D.D. Treatment of complications in primary cementless total hip arthroplasty / D.D. Taunton, W.J. Culpepper, C.A. Engh // Clin. Orthop. — 1997. — Vol. 344. — P. 150—161.



PDF downloadApplication of up-to-date methods for the development of remission in patients with inflammatory-destructive processes in the periodontium

T.N. Modina,E.V. Mamayeva, M.V. Bolbat

Abstract. Treatment of patients with infammatory destructive processes in periodontium should include three main components: relieving active infammatory processes by means of general antibiotic therapy and minimally invasive therapy with an ultrasound system «Vector»; eliminating secondary deformation and splinting teeth. «Vector» ultrasound system has got antibacterial, antiviral, antifungal and antiexudative properties and exerts an apparent anti-infammatory effect on destructive processes in the periodontium.

Key words: periodontium, combination treatment; professional hygiene; ultrasound.



  1. Vol'f, G.F. Parodontologija / G.F. Vol'f, Je.M. Ratejchak, K. Ratejchak. — M.: MEDpress-inform, 2008. — 548 s.
  2. Modina, T.N. Minimal'no invazivnaja terapija sistemoj «Vector» i ee rol' v kompleksnom lechenii zabolevanij parodonta / T.N. Modina, A.V. Shumskij, V.Ju. Raevskaja // DentalMarket. — 2008. — № 4. — S.75—77.
  3. Orehova, L.Ju. Osnovy professional'noj gigieny polosti rta: metod. rekomendacii / L.Ju. Orehova, E.D. Kuchumova, I.N. Antonova. — SPb., 2004. — S.40—53.
  4. Shumskij, A.V. Sovremennye ul'trazvukovye tehnologii v lechenii zabolevanij parodonta / A.V. Shumskij // Parodon-tologija. — 2008. — № 4(49). — S.30—34.


PDF downloadMitral valve prolapse: norm or pathology?

M.V. Potapova, O.R. Sokolova, R.Z. Sadikov

Abstract. Mitral valve prolapse is very common pathology. Frequency of MVP increases with age. Most often it is detected at the age of 7—15 years. Frequency of MVP in the adult population — 5—38%. Adult patients MVP syndrome more common in women (66—75%), with the peak at ages 35—40. The main method of diagnosis of mitral valve prolapse is the echocardiography study. Little fexure of mitral volve cusp, and even some degree of regurgitation can be considered as ANATOMICAL NORM. Recently, however, it is proved that this is not a harmless disease.

Key words: mitral valve prolapse, connective tissue dysplasia, mixomatosis degeneration, regurgitation, sudden



  1. Eliseev, V.G. Vnutrennie bolezni / V.G. Eliseev. —M., 1999.
  2. Klinicheskaja diagnostika zabolevanij serdca. Kardiolog u posteli bol'nogo. — M.: Konstanta, 2004.
  3. Mazur, N.A. Ocherki klinicheskoj kardiologii / N.A. Ma-zur. — M.: MIA, 1999. — 255 s.
  4. Martynov, A.I. Prolabirovanie mitral'nogo klapana kak psihosomaticheskaja problema (obzor) / A.I. Martynov, A.V. Smulevich, O.B. Stepura [i dr.] // Terapevticheskij arhiv. — 2000. —№ 10. — S.27—30.
  5. Martynov, A.I. Novye podhody k lecheniju bol'nyh s idiopaticheskim prolabirovaniem mitral'nogo klapana / A.I. Martynov, O.B. Stepura, A.B. Shehter [i dr.] // Tera­pevticheskij arhiv. — 2000. — № 9. — S.67—70.
  6. Mareev, V.Ju. Nedostatochnost' mitral'nogo klapana v praktike terapevta / V.Ju. Mareev, M.O. Danieljan // Russkij medicinskij zhurnal. — 1999. — № 15. — S.706—722.
  7. Sumarokov, A.V. Klinicheskaja kardiologija: rukovodstvo dlja vrachej / A.V. Sumarokov, V.S. Moiseev. — M.: Universum pablishing, 1996.
  8. Chigineva, V.V. Sravnitel'naja ocenka jeffektivnosti medi­kamentoznyh sredstv i vlijanie dvuhkamernoj jelektrokar­diostimuljacii na kliniko-gemodinamicheskie pokazateli u bol'nyh gipertroficheskoj kardiomiopatiej: avtoref. dis. … kand. med nauk / V.V. Chigineva. — M.: Medicina, 2001.
  9. Brugada, J. Right bundle-branch block and ST-segment elevation in leads V1 through V3: a marker for sudden death in patients without demenstrable structural heart disease / J. Brugada, R. Brugada, P. Brugada // Circulation. — 1998. — Vol. 97. — P.457—60.
  10. Dorostkar, P.C. Long-term follow-up of patients with long-QT syndrome treated with beta-blockers and continuous pacing / P.C. Dorostkar, M. Eldar, B. Bellhassen, M.M. Scheinman // Circulation. —1999. — Vol. 100. — P.2431—2436.
  11. Goudevenos, J.A. Ventricular pre-excitation in the general population: a study on the mode of presentation and clinical course / J.A. Goudevenos, C.S. Katsouras, G. Graekas [et al.] // Heart. — 2000. — Vol. 83. — P.29—34.
  12. Elliott, P.M. Sudden death in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy: identifcation of high risk patients / P.M Elliott, J. Poloniecki, S. Dickie [at al.] // J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. — 2000. — Vol. 36. — P.2212—2218.
  13. Schwartz, P.J. The long QT Syndrome. Cardiac Electrophysiology. From Cell to Bedside / P.J. Schwartz, S.G. Priori, C. Napolitano. — Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Co., 2000. — P.597—615.


PDF downloadRemote functional results of esophagogastroplastiy

Yu.V. Сhikinev, E.A. Drobyazgin, I.V. Berkasova, A.V. Koutepov

Abstract. It is giver an analysis of results of extirpation of esophagus with the plasty by gastric tube concerning bening stenosing diseases of esophagus. In clinical status of patients affer esophagoplasty, it is marked the development of asthenic (47,6%) and dumping-syndrome (17,5%), transplantat diskinesia (11,11%) and disturbance of patency of esophagoanasto-mosis of artifcial esophagus (36,5%). According to data on rocntgenologic resecerch after esophagoplasty by gastric tube it is often marked the development of stenosis of esophagogastro anastomosis (34,9%). In endoscopic research refux of bile (31,7%) and signs of atrophy of mucous of transplant (15,87%) was registered in a gastric tube.

Key words: artifcial esophagus, esophagoplasty, diseases of artifcial esophagus.



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PDF downloadEsophagoplasty at bening stenosis of esophagus

Yu.V. Сhikinev, E.A. Drobyazgin, A.V. Korobeynikov, I.V. Berkasova, A.V. Koutepov

Abstact. It is presented the experience of surgical treatment of 123 patients with bening stenosing diseases of esophagus (94 patients with cicatrical post burn esophagostenosis, 25 patients with achalasia of esophagus of IV degree, 4 patients with peptic esophagostenosis). The remote results of executed operative interventions are studied in 117 patients operated for aperiod from 1 month to 13 years. Stenosis of anastomosis on a neck appeared in 43 patients (23 — after gastroplasty, 20 — after colonoplasty). Dumping syndrome of different degree of express is found out in 13 patients. In 3 patient in the period from one year to two uears there appeared ulcers of colonogastric anastomosis or of a supanastomic region of colonic trasplant. Pilorospasm ofter plasty of gastric tube has appeared in 3 patients.

Key words: artifcial esophagus, esophagoplasty, diseases of artifcial esophagus.



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PDF downloadArterial hypertension and endothelium dysfunction (part I)

A.A. Popova, S.D. Mayanskaya, N.N. Mayanskaya, E.N. Berezikova, L.D.Khidirova

Abstract. It is presented the literature review about modern endotheliology. The role of endothelium in regulation of vascular tonus; the mechanism of endothelium dysfunction formation; NO-dependent mechanisms of hupertension; the meaning of free-radical oxidation and antioxydant protection system in development of endothelial dysfunction and arterial hypertension are described.

Key words: review, arterial hypertension, endothelial dysfunction, nitric oxide, system of pro- and antioxydant activity, renin-angiotensin system.



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  47. Wever, R.M.F. Atherosclerosis and the two faces of endothelial nitric oxide synthase / R.M.F. Wever, T.F. Luscher, F. Consentino [et al.] // Circulation. — 1998. — № 97. — P.108—112.
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  49. Zhang, L.P. Association between endothelial nitric oxide syn-thase gene (G894T) polymorphism and essential hypertension in uygur population / L.P. Zhang, S.Z. Wang, X.X. Zhao [et al.] // Zhonghua Xin Xue Guan Bing Za Zhi. — 2006. — № 34. — P.403—406.



PDF downloadBasic methodological principles of aromatherapy application in medical rehabilitation

I.A. Bоurenina

Abstract. The data about biological and therapeutic characteristics of volatile oils and mechanism of their infuence on human’s organism is stated. There is an information about a possibility of broad usage of aromatherapy with the purpose of preventive treatment, complex treatment, rehabilitation and overall health improvement. The methods of aromatherapy, areas of its usage, indications and counter-indications are described in detail.

Key words: aromatherapy, hardware- controlled aromatherapy, volatile oils, aromatic oils.



  1. Bykov, A.T. Aromaterapija v upravlenii vegetativnoj reguljaciej ritma serdca / A.T. Bykov, T.N. Maljarenko // Voprosy kurortologii, fizioterapii i lechebnoj fizkul'­tury. — 2003. — № 6. — S. 6—9.
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  4. Irisova, O.A. Metody aromaterapii v kompleksnoj pro­gramme psihofiziologicheskoj reabilitacii likvidatorov avarii na Chernobyl'skoj AJeS / O.A. Irisova, Ju.B. Bespa­lova // Vosstanovitel'naja medicina i reabilitacija-2004: sb. tez. I Mezhdunarodnogo kongressa. — 2004.
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  9. Ponomarenko, G.N. Osnovy dokazatel'noj fizioterapii / G.N. Ponomarenko. — SPb.: VMedA, 2003. — 224 s.
  10. Sjurin, S.A. Aromaterapija v reabilitacii bol'nyh hro­nicheskoj obstruktivnoj bolezn'ju legkih / S.A. Sjurin, A.A. Derevoedov // Fizioterapija, bal'neologija i reabi­litacija. — 2005. — № 4. — S. 10—14.
  11. Chervinskaja, A.V. Perspektivy primenenija apparatnoj aromaterapii v medicinskoj praktike / A.V. Chervinskaja // Rossijskij medicinskij zhurnal. — 1999. — № 2.
  12. Shiman, A. Primenenie aromaterapii v kosmetologii / A. Shiman, S. Pirogova // Kosmetika & medicina. — 2005. — № 5. — S. 74—79.



PDF downloadClinical features, diagnostics and medical care arrangement at malignant pleurities

A.A. Varin, A.L. Khanin

Abstract. Specifcation of clinical features, identifcation and diagnosis of malignant pleurisies (MP) were studied in 225 patients, examined at the specialized pleural center, based on the ground of Novokuznetsk Clinical Tuberculous Hospital between 2001 and 2006 years. The basic methods for MP verifcation are thoracocentesis with cytologic research of pleural effusion, fberoptic bronchoscopy and pleural needle biopsy (PNB). Sensitivity of cytologic examination of the pleural effusion accounted for 51,9%, at 98% specifcity. Sensitivity of PNB accounted for 60,8%, at 100% specifcity. The most effective signifcant measures for making a correct diagnosis of pleurisies, ineluding malignant, were related to structural changes, that is the creation of a specialized center with the accumulation of patients with, pleural pathology, and effcient organization of doctors, activities.

Key words: malignant pleurisy, thoracocentesis, pleural needle biopsy, algorithm, specialized center.


  1. Varin, A.A. Zabolevanija plevry / A.A. Varin, A.K. Strelis, A.L. Hanin. — Tomsk: Krasnoe znamja, 2003. — 150 s.
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PDF downloadSignificance of «Malaria school» — special puepose sanitary-and-hygienic education of persons without immunity — for early diagnosties and treatment of tropical malaria

V.S. Morokov

Abstract. Holding «Malaria school» at regular intervals — special purpose sanitary-and-hygienic education of europeans permanently living in endemic region, and organization of 24-hour access to medical care make the diagnostics and treatment of tropical malaria at the early stages of the disease with normal body temperature and low parasitemia intensity possble. Emergence of one of the symptoms (headache, pains in muscles and joints, laboured breathing or liquid stool) on the background of normal body temperature in persons without immunity is undoubtedly an indication for appealing for medical aid and carrying out laboratory investigation for malaria. Artemeter and lumefantrin therapy of patients with tropical malaria of light and mean severity was effective.

Key words: tropical malaria, secondary prophylaxis, diagnostics, treatment, artemeter, lumefantrin.



  1. Rahmanova, A.G. Infekcionnye bolezni: rukovodstvo dlja vrachej obshhej praktiki / A.G. Rahmanova, V.K. Prigozhina, V.A. Neverov. — M.; SPb., 1995. — S. 200—204.
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  4. Rukovodstvo i atlas po parazitarnym boleznjam cheloveka / pod red. S.S. Kozlova, Ju.V. Lobzina. — 2005. — www. infectology.ru
  5. Rukovodstvo po racional'nomu ispol'zovaniju lekar­stvennyh sredstv / pod red. A.G. Chuchalina, Ju.B. Belouso-va, R.U. Habrieva, L.E. Ziganshinoj. —M.: GJeOTAR-Media, 2006. — S. 163—173.
  6. Guidelines for the treatment of malaria. — World Health Organization. — 2006.


PDF downloadSixteen-year experience in short-term training physicians of Russia and CIS in endosurgical technologies

I.V. Feоdorov, E.I. Sigal, V.V. Odintsov

Abstract. The article present results of short-term training 2383 physicians of surgical specialty in endosurgical technologies for the last 16 years. Criteria of teaching effcacy are presented, basic principles are described, long-term resalts are discussed, reasons of failures in teaching are analysed.

Key words: endoscopic surgery, training, effcacy.



PDF downloadCombined course of nonspecific ulcerative colitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis

M.V. Fomina, L.R. Absalyamova, I.A. Gimaletdinova, E.F. Sadykova, Yu.F. Prokhorova, S.R. Abdоulkhakov

Abstract. A clinical case of a combined course of nonspecifc ulcerative colitis with a total injury of bowels and primary sclerosing cholaingitis is presented. The incidence of primary selerosing cholangitis in patients with ulcerative colitis makes 2—6% on the average. The necessity of thorough observation and active treatment of patients with combination of the nosologies under discussion depends on the higher risk of colorectal cancer development. At present 5-aminosalicylic acid and ursodeoxycholic acid are proved to be effective in prevention of colorectal cancer in patients with combined ulcerative colitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis.

Key words: nonspecifc ulcerative colitis, primary sclerosing cholangitis, treatment.


  1. Adler, G. Bolezn' Krona i jazvennyj kolit / G. Adler; per. s nem. A.A.Sheptulina. — M.: GJeOTAR-Med, 2001. — 500 s.
  2. Belousova, E.A. Primnenie aminosalicilatov pri jazven¬nom kolite / E.A. Belousova, N.V. Nikitina // Klinicist. — 2008. — № 3. — S. 22—26.
  3. Lejshner, U. Autoimmunnye zabolevanija pecheni i pere¬krestnyj sindrom / U. Lejshner; per. s nem. A. Sheptulina. — M.: Anaharsis, 2005. — 176 s.
  4. Eaden, J. Colorectal cancer prevention in ulcerative colitis: a case-control study / J. Eaden, K. Abrams, A. Ekbom // Aliment. Pharmacol. Ther. — 2000. — Vol. 14. — P. 145—153.
  5. Pardi, D.S. Ursodeoxycholic acid as a chemopreventive agent in patients with ulcerative colitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis / D.S. Pardi, E.V. Loftus, W.K. Kremers // Gastroenerology. — 2003. — Vol. 124. — P. 889—893.
  6. Tung, B.Y. Ursodiol use is associated with lower prevalence of colonic neoplasia in patients with ulcerative colitis and primary sclerosing cholangitis / B.Y. Tung, M.J. Emond, R.C. Haggitt // Ann. Intern. Med. — 2001. — Vol. 134. — P. 89—95.


PDF downloadFrom clinical studies to clinical practice not all so is simple, as it would be desirable... (letter to the editorial board)

A.A. Vizel, I.Yu.Vizel

Kazan State Medical University



  1. Rothwell, P. M. External validity of randomised controlled trials: «to whom do the results of this trial apply?» / P.M. Rothwell // Lancet. — 2005. — Vol. 365, № 9453. — P. 82—93.
  2. Town, G.I. Applying the results of randomised control trials on asthma / G.I. Town // Thorax. — 2007. — Vol. 62, № 3. — P. 195—197.
  3. Travers, J. External validity of randomised controlled trials in asthma: to whom do the results of the trials apply? / J. Travers, S. Marsh, M. Williams [et al. ] // Thorax. — 2007. — Vol. 62, № 3. — P. 219—223.