Category: For Authors


Guidance Materials in Aid of the Authors



NB! Dear authors, please carefully follow the Rules for Authors, because each time the Editorial Board returns the manuscript to the author(s) for revision automatically moves your manuscript to the end of the queue and pushes back the publication date

NB! If your manuscript is returned to you for revision, please edit exactly the file sent to you, since the editors have already made some changes in it! The file you edited must be returned to the editors with the edit number (edit1, edit2, etc.) indicated at the end of the file name. 

Time of correcting your manuscript according to the editors' and/or reviewers' comments is 3 days.

NB! Manuscripts that are not designed according to the Rules of our journal and/or not accompanied with a complete set of documents can not be accepted for proceeding and/or reviewing!

1.1 The manuscript must be typed using MS Word, font: Times New Roman, font size: 12, line spacing: 1.5, alignment "Justified," and no hyphenation.

1.2 The manuscript must be printed on one side of an A4 sheet. Margins: Top 25 mm, bottom 20 mm, left 30 mm, and right 15 mm.

1.3 The manuscript must be carefully edited and verified, including adhering to the academic writing style, spelling, punctuation, and syntax. The presentation should be clear and concise, without long introductions or repetitions. Abbreviations of words, including names and titles, are not allowed (except for the generally accepted abbreviations of physical measures, chemical and mathematical quantities, and terms). All units of measurement must be given in the SI system.

1.4 In the text of your manuscript (NOT the abstract!), when using an abbreviation for the first time, please provide its meaning (in parentheses).

1.5 All charts and graphs must be made using SPSS, Microsoft Word, or Microsoft Excel. Non-editable charts and graphs must be in vector image format. Illustrative materials must be provided in a resolution of at least 300-400 dpi, the drawing/photo being sized 100%.

1.6 The manuscript must contain information confirming that your study has been approved by the ethics committee. In case of human studies, it must also contain the details on informed consents.

2. At the beginning of the first page of the manuscript, please indicate the following (separated by a space):

2.1 Section you are submitting your manuscript to (Оригинальное исследование / Original Study; Обзор / Review, etc.).

2.2 © Initials and surnames of all authors, separated by commas, and the year (for example: © N. B. Amirov, A. A. Vizel, M. A. Daminova, R. I. Shaimuratov, 2024).

2.3 UDC..............; and                               DOI prefix: 10.20969/VSKM.2024.17(_)._-_

2.4 Title of your manuscript (BOLD, ALL CAPITALS) must exhibit the core content of your study and be presented in Russian and English (translation must be performed by a qualified translator,  while the use of machine translation, such as Google Translate, is not allowed.

NB! All information in English (if your manuscript is in Russian) or in Russian (if your manuscript is in English), such as the TITLE OF THE ARTICLE. AUTHORS. Abstract (structured). Keywords. For reference, must be presented as a single text block!

2.5 Each author's SURNAME, FIRST NAME, and THE INITIAL LETTER OF PATRONYMIC (BOLD, ALL CAPITALS), followed by ORCID ID, Scopus Author ID, Researcher ID, RSCI Author ID, academic degree, academic title, position, full name of the department/division, institution, city, country, postal code, address of the institution, contact phone number, and e-mail; this information must also be provided in Russian and English. Please note that in the Russian version, the patronymic (if any) must be presented in full: АМИРОВ НАИЛЬ БАГАУВИЧ, while city/town and country in addresses should be added in Russian in parentheses: 18 J. Smith str., E1 8BN London, Great Britain (Лондон, Великобритания).

2.6 A structured Abstract (the following must be highlighted: Introduction. Цель. Materials and Methods (with detailed indication of the statistical processing tools). Results and Discussion. Conclusions.) presenting the core content of the manuscript in Russian and English (at least 150 and at most 350 words). The translation into Russian must be performed by a qualified translator, the use of machine translation, such as Google Translate, is not allowed. It is not recommended to use any abbreviations or symbols in the Abstract. The Editorial Board reserves the right to correct without the authors' consent the title of the manuscript, the Abstract, and the keywords provided by the authors in Russian, if they do not comply with the spelling, punctuation, and/or stylistic rules of the Russian language or if they contain the misuse of any terms.

2.7 Keywords (at most 6) reflecting the sense of your manuscript, in Russian and English.
2.8 For reference: Names of all authors (if there are up to four authors in total) or of the first three authors followed by "и др."/"etc." (if there are more than four authors). Название статьи // Вестник современной клинической медицины. — 202_. — Т. 1_ , вып. _. — С.__—__. Article title. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 202_. Vol. 1_, issue _. P.__. DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.202_.__(_).__-__

NB! The components of the block intended for placing the article in international databases in English: The title of the article. Authors. Abstract (structured). Keywords. For reference. [Article title. Authors. Abstract (structured). Keywords. For reference], must be presented as a single text block!

2.9 Correct spelling of the sections in your Abstract in Russian:

Реферат. Введение. Цель. Материалы и методы. Results and Discussion. Выводы.

Abstract. Introduction. Aim. Materials and Methods. Results and Discussion. Conclusions.

Below are some Russian and English equivalents of academic degrees, titles, positions, and departments used in our journal:

докт. мед. наук – Dr. sc. med.
канд. мед. наук – Cand. sc. med.
аспирант – Postgraduate Student
ассистент кафедры – Assistant Professor
доцент – Associate Professor
младший / старший научный сотрудник – Junior/ Senior Researcher
главный врач – Chief Physician
заместитель главного врача – Deputy Chief Physician
заслуженный врач – Honored Doctor (possible options: Distinguished Physician or specific profession, such as Honored Surgeon (заслуженный хирург)
главный внештатный специалист – Chief Consultant
заведующий отделением – Head of the Department, such as заведующий терапевтическим отделением – Head of the Department of Internal Medicine
соискатель ученой степени доктора (кандидата) мед. наук  – Applicant for the Cand./Dr. sc. med. degree
старший/ младший преподаватель – Junior/Senior Teacher/Instructor
студент заочного отделения – External Student

Institutions and departments/divisions:

Медицинско-санитарная часть – Medical Unit
Кафедра пропедевтики детских болезней – Department of Pediatrics
Кафедра госпитальной терапии – Department of Advanced Internal Medicine
Кафедра факультетской терапии – Department of Internal Medicine
Поликлиника – Outpatient Сlinic

The English versions of the Russian names of institutions shall be written much shorter, without framing abbreviations or designations of types and forms of institutions, for example: ФГБОУ ВО «Казанский государственный медицинский университет» Минздрава России – Kazan State Medical University.

2.10 Your article shall include the following sections:

Introduction (with the aim of your study provided at the end). Materials and Methods (with a detailed description of the statistic processing methods). Results and Discussion. Conclusions. Research transparency degree. Declaration of financial and/or other relationships. References.



Оригинальное исследование.

© А.И. Абдрахманова, Н.А. Цибулькин, Н.Б. Амиров, Г.Б. Сайфуллина, 2022

УДК: 616.127-005.4-073.756.8                             DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2022.15(4)._-_


АБДРАХМАНОВА АЛСУ ИЛЬДУСОВНА, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0769-3682; канд. мед. наук, доцент кафедры внутренних болезней Института фундаментальной медицины и биологии ФГАОУ ВО «Казанский (Приволжский) федеральный университет», Россия, 420012, Казань, ул. Карла Маркса, 74; врач отделения кардиологии ГАУЗ «Межрегиональный клинико-диагностический центр», Россия, 420087, Казань, ул. Карбышева, 12 а. E-mail:

ЦИБУЛЬКИН НИКОЛАЙ АНАТОЛЬЕВИЧ, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1343-0478; канд. мед. наук, доцент кафедры кардиологии, рентгенэндоваскулярной и сердечно-сосудистой хирургии, Казанская государственная медицинская академия – филиал ФГБОУ ДПО РМАНПО Минздрава России, Россия, 420012, Казань, ул. Бутлерова, 36. E-mail:

АМИРОВ НАИЛЬ БАГАУВИЧ, ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0009-9103; докт. мед. наук, профессор кафедры поликлинической терапии и общей врачебной практики ФГБОУ ВО «Казанский государственный медицинский университет» Минздрава России, Россия, 420012, Казань, ул. Бутлерова, 49; зам. начальника по науке клинического госпиталя ФКУЗ «Медико-санитарная часть Министерства внутренних дел России по Республике Татарстан», Россия, 420059, г. Казань, ул. Оренбургский тракт, 132, тел.: +7 (843) 291-26-76. E-mail:

САЙФУЛЛИНА ГУЗАЛИЯ БАРИЕВНА, ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1259-0285; врач лаборатории радиоизотопной диагностики ГАУЗ «Межрегиональный клинико-диагностический центр», Россия, 420087, Казань, ул. Карбышева, 12а. E-mail:

Реферат. Введение. Одним из методов выявления безболевой ишемии миокарда является оценка его перфузии. Для этого высокочувствительным методом считается однофотонная эмиссионная компьютерная томография. Она является “золотым стандартом” в диагностике преходящей ишемии миокарда, обусловленной как коронарогенными, так и некоронарогенными причинами. Цель исследования – анализ данных однофотонной эмиссионной компьютерной томографии в покое и после нагрузочной пробы у пациентов с безболевой ишемией миокарда и обычной формы стенокардии. Материал и методы. Проанализированы 78 историй болезни пациентов с безболевой и болевой ишемией миокарда. В качестве нагрузочной пробы применялась велоэргометрия. Оценивались динамика перфузии, сократимости и электрокардиографическая картина. Статистическая обработка проведена с использованием параметрических и непараметрических критериев. Результаты и их обсуждение. Пациенты с безболевой ишемией миокарда достоверно реже подвергаются коронарному стентированию и коронарному шунтированию по сравнению с группой с типичной стенокардией. Наиболее частой причиной остановки нагрузочной пробы в группе с безболевой ишемией миокарда является депрессия сегмента ST, что происходит в 6 раз чаще, чем у пациентов с обычной формой стенокардии. В группе с безболевой ишемией миокарда снижение сократимости миокарда наблюдается на 20% чаще, в 2,5 раза реже возникают нарушения сердечного ритма по типу желудочковой экстрасистолии, в 3 раза чаще возникает гипертонический тип реакции на физическую нагрузку, чем у пациентов с обычной формой стенокардии. Выводы. Однофотонная эмиссионная компьютерная томография с использованием нагрузочных проб позволяет выявить различия у пациентов с безболевой и болевой формой ишемии миокарда.

Ключевые слова: безболевая ишемия миокарда, однофотонная эмиссионная компьютерная томография
Для ссылки. Абдрахманова А.И., Цибулькин Н.А., Амиров Н.Б., Сайфуллина Г.Б. Однофотонная эмиссионная компьютерная томография в пробах с физической нагрузкой при безболевой ишемии миокарда // Вестник современной клинической медицины. — 2022. — Т. 15, вып. 4. – С.__—__. DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2022.15(4)._—_

ABDRAHMANOVA, ALSU I., ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0769-3682; SCOPUS Author ID: 57192296744, Cand. sc. med., Associate Professor, Department of Internal Diseases, Institute of Biology and Fundamental Medicine, Kazan Federal University, 74 Karl Marx str., 420012 Kazan, Russia; Physician at the Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Center, 12а Karbyshev str., 420089 Kazan, Russia. E-mail:
TSIBULKIN, NICOLAY A., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1343-0478; Cand. sc. med., Associate Professor, Department of Cardiology, X-Ray-Endovascular and Cardiovascular Surgery, Kazan State Medical Academy – Branch of the Russian Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education, 36 Butlerov str., 420012 Kazan, Russia. E-mail:

AMIROV, NAIL B., ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0009-9103; SCOPUS Authоr ID: 7005357664; Dr. sc. med., Professor at the Department of Outpatient Medicine and General Practical Medicine, Kazan State Medical University, 49 Butlerov str., 420012 Kazan, Russia. Deputy Chief Physician for Research, Medical Unit of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation in the Republic of Tatarstan, 132 Orenburgsky trakt str., 420059 Kazan, Russia. Tel.: +7 (843) 291-26-76. E-mail:
SAYFULLINA, GUZEL B., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1259-0285; Physician, Radioisotope Scanning Laboratory, Interregional Clinical Diagnostic Center, 12a Karbyshev str., 420089 Kazan, Russia. E-mail:
Abstract. Introduction. In the diagnosis of silent myocardial ischemia, single-photon emission computed tomography is of great importance. One of the methods for detecting silent myocardial ischemia is the assessment of its perfusion. For this, single-photon emission computed tomography is considered to be a highly sensitive method. It is the "gold standard" in the diagnosis of transient myocardial ischemia due to both coronary and non-coronary causes. Aim. The aim of the study was to analyze the data of single-photon emission computed tomography at rest and after a stress test in patients with silent myocardial ischemia and the usual form of angina pectoris. Materials and Methods. 78 case histories of patients with silent and ordinary myocardial ischemia were analyzed. Bicycle ergometry was used as a stress test. The dynamics of perfusion, contractility and electrocardiographic picture were evaluated. Statistical analysis was carried out using parametric and nonparametric criteria. Results and Discussion. Patients with silent myocardial ischemia are significantly less likely to undergo coronary stenting and coronary bypass grafting compared to the group with typical angina pectoris. The most common reason for stopping the exercise test in the group with silent myocardial ischemia is ST depression, which occurs 6 times more often than in patients with the usual form of angina. In the group with silent myocardial ischemia, a decrease in myocardial contractility is observed 20% more often, 2.5 times less often there are ventricular extrasystole, 3 times more often there is a hypertonic type of reaction to physical activity than in patients with the usual form of angina pectoris. Conclusions. Single photon emission computed tomography using stress tests reveals differences in patients with silent and ordinary forms of myocardial ischemia.
Keywords: silent myocardial ischemia, single-photon emission computed tomography
For reference: Abdrahmanova, AI, Tsibulkin, NA, Amirov, NB, Sayfullina, GB. Single-photon emission computed tomography in exercise tests in painless myocardial ischemia. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2022; 15(4): _—_. DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2022.15(4)._—_

Further: The structured text of your manuscript.

Aim of the study.

 Materials and Methods.

Results and Discussion.

Research transparency degree.

Declaration of financial and/or other relationships.

References (exemplary formats)

  1. Cohn PF, Fox KM, Daily C. Silent Myocardial Ischemia. Circulation. 2003; 108: 1263–1277. DOI: 10.1161/01.CIR.0000088001.59265
  2. Ogino Y, Horiguchi Y, Ueda T, et al. A myocardial perfusion imaging system using a multifocal collimator for detecting coronary artery disease: validation with invasive coronary angiography. Ann Nucl Med. 2015; 4 (29): 366–370. DOI: 10.1007/s12149-015-0955-9
  3. Абдрахманова А.И., Сайфуллина Г.Б., Амиров Н.Б. Место перфузионной сцинтиграфии миокарда в диагностике синдрома такоцубо // Российский кардиологический журнал. – 2018. – № 12. – С.125–130. [Abdrakhmanova AI, Sayfullina GB, Amirov NB. The place of myocardial perfusion scintigraphy in the diagnosis of takotsubo syndrome [Place of myocardial perfusion scintigraphy in the diagnosis of takotsubo syndrome]. Russian journal of cardiology [Russian Journal of Cardiology]. 2018; 12: 125-130. (In Russ.)]. DOI: 10.15829/1560-4071-2018-12-125-130
    4. Аншелес А.А., Шульгин Д.Н., Соломяный В.В. и др. Сопоставление результатов нагрузочных проб, данных однофотонной эмиссионной компьютерной томографии и коронарографии у больных ишемической болезнью сердца // Кардиологический вестник. – 2012. – № 2. – С.10–16. [Ansheles AA, Shulgin DN, Solomyany VV, et al. Comparison of the results of stress tests, data from single-photon emission computed tomography and coronary angiography in patients with coronary heart disease [Comparison of the results of stress tests, data of single-photon emission computed tomography and coronary angiography in patients with coronary heart disease]. Cardiological Bulletin [Cardiology Bulletin]. 2012; 2: 10-16. (In Russ.)]

2.11 File containing your manuscript shall be named by the surname of the first author, for example: Smith.docx

NB! Dear authors, please carefully follow the Rules for Authors, because each time the Editorial Board returns the manuscript to the author(s) for revision automatically moves your manuscript to the end of the queue and pushes back the publication date.

  1. 3. We accept manuscripts written in English. All the requirements that apply to manuscripts in Russian must also be met. Accordingly, text blocks that must be submitted in two languages must be translated by a professional translator (machine translation, such as with Google Translate, is not allowed).
  2. 4. The manuscript must be accompanied by an official referral from the institution (Cover Letter) where the study was conducted; the Cover Letter must be signed by your research supervisor. The Cover Letter must also be provided with the seal of the institution that submits the manuscript to the editorial board of our journal. Should the manuscript be submitted from several institutions, you should provide it with a cover letter from each of those institutions to confirm that they approve submitting it to our journal (this is option, if there is no conflict of interest among the institutions). If your manuscript is part of your thesis research, you can also indicate this in such a cover letter, including the code and designation of your special field.

The Cover Letter must indicate that the manuscript was checked using the Antiplagiat (Anti-Plagiarism) system at (the allowable number of borrowings may not exceed 10%).

  1. All articles are submitted for review. Compliance with the journal subject theme and Rules (Expert Examination of the manuscript) is initially assessed by the Editor-in-Chief or Deputy Editor-in-Chief. Should any non-compliance with the established rules be detected, the author(s) will be notified on the rejection of the manuscript, stating the reasons. Manuscripts that are rejected at this stage are not reviewed. The editorial board reserves the right to shorten and edit the manuscripts submitted. Papers already published in or submitted for publishing in other publications are not allowed for submitting to our editorial board. Should any remarks be made by the expert(s) during the manuscript examination, the executive secretary of the journal notifies the author(s) of the mandatory deadlines for achieving compliance with these comments.

NB! The delay in achieving the compliance with the remarks made by the editors and reviewers pushes the publication date of your article to the end of the queue.

  1. At the end of your manuscript, it must be signed by all its authors and indicate their academic degrees and titles, full names, places of work and positions, contact addresses, phone numbers, and e-mail addresses.

NB! Please specify the Corresponding Author separately.

  1. You can submit the manuscript and all accompanying documents electronically to the following e-mail: You can also submit them by mail on a convenient data carrier, such as CD-R, CD-RW, or flash drive, simultaneously with the confirmation of payment for editorial expenses to N.B. Amirov at: 57 Vishnevsky, Apt. 83, 420043 Kazan, Russia or to N.B. Amirov, Editorial Board of The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine, Kazan State Medical University, 49 Butlerov str., 420012 Kazan, Russia, informing the Editorial Board that the manuscript has been sent by mail.

The fee for processing, reviewing and reviewing the manuscript on a first-come, first-served basis is 1,100.00 Russian rubles per 1 page of the manuscript (if your article is of an advertising nature, the fee is 2,200.00 Russian rubles per 1 page). Name your file with the surname of the first author. If the first author submits several manuscripts, they shall be assigned numbers after the surname and initials separated by a hyphen, for example: Amirov N.B.-1, Amirov N.B.-2, etc.

It is not allowed to submit two or more manuscripts of the same first author for publishing within one issue of the journal.

List of documents to be sent to our editorial office:

  1. A. Your manuscript prepared using MS Word strictly according to the Rules of The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. All other documents can be submitted as scanned copies or photos.
  2. B. A referral from your institution and/or a cover letter.
  3. C. Expert opinion (if necessary).
  4. D. Payment receipt.
  5. A copy of the document confirming the status of a postgraduate student (if necessary).
  6. F. A document confirming that the manuscript has been checked in the Antiplagiat (Antiplagiarism) system (the non-uniqueness may not exceed 10%).
  7. 8. Journal sections: Передовая статья/Editorial. Оригинальные исследования / Original Study (clinical and theoretical publications). Обзоры/Reviews. Клинические рекомендации / Clinical Guidelines. Клинические лекции / Clinical Lectures. Организация здравоохранения / Healthcare Management Дискуссии/Discussions. Рецензии/Reviews. Съезды, конференции, симпозиумы / Congresses, Conferences, and Symposiums. Из практического опыта / From Practical Experience. История медицины (юбилейные и исторические даты) / History of Medicine (Anniversaries & Historic Dates) Экспериментальные исследования – клинической медицине / Experiments for Clinical Medicine, etc.
  8. 9. In the section titled From Practical Experience, the manuscripts can be accepted that cover the original experience of the authors in medical practice, including unique clinical cases. At the same time, the article should contain a preliminary topic-related literature review justifying the originality/uniqueness of the phenomenon. Recommended length of your correctly formatted manuscript: 15-20 pages. The length of academic reviews submitted to the Clinical Lectures section shall be agreed in advance with the Editorial Board. Recommended length of manuscripts to be submitted to the Original Study section: 15-20 pages.
  9. 10. Requirements for illustrative materials:

All tables should be visually constructed and have a caption in Russian and English above the table; table captions must correspond exactly to table contents. No table may be represented as a scanned image.

All figures must be numbered and have captions in Russian and English (under the figure); no elements of a figure may be shifted during formatting. All scanned photos must have a resolution of at least 300 dpi.

All charts and graphs must be made using SPSS, Microsoft Word, or Microsoft Excel. Non-editable charts and graphs must be in vector image format.

Illustrative materials must be provided in a resolution of at least 300-400 dpi, the drawing/photo being sized 100%.

Text: All the manuscript components, such as text, tables, figures, etc., must be provided in full in the appropriate places. Table/figure captions must be in Russian and English. Tables and figures, including their numbers, must be referenced to in the text.

  1. 11. Please provide the research transparency information above the References. Recommended options:
  2. A) The study has no funding bias. The authors are fully responsible for submitting the final version of the manuscript to be published.


  1. B) The study was sponsored by ….. . Company name: ..... . The authors are fully responsible for submitting the final version of the manuscript to be published.


  1. C) The study was conducted within Research Project No. ….. (project name) approved by the Academic/Scientific Council of ..… institution ..… . The study was sponsored by (whom?) / was not funded. The authors are fully responsible for submitting the final version of the manuscript to be published.
  2. 12. Declare your financial and/or other relationships.

All authors were / were not involved in developing the study design and concept and/or writing the manuscript. The final manuscript wording was / was not approved by all authors. The authors have / have not received a fee for this study.

  1. 13. Literature must be referenced to in the text of your manuscript in square brackets, indicating the number according to the References, for example: ... according to [11]… At the end of the manuscript, a unified list of references shall be provided in accordance with the international standards.

General requirements for and rules of listing your references.

We recommend to provide 15-30 references for original studies and 50-60+ for reviews. Authors cited must be listed in the order of citing them. Every reference must have a DOI. References must not include those to materials, the availability of which cannot be verified, such as local conference proceedings, teacher's resource books without publication details, etc.

Please use the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals to prepare your References in English.

Design template:

Author, AA, Author, BB, Author, CC. Title of article. Title of Journal. 2005; 10 (2): 49-53. DOI: 11/2222/33333
 Please note that full stops are only placed at four points in the reference: After the last author's name, after the publication title, after the publisher's title, and after having indicated page numbers at the very end.

Exemplary References in English:

А) Thaler JP, Yi CX, Schur EA, Guyenet SJ, Hwang BH, et al. Obesity is associated with hypothalamic injury in rodents and humans. J Clin Invest. 2012; 122 (1): 153-162. DOI: 10.1172/JCI59660

  1. B) Rabe KF, Watz H. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Lancet. 2017; 389: 1931-1940. DOI: 10.1016/S0140-6736(17)31222-9
  2. C) Sen A. The idea of justice. Belknap Press: An Imprint of Harvard University Press. 2011; 496 p.

Bibliographic descriptions of references to Russian-language sources must be in Russian followed by their Latin transcription. Russian part must be provided as it is, and its Latin transcription must be [in square brackets].

References in Russian must be formatted as follows:

In the English part of the References, please use the Uniform Requirements for Manuscripts Submitted to Biomedical Journals, providing the transliterated Russian text (you may use the following resources: and and the English translation of its title and publisher in square brackets.

  1. At the very end of the English version of your References, please indicate the source language of the publication in parenthesis (before the closing square bracket), for example: (in Russ.).
  2. The DOI of the reference must be placed at the end of the bibliographic description (after square brackets). If the cited publication has no DOI, but is posted online, it is desirable to include its URL.

Exemplary formatting of Russian references:

1) Амиров Н.Б., Давлетшина Э.И., Васильева А.Г., Фатыхов Р.Г. Постковидный синдром: мультисистемные «дефициты» // Вестник современной клинической медицины. – 2021. – Т. 14, вып. 6. – С.94–104. [Amirov NB, Davletshina EI, Vasilieva AG, Fatykhov RG. Postkovidnyy sindrom: mul'tisistemnyye 'defitsity' [Postcovid syndrome: Multisystem ‘deficits’]. Vestnik sovremennoy klinicheskoy meditsiny [The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine]. 2021; 14 (6): 94–104. (In Russ.)]. DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2021.14(6).94–104

2) Мерзликин Н.В., Подгорнов В.Ф., Семичев Е.В., и др. Методы лечения холедохолитиаза // Бюллетень сибирской медицины. – 2015. – № 4. – С.99–109. [Merzlikin NV, Podgornov VF, Semichev YeV, еt al. Metody lecheniya kholedokholitiaza [Methods of choledocholithiasis treatment]. Byulleten’ sibirskoy meditsiny [Bulletin of Siberian Medicine]. 2015; 14 (4): 99–109. (In Russ.)]. DOI: 10.20538/1682–0363–2015–4–99–109

3) Шестопалов Н.В., Пантелеева Л.Г., Соколова Н.Ф., и др. Федеральные клинические рекомендации по выбору химических средств дезинфекции и стерилизации для использования в медицинских организациях // М–во здравоохранения Российской Федерации, Нац. ассоц. специалистов по контролю инфекций, связанных с оказанием медицинской помощи (НАСКИ). – Москва: Ремедиум Приволжье, 2015. – 56 с. [Shestopalov NV, Panteleeva LG, Sokolova NF, et al. Federalnyye klinicheskiye rekomendatsii po vyboru khimicheskikh sredstv dezinfektsii i sterilizatsii dlya ispolzovaniya v medetsinskikh organizatsiyakh; Natsionalnaya assotsiatsiya spetsialistov po kontrolyu infektsiy, svyazannykh s okazaniyem meditsinskoy pomoshchi [Federal clinical recommendations on the choice of disinfection and sterilization chemicals to be used in medical organizations; National Association of Medical Care Specialists in Controlling Infections]. Moskva: Remedium Privolzh’ye [Moscow: Remedium Volga Region]. 2015; 56 p. (In Russ.)].

4) Цфасман А.З. Профессия и гипертония: монография // Москва: Эксмо, 2012. – 191 с. [Tsfasman AZ. Professiya i gipertoniya: monografiya [Profession and Hypertension: Monograph]. Moskva: Eksmo [Moscow: Eksmo]. 2012; 191 р. (In Russ.)].

5) Мочевая кислота (в крови) (Uric acid), показания к назначению, правила подготовки к сдаче анализа, расшифровка результатов и показатели нормы. [Mochevaya kislota (v krovi) (Uric acid), pokazaniya k naznacheniyu, pravila podgotovki k sdache analiza, rasshifrovka rezul'tatov i pokazateli normy [Uric acid (in the blood) (Uric acid), indications, how to prepare for the tests, how to interpret the findings, and reference ranges. (In Russ.)].

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