Procedure for reviewing manuscripts submitted for publication in the scientific and practical journal "The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine"
The Journal “The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine” uses a double-blind review process in which both the author and reviewer are unrelated to each other. Both the author and the reviewer are unable to identify each other. The order in which manuscripts are sent for review is determined by the Editorial Board. The review process is free of charge.
1. When a manuscript is received, the Scientific Secretary checks the author's adherence to the rules for publication and observance of publication ethics. Materials not rejected at this stage are selected for the review by members of the editorial board and external reviewers depending about the article. Materials are blinded by the scientific secretary. Based on the reviews and comments received from the members of the editorial board, the editor-in-chief makes a decision about the possibility of publication. The author is notified of acceptance of the article for publication by e-mail.
2. Only reviews by a doctor of science who is a specialist in the field of science to which the article is devoted and who is not the supervisor or advisor of the dissertation research of the author of the article are accepted. The signature of the Doctor of Sciences must be certified by the stamp of the organization in which the reviewer serves. The article may be accompanied by reviews from several Doctors of Sciences.
3. All articles are evaluated by reviewers according to the following parameters:
- originality of the article,
- the significance of the article,
- quality of the article,
- the way the material is presented,
- adequacy of cited sources,
- the degree of compliance with the journal's rubrics.
Sample structure of an article review
To the editorial board of the journal
"The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine"
on the article: <authors, title=""> or coded number in the case of double-blind reviewing.
The article is devoted to the solution of a relevant issue <...>
It discusses <...>; proposes <...>.
The following remarks can be made about the article <...>.
The article contains new findings, it is of interest for <...> specialists and can be recommended for publication in the scientific journal "The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine".
In case of a negative opinion of the reviewer on the possibility of publication, a justification or recommendation to finalize the manuscript is required.
Position, academic degree, academic rank
Initialed signature
I report about myself (reviewer):
Second name ___________________________________________________
Name, Middle name______________________________________________
Academic degree______________________________________________
Rank, position__________________________________________
E-mail ___________@____________________
Office phone number __________________
Fax ____________________
Mobile phone__________________
Postal index (with zip code) __________________________________
Signature ____________________________
Dear colleagues!
By submitting a review of an article to the scientific journal " The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine," you are certifying that this article contains interesting new findings and deserves to be published. The editorial board of the journal thanks you for your cooperation.