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Twenty years of experience of emergency medical service at the city child hospital. Choloyan S.B., Pavlovskaya O.G., Sheenkova M.V., Pavlenko L.I. P. 53


The question of coronary artery damage in silent myocardial ischemia. Abdrakhmanova A.I., Amirov N.B., Abdulyianov I.V., Gaifullina R.F., Oslopova Ju.V. P. 58

Quality of life and the main aspects of rehabilitation in patients of advanced age with osteoporosis. Dymnova S.E., Sergeeva V.V., Rodionova A.Yu. P. 62

Medical and social aspects of rehabilitation for coronary heart disease after coronary artery bypass grafting. Polonskaya I.I., Sergeyeva V.V. P. 68


«Artrakam» medication application experience in patients with arthrosis. Klyushkin I.V., Fatykhov R.I., Klushkina M.S. P. 74


Methods and instruments in project management in acute intraoperative blood loss documentation process. Khachaturyan V.A., Khafizova E.E., Aksenova N.N., Baryev N.I., Shaymardanov I.V. P. 78



UDC 616.24-002.5-036.2:343.828(470.323)

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2018.11(6).7-10


BELOKONOVA LYUDMILA V., C. Med. Sci., associate professor of the Department of infectious diseases and epidemiology of Kursk State Medical University, Russia, 305007, Kursk, Sumskaya str., 45g,
tel. 8(951)339-93-55, e-mail:

KOLOMIETS VLADISLAV M., D. Med. Sci., professor of the Department of clinical immunology, allergy and phthisiopulmonology of Kursk State Medical University, 305041, Russia, Kursk, K. Marx str., 3

DEVYANIN PAVEL A., Head of Medical Care unit No 46 of Federal Penitentiary Service, Russia, 305007, Kursk, Pigorev str., 17

Abstract. Aim. The aim of the study was to identify and to assess the risk factors for tuberculosis development thatinfluence the epidemic situation in penitentiary institutions in order to improve anti-tuberculosis measures. Material and methods. The patients with tuberculosis from penitentiary institutions were observed at the Office of the Federal Penitentiary Service of Russia in the Kursk region. Common methods of statistical information processing, including χ2test, were applied in assessment of the influence of risk factors on tuberculosis development. Results and discussion.Persons imprisoned for the first time, having primary or secondary education prevailed among patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. Their duration of stay in places of detention ranged from 2 to 5 years. The main proportion of the people had a history of frequent acute respiratory viral infections, chronic diseases of the upper respiratory tract, comorbidities, smoking, alcohol abuse, drug use, or HIV infection. Practically every second patient with tuberculosis had a history of contact with a bacterium emitter. There were a high proportion of people in extreme situations, and people who have weak social ties with the family. Conclusion. The most significant risk factors for the development of tuberculosis in the penitentiary system include: smoking, upper respiratory tract pathologic conditions, lack of stable social connections, contact with a patient with tuberculosis, HIV infection, stay in extreme situations, and the first time of detention lasting 2 to 5 years.

Key words: prison tuberculosis, incidence of tuberculosis, risk factors.

For reference: Belokonova LV, Kolomiets VM, Devyanin PA. Tuberculosis risk factors in epidemic situation in prison facilities. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2018; 11 (6): 7–10. DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2018.11(6). 7-10.


1. Mordyk AV, Puzyreva LV. Osnovnye faktory, oprede- lyayushchie zabolevaemost’ tuberkulezom kontaktnyh lic v ochagah tuberkuleznoj infekcii [The main factorsdetermining the incidence of tuberculosis of contactpersons in the foci of tuberculosis infection]. Tuberkulez i bolezni legkih [Tuberculosis and lung diseases]. 2014; (1): 9-13.

2. Imtiaz S, Shield KD, Roerecke M, Samokhvalov AV et al. Alcohol consumption as a risk factor for tuberculosis: meta- analyses and burden of disease. European Respiratory Journal. 2017; 50 (1): 1-13.

3. Melsew YA, Doan TN, Gambhir M, Cheng AC, McBryde E and Trauer JM. Risk factors for infectiousness of patients with tuberculosis: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Epidemiology and Infection. 2018; 146 (3): 345-353.

4. Vostroknutov ME, Sysoev PG. Dinamika epidemio- logicheskih pokazatelej sochetannoj patologii «Tuberkulez i VICh-infekciya» sredi lic, otbyvayushchih nakazanie [Dynamics of epidemiological indicators of combined pathology «Tuberculosis and HIV infection» among persons serving sentences]. Zdorov’e i obrazovanie v XXI veke [Health and education in the XXI century]. 2017; 19 (11): 181-186.

5. Nechaeva OB. Epidemicheskaya situaciya po tuberkulezu sredi lic s VICh-infekciej v Rossijskoj Federacii [Theepidemiological situation of tuberculosis among personswith HIV infection in the Russian Federation]. Tuberkulyoz i bolezni lyogkih [Tuberculosis and lung diseases]. 2017; 95 (3): 13-19.

6. Narkevich AN, Koreczkaya NM, Vinogradov KA, Narkevich AA, Shadrin KV. Analiz vliyaniya social`no-bytovyx faktorov na risk razvitiya tuberkuleza legkix [Analysis of the impact of social factors on the risk of pulmonary tuberculosis]. Pul`monologiya [Pulmonology]. 2015; 25 (4): 465–468.

7. Koreczkaya NM, Elyart VF, Korol`kova EK, Shogzhal IS, Narkevich AN. Kliniko-social`naya xarakteristika bol`nyx tuberkulyozom lyogkix, vpervye vyyavlennyx sredi speczkontingenta penitenciarnyx uchrezhdenij [Clinicaland social characteristics of patients with pulmonarytuberculosis, first identified among the special prison]. Acta biomedica scientific. 2017; 2 (4): 68-73.

8. Padmanesan Narasimhan, James Wood, Chandini Raina MacIntyre, and Dilip Mathai. Risk Factors for Tuberculosis. Pulmonary Medicine. 2013; 2013, Article ID 828939: 11 p.

9. Kolomiec VM. Penitenciarnyj tuberkulez: patomorfoz i ehffektivnost’ reabilitacii [The prison tuberculosis pathomorphosis and effectiveness of rehabilitation]. Kursk: Delovaya poligrafiya [Kursk: Business printing]. 2014; 248 p.

10. Kolomiec VM, Rachina NV, Lyalikov AV, Devyanin PA, Gapeev OV. Povyshenie effektivnosti specializirovannoj medicinskoj pomoshhi pri tuberkuleze v gruppe riska – kontingentax penitenciarnyx uchrezhdenij [Improving the effectiveness of specialized medical care for tuberculosis in the risk group-the contingent of penitentiary institutions]. Kurskij nauchno-prakticheskiy vestnik «Chelovek i ego zdorov`e» [Scientific and practical messenger “Man and his health” of Kursk]. 2013; (2): 123-126.


UDC 616.831-005.4-036.11-037:616.15-078

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2018.11(6).11-15


ЕRMAKOV SERGEY V., neurologist, specialist on X-ray and endovascular methods of diagnosis and treatment of the Department of X-ray surgical methods of diagnosis and treatment of Stavropol Regional Clinical Hospital, Russia, 355000, Stavropol, Semashko str., 1, e-mail:

MOZHEIKO ROSTISLAV A., C. Med. Sci., associate professor of the Department of neurology, neurosurgery and medical genetics of Stavropol State Medical University, Russia, 355000, Stavropol, Mir str., 310, e-mail:

BATURIN VLADIMIR A., D. Med. Sci., professor, Head of the Department of clinical pharmacology of Stavropol State Medical University, Russia, 355000, Stavropol, Mir str., 310, e-mail:

BELOKON OLEG S., specialist on X-ray and endovascular methods of diagnosis and treatment, Head of the Department of X-ray surgical methods of diagnosis and treatment of Stavropol Territorial Clinical Hospital, Russian, 355000, Stavropol, Semashko str., 1, e-mail:

Abstract. Aim. The aim of the research was to study the variability in blood S-100 protein antibody titer in patients with acute ischemic stroke and to determine their effects on the course of the disease. Material and methods. The patientswith acute cerebrovascular accident and with initial manifestations of degenerative-dystrophic diseases of the spine have been enrolled in the study. ELISA immunoassay was used to determine S-100 protein antibody titer in 84 patients. National Institutes of Health Stroke Scale (NIH SS), and ASPECTS (Alberta stroke program early CT score) scales have been applied. Results and discussion. Direct relationship was established between the severity of ischemic stroke and the S-100 protein antibody titer. The highest S-100 protein antibody titer was seen in patients with NIH rating of SS≥10 points. A similar pattern was revealed in patients with ASPECTS score of 6 points. It was also found that an increase in S-100 protein antibody titer is a predictor of significant brain damage (p<0,05). Conclusion. The threshold S-100 protein antibody titer was experimentally established to predict the course of the disease. An initial value of more than 200 μg/ml is a predictor of severe neurological deficit persistence. At the same time, the values less than 150 μg/ml are predicatively favorable both for the outcome of the disease and for the further rehabilitation.

Key words: S-100 protein, neurospecific proteins, acute stroke, autoantibodies.

For reference: Ermakov SV, Mozheiko RA, Baturin VA, Belokon OS. S100 protein autoantibody level as a possible outcome predictor in acute stroke. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2018; 11 (6): 11–15. DOI: 10.20969/ VSKM.2018.11(6).11-15.


1. Gerasimova MM. Dinamika titra autoantitel k osnovnomubelku mielina v sivorotke krovi bolnih perenesshih cerebralniiinsult [The dynamics of antibodies to myelin basic protein in the serum of patients after cerebral stroke]. Jurnal nevrologii i psihiatrii imeni SS Korsakova. [Neuroscience and Behavioral Physiology]. 2007; 20: 43-45.

2. Whiteley W. The use of blood biomarkers to predict pooroutcome after acute transient ischemic attack or ischemicstroke. Stroke. 2012; 43: 86-91.

3. Belokon OS et al. Rezul’taty rentgenjendovaskuljarnyh metodov diagnostiki i lechenija bol’nyh s gemorragicheskim insul’tom anevrizmaticheskoj jetilogii v uslovija stacionara [Results endovascular diagnosis and treatment of patients with hemorrhagic stroke aneurismal etilogii in the hospital]. Meditsinsky vestnik Severnogo Kavkaza [Medical news of North Caucasus]. 2016; 11 (1): 176-178. DOI: 10.14300/ mnnc.2016.11006

4. Fisher СM. Relation of cerebral vasospasm to subarachnoid hemorrhage visualized by computerized tomographic scanning. Neurosurgery. 1980; 6 (1): 1-9.

5. Kerz T, Boor S, Ulrich A, Beyer Ch, Hechtner M, Mueller-Forell W. Endovascular therapy for vasospasm after aneurysmatic subarachnoid hemorrhage. British journal of neurosurgery. 2016; 30 (5): 49-53. DOI: 10.3109/02688697.2016.1173193.

6. McDougall CG, Claiborne Johnston S, Gholkar A. Bioactiveversus bare platinum coils in the treatment of intracranialaneurysms: the MAPS (Matrix and Platinum Science) trial. Am J Neuroradiol. 2014; 35: 935–942. DOI: 10.3174/ajnr. A3857 pmid:24481333

7. Turk AS, Johnston SC, Hetts S, Mocco J, English J, Murayama Y, Prestigiacomo CJ, Lopes D, Gobin YP, Carroll K, McDougall C. Geographic Differences in Endovascular Treatment and Retreatment of Cerebral Aneurysms. American Journal of Neuroradiology. 2016; 37 (11): 2055-2059. DOI:

8. Baturin VA, Baturina MV, Mamtseva GI, Boyev OI, Yarovitsky VB, Grudina YeV. Izucheniye urovney neyrotropnykh autoantitel u bolnykh shizofreniyey [Levels of neurotropic autoantibodies in patients with schizophrenia]. Meditsinsky vestnik Severnogo Kavkaza [Medical news of the North Caucasus]. 2016; 11 (2): 176-178.

9. Klimenko LL, Turna AA, Savostina MS, Baskakov IS, Budanova MN, Mazilina AN, Deev AI. Nejrospecificheskie belki kak biomarkery ishemicheskogo insul’ta [Neurospecific proteins as biomarkers of ischemic stroke]. Allergologija i immunologija [Allergology and Immunology]. 2016; 11 (1): 55.

10. Abboud T, Mende KC, Jung R, Czorlich P, Vettorazzi E, Priefler M, Kluge S, Westphal M, Regelsberger J. Prognostic Value of Early S100 Calcium Binding Protein B and Neuron-Specific Enolase in Patients with Poor-Grade Aneurysmal Subarachnoid Hemorrhage: A Pilot Study. World Neurosurg. 2017; 108: 669-675. DOI: 10.1016/j. wneu.2017.09.074.


UDC 615.281.9:339.13(470.57-25)

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2018.11(6).16-22


IVAKINA SVETLANA N., C. Pharm. Sci., associate professor of the Department of management and economic of pharmacy with the course of medical and pharmaceutical commodity studies of Bashkir State Medical University, Russia, 450008, Ufa, Lenin str., 3, tel. 8-917-416-15-44, e-mail:

BADAKSHANOV ARTUR R., C. Pharm. Sci., associate professor of the Department of management and economic of pharmacy with the course of medical and pharmaceutical commodity studies of Bashkir State Medical University, Russia, 450008, Ufa, Lenin str., 3, tel. 8-917-427-35-35, e-mail:

PUPYKINA KIRA A., D. Pharm. Sci., professor of the Department of pharmacognosy with the course of botany and the basics of phytotherapy of Bashkir State Medical University, Russia, 450008, Ufa, Lenin str., 3, tel. 8-917-404-85-53, e-mail:

KHASANOVA GUZEL M.,; SCOPUS Author ID: 36175882000; Researcher ID: C-9026-2018; D. Med. Sci., professor of the Department of infectious diseases of Bashkir State Medical University, Russia, 450008, Ufa, Lenin str., 3, tel. 8-917-470-40-36, e-mail:

KHASANOVA ALYA N., 2nd year clinical resident of Bashkir State Medical University, Russia, 450008, Ufa, Lenin str., 3, tel. 8-917-470-40-36, e-mail:

Abstract. Aim. The aim of the study was to analyze the range of antimicrobial medicines used for infectious diseases treatment on the Russian and territorial market (the city of Ufa of the Republic of Bashkortostan) by various indicators. Material and methods. Study of the assortment and sales of antimicrobial medications was carried out by means of content analysis of regulatory legal documents and official data presented on the website of the analytical company DSM Group. The territorial market of antimicrobial medications was studied on the basis of 57 pharmacy organizations in Ufa. Economic, mathematical, graphic and comparative methods of analysis were applied in the process of research. Results and discussion. The article presents the results of monitoring the sales of antimicrobial medications in the commercial sector of the Russian pharmaceutical market for the period from 2011 to 2016. Groups/subgroups as well as medicinal forms of antimicrobial medications included in the list of essential drugs for 2018 have been identified. The assortment of antimicrobial medications in pharmacy organizations has been studied. Conclusion. It was revealed that during the period from 2011 to 2016 the share of antimicrobial drugs increased from 5,70 to 7,47% in natural and from 7,20 to 8,83% in value terms. The list of essential medicines includes 41 international non-proprietary names and 3 combined medications as 143 dosage forms. The pharmacy organizations of the city of Ufa offered 76 trade names containing 18 international non-proprietary names that belong to six subgroups, represented mainly by tablets/ capsules (73,7% of the number of trade names). Completeness of the saturation of the antimicrobial medication range in pharmacy organizations varies from 42,7 to 100% from the number of international non-proprietary names on the List of Essential Drugs.

Key words: antimicrobial medicines, pharmaceutical market, pharmaceutical organizations.

For reference: Ivakina SN, Baraksanov AR, Pupykina KA, Khasanova GM, Khasanova AN. Analysis of the range of antimicrobial medicines for infectious diseases treatment. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2018; 11 (6): 16—22. DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2018.11(6).16-22.


1. Tyshkun A. Infekcionnye zabolevaniya: spisok, simptomy, lechenie, profi laktika [Infectious diseases: list, symptoms, treatment, prevention]. [date of the address on January 21, 2018].

2. Ivakina SN, Nagimova GM, Bakirov BA. Ocenka sovremennogo sostoyaniya rossijskogo farmacevticheskogo rynka v usloviyah social’no-ehkonomicheskogo krizisa [Evaluation of the current state of the Russian

pharmaceutical market in the context of the socioeconomic crisis]. Medicinskij vestnik Bashkortostana [Medical bulletin of Bashkortostan]. 2016; 11, 4 (64): 1-4.

3. Lozovaya GF, Badakshanov AR, Larionov MV, Osipova IV. Razrabotka kompleksa marketingovyh kommunikacij dlya roznichnogo sektora farmacevticheskogo rynka [Development of a complex of marketing communications for the retail sector of the pharmaceutical market]. Medicinskij al’manah [Medical almanac]. 2010; 1 (10): 204-206.

4. Lozovaya GF, Ivakina SN, Badakshanov AR, Mironenkova ZhV. Konkurentnaya strategiya farmacevticheskih organizacij v usloviyah krizisa [Competitive strategy of pharmaceutical organizations in crisis conditions]. Vestnik Bashkirskogo gosudarstvennogo medicinskogo universiteta [Bulletin of the Bashkir State Medical University]. 2014; 6: 58-65.

5. Rasporyazhenie Pravitel’stva RF ot 23.10.2017 № 2323-r «Ob utverzhdenii perechnya zhiznenno neobhodimyh i vazhnejshih lekarstvennyh preparatov na 2018 god, a takzhe perechnej lekarstvennyh preparatov dlya medicinskogo primeneniya i minimal’nogo assortimenta lekarstvennyh preparatov, neobhodimyh dlya okazaniya medicinskoj pomoshchi» [Order of the Government of the Russian Federation of 23.10.2017 No. 2323-r «On approval of the list of essential and essential medicines for 2018, as well as lists of medicinal products for medical use and the minimum range of medicines required for medical care»].

6. Farmacevticheskij rynok Rossii 2011-2016 [The Russian pharmaceutical market 2011-2016].

7. Shukil LV. Strategicheskoe modelirovanie regionalnoj lekarstvennoj politiki v usloviyah reformirovaniya sistemy zdravoohraneniya (na primere Omskoj oblasti) [Strategic modeling of regional drug policy in the conditions of health system reform (on the example of the Omsk region)]. Moskva: RUDN [Moscow: PFUR]. 2018; 438 p.

8. Hasanova GM, Boriskova KI, Hasanova AN, Kalimullina LM. Kliniko-laboratornye proyavleniya virusnyh diarej u detej na sovremennom ehtape [Clinical and laboratory manifestations of viral diarrhea in children at the present stage]. Saransk: Infekcionno-vospalitel’nye zabolevaniya kak mezhdisciplinarnaya problema: materialy mezhregional’noj nauchno-prakticheskoj konferencii, posvyashchennoj 50-letiyu medicinskogo instituta FGBOU VO «MGU imeni NP Ogareva» [Saransk: Infectious and infl ammatory diseases as an interdisciplinary problem: materials of the interregional scientific and practical conference dedicated to the 50th anniversary of the Medical Institute of the State Pedagogical University of the MSU NP Ogareva]. Saransk. 2017; 231-235.

9. Ivakina SN, Zotova LA. Analiz konkurentosposobnosti antigistaminnyh lekarstvennyh preparatov [Analysis of the competitiveness of antihistamines]. Voprosy obespecheniya kachestva lekarstvennyh sredstv [Questions of quality assurance of medicines]. 2015; 3 (8): 15-20.


UDC 616.366-089.87-052

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2018.11(6).23-28


NIZAMOV RUSLAN A., applicant for a degree of the Department of surgery with the course of endoscopy of Bashkir State Medical University, surgeon, radiologist, Russia, 450000, Ufa, Lenin str., 3, tel/fax 8 (347)223-24-21, e-mail:

TIMERBULATOV SHAMIL V., D. Med. Sci., associate professor, professor of the Department of surgery with the course of endoscopy of Bashkir State Medical University, Russia, 450000, Ufa, Lenin str., 3, tel/fax 8 (347)223-24-21, e-mail:

ISKHAKOV EDUARD R., D. Med. Sci., professor of the Department of criminalistics of Ufa Law Institute, Russia, e-mail:

KILDIBEKOVA RAUSHANIA N., D. Med. Sci., professor of the Department of mobilization preparation of Bashkir State Medical University, Honored doctor of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Russia, 450000, Ufa, Lenin str., 3, tel/fax 8 (347)223-24-21, e-mail:

Abstract. Aim. The aim of the study was to establish the features of adherence to treatment, the type of attitude towards the disease, and the levels of quality of life indicators in patients with cholelithiasis, depending on the rehabilitation program performed after cholecystectomy. Material and methods. 106 patients of working age, who experienced cholecystectomy via laparoscopic access, have been examined. The examination was carried out before surgical treatment (laparoscopic cholecystectomy) and after 1 month. After the surgery the patients with cholelithiasis were divided into two groups: I – the main group (n=79), unifying patients who continued rehabilitation in a health resort from day 5–6 to enhance the recovery process, and II – comparison group (n=27), where patients were observed in outpatient facilities. Control group included 20 practically healthy individuals matched by gender and age. The patientswere admitted to intensive care unit from the operating room to monitor their general condition after laparoscopiccholecystectomy. After 4–6 hours they were recommended to get up and to take liquid food. The following day after surgery, the patients were able to move around the hospital for 100–150 meters with a daily increase in physical activity. 5–6 days after cholecystectomy the patients were forwarded to health resort for further rehabilitation. The study of thelevel of adherence to medical recommendations was carried out by interviewing patients one month after the operationvia specially designed questionnaire containing questions on following medical recommendations. Quality of life was assessed according to the MOS SF-36 questionnaire. Condition of liver and hepatobiliary system was studied on Siemens acusion ultrasound machine. Magnetic resonance cholangiopacreatography was performed when necessary.Results and discussion. Clinical improvement and improvement of the quality of life was observed after surgicaltreatment. Adherence to treatment, harmonious type of attitude to the disease, and the levels of quality of life indicators related to physical and psychological health were significantly higher in patients in group I, who underwent rehabilitation in health resort, compared with the patients in group II, observed in outpatient facilities. Conclusion. Proportion ofpeople adhering to the prescribed recommendations in patients with cholelithiasis after laparoscopic cholecystectomyand accelerated postoperative rehabilitation was significantly higher in group I with health resort rehabilitation stage compared with those who underwent rehabilitation only in outpatient settings. The number of people having harmonious relationship to the disease significantly increased and the number of people with ergopathic type decreased in patients with gallstone disease after surgery and accelerated rehabilitation in health resort. Quality of life restoration in physicaland psychological spheres was observed as a result of the accelerated postoperative rehabilitation including healthresort stage in patients with gallstone disease after cholecystectomy.

Key words: cholelithiasis, cholecystectomy, accelerated rehabilitation, psychological condition, type of attitude to the disease, adherence to treatment.

For reference: Nizamov RA, Timerbulatov ShV, Iskhakov ER, Kildibekova RN. Psychological characteristics of patients with cholelithiasis after cholecystectomy. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2018; 11 (6): 23–28. DOI:10.20969/VSKM.2018.11(6).23-28.


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UDC 616.2-002.282-07:612.2

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2018.11(6).28-35


POSTNIKOVA LARISA B., D. Med. Sci, associate professor, professor of the Department of internal medicine of Privolzhsky Research Medical University, Russia, 603005, Nizhny Novgorod, Minin i Pozharsky sq., 10/1, e-mail: plbreа

GUDIM ANDREY L., therapist of City Clinical Hospital No 38, Russia, 603000, Nizhny Novgorod, Chernyshevsky str., 22

BOLDINA MARINA V., C. Med. Sci, assistant of professor of the Department of internal medicine of Privolzhsky Research Medical University, Russia, 603005, Nizhny Novgorod, Minin i Pozharsky sq., 10/1

KOSTROV VLADIMIR A., C. Med. Sci., associate professor, pulmonologist of City Clinical Hospital No 38, Russia, 603000, Nizhny Novgorod, Chernyshevsky str., 22

POGREBETSKAYA VERA A., deputy Head physician of City Clinical Hospital No 38, Russia, 603000, Nizhny Novgorod, Chernyshevsky str., 22

Abstract. Aim. The aim of the study was to analyze the parameters of gas exchange and ventilation based on the results of cardiopulmonary exercise testing with gas analysis in patients with respiratory sarcoidosis. Material and methods.42 patients aged 34,5 (29–41,5) years with stage I–III respiratory sarcoidosis and 21 healthy volunteers were examined. The duration of respiratory sarcoidosis was 3 (1–5) years. Respiratory sarcoidosis was histologically confirmed in 78,6% of cases. Clinical manifestations were assessed in all study participants. Pretest spirometry and cardiopulmonary exercise testing with assessment of ventilation parameters (Rf, Vt, Ve, Vt/FVC, BR) and gas exchange at peak load [PetCO2, Ve/ VCO2 (VT1), Vd/Vt)] were performed. The patients were divided into groups: group 1 (n=20) – oxygen consumption at peak load (VO2 peak pred) ≤ 84% and group 2 (n=22) – VO2 peak pred > 84%. Healthy individuals were placed to the 3rd group. Results and discussion. A decrease in VO2 peak (%) in patients with respiratory sarcoidosis (a criterion for reducing exercise tolerance) did not affect clinical or radiological signs. Minute ventilation (Ve) and tidal volume (Vt) in the group 1 were significantly lower than in the 2nd and control groups. The level of breathing reserve (BR) in all patients with respiratory sarcoidosis exceeded 30%. There were no differences in BR between the groups (p>0,05). Lower PetCO2 value (p<0,001), significant increase in Ve/VCO2 (VT1) (p<0,001) and Vd/W at the peak load (p=0,025) comparing to the group 3 were recorded at all stages of cardiopulmonary stress testing in the group 1. Patients of the group 2 differed in lower PetCO2 at the peak of physical activity compared with the control (p=0,027). Conclusion.Cardiopulmonary stress testing reveals a restriction of exercise tolerance in patients with respiratory sarcoidosis in the absence of functional changes of external respiration at rest. A decrease in exercise tolerance in patients with respiratory sarcoidosis was combined with a decrease in Vt and Ve peak and impaired gas exchange parameters [decrease in PetCO2 at all stages of cardiopulmonary stress testing, an increase in Vd/Vt at the peak exercise and Ve/VCO2 (VT1)].

Key words: sarcoidosis, cardiopulmonary exercise test, peak oxygen consumption, exercise capacity.

For reference: Postnikova LB, Gudim AL, Boldina MV, Kostrov VA, Pogrebetskaya VA. Ventilation and gas exchange parameters at the peak of physical exercise in patients with pulmonary sarcoidosis. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2018; 11 (6): 28–35. DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2018.11(6).28-35.


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UDC 616.34-022.7-085.322

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2018.11(6).35-40


PUPYKINA KIRA A., D. Pharm. Sci., professor of the Department of pharmacognosy with the course of botany and the basics of phytotherapy of Bashkir State Medical University, Russia, 450008, Ufa, Lenin str., 3,
tel. 8-917-404-85-53, e-mail:

KHASANOVA GUZEL M.,; SCOPUS Author ID: 36175882000; Researcher ID: C-9026-2018, D. Med. Sci., professor of the Department of infectious diseases of Bashkir State Medical University, Russia, 450008, Ufa, Lenin str., 3, tel. 8-917-470-40-36, e-mail:

VALISHIN DAMIR A., D. Med. Sci., professor, Head of the Department of infectious diseases with the course of additional professional education of Bashkir State Medical University, Russia, 450008, Ufa, Lenin str., 3,
tel. 8-917-754-86-45, e-mail:

PUPYKINA VICTORIA V., 5th year studentof the faculty of pediatrics of Bashkir State Medical University, Russia, 450008, Ufa, Lenin str., 3, tel. 8-917-415-21-15, e-mail:

KHASANOVA ALYA N., 2nd year clinical resident of Bashkir State Medical University, Russia, 450008, Ufa, Lenin str., 3, tel. 8-917-470-40-36, e-mail:

Abstract. Aim. The aim of the study was to justify the possibility of using herbal preparation developed at the Department of Pharmacognosy at Bashkir State Medical University for prevention and comprehensive treatment of acute intestinal infections. Material and methods. Multicomponent herbal preparation, consisting of medicinal plant raw materials, approved for use in medicine, served as the object of the research. Pharmacological studies to test preventive and therapeutic effects of the preparation were carried out in animals with experimental modelling of intestinal microbiocenosis and intragastric administration of 50 mg/kg kanamycin sulfate once a day. Microbiological studies of the small and large intestine microbial content was carried out to determine the presence of Escherichia coli, commensals (Staphylococcus, Candida sp.) and symbiotic flora (bifido- and lactobacilli). Evaluation of the influence of the herbal preparation on the course of acute intestinal infection was carried out on a group of volunteer patients after obtaining their informed consent to participate in the study. Results and discussion. The article presents the results of the study of pharmacological activity of the herbal preparation. When studying preventative effect, the infusion made from the preparation was given to the animals for 5 days against the background of kanamycin sulfate administration. In this case, the phenomena of microbiocenosis in the small and large intestines were expressed, but to a much smaller extent than in the control group. The therapeutic effect of the preparation was studied in animals after 5 days of kanamycin sulfate administration for 21 days. Positive dynamics of resolving pathological changes in the intestine in animals receiving infusion made from the preparation was revealed. On the 7th day the presence of E.coli and commensals was slightly different from the control group, although it was lower, and the count of bifido- and lactobacilli began to increase. On the 14th day, recovery of the intestinal microecology was already more pronounced. On the 21st day the rates were almost completely normalized. Normal stool consistency, color and odor were also more actively restored in the experimental group. Effectiveness of the use of the herbal preparation in the complex treatment of acute intestinal infections in volunteer patients was shown. It was established that combining traditional methods of treatment with phytotherapy is positive and it contributes to the effectiveness of treatment by reducing its duration. Conclusion. Preventative and therapeutic effect of the herbal preparation has been studied. It was established that pathological dysbiotic changes in the intestine sooner resolve when it is administered. It has been revealed that the use of the herbal preparation in the complex treatment of acute intestinal infections contributes to the effectiveness of treatment by reducing its duration.

Key words: herbal preparation, intestinal infections, prevention, treatment.

For reference: Pupykina KA, Khasanova GM, Valishin DA, Pupykina VV, Khasanova AN. The research on the studies of possibility to use plant species for prevention and complex treatment of acute intestinal infections. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2018; 11 (6): 35–40. DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2018.11(6).35-40.


1. Yangurazova ZA, Rashitova GS, Khasanova GM. Vliyaniye zagryazneniya okruzhayushchey sredy fenolsoderzhashchimi soyedineniyami na mikro- biotsenoz kishechnika [Influence of environment pollution by phenol-containing compounds on intestinal microbiocenosis]. Aktual’nyye voprosy ekologii cheloveka: sbornik nauchnykh statey uchastnikov Vserossiyskoy nauchno-prakticheskoy konferentsii s mezhdunarodnym uchastiyem: v 3-kh tomakh [Actual issues of human ecology: a collection of scientific articles of the participants of the All-Russian Scientific and Practical Conference with international participation: in 3 volumes]. Ufa: ANO ITSIPT. 2015; 274- 277.

2. Zaprudnov AM, Mazankova LN. Mikrobnaya flora kishechnika i probiotiki [Microbial flora of the intestine and probiotics (Gastroenterology]. Aktual’nyye problemy sovremennoy meditsiny [Actual problems of modern medicine]. Moskva [Moscow]. 2001; 17-18.

3. Baranovskiy AYu, Kondrashina EA. Disbakterioz i disbioz kishechnika (vtoroye izdanie) [Dysbacteriosis and intestinal dysbiosis (2nd ed)]. SPb: Piter [St Petersburg: Peter]. 2002; 11, 77–120.

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UDC 615.246.9:615.21.099.08

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2018.11(6).41-45


SIDULLIN ANTON YU., senior laboratory assistant of the Institute of pharmacy of Kazan State Medical University, Russia, 420012, Kazan, Butlerov str., 49

AKHMETZYANOV ILGIZ I., Head physician of Republican Narcological Dispensary of Republic of Tatarstan, Russia, 420061, Kazan, Sechenov str., 6

EGOROVA SVETLANA N., D. Pharm. Sci., professor, deputy Director for education of the Institute of pharmacy of Kazan State Medical University, Russia, 420012, Kazan, Butlerov str., 49

SIDULLINA SVETLANA A., C. Pharm. Sci., associate professor of the Institute of pharmacy of Kazan State Medical University, Russia, 420012, Kazan, Butlerov str., 49

Abstract. Aim. Evaluation of consumer properties of the drugs used in detoxification therapy in psychoactive substance poisoning at the intensive care unit at addiction clinic was the aim of the study. Material and methods. Expert evaluation of the range of drugs used for detoxification therapy, registered in the State Registry of Medicinal Products of Russia, present on the regional pharmaceutical market and in addiction clinics of the Republic of Tatarstan, was conducted in the course of the study. Results and discussion. Comprehensive assessment of consumer properties of detoxification treatment drugs was carried out by expert doctors working in addiction clinics of the Republic of Tatarstan. 33 expert doctors were surveyed (total population was 36), which ensures the representativeness of the sample with 95% accuracy. As a result of the analysis of data on competence assessment in narcologists who participated in the expert assessment of consumer properties of the drugs for detoxification therapy, it was found that 52% of the experts had an average level of competence and 48% had a high level. Factors that influenced the choice of drugs were therapeutic efficacy (43,2%), safety (22,1%), contraindications (8,3%), rationality of the dosage form and the dosage itself (21,1%), and price availability (5,3%). Using an average weighted score the drugs tested were ranked for all of the analyzed parameters (top 10). The coefficient of concordance of expert opinions during the ranking of the drugs was in the range of 0,72–0,88, which suggests that the experts slightly differ in their opinions regarding the consumer properties of the studied drugs. The coefficients of variation of expert opinions during the ranking of the drugs ranged from 10 to 20%, i.e. the total data presented is homogeneous. The results of the evaluation of consumer properties of the drugs for detoxification therapy were systematized by pharmacotherapeutic groups. The study allowed identifying the leaders of medical preferences in each group. Conclusion. The medical preferences of drugs for detoxification therapy at the intensive care unit of the addiction clinic were revealed.

Key words: poisoning with psychoactive substances, detoxification therapy, drugs for detoxification therapy, evaluation of consumer properties, expert evaluation.

For reference: Sidullin AYu, Akhmetzyanov II, Egorova SN, Sidullina SA. Expert evaluation of drugs used for detoxification therapy at rehabilitation department at addiction clinic. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2018; 11 (6): 41–45. DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2018.11(6).41-45.


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UDC 618.58

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2018.11(6).46-52


KHVOROSTUKHINA NATALIYA F., D. Med. Sci., associate professor, Head of the Department of obstetrics and gynecology of Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky, Russia, 410012, Saratov, Bolshaya Kazachya str., 112, tel. +7-927-277-79-35, e-mail:

KAMALYAN SAJKANUSH A., postgraduate student of the Department of obstetrics and gynecology of Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky, Russia, 410012, Saratov, Bolshaya Kazachya str., 112

NOVICHKOV DENIS A., C. Med. Sci., associate professor of the Department of obstetrics and gynecology Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky, Russia, 410012, Saratov, Bolshaya Kazachya str., 112

NAUMOVA ELENA V., resident of the Department of obstetrics and gynecology of Saratov State Medical University named after V.I. Razumovsky, Russia, 410012, Saratov, Bolshaya Kazachya str., 112

Abstract. Aim. The aim of the research was to study the influence of cord entanglement around the fetal neck on perinatal outcomes depending on the mode of delivery. Material and methods. Retrospective analysis of 109 deliveries characterized by cord entanglement has been carried out. The main group consisted of 73 women, whose pregnancy ended with conservative childbirth. In the comparison group (n=36) delivery was performed by caesarean section. The survey has been conducted in accordance with the standards. Ultrasound and cardiotocographic studies, fetal blood lactate measurement were performed to assess the condition of the fetus during pregnancy and childbirth. Results and discussion. Cord entanglement around the fetal neck complicates the course of birth in 20,5% of cases under conservative method of delivery. In 38,4% it is the cause of hypoxic-ischemic brain damage of the newborn. The combination of umbilical cord entanglement with a true knot increases the risk of adverse outcome and it can lead to antenatal fetal death, increasing perinatal mortality rate to 18,35‰. At the same time, planned operative delivery, even in case of tight umbilical cord entanglement around the neck of the fetus, allows to reduce the incidence in newborns and to prevent ischemic brain damage up to 50%. Conclusion. Introduction of obligatory umbilical cord ultrasound examination in pregnant women to the protocol can improve the effectiveness of diagnosis of various anomalies in order to predict possible obstetric complications and timely change the method of childbirth, which will act as a reserve for reducing the indicators of perinatal morbidity and mortality in umbilical cord disorders.

Key words: cord entanglement, pregnancy, childbirth, perinatal outcomes, newborn morbidity.

For reference: Khvorostukhina NF, Kamalyan SA, Novichkov DA, Naumova EV. Cord entanglement and perinatal outcomes depending on the mode of delivery. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2018; 11 (6): 46–52. DOI:10.20969/VSKM.2018.11(6).46-52.


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26. Petruhin VA, Ahvlediani KN, Logutova LS, Ivankova NM, Mel’nikov AP, Chechneva MA et al. Vakuum-ehkstrakciya ploda v sovremennom akusherstve [Fetal vacuum extraction in modern obstetrics]. Rossijskij vestnik akushera-ginekologa [Russian Bulletin of Obstetrician- Gynecologist]. 2013; 13 (6): 53-59.

27. Hvorostuhina NF, Kozlova TU, Novichkov DA, Bebeshko OI. Analiz ehffektivnosti i bezopasnosti rodorazreshayushchih operacij [Analysis of effectiveness and safety of assisted]. Saratovskij nauchno-medicinskij zhurnal [Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research]. 2014; 10 (2): 346-349.

28. Linde LE, Rasmussen S, Kessler J, Ebbing C. Extreme umbilical cord lengths, cord knot and entanglement: Risk factors and risk of adverse outcomes, a population-based study. PLoS One. 2018; 13 (3): e0194814. doi: 10.1371/ journal.pone.0194814.


UDC 614.881-053.2(470.56-25)

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2018.11(6).52-56


CHOLOYAN SALIM B., D. Med. Sci., Head physician of Child City Clinical Hospital of Orenburg; professor of the Department of public health and health management No 1 of Orenburg State Medical University, Russia, 460014, Orenburg, Kobozev str., 25a, e-mail:

PAVLOVSKAYA OLGA G., C. Med. Sci., associate professor of the Department of forensic medicine and law science of Orenburg State Medical University, Russia, 460000, Orenburg, Sovetskaya str., 6,

SHEENKOVA MARINA V., C. Med. Sci., General manager, Head physician of «Medgard-Orenburg», e-mail:

PAVLENKO LYUDMILA I., pediatrician of emergency medical care of Child City Clinical Hospital of Orenburg, Russia, 460014, Orenburg, Kobozev str., 25a

Abstract. Aim. The aim of the study is assessment of effectiveness of the emergency medical service at the children’s hospital. The demand for services was assessed depending on the day of the week, time of the day, age of the patients, and type of syndrome or disease. Material and methods. The patients who received emergency care in 2017 were enrolled in the study, according to the data from medical information system of the organization. Applied static and analytical research methods have been used. Results and discussion. In 2017 emergency service operated 10,368 calls for 43,397 assigned child populations. The maximum number of calls was being answered from 13.00 to 16.00, and the minimum – from 11.00 to 13.00. In terms of the frequency of requests for emergency care, children of 3–7 years old take the first place. The second is the age group of children of 1–3 years old. Third place belongs to children under 1 year. The rarest appeal for emergency care was seen in adolescents of 14–18 years old. The greatest share of submissions was dedicated to the hyperthermic syndrome. On the second place there was dyspeptic syndrome. Bronchial obstruction occupied the third place. There was a predominance of respiratory diseases in the nosological structure of the calls. The second place was occupied by diseases of the digestive system, the third – by infectious and parasitic diseases. Conclusion. It was estimated that for one child there are 0,24 emergency visits to the outpatient clinic, which shows the unselected volumes by the medical organization. This indicates the need to develop their own round-the-clock emergency care, dental and trauma services in the hospital.

Key words: organization of medical care for children, emergency medical care for children, medical information system.

For reference: Choloyan SB, Pavlovskaya OG, Sheenkova MV, Pavlenko LI. Twenty years of experience of emergency medical service at the city child hospital. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2018; 11 (6): 52-56. DOI:10.20969/VSKM.2018.11(6).52-56.


1. Federal’nyy zakon ot 21/11/2011 N 323-FZ «Ob osnovakh okhrany zdorov’ya grazhdan v Rossiyskoy Federatsii» [Federal Law of 21/11/2011 N 323-FZ «On the basis of the protection of public health in the Russian Federation»]. 2011.

2. Prikaz Ministerstva zdravookhraneniya RF ot 7 marta 2018 goda No 92n «Ob utverzhdenii Polozheniya ob organizatsii okazaniya pervichnoy mediko-sanitarnoy pomoshchi detyam» [Order of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation of March 7, 2018 No 92n «On approval of the Regulations on the organization of the provision of primary health care for children»]. 2018.

3. Poryadok okazaniya meditsinskoy pomoshchi i standarty meditsinskoy pomoshchi [Procedures for the provision of medical care and standards of medical care]. http://www.

4. Postanovleniye Pravitel’stva Orenburgskoy oblasti ot 29/12/2017 goda No 992-p «Ob utverzhdenii territorial’noyprogrammy gosudarstvennykh garantiy besplatnogookazaniya grazhdanam na territorii Orenburgskoy oblasti meditsinskoy pomoshchi na 2018 god i na planovyy period 2019 i 2020 godov» [Decree of the Government of the Orenburg region dated December 29, 2017 No 992-p «Onapproval of the territorial program of state guarantees offree medical care to citizens in the Orenburg region for 2018 and for the planned period of 2019 and 2020»]. 2017.



UDC 616.132.2-02:616.127-005.4-039.56(048.8)

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2018.11(6).57-62


ABDRAKHMANOVA ALSU I., C. Med. Sci., associate professor of the Department of clinical medicine fundamental basis of Institute of biology and fundamental medicine of Kazan Federal University, Russia, 420012, Kazan, K. Marx str., 74; physician of the Department of cardiology, of Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Center, Russia, 420089, Kazan, Karbyshev str., 12а, tel. 8-917-922-66-29, e-mail:

AMIROV NAIL B., ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0009-9103; SCOPUS Authоr ID: 7005357664; D. Med. Sci., professor of the Department of general medical practice No 1 of Kazan State Medical University, Russia, 420012, Kazan, Butlerov str., 49, e-mail:

ABDULYIANOV ILDAR V., ORCID ID:; C. Med. Sci., associate professor of the Department of cardiology, roentgen-endovascular and cardiovascular surgery of Kazan State Medical Academy – the branch of Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, Russia, 420012, Kazan, Mushtari str., 11; physician of the Department cardiosurgery Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Center, 420089, Russia, Kazan, Karbyshev str., 12а, tel. 8-987-421-90-09, e-mail:

GAIFULLINA RAUSHANIA F., C. Med. Sci., associate professor of the Department of clinical medicine fundamental basis of Institute of biology and fundamental medicine of Kazan Federal University, Russia, 420012, Kazan, K. Marx str., 74

OSLOPOVA JULIYA V., C. Med. Sci., associate professor, Head of the Department of clinical medicine fundamental basis of Institute of biology and fundamental medicine of Kazan Federal University, Russia, 420012, Kazan, K. Marx str., 74

Abstract. Aim. The aim of the study was analysis of recent publications on the features of coronary lesions in patients with silent myocardial ischemia according to coronary angiography and comparison of literature data with personalfindings. Material and methods. Review of recent publications on the features of coronary artery disease in patients with silent myocardial ischemia according to coronary angiography has been conducted. The data of selective coronary angiography from 84 patients examined in the period from January 2011 to December 2015 at Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Center was analyzed retrospectively. Results and discussion. In 7 (8,3%) patients, there were slightly altered coronary arteries, 16 (19%) – single-vessel, 24 (28,6%) – double-vessel, 37 (47,4%) – multiple lesions of the coronary arteries. Anterior interventricular arteries were most often affected [in 69 (89,6%) patients; р˃0,005]. Middle and proximal segments of anterior interventricular artery (44,5 and 36,6%), right coronary artery (40,8 and 20%), and circumflex artery (34,4 and 40,9%) prevailed when analyzing the level of the lesion. Hemodynamically significant stenoses were found in anterior interventricular artery (33%), in right coronary artery (24%), in circumflex artery (41,3%), and in brachial coronary artery (63,7%). The most frequently affected coronary artery of the second order was a branch of the blunt edge (32,5%). Hemodynamically significant stenosis was seen in 48,6% of cases. Conclusion. Available data onthe severity of atherosclerotic changes according to coronary angiography in patients with silent myocardial ischemiaare controversial. Personal data confirms the concept of a multi-vascular lesion of the coronary arteries in patients with silent myocardial ischemia, with a predominance of lesions of the anterior interventricular artery with a high level of critical stenosis. The inconsistency of the available data on the severity of coronary artery disease in patients with silent ischemia according to the modern papers requires further study, which indicates the need in further research.

Key words: coronary heart disease, silent myocardial ischemia, coronary arteries, сoronary angiography, ischemic pain.

For reference: Abdrahmanova AI, Amirov NB, Abdulyanov IV, Gaifullina RF, Oslopova JV. The question of coronary artery damage in silent myocardial ischemia. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2018; 11 (6): 57-62. DOI:10.20969/VSKM.2018.11(6).57-62.


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7. Abdrahmanova AI, Amirov NB, Sajfullina GB. Bezbolevaja ishemija miokarda (obzor literatury) [Painless myocardial ischemia (literature review)]. Vestnik sovremennoj klinicheskoj mediciny [The Bulletin of  Contemporary Clinical Medicine]. 2015; 6: 103-115.

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UDC 617.71-007.234-053.9(048.8)

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2018.11(6).62-67


DYMNOVA SVETLANA E., endocrinologist of Hospital for veterans of war; postgraduate student of the Department of internal medicine, medical and social expertise and rehabilitation No 2 of Saint Petersburg Institute of doctor-expert advanced training, Russia, 194044, St. Petersburg, Bolshoy Sampsonievsky ave., 11/12, tel. 8-921-558-23-77, e-mail:

SERGEEVA VERA V., D. Med. Sci., professor, Head of the Department of internal medicine, medical and social expertise and rehabilitation No 2 of Saint Petersburg Institute of doctor-expert advanced training, Russia, 194044, St. Petersburg, Bolshoy Sampsonievsky ave., 11/12

RODIONOVA ANNA YU., C. Med. Sci., associate professor of the Department of internal medicine, medical and social expertise and rehabilitation No 2 of Saint Petersburg Institute of doctor-expert advanced training, Russia, 194044, St. Petersburg, Bolshoy Sampsonievsky ave., 11/12

Abstract. Osteoporosis is one of the most common metabolic diseases of the skeleton. Close attention to the osteoporosis can be explained by its high prevalence, medico-social and economic consequences, namely vertebral fractures and peripheral bones, which lead not only to disability, but also to high mortality, especially among elderly patients. To date, there is no single well-developed methodology for treatment and rehabilitation of patients in older age groups, taking into account their clinical and functional features against the background of concomitant diseases. As a result, the effect of treatment is often lower than expected. Aim. Analysis of the clinical picture, quality of life and the main directions of rehabilitation in elderly patients with osteoporosis was the aim of the study. Material and methods. Analysis of domestic and foreign sources of literature on the subject was conducted in the course of the study. Data search was carried out in scientific databases: eLibrary, PubMed, and Сyberleninka. The studies on diagnosis and treatment of osteoporosis, quality of life assessment, methods and prospects of rehabilitation at various stages, as well as on clinical experience were analyzed. The study satisfies the principles of evidence-based medicine and the existing algorithms of medical and social expertise. Results and discussion. The features of the clinical picture of osteoporosis, complicated or not complicated by pathological fractures of various localization, taking into account the age of patients and the influence of comorbidity, are highlighted. The difficulties in treatment and rehabilitation of patients with osteoprosis and its consequences are described, which are accompanied by restricted physical activity, pain syndrome, psycho-emotional disorders, resulting in lower quality of life. Conclusion. Modern methods of treatment and rehabilitation provide greatopportunities for recovery and significant improvement in the quality of life of patients with osteoporosis. However, existing rehabilitation programs should be developed individually, taking into account the age, severity of structural and functional disorders, as well as the presence and severity of associated diseases.

Key words: osteoporosis, bone fractures, quality of life, rehabilitation, advanced age.

For reference: Dymnova SE. Sergeeva VV, Rodionovа AYu. Quality of life and the main aspects of rehabilitation in patients of advanced age with osteoporosis. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2018; 11 (6): 62–67. DOI:10.20969/VSKM.2018.11(6).62-67.


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UDC 616.12-005.4-089:616.132.2-089.86(048.8)

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2018.11(6).68-73


POLONSKAYA IRINA I., postgraduate student, assistant of professor of the Department of internal medicine, medical and social expertise and rehabilitation No 2 of Saint Petersburg Institute of doctor-expert advanced training, Russia, 194044, St. Petersburg, Bolshoy Sampsonievsky ave., 11/12, tel. +7-921-785-59-32, e-mail:

SERGEYEVA VERA V., D. Med. Sci., professor, Head of the Department of internal medicine, medical and social expertise and rehabilitation No 2 of Saint Petersburg Institute of doctor-expert advanced training, Russia, 194044, St. Petersburg, Bolshoy Sampsonievsky ave., 11/12

Abstract. The paper is devoted to medical and social aspects of rehabilitation in patients with coronary heart diseaseafter coronary artery bypass grafting. Aim. The aim of the study was to analyze the publications on the effectivenessof rehabilitation in patients with coronary heart disease after coronary artery bypass grafting in terms of their returnto work. Material and methods. Review of publications in scientific and medical literature on rehabilitation after coronary artery bypass grafting has been carried out. The methods of myocardial revascularization allow restoring blood flow in coronary arteries affected by atherosclerotic process. Functional class of angina is being reduced and the functional capacity of the heart is being improved after coronary artery bypass surgery. Results and discussion. It was concluded that the goal of cardiac rehabilitation is to improve and maintain a certain level of physical, psychological and social function in a patient with coronary heart disease. It consists of physical rehabilitation, drug treatment, psycho-physiological rehabilitation, social and labor rehabilitation. Timely comprehensive cardiac rehabilitation has a positive effect on health of patients with cardiovascular diseases, as well as on return of disabled people or people who have temporarily lost ability to work, to normal personal and social life. Returning to work after surgical treatment is an independent objective of rehabilitation, the solution of which affects somatic and mental state of a patient with coronary heart disease. Implementation of comprehensive rehabilitation programs improves not only immediate but long-term prognosis of the course of coronary artery disease, and improves the quality of life in patients. Conclusion.Successful rehabilitation, retraining and reemployment can facilitate the return to work of patients with coronary heart disease after coronary artery bypass grafting.

Key words: coronary heart disease, coronary artery bypass grafting, rehabilitation, ability to work, disability.

For reference: Polonskaya II, Sergeyeva VV. Medical and social aspects of rehabilitation for coronary heart disease after coronary artery bypass grafting. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2018; 11 (6): 68–73. DOI: 10.20969/ VSKM.2018.11(6).68-73.


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UDC 616.72-085.275.3

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2018.11(6).74-76


KLYUSHKIN IVAN V., D. Med. Sci., professor of the Department of general surgery of Kazan State Medical University, Russia, 420012, Kazan, Butlerov str., 49, e-mail:

FATYKHOV RUSLAN I., C. Med. Sci., assistant of professor of the Department of general surgery of Kazan State Medical University, Russia, 420012, Kazan, Butlerov str., 49, e-mail:

KLUSHKINA MARIA S., 6th year student of the pediatric faculty of Kazan State Medical University, Russia, 420012, Kazan, Butlerov str., 49, e-mail:

Abstract. Aim. The aim of the study was to evaluate the possibility of using 1,884 g glucosamine sodium sulfate chloride drug «Artrakam» in terms of 100% substance, including glucosamine sulfate – 1,5 g and excipients, such as sorbitol and citric acid added to obtain 2,2 g mass content in one sachet. Taking into account the anti-inflammatory and analgesic action that occurs during the stimulation and synthesis of proteoglycans and hyaluronic acid, leading to inhibition of degenerative processes in the joints. Material and methods. 30 patients with chronic arthrosis have been enrolled in the study. WOMAC survey was conducted during the first visit. The patients were examined by an orthopedic surgeon, followed by radiographs of the affected joints. Quite often, this method competes with ultrasound examination of the joints. Magnetic resonance tomography was performed in certain patients. Additional examination methods were used for clinical and radiological assessment of the joint process stage according to N.S. Kosinskaya scale (1961). Results and discussion. Pain relief with its gradual regression from the second day occurred after 4–5 days of using «Artrakam» drug. Detoxification was performed before treatment in combination with forced diuresis. Analgesic and anti-inflammatory effect lasted up to 70 days. Сonclusion. The use of «Artrakam» drug in patients with chronic arthrosis of the knee joint has shown its effectiveness. The use of the powder dosage form to be dissolved in water did not adversely affect gastric mucosa in supervised patients. There were no complaints on pain in the gastrointestinal tract. The use of «Artrakam» drug had a long-lasting analgesic, anti-inflammatory, and anti-catalytic effect not only in diseases of the knee joint, but also in other large joints. The recommended frequency for taking «Artrakam» drug is at least half of the dose 2 times a day, which contributes to adequate absorption of the drug in the ileum. It allows obtaining a more pronounced effect, and to maintain the concentration.

Key words: joint, synovial fluid, arthrosis, glucosamine sulfate, radiography, ultrasound, analgesic effect.

For reference: Klyushkin IV, Fatykhov RI, Klushkina MS. «Artrakam» medication application experience in patients with arthrosis. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2018; 11 (6): 72-76. DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2018.11(6).72-76.


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UDC [616-005.1-02:617-089]-082

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2018.11(6).77-82


KHACHATURYAN VICTORIA A., Head of the Department of development of Republican Clinical Oncological Dispensary, Russia, 420019, Kazan, Sibirskiy trakt, 29, e-mail:

KHAFIZOVA EKATERINA E., transfusiologist of the Department of transfusiology of Republican Clinical Oncological Dispensary, Russia, 420019, Kazan, Sibirskiy trakt, 31

AKSENOVA NATALYA N., C. Med. Sci., Head of the Department of transfusion of Republican Clinical Oncological Dispensary, Russia, 420019, Kazan, Sibirskiy trakt, 29

BARYEV NAIL I., Head of the Department of anesthesiology, resuscitation and intensive care of Republican Clinical Oncological Dispensary, Russia, 420019, Kazan, Sibirskiy trakt, 29

SHAYMARDANOV ILSUR V., C. Med. Sci., Honored Doctor of the Republic of Tatarstan, part-time specialist for palliative care of Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan, deputy Head physician of Republican Clinical Oncological Dispensary, Russia, 420019, Kazan, Sibirskiy trakt, 29

Abstract. Aim. The aim of the study is to improve the processes of documenting information on acute intraoperativeblood loss using project management methodology and tools. Material and methods. Literature sources, containing description of methods for calculating the volume of blood lost during surgery have been studied. The information was structured in the original document, which is a «Card of acute intraoperative blood loss». Retrospective and prospectiveanalysis of the medical records of a hospital patient having or not having a card for acute intraoperative blood losswas carried out. The documenting processes in the protocols of operation and anesthesia, an anesthetic map, the protocol and the journal of reinfusion in case of using hardware reinfusion, were studied in 228 documents in total. The introduction of the original document into the existing documenting process of acute intraoperative blood loss was launched within the project, using project management methodology and tools. Results and discussion. Coordinationof specialists’ efforts at the initial stage: analysis of risk events, independent planning of activities to achieve project goals, creation of a temporary organizational and role structure that provides a balance of responsibility and authority, distinguishes project management from the legislative and administrative one. It also ensures the introduction of the original document into the existing processes of documenting acute intraoperative blood loss, which includes the name of the events, the deadlines for their execution, the planned result and the responsible executives. The implementation of the original document within the project using project management methodology and tools has increased consistency of the information on acute intraoperative blood loss from 9 to 72%. Conclusion. The process of documentation ofacute intraoperative blood loss has been improved. «Card for acute intraoperative blood loss» was first applied; a new process of documenting acute intraoperative blood loss was launched within the framework of the project «Introduction of a card for acute intraoperative blood loss». The original document «Card of acute intraoperative blood loss» with instructions for filling it out is an algorithm that allows estimating the volume and severity of blood loss and referencematerial allowing working out a common strategy for the specialists in replenishment of intraoperative blood loss duringsurgical treatment of the patient. The use of project management methodology and tools improves existing process in medical institutions, allows implementing original ideas, performing tasks set by management and implementing health priorities.

Key words: project management, medical organization, acute intraoperative blood loss.

For reference: Khachaturyan VA, Khafizova EE, Aksenova NN, Bariev NI, Shaimardanov IV. Methods and instruments in project management in acute intraoperative blood loss documentation process. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2018; 11 (6): 77-82. DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2018.11(6).77-82.


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