Impact factor RSCI (2024) = 0.876
 Indexed in SCOPUS

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Dear authors of The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine,Dear authors of The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine,Please kindly read our Rules for Authors carefully at: and follow them closely. Our journal is continually improving and will be considered by the PubMed and Web of Science review boards for inclusion of its content in these databases.

Our journal produces 6 issues a year:
Issue and the months of its apppearance

Issue 1

Issue 2

Issue 3

Issue 4

Issue 5

Issue 6








Additional thematic Journal issues, reprints, and applications dedicated to conferences, congresses, etc. are being published in agreement with the organizers.

SCIENSCE INDEX of the Journal for 2020 is 2,039

Position in the SCIENCE INDEX rating in the category "Medicine and Health" is 27

Detailed information about the journal's publication activity is available at:

The journal prefix to search is DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.

- Electronic version is available at

- Archive version of the Journal -

- An electronic version of the Journal at Cyberleninka -

 "The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine" is a scientific journal designed for medical professionals - practitioners of all disciplines, teachers of higher medical and pharmaceutical educational institutions, employees of research institutes, managers and specialists, undergraduate, post-graduate and graduate students and residents.

The aims of the Journal are:

  • to improve the professional level of scientists, doctors, and faculty of medical schools.
  • to present the results of research, clinical observations, to consider the issues of drug effectiveness and nondrug treatment of diseases, new imaging studies of patients; to discuss the current and new directions of development of clinical medicine, methods of increasing the efficiency of medical education, to inform the readers about the results of Russian and international scientific forums.
  • to increase the level of peer review and editing of papers submitted for publication;
  • to provide published articles with the widest possible dissemination in the global scientific community;
  • to enhance the capacity of distribution and indexing of scientific publications in various key international citation databases.

A printed periodical publication "The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine" is being published in two languages: Russian and English since 2008.

Registration by the Federal Service for Supervision of Communications, Information Technology and Mass Communications - PI certificate number FS77-41624 from 11 August 2010. The Journal was reregistered due to a change of the founder and specification of the subjects. The certificate of registration of mass media was amended due to the changes in the editorial board address on 26 April 2013.

The Editorial Board and the Editorial council of the Journal is represented by outstanding scientists from the Russian Federation, CIS, and foreign countries.

Relevant issues in the fields of internal medicine, cardiology, pulmonology, gastroenterology, surgery, obstetrics and gynecology, oncology, TB, neurology and psychiatry, orthopedics and traumatology, social hygiene, dentistry and others are being published on the pages of the "Bulletin of contemporary clinical medicine".

The journal publishes articles describing the modern methods of diagnosis, treatment, rehabilitation and prevention with the help of modern medical equipment, which allows clinicians to get acquainted with the latest achievements in the field of medicine.

The Journal also contains information about congresses, conferences, historical dates and anniversaries. 


The Journal is presented in the Ulrich's Periodicals Directory (Ulrich's,

The journal is included in the CABI database.

Abstracting / Indexing: CABI Abstracts on Hygiene and Communicable Diseases (Online) 36298 A ONL | CABI CAB Abstracts Commonwealth

Agricultural Bureaux 349659 A ONL | CABI Global Health 654635 A ONL

SCOPUS. To check Journal in Scopus you can download actual Scopus source list from title page or click here.

Complete information about the journal is shown here:

The Founders of the journal are:

Ltd. "Multidisciplinary medical center" "Contemporary Clinical Medicine" with participation of Medical University "Kazan State Medical University" of Russian Ministry of Health.

Full-text versions of all articles from all issues of the journal in pdf format are available on our website. (You can read and download without restrictions)

Temporary difficulties in dealing with the individual articles from applications can be related to the fact that there is a procedure of improvement of the site according to requirements of SCOPUS and other international citation databases. Therefore, during this period of update all issues of the journal article are available at: - to read and download you have to be a registered reader; abstracts are available without registration. - full texts are available without registration;

For Electronic subscription to the journal fill out the form under "Subscribe" button

Thank you for your understanding and cooperation!


Dear authors and readers of the journal "Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine", we invite you, your colleagues and your students to publish the results of scientific research on the pages of our Journal.

International Department

Lalita R. Yunusova

International Area Editor

Tashkent, Uzbekistan

Tel.: +998 99 877 35 89

e-mail: //" target="_blank" rel=" noopener noreferrer">  

Translation Department

Maria S. Suntsova

(English, German, French)

Tel.: +7 987 268 42 16

e-mail: //" target="_blank" rel=" noopener noreferrer">