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Pancreatitis in HIV-infected patients. Causes and trends. Analysis of a case series. Gafarov U.O. (Russia, Moscow), Plotkin D.V. (Russia, Moscow), Reshetnikov M.N. (Russia, Moscow), Romanova E.Y. (Russia, Moscow), Barskiy В.G. (Russia, Moscow), Mokhov D.A (Russia, Moscow), Sterlikov S.A. (Russia, Moscow), Bogorodskaya E.M. (Russia, Moscow) P.7

Nicotine addiction and hormonal imbalance in pregnant smokers with varying degrees of COPD severity Dzyubailo A.V. (Russia, Samara), Lotkov V.S. (Russia, Samara) P.18

The role of renal dysfunction in fatal outcomes in the liver cirrhosis Karzakova L.M. (Russia, Cheboksary), Ivanova A.L. (Russia, Cheboksary), Kudryashov S.I. (Russia, Cheboksary), Odintsova A.V (Russia, Cheboksary), Gurieva A.V (Russia, Cheboksary), Komelyagina N.A. (Russia, Cheboksary), Gavrilova E.S. (Russia, Cheboksary), Anisimova T.A. (Russia, Cheboksary) P.23

Forecasting the probability of COPD development depending on the smoking experience of women of fertile age Lotkov V.S. (Russia, Samara), Dzyubailo A.V. (Russia, Samara) P.34

Development of a simple questionnaire for early detection of premorbid functional health impairments Martyushev Poklad A.V. (Russia, Moscow), Yankevich D.S. (Russia, Moscow), Savitskaya N.G. (Russia, Moscow), Grechko A.V. (Russia, Moscow) P.39

Prognosis of significant ischemic events and lethal outcome in patients with myocardial infarction with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease Prokofyeva T.V. (Russia, Аstrakhan), Polunina O.S. (Russia, Аstrakhan), Polunina E.A. (Russia, Аstrakhan) P.49

The role of leptin in various ageassociated pathologies in old age and in long-livers Topolyanskaya S.V. (Russia, Moscow), Mаmchich D.S. (Russia, Moscow), Eliseeva T.A. (Russia, Moscow), Vakulenko O.N. (Russia, Moscow), Ratchina S.A. (Russia, Moscow), Dvoretski L.I. (Russia, Moscow), Lytkina K.A.(Russia, Moscow), Melkonyan G.G. (Russia, Moscow) P.56

The role of subjective and objective criteria in the assessment of the state of patients with bronchobstructive diseases in remote monitoring conditions Shubina K.M. (Russia, Moscow), Mishlanov V. J. (Russia, Permian), Nikitin I.G. (Russia, Moscow), Bekker K.N. (Russia, Permian), Emelkina V.V. (Russia, Permian), Shubin I.V (Russia, Moscow) P.64


History and reality of application the 6 minute walk test in children Bushueva E.V. (Russia, Cheboksary) Dianova T.I. (Russia, Cheboksary) Ivanova O.N. (Russia, Cheboksary) Gerasimova L.I. (Russia, Moscow), Petrov A.G. (Russia, Cheboksary) Sitdikova I.D. (Russia, Kazan) P.72

Autism spectrum disorder in children: diagnostic significance of electroencephalography Gamirova R.G (Russia, Kazan), Safina A.R. (Russia, Kazan), Gorobets E.A. (Russia, Kazan), Safina D.R. (Russia, Kazan) P.80

Features of neurotransmitter regulation of ureteral function and prospects for the search for new stoneremoving drugsZyapbarov A.M. (Russia, Kazan), Ziganshin A.U. (Russia, Kazan) P.89

The impact of state institutional norms on the management of the range policy of organizations wholesale medicinesUrusova L.K. (Russia, Pyatigorsk), Goryachev A.B. (Russia, Moscow), Kabakova T.I. (Russia, Pyatigorsk) P.95


A clinical case of «long-COVID» with damage to the endocrine, cardiovascular and pulmonary systems Ivanova L.A. (Russia, Кrasnodar), Kovalenko Y.S. (Russia, Кrasnodar), Korol I.V. (Russia, Кrasnodar), Smezinova A.V. (Russia, Кrasnodar), Kokova Y.A. (Russia, Кrasnodar), Ananeva E.I.(Russia, Кrasnodar) P.102


Clinical case of juvenile ossifying fibroma (jof) mimicking frontal sinus mucocele Zeleva O.V. (Russia, Samara), Zelter P.M. (Russia, Samara), Kolsanov A.V. (Russia, Samara), Sidorov E.A. (Russia, Samara), Tsoi A.V.(Russia, Samara), Ivanova O.V. (Russia, Samara) P.108


The procedure for cooperation of the center for disaster medicine with medical organizations in emergency situationsKubasov R.V. (Russia, Arkhangelsk),
Sokolnikov V.A. (Russia, Arkhangelsk), Martynov V.O.(Russia, Arkhangelsk), Smykovskaya A.I. (Russia, Arkhangelsk), Krymova E.S. (Russia, Arkhangelsk), Menshutin I.Y. (Russia, Arkhangelsk), Kalinin A.G. (Russia, Arkhangelsk), Sannikov A.L. (Russia, Arkhangelsk), Kubasova E.D. (Russia, Arkhangelsk) P.113



UDC: 616.98.578-828.6-06.616.37

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2023.16(2).7-17


GAFAROV UMEDZHON O., ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0445-4053; Researcher ID GPK-1408-2022; RSCI Author ID 1009568; SPIN-code: 2538-0186; С. Med. Sci, Surgeon of the Moscow Research and Clinical Center for TB Control of the Moscow Healthcare Department, Russia, 107014, Moscow, Stromynka St., 10; Surgeon of the Rozanov Moscow Regional Hospital, Ivanteevsky branch, Russia, 141280, Moscow Region, Ivanteevka, Pervomayskaya St., 39; e-mail:

PLOTKIN DMITRIY V., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6659-7888; Scopus Author ID: 7003838496; Researcher ID AAF-1358-2020; RSCI Author ID 904034; SPIN-code: 7425-9947; С. Med. Sci, Associate Professor, Surgeon of the Moscow Research and Clinical Center for TB Control of the Moscow Healthcare Department, Russia, 107014, Moscow, Stromynka St., 10.; Associate Professor of the Department of General Surgery of the Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Russia, 117997, Moscow, Ostrovityanova St., 1.;e-mail:

RESHETNIKOV MIKHAIL N., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4418-4601; Scopus Author ID: 57202426327; Researcher ID AAC-7191-2020; RSCI Author ID 904021; SPIN-code: 7292-6640; С. Med. Sci, Surgeon of the Moscow Research and Clinical Center for TB Control of the Moscow Healthcare Department, Russia, 107014, Moscow, Stromynka St., 10; e-mail:

ROMANOVA ELENA Y., ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6092-9100; RSCI Author ID 1079534; SPIN-code: 6995-6846; Infectiologist of the Moscow Research and Clinical Center for TB Control of the Moscow Healthcare Department, Russia, 107014, Moscow, Stromynka St., 10; e-mail:

BARSKIY BORIS G., ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5414-9319; RSCI Author ID 742696; С. Med. Sci, The Head of Department of the Moscow Research and Clinical Center for TB Control of the Moscow Healthcare Department, Russia, 107014, Moscow, Stromynka St., 10; e-mail:

MOKHOV DMITRIY A., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8320-8813; Surgeon of the Rozanov Moscow Regional Hospital, Ivanteevsky branch, Russia, 141280, Moscow Region, Ivanteevka, Pervomayskaya St., 39; e-mail: mokhovdmitriy@

STERLIKOV SERGEY A., ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8173-8055; Scopus Author ID: 55183564500; Researcher ID AAG-8146-2019; RSCI Author ID 679902; SPIN-code: 8672-4853; Doctor of Medical Sciences, Chief Researcher, Russian Research Institute of Health, Russia, 127254, Moscow, Dobrolyubova St., 11; e-mail:

BOGORODSKAYA ELENA M., ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4552-5022; Scopus Author ID: 15764671200; Researcher ID AAE-7936-2022; RSCI Author ID: 276837; Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor, Director of the Moscow Research and Clinical Center for TB Control of the Moscow Healthcare Department, Russia, 107014, Moscow, Stromynka St., 10.; e-mail:

Abstract. Introduction. Acute pancreatitis is common in HIV-infected patients and has a number of signi cant features that directly a ect the methods of diagnosis and treatment. Aim. To study risk factors of acute pancreatitis development in patients with HIV-infection with immunosuppressive disorders and to determine treatment and diagnostic algorithm in this group of patients. Material and Methods. Anamnestic data, results of diagnosis and treatment of two groups of patients with acute pancreatitis were analyzed. The rst group included 79 patients with acute pancreatitis combined with HIV infection who were admitted to the clinic for the period from 2017 to 2021. The second group consisted of 558 HIV-negative patients with acute pancreatitis. Results and discussion. In the group of HIV-positive patients it turned out that alimentary factors caused pancreatitis in 31,7% of patients, biliary concretions and hypertension in 16,5% of patients, it was not possible to establish an initiating factor of the disease in 16,5% of cases. In people living with HIV drugs and infectious agents caused acute pancreatitis in 11,4% and 24,1% of cases respectively. Alimentary factors were in the lead in the group of HIV–negative patients (52,2%), gallstone disease was considered as the second main cause of pancreatitis – 36,0% of cases, viral infections and the consequences of the use of drugs respectively accounted for 1,6%, and in 10,2% of patients the cause of acute pancreatitis remained unknown. Discussion. As ourstudy showed, in patients with normal immune status the drug etiology of pancreatitis prevailed in the structure of the causes of pancreatitis, in patients with immunode ciency, respectively, infectious causes of pancreatitis were dominant. Based on the obtained data on the cause of pancreatitis, the rational therapeutic and diagnostic algorithm was formed, the use of which in clinical practice will allow timely initiation of etiotropic and pathogenetic therapy in a group of HIV-positive patients. Conclusion. The etiological structure of HIV-associated acute pancreatitis directly depends on the patient’s immune status and di ers in many ways from that of HIV-negative patients or patients receiving antiretroviral therapy. The severity of the disease and the risk of death remain high in acute pancreatitis caused by infectious agents against the background of immunosuppression.

Key words: acute pancreatitis, HIV, antiretroviral therapy, immune status.

For reference: Gafarov UO, Plotkin DV, Reshetnikov MN, et al. HIV-associated pancreatitis. Causes and trends. Analysis of case series. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2023; 16(2): 7-17.
DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2023.16(2).7-17.


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UDC 616.24-008.46:613.84:618.2

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2023.16(2).18-22


DZYUBAILO ANNA V., ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6908-4829, C. Med. Sci., associate professor, Head of the Department of Internal Medicine with a course of Outpatient Medicine and Hemotransfusiology of Samara State Medical University, Russia, 443099, Samara, Chapaevskaya St., 89, e-mail:

LOTKOV VYACHESLAV S., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3995-6988, D. Med. Sci,. professor of the Department of Occupational Diseases and Clinical Pharmacology named after professor V.V. Kosarev of Samara State Medical University, Russia, 443099, Samara, Chapaevskaya str., 89, e-mail:

Abstract. Introduction. The relationship between the degree of nicotine addiction and the functional state of the thyroid gland, the adrenocorticotropic hormone-cortisol system and hormone imbalance in pregnant women smokers with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease was studied. Aim. The aim of the study was to identify and evaluate the relationship between the degree of nicotine dependence and hormonal imbalance of the thyroid gland, cortisol and progesterone in pregnant smokers with varying degrees of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease severity. Material and methods. The study is based on the results of studying changes in blood hormone indicators in 107 smoking women with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and 136 non-smoking women in di erent trimesters of pregnancy observed in the antenatal clinic. The control group consisted of healthy non-smoking patients. The diagnosis of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease was made based on the clinical recommendations of the Russian Respiratory Society (2021). The reliability of the results was evaluated using parametric statistics methods. The data obtained were processed using the Statistica 10 program, Microsoft Excel 2010. Results and discussion. The presented data revealed the presence in smokers of a statistically signi cant and very close relationship between the degree of nicotine dependence and the indicators of the imbalance of the hormones studied in all trimesters of pregnancy, with maximum values in the third trimester.This is due to the fact that it is in the third trimester of pregnancy that the maximum increase in the indicators of all studied hormones occurs, even if at the initial stage of pregnancy the indicator could be less than the lower limit of the reference interval, as in the case of thyroid-stimulating hormone.Conclusion. Nicotine addiction creates environment for the development of endocrine imbalance of thyroid hormones, adrenocorticotropic hormone, cortisol and progesterone.

Keywords: degree of nicotine dependence, imbalance of sex hormones.

For reference: Dzyubailo A.V., Lotkov V.S. Nicotine addiction and hormonal imbalance in pregnant smokers with varying degrees of COPD severity. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2023; 16(2): 18-22.
DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2023.16(2).18-22.


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9. Дзюбайло А.В., Лотков В.С. Влияние табакокурения на акушерский анамнез женщин в период беременности. Санитарный врач. – 2020. – No2. – С. 73-77. [Dzyubajlo AV, Lotkov VS. Vliyanie tabakokureniya na akusherskij anamnez zhenshchin v period beremennosti [The influence of tobacco smoking on the obstetric history of women during pregnancy]. Sanitarnyj vrach [Sanitary doctor]. 2020; 2: 73-77. (In Russ.)].

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KARZAKOVA LOUISE M., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5899-6352; SCOPUS Author ID: 56916027300, D. Med. Sci, Professor, Head of Department of Internal Diseases, Chuvash State University, 428015, Russia, Cheboksary, Moskovskii' av., 15, e-mail: (author for correspondence)

IVANOVA ANTONINA L., ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2054-7591; Assistant Professor of Department of Internal and Advanced Internal Medicine, Chuvash State University, 428015, Russia, Cheboksary, Moskovskii' av., 15, e-mail: ial.

KUDRYASHOV SERGEY I., ORCID ID: 0000-0003-2277-9425; C. Med. Sci, Associate professor, Department of Internal Diseases, Chuvash State University, 428015, Russia, Cheboksary, Moskovskii' av., 15, e-mail: medicpro21@

ODINTSOVA ANASTASIA V., ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7069-5029; student of the Faculty of Medicine, Chuvash State University, 428015, Russia, Cheboksary, Moskovskii' av., 15, e-mail:

GURIEVA AGLAIDA V., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-5862-5594; student of the Faculty of Medicine, Chuvash State University, 428015, Russia, Cheboksary, Moskovskii' av., 15, e-mail:

KOMELYAGINA NADEZHDA A., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4155-4849; C. Med. Sci., Associate Professor of Department of Internal Diseases, Chuvash State University, 428015, Russia, Cheboksary, Moskovskii' av., 15; e-mail: comelya76@

GAVRILOVA ELVIRA S., ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6962-4266; C. Med. Sci., Associate Professor of Department of Internal Diseases, Chuvash State University, 428015, Russia, Cheboksary, Moskovskii' av., 15; e-mail: ges2201@

ANISIMOVA TATIANA A., ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5687-9278; C. Med. Sci., Associate Professor of the Department of Children’s Diseases, Chuvash State University, 428015, Russia, Cheboksary, Moskovskii' av., 15; e-mail: anis2106@

Abstract. Introduction. A signi cant proportion of patients hospitalized due to decompensation of liver cirrhosis have some kind of renal dysfunction (acute kidney injury, hepatorenal syndrome, chronic kidney disease). However, their e ect on mortality in cirrhosis has been little studied. Aim. The aim of the research was to study the role of renal dysfunction in fatal outcomes in cirrhosis. Material and methods. The retrospective cohort study was conducted, which included patients with a con rmed diagnosis of cirrhosis hospitalized in the hepatological department and/or the department of anesthesiology-intensive care of City Clinical Hospital No. 1 of the Ministry of Health of Chuvashia in 2014-2018. The medical histories of patients were retrospectively studied. The conclusions of pathoanatomic autopsies were analyzed in deceased patients. At the same time, demographic indicators, etiological factors of cirrhosis, the degree of compensation on the Child-Pugh scale, complications and causes of deaths were taken into account. The results of instrumental studies, laboratory tests were also considered. Particular attention was paid to the study of the frequency of occurrence of various types of renal dysfunction. Potential risk factors for death of patients were determined using a one-dimensional regression analysis. Results and discussion. During 5 years from 2014 to 2018, 634 patients with cirrhosis decompensation received inpatient treatment with a total number of hospitalizations equal to 1,672. During the rst hospitalization, 140 patients died, which is 22.1% of the total number of patients. The average age of the deceased patients was 51.4±13.6 years. Alcoholic liver disease prevailed in the etiological structure of fatal cirrhosis (in 35.7% of cases). Hospital mortality was associated in 74.2% of cases with renal dysfunction. Patients with cirrhosis decompensation died most often (26.4 %) from prerenal acute kidney injury. The fatal outcome in cirrhosis was more dependent on indicators characterizing the functional state of the kidneys (serum levels of urea, creatinine, glomerular ltration rate), the hemostasis system (prothrombin index), and to a lesser extent on indicators characterizing the functional state of the liver. Conclusion. Fatal outcomes in cirrhosis were associated in 74.2% of cases to some extent with renal dysfunction.

Key words: liver cirrhosis, lethality, hepatorenal syndrome, acute kidney injury.

For reference: Karzakova LM, Ivanova AL, Kudryashov SI, et al. The role of renal dysfunction in the fatal outcomes in liver cirrhosis. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2023; 16(2): 23-33. DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2023.16(2).23-33.


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LOTKOV VYACHESLAV S., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3995-6988, D. Med. Sci. professor of the Department of Occupational Diseases and Clinical Pharmacology named after professor V.V. Kosarev of Samara State Medical University, Russia, 443099, Samara, Chapaevskaya str., 89, e-mail:

DZYUBAILO ANNA V., ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6908-4829, C. Med. Sci., associate professor, Head of the Department of Internal Medicine with a Course of Outpatient Treatment and Hemotransfusiology of Samara State Medical University, Russia, 443099, Samara, Chapaevskaya St., 89, e-mail:

Abstract. Introduction. The article presents the results of assessing the likelihood of developing chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, depending on the history of smoking and the number of cigarettes smoked per day by women of fertile age. Aim. The aim is to establish the probability and degree of in uence of nicotine addiction on the formation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in women of fertile age. Material and methods. А cohort of 107 smoking women of fertile age with varying degrees of nicotine dependence observed was studied: 53 patients are active smokers exposed to passive smoking at home ( rst group 1), 54 patients are active smokers without passive smoking (group 2). The control group - 42 non-smoking women who do not have chronic diseases. The reliability of the results was evaluated using nonparametric statistical methods (Statistica 10, Microsoft Excel 2010). Results and discussion. With smoking experience in the range from one year to ten years in the second group, the probability of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease formation develops more slowly compared to that in the rst group. This di erence in probabilities is gradually decreasing from year to year. With ten years of smoking experience, the probabilities of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in both groups become equal, and then the situation changes to the opposite. In the rst group, the probability of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease begins to develop more slowly compared to the second group. The di erence in probabilities is gradually decreasing from year to year, practically comparing with the smoking experience of twenty-two years.Conclusion. Passive smoking, in addition to active smoking, increases the nicotine load with the formation of more pronounced prerequisites for the pathogenetic processes of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease development. The probability of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease development in the second group decreases and it is possible that it is the number of cigarettes (from 10 to 16 cigarettes per day) more than passive smoking that is the main factor in the development of the disease. When overcoming the 11-year interval, regardless of the absence of passive smoking, the predominant factor is the smoking experience of 20 or more years.

Keywords: women of fertile age, degree of nicotine dependence.

For reference: Lotkov VS, Dzyubailo AV, Forecasting the probability of COPD development depending on the smoking experience of women of fertile age. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2023; 16(2): 34-38. DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2023.16(2).34-38.


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MARTYUSHEV-POKLAD ANDREY V., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-1193-1287; Scopus Author ID: 8278501900, Researcher ID: AAD-2072-2022; C. Med. Sci., Senior Researcher, Federal Research and Clinical Center of Intensive Care Medicine and Rehabilitation, Russia 107031 Moscow Petrovka street, 25 bld 2; e-mail:

YANKEVICH DMITRY S., ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5143-7366; Scopus Author ID: 57192693303; ResearcherID: AAG-1392-2020; C. Med. Sci., Laboratory Head, Federal Research and Clinical Center of Intensive Care Medicine and Rehabilitation, Russia 107031 Moscow Petrovka street, 25 bld 2; e-mail:

SAVITSKAYA NATALIYA G., ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8674-1632; ResearcherID: AAH-4702-2021, Scopus Author ID: 35773664800; C. Med. Sci., Senior Researcher, Federal Research and Clinical Center of Intensive Care Medicine and Rehabilitation, Russia 107031 Moscow Petrovka street, 25 bld 2; e-mail:

GRECHKO ANDREY V., ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3318-796X, Scopus author ID: 57194278611, ResearcherID: C-8208-2018, Director, Federal Research and Clinical Center of Intensive Care Medicine and Rehabilitation, Russia 107031 Moscow Petrovka street, 25 bld 2; e-mail:

Abstract. Introduction. Health systems and health status in developed economies demonstrate failure of chronic disease prevention, in part due to too late health interventions postponed until the patient has a medical diagnosis. Healthcare system can bene t from P4 medicine, which needs special questionnaires to collect person-centered data. The available questionnaires do not match the practical tasks of the P4-medicine paradigm. Aim. The aim is to develop a simple questionnaire for mass early screening of health status in the adults within the P4-medicine paradigm.Material and Methods. We transformed and adapted the Suboptimal health status questionnaire (SHSQ-25) to meet the requirements of mass screening in the P4 medicine paradigm. Information value, sensitivity and speci city of the new questionnaire were tested in several focus groups of respondents through matching with detailed clinical interview aimed at prevention of chronic health conditions. Results and discussion. The Functional impairment questionnaire “FIQ-15” includes 15 questions covering the most common warning symptoms seen in respondents of various health states. Two alternative scales, 5-point and 3-point, are proposed to rate the symptoms. Based on the rate of functional impairments, their impact on everyday functioning, and the need in detailed examination and/or help, respondents are divided into 4 risk groups. More than 400 respondents lled the FIQ-15 over 2 years, 300 of them underwent detailed clinical interviews for questionnaire development and validation. The system of data acquisition and interpretation based on FIQ-15 allows automated mass screening for early functional impairments, fast primary sorting into risk groups (‘tra c light’ system), semi-quantify the severity of functional impairments and their impact on life quality, propose e ective routing of patients to further examination and diagnosing, and involve the respondent in active management of one’s health. Conclusion. The proposed FIQ-15 questionnaire can become a simple, a ordable and informative tool in early mass screening for functional impairments in the P4-medicine paradigm, in sorting the respondents based on their need in detailed examination, and in real life decision support, including the respondent’s participatory decisions regarding one’s health management.

Key words: questionnaire, early screening, premorbid functional impairment, prevention, P4 medicine

For reference: Martyushev-Poklad AV, Yankevich DS, Savitskaya NG, Grechko AV. Development of a simple questionnaire for early detection of premorbid functional health impairments. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2023; 16(2): 39-48. DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2023.16(2).39-48.


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DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2023.16(2).49-55


PROKOFYEVA TATIANA V., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3260-2677; C. Med. Sci., associate professor of the Internal Medicine Department of Pediatric Department, Astrakhan State Medical University, Astrakhan, 54-170 Pobedy St., 414040, Russia, Astrakhan, e-mail:

POLUNINA OLGA S., ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8299-6582, D. Med. Sci., Professor, Head of Internal Medicine Department of Pediatric Department, Astrakhan State Medical University, 414000, Russia, Astrakhan, Bakinskaya str. 121, e-mail:

POLUNINA EKATERINA A., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3679-432X, D. Med. Sci., associate professor of the Internal Medicine Department of Pediatric Department, Astrakhan State Medical University, Astrakhan, 414000, Russia, Astrakhan, Bakinskaya str. 121, e-mail:

Abstract. Introduction. Myocardial infarction remains signi cant due to its high prevalence and disability. Of particular importance is the prediction of the risk of adverse events in myocardial infarction patients with cardiorespiratory comorbidity, in particular with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. It can be assumed that endogenous intoxication syndrome can be considered as a predictor of life-threatening events (repeated myocardial infarction, stroke) and lethal outcome in patients with myocardial infarction against chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Aim. The aim is to determine the probability of combined endpoint development (repeated myocardial infarction, stroke, lethal outcome) in patients with myocardial infarction against chronic obstructive pulmonary disease during 12-month follow-up depending on gender-anamnestic and clinical-functional characteristics. Material and methods. We examined 325 patients with myocardial infarction - 195 patients with myocardial infarction against chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and 130 patients with myocardial infarction without chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (comparison group). As markers of endogenous intoxication syndrome, we studied middle weight molecules, hematological intoxication indices, blood gas indices, apoptosis, protein and lipid peroxidation and antioxidant protection, in ammation and renal function. Statistical data processing was performed using SPSS 26.0 software package. Results and discussion. Two-stage cluster analysis resulted in four clusters characterizing the type of endogenous intoxication syndrome: «polymarker-retentive», «necrotic- in ammatory», «hypoxic-in ammatory» and a cluster with no endogenous intoxication syndrome. The polymarker- retentive type of endogenous intoxication syndrome prevailed among patients with myocardial infarction against chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Recurrent myocardial infarction, stroke and mortality constituted the combined endpoint. A decision tree was constructed to determine the probability of developing the combined endpoint in patients with myocardial infarction against the background of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease during the 12-month follow-up. It was found that the most signi cant predictors of combined endpoint occurrence are polymarker-retentive type of endogenous intoxication syndrome, the presence of acute infarction period complications and pronounced bronchoobstruction (degree 3-4). Conclusion. The constructed decision tree allows to stratify patients with high risk of repeated infarction, stroke and lethal outcome during the rst year of follow-up after myocardial infarction against chronic obstructive pulmonary disease without increasing economic costs, which promotes optimization of treatment and secondary prevention in this category of patients.

Keywords: myocardial infarction, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, cardiorespiratory comorbidity, endogenous intoxication syndrome, decision tree.

For reference: Prokofyeva TV, Polunina OS, Polunina EA Prognosis of signi cant ischemic events and lethal outcome in patients with myocardial infarction against chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2023; 16(2): 49-55. DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2023.16(2).49-55.


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UDC: 616-053.9

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2023.16(2).56-63


TOPOLYANSKAYA SVETLANA V., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4131-8432; C. Med. Sci., associate professor, Department of Advanced Internal Medicine N2, First Moscow State Medical University, Russia, 119991, Moscow, Trubetskaya str., 8/2; general practitioner of War Veterans Hospital N3, Russia, 129336, Moscow, Startovaya str., 4, e-mail:

MАMCHICH DARYA S., ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3331-4033; student, First Moscow State Medical University,  Russia, 119991, Moscow, Trubetskaya str., 8/2; e-mail:

ELISEEVA TATYANA A., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6921-0589; geriatrician of War Veterans Hospital N3, Russia, 129336, Moscow, Startovaya str., 4, e-mail:

VAKULENKO OLGA N., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4139-5075; The head of 6 geriatric department of War Veterans Hospital N3, Russia, 129336, Moscow, Startovaya str., 4, e-mail:

RATCHINA SVETLANA A., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3329-7846; D. Med. Sci., Professor, The head of Department of Advanced Internal Medicine N2, First Moscow State Medical University, Russia, 119991, Moscow, Trubetskaya str., 8/2; e-mail:

DVORETSKI LEONID I., ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3186-0102; D. Med. Sci., Professor, Professor of Department of Advanced Internal Medicine, First Moscow State Medical University, Russia, 119991, Moscow, Trubetskaya str., 8/2; e-mail:

LYTKINA KARINA A., ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9647-7492; C. Med. Sci., Deputy Chief Physician of War Veterans Hospital N3, Russia, 129336, Moscow, Startovaya str., 4, e-mail:

MELKONYAN GEORGYI G., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4021-5044; D. Med. Sci., Chief Physician of War Veterans Hospital N3, Russia, 129336, Moscow, Startovaya str., 4, e-mail:

Abstract. Introduction. Leptin is an adipokine synthesized by adipose tissue. This substance is involved in the development of some age-related pathological conditions. Aim. Determination of leptin concentration and analysis of the relationship of this adipokine with obesity and other pathological conditions in elderly patients and centenarians.Material and methods. This work was a cross-sectional study. 110 very elderly patients and centenarians were enrolled in the study: 90 with coronary artery disease – in the study group, 20 without coronary artery disease– in the control group. The mean age of study patient was 88.5+4.5 years. The serum leptin concentration was determined by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Normal leptin values for women were 2.6-11.1 ng/ml, for men – 2.0-5.6 ng/ml.Results and discussion. Elevated leptin levels were found in 58.2% of patients, decreased – in 16.4%, normal – in 25.4%. In patients with coronary artery disease the mean concentration of leptin reached 16.7 ng/ml, in patients without coronary artery disease– 15.3 ng/ml (p=0.6). In patients with chronic heart failure the probability of detecting low leptin levels increased by 3.2 times, compared with patients without heart failure (OR=3.2; 95% CI=1.1-9.9; p=0.03). In patients with obesity the mean leptin level was 28.5 ng/ml, while in patients without obesity – 12.2 ng/ml (p=0.00002). The signi cant correlation was found between the leptin concentration and body mass index (p<0.000001), as well as fat mass (p=0.000001). Higher leptin levels were observed in patients with diabetes mellitus (26.3 ng/ml vs 13.5 ng/ml in patients without diabetes mellitus, p=0.0003). In patients with low leptin concentration lower bone mineral density was registered (p=0.0003). Conclusion. The study results suggest frequent leptin pathology in very elderly patients and centenarians, both with and without coronary artery disease. Higher leptin levels are associated with various metabolic disorders. Lower leptin levels are typical for patients with chronic heart failure.

Keywords: leptin, fat, obesity, coronary artery disease, old age, centenarians.

For reference: Topolyanskaya SV, Mamchich DS, Eliseeva TA, et al. The role of leptin in various age-associated pathologies in old age and in long-livers. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2023; 16(2): 56-63. DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2023.16(2).56-63.


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UDC 616.233-002

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2023.16(2).64-71


SHUBINA KSENIIA M., ORCID: 0009-0001-2444-8251, Internal medicine doctor of scienti c and clinical centre No 2, Russian research center of surgery named after academician B.V. Petrovsky, Moscow, Russia, 117593, Lithuanian Boulevard, 1A, phone: 89162557548, e-mail:

MISHLANOV VITALIY J., ORCID: 0000-0002-8428-6020, D. Med. Sci., Professor, Corresponding Member of RAS, Secretary of the Electronic and Mobile Medicine Group of the European Respiratory Society, the Head of Department of introduction into internal medicine No 1, E.A. Vagner Perm State Medical University, Russia, 614990, Perm, Petropavlovskaya str. 26, phone: 89504677696, e-mail:

NIKITIN IGOR G., ORCID: 0000-0003-1699-0881, D. Med. Sci., Professor, the Head of Department of Advanced Internal Medicine of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Russia, 117593, Moscow, Lithuanian Boulevard, 1A, phone: 89161615727, e-mail:

BEKKER KSENIIA N., ORCID: 0000-0002-3023-4305, C. Med. Sci., associate professor of the Department of introduction into internal medicine No 1 of E.A. Vagner Perm State Medical University, Russia, 614990, Perm, st. Petropavlovskaya, 26, phone: 89824694142, e-mail:

EMELKINA VERONIKA V., ORCID: 0009-0003-0934-9196, Postgraduate student of the Department of introduction into internal medicine No 1 of E.A. Vagner Perm State Medical University, Russia, 614990, Perm, st. Petropavlovskaya, 26, phone: 89082497243, e-mail:

SHUBIN IGOR V., ORCID: 0000-0003-2393-4685, D. Med. Sci., Honored Doctor of the Russian Federation, professor of Department of Advanced Internal Medicine of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, Russia, 105077, Moscow, 11th Parkova St., 32, bldg. 4, phone: 89055003530, e-mail:

Abstract. Introduction. Wearable or home electronic devices with the function of transmitting information at a distance are used for the purpose of remote dynamic monitoring of the condition of patients. Aim. To determine the e ectiveness of the use of "new" criteria for assessing the health status of patients with broncho-obstructive diseases in order to monitor remotely. Material and methods. 28 patients with broncho-obstructive diseases who were admitted for inpatient treatment were examined. Most of them had comorbidities, mainly cardiovascular pathology. A general clinical examination and special research methods were performed: an interactive survey using the respiratory module of the Electronic Polyclinic program, remote monitoring of vital signs using a smart watch and a mobile application for recording and transmitting information, a 6-minute walk test with simultaneous recording of vital signs with using a smart watch, a questionnaire and a scale for assessing the usability of the System usability scale system. The analysis of the results was performed by using the Statistica 13.0 software package. Results and discussion. Interactive survey corresponded to the severity of dyspnea according to the mMRC and Borg scales. The 6-minute walk test showed a signi cant limitation of physical activity and an increase in heart rate. The deep sleep phase has been limited. The CRP index averaged 7.78±8.48 μg/l. More than 85% of patients expressed their willingness to continue observation. The results of the correlation analysis demonstrated a direct relationship with the patient's physical activity assessment and the results of the 6-minute walk test, and an inverse relationship with the 6-minute walk test result and the patients' age, severity of respiratory failure and CRP concentration. The duration of deep sleep is inversely correlated with the SpO2 value. Our studies made it possible to compare the obtained data with the results of traditional methods of examining a patient, to con rm the position that the physical activity of a patient with broncho-obstructive disease is connected with indicators of the function of external respiration, and also that the total duration of sleep of COPD patients mainly consists of light sleep with a decrease in the duration of deep sleep. An inverse relationship was found with the duration of deep sleep and the concentration of CRP and the value of SpO2. The described monitoring system allows you to timely adjust the treatment regimen, reduce the number of hospitalizations, the risk of exacerbation or death.Conclusion. Additional instrumental control of vital parameters increases the e ciency of the system of long-term remote monitoring of patients with broncho-obstructive diseases. the indicators represent the severity of the symptoms of the disease and the degree of violations of the indicators of the function of external respiration.

Keywords: broncho-obstructive diseases, remote monitoring, interactive survey, smart watch, shortness of breath, sleep quality, CRP.

For reference: Shubina KM, Mishlanov VJ, Nikitin IG, et al. The role of subjective and objective criteria in the assessment of the state of patients with bronchoobstructive diseases in remote monitoring conditions. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2023; 16(2): 64-71. DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2023.16(2).64-71.


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UDC: 616-072.85

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2023.16(2).72-79


BUSHUEVA ELVIRA V., ORCID ID: 0000-0001-7026-3250; Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Department of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanov, Address: 428017 Chuvash Republic, Cheboksary, Moskovsky Ave., 45, е-mail:

DIANOVA TATYANA I., ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6622-9906; Senior Lecturer of the Department of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanov, 428017, Chuvash Republic, Cheboksary, Moskovsky Ave., 45, е-mail:

IVANOVA OLGA N., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6059-9890; Senior Lecturer of the Department of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanov, 428017, Chuvash Republic, Cheboksary, Moskovsky Ave., 45, е-mail:

GERASIMOVA LYUDMILA I., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3976-0934; MD, Dr. Med. Sci, prof., Professor of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of the Medical Institute of Continuing Education of the Federal State Budgetary Educational Institution of Higher Education «Russian Biotechnological University» (FSBEU HE «ROSBIOTEKH»),125080, Moscow, Volokolamsk highway, 11, e-mail:

PETROV ANDREY G., ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6622-9906; Associate Professor of the Department of Pediatrics and Pediatric Surgery, Faculty of Medicine, Chuvash State University named after I.N. Ulyanov, 428017, Chuvash Republic, Cheboksary, Moskovsky Ave., 45, e-mail:

SITDIKOVA IRINA D., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6835-402X, Dr. Med. Sci., Professor of the Department of Biomedical Engineering and Innovation Management, Kazan (Volga region) Federal University, 420008, Kazan, Russian Federation, 18 Kremlevskaya St, е-mail:

Abstract. Introduction. The application of the 6-minute walk test to assess the functional status of a patient is a safe, simple and easily accessible method in assessing the patient’s functional abilities, the e ectiveness of treatment and rehabilitation and the prognosis of various diseases. Aim. TTo analyze the scienti c medical literature containing the application of the 6-minute walk test in assessing the functional status of children and adolescents. Material and methods. The test was rst described in 1963 in adult patients with diseases of the bronchopulmonary system, with subsequent improvements the test was used in patients with heart disease and became a simple objective indicator of functional physical performance. After the adoption of the standards for the 6-minute walk test by the American Thoracic Society jointly with the European Respiratory Society (2002), widespread application began not only in patients, but also in healthy adults. For the rst time, the 6-minute walk test among healthy children was conducted in 2005 in China, later control test values, percentile curves, reference equations and formulas were presented by Austria, Great Britain, the USA, etc. Scientists con rmed the safety and simplicity of the 6-minute walk test, proved a high correlation of the test with gender, height, age, weight, body mass index, pulse and blood pressure, arm span, etc. They proved that the ethnicity and geographical di erences of the subjects are very important indicators that a ect the test results. In the Russian Federation, the implementation of the 6-minute walk test is limited to sick children and regulatory values, and we have not found reference formulas. Conclusion. The reference values obtained for the 6-minute walk test in healthy children in one country should not be used for children in other countries, since the analysis showed a signi cant di erence in the control values of the distance traveled.

Key words: 6-minute walk test, children, adolescents, functional state.

For reference: Bushueva EV, Dianova TI, Ivanova ON, et al. History and reality of application the 6 minute walk test in children. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2023; 16(2): 72-79. DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2023.16(2).72-79.


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UDC: 616.8-00; 616.8-092

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2023.16(2).80-88


GAMIROVA RIMMA G., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-8582-592X; Scopus Author ID 25422029100, Researcher ID N-6910-2013, RSCI Author ID 641154, C. Med. Sci., Associate Professor, Head of Department of Neurology with courses in psychiatry, clinical psychology and medical genetics, Senior Researcher of Neurocognitive Research Laboratory of Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia, 420008, Kremlyovskaya Street, 18, email:

SAFINA AISILU R., ORCID IR: 0000-0001-9986-3217; Neurologist of the Neurology Department, Medical Unit of Kazan Federal University; Kazan, Russia, 420043, Chekhov street, 1А, email:

GOROBETS ELENA A., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3859-5543; Scopus Author ID 56414621100 Researcher ID N-7983-2013, RSCI Author ID 728307, C. Philol. Sci., Associate Professor, Psychologist, Head of the Center for Speech Pathology, Head of the Department of Applied and Experimental Linguistics, Head of Neurocognitive Research Laboratory, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia, 420008, Kremlyovskaya Street, 18, email:

SAFINA DIANA R., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6466-4979; Scopus Author ID 57224137067, Researcher ID AAS-1754-2020, RSCI Author ID 57224137067, C. Med. Sci., senior lecturer of Department of Neurology with courses in psychiatry, clinical psychology and medical genetics, Kazan Federal University, Kazan, Russia, 420008, Kremlyovskaya Street,, 18, email:

Abstract. Introduction. Early diagnosis of autism spectrum disorder in children is signi cant clinical problem due to the ever-increasing incidence of this condition in children. Aim. The aim of the study is a comprehensive analysis of data on the features of the bioelectrical activity of the brain in children with autism spectrum disorders, identi cation of the electroencephalography signi cance in the diagnosis of these disorders, including the ability to di erentiate their subtypes. Material and Methods. The materials for the review were scienti c articles indexed in Russian and international databases (Russian Science Citation Index, Scopus, Pubmed) for the period from 1995 to 2022. Results and discussion. The article presents systematized data related to the analysis of electroencephalograms in children with autism spectrum disorder which is carried out in di erent ways: visual and quantitative. The authors analyzed the changes in the electroencephalograms obtained using spectral analysis, identifying the functional connections of di erent areas of the brain, with the implementation of non-linear assessment methods. The theory of «mirror neurons» was discussed in connection with the peculiarities of the sensorimotor rhythm reactivity in children with autism spectrum disorder. Conclusion. The presence of electroencephalographic changes in children with autism spectrum disorders is con rmed, especially in the period from 3 to 12 months, although the degree of the sensitivity of methods for their detection at this stage is insu cient for accurate diagnosis. Dynamic electroencephalographic monitoring should be recommended for children with autistic disorders, especially if subclinical epileptiform activity is detected. It is also worth paying attention to the change in functional rhythms in dynamics. In general, results of electroencephalography are often more informative than neuroimaging methods, which in most cases do not reveal organic brain damage in the presence of obvious developmental disorder in a child. The most promising at present are non-linear methods of electroencephalograms analysis.

Key words: Autism spectrum disorders, electroencephalography, early diagnosis, neurophysiology, bioelectrical activity of the brain.

For reference: Gamirova RG, Sa na AR, Gorobets EA, Sa na DR. Autism spectrum disorder in children: diagnostic signi cance of electroencephalography. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2023; 16(2): 80-88. DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2023.16(2).80-88.


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UDC 611.621:612.062

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2023.16(2).89-94


ZYAPBAROV AINUR M., ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8388-9172; postgraduate student Department of Pharmacology of Kazan State Medical University, Russia, 420012, Kazan, Butlerov str., 49; e-mail:

ZIGANSHIN AYRAT U., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-9087-7927; D. Med. Sci., professor., Head of the Department of Pharmacology, Kazan State Medical University, Russia, 420012, Kazan, Butlerov str., 49; e-mail: ayrat.ziganshin@

Abstract. Introduction. The study of the neurotransmitter regulation of the ureters allows a better understanding of the function of the ureters, not only in the norm, but also the mechanism of development of renal colic, one of the most common acute conditions in urology. Moreover, the main type of treatment for renal colic is drug therapy used to relieve pain, as well as drug stone expelling therapy, which is gradually replenished with new drugs. Aim. The aim of the study is to review current information on the neurotransmitter regulation of the ureters. Material and Methods. A review current information on the neurotransmitter regulation of the ureters was carried out. Results and discussion. To date, the role of alpha- and beta-adrenergic receptors, cholinergic receptors is the most studied, the mechanism of action of cyclooxygenase inhibitors and Ca channel blockers is also well studied. Drugs belonging to the above groups continue to be widely and successfully used in clinical practice, including in emergency urology, and also continue to be replenished with new representatives of these groups of medicines. Recently, new clinical data have appeared on the e ectiveness of the use of type 5 phosphodiesterase inhibitors, and the role of serotonin receptors in the ureters continues to be studied. Another interesting area is the study of the role of P2 receptors in normal and pathological conditions. The wide expression of all known P2 receptor subtypes on ureteral cells, as well as the release of adenosine triphosphoric acid by urothelial cells with an increase in intraureteral pressure, suggests their important role in the contractile activity of the ureters. Conclusion. The impact on the P2 receptors of the ureters can become one of the promising areas for the search and development of new stone-removing drugs with a new mechanism of action. The article discusses the roles of the above receptors and enzymes in the neurotransmitter regulation of the ureters.

Key words: neurotransmitter regulation of the ureters, P2 receptors, urothelium, stone expulsion therapy, receptor expression.
For reference: Zyapbarov AM, Ziganshin AU. Features of neurotransmitter regulation of ureteral function and prospects for the search for new stone-removing drugs. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2023; 16(2): 89-94. DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2023.16(2).89-94.


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UDC 614.273:615.15

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2023.16(2).95-101


URUSOVA LEYLA K., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4829-2642, postgraduate student of the Department of Pharmacy, Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute – branch of the Volgograd State Medical University, Russia, Pyatigorsk, Kalinina Avenue 11, e -mail:

GORYACHEV ANDREY B., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6844-4578, Scopus author ID: 25642462600, Dr. Pharm. Sci., Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Life Safety and Disaster Medicine, Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Russia, 119991, Moscow, st. Trubetskaya 8, building 2, e-mail:

KABAKOVA TAISIA I., ORCID ID: 0000-0001-6182-5637, Scopus author ID: 57207985290, Dr. Pharm. Sci., Associate Professor, Professor of the Department of Management and Economics in Pharmacy, Pyatigorsk Medical and Pharmaceutical Institute –branch of the Volgograd State Medical University, Russia, Pyatigorsk, Kalinina Avenue 11, e -mail:

Abstract. Introduction. Continuous analysis of regulatory norms and their implementation is a signi cant factor that a ects the e ciency of the wholesale segment of the pharmaceutical market in the dynamically evolving legal eld. Aim. Summarize and analyze state institutional norms that a ect the processes of managing the assortment policy of drug wholesalers in the modern pharmaceutical market. Material and Methods. The object of the study was the regulatory legal acts that in uence the formation and management of the assortment policy in the wholesale segment of the pharmaceutical market. In the course of the work, methods of documentary observation and comparison, content analysis of legislative acts and regulatory legal documents were used. Results and discussion. It was revealed that the formation of the medicinal assortment is signi cantly in uenced by institutional norms that determine the procedure for the circulation of medicines (state regulation of maximum selling prices, preferential provision of medicines for decreed groups of citizens, and others). It has been established that institutional norms, on the one hand, provide a guaranteed demand for pharmaceutical products of a reduced range, and on the other hand, limit pro ts due to state regulation of selling prices. However, the share of goods of this assortment does not exceed 15-20% in terms of the number of inventory units and 25% in terms of wholesale sales, which allows us to provide a stable, complete assortment with a high turnover and pro table commercial activity. Conclusion. Thus, state institutional norms have a signi cant impact on the formation of the product range of Russian pharmaceutical distributors, but this does not undermine the pro tability of their economic activities and ensures the social responsibility of the business.

Key words: drugs, product range, pharmaceutical distributor, wholesale trade, institutional norms.

For reference: Urusova LKh, Goryachev AB, Kabakova TI. The impact of state institutional norms on the management of the range policy of organizations wholesale medicines. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2023; 16(2): 95-101. DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2023.16(2).95-101.


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  6. Распоряжение Правительства РФ от 12.10.2019 No 2406-р (ред. от 06.10.2022) «Об утверждении перечня жизненно необходимых и важнейших лекарственных препаратов, а также перечней лекарственных препаратов для медицинского применения и минимального ассортимента лекарственных препаратов, необходимых для оказания медицинской помощи». [Rasporyazhenie Pravitel’stva RF ot 12.10.2019 No 2406-r (red. ot 06.10.2022) «Ob utverzhdenii perechnya zhiznenno neobhodimyh i vazhnejshih lekarstvennyh preparatov, a takzhe perechnej lekarstvennyh preparatov dlya medicinskogo primeneniya i minimal’nogo assortimenta lekarstvennyh preparatov, neobhodimyh dlya okazaniya medicinskoj pomoshchi» [Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of October 12, 2019 No. 2406-r (as amended on October 6, 2022) “On approval of the list of vital and essential medicines, as well as the lists of medicines for medical use and the minimum range of medicines necessary for the provision of medical care”]. (In Russ)]. cons_doc_LAW_335635/

  7. Постановление Правительства РФ от 15.09.2015 No 979 (ред. от 31.10.2020) «Методика расчета предельных отпускных цен производителей на лекарственные препараты, включенные в перечень жизненно необходимых и важнейших лекарственных препаратов». [Postanovlenie Pravitel’stva RF ot 15.09.2015 No 979 (red. ot 31.10.2020) «Metodika rascheta predel’nyh otpusknyh cen proizvoditelej nalekarstvennye preparaty, vklyuchennye v perechen’ zhiznenno neobhodimyh i vazhnejshih lekarstvennyh preparatov» [Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of September 15, 2015 No. 979 (as amended on October 31, 2020) “Methodology for calculating the maximum selling prices of manufacturers for medicines included in the list of vital and essential medicines”]. (In Russ)]. doc_LAW_186127/

  8. Приказ ФАС России от 09.09.2020 No 820/20 «Об утверждении Методики установления органами исполнительной власти субъектов Российской Федерации предельных размеров оптовых надбавок и предельных размеров розничных надбавок к фактическим отпускным ценам, установленным производителями лекарственных препаратов, на лекарственные препараты, включенные в перечень жизненно необходимых и важнейших лекарственных препаратов». [Prikaz FAS Rossiiot 09.09.2020 No 820/20 «Ob utverzhdenii Metodiki ustanovleniya organami ispolnitel’noj vlasti sub»ektov Rossijskoj Federacii predel’nyh razmerov optovyh nadbavok i predel’nyh razmerov roznichnyh nadbavok k fakticheskim otpusknym cenam, ustanovlennym proizvoditelyami lekarstvennyh preparatov, na lekarstvennye preparaty, vklyuchennye v perechen’ zhiznenno neobhodimyh i vazhnejshih lekarstvennyh preparatov» [Order of the Federal Antimonopoly Service of Russia dated 09.09.2020 No. 820/20 “On Approval of the Methodology for Setting the Limits of Wholesale Markups and Limits of Retail Markups by the Executive Authorities of the Subjects of the Russian Federation to the Actual Selling Prices Set by Manufacturers of Medicinal Products for Medicinal Products Included in the List life-saving and essential medicines”]. (In Russ)]. document/cons_doc_LAW_362490/

  1. Федеральный закон от 17.07.1999 No 178-ФЗ «О государственной социальной помощи». [Federal’nyj zakon ot 17.07.1999 No 178-FZ «O gosudarstvennoj social’noj pomoshchi» [Federal Law of July 17, 1999 No. 178-FZ “On State Social Assistance”]. (In Russ)]. LAW_23735/

  2. Федеральный закон от 21.11.2011 No 323-ФЗ «Об основах охраны здоровья граждан в Российской Федерации». [Federal’nyj zakon ot 21.11.2011 No 323-FZ «Ob osnovah ohrany zdorov’ya grazhdan v Rossijskoj Federacii» [Federal Law No. 323-FZ of November 21, 2011 “On the Fundamentals of Protecting the Health of Citizens in the Russian Federation”]. (In Russ.)]. http://

  3. Постановление Правительства РФ от 26.11.2018 No 1416 (ред. от 26.06.2021) «О порядке организации обеспечения лекарственными препаратами лиц, больных гемофилией, муковисцидозом, гипофизарным нанизмом, болезнью Гоше, злокачественными новообразованиями лимфоидной, кроветворной и родственных им тканей, рассеянным склерозом, гемолитико-уремическим синдромом, юношеским артритом с системным началом, мукополисахаридозом I, II и VI типов, апластической анемией неуточненной, наследственным дефицитом факторов II (фибриногена), VII (лабильного), X (Стюарта Прауэра), лиц после трансплантации органов и (или) тканей, а также о признании утратившими силу некоторых актов Правительства Российской Федерации». [PostanovleniePravitel’stva RF ot 26.11.2018 No 1416 (red. ot 26.06.2021) «O poryadke organizacii obespecheniya lekarstvennymi preparatami lic, bol’nyh gemo liej, mukoviscidozom, gipo zarnym nanizmom, bolezn’yu Goshe, zlokachestvennymi novoobrazovaniyami limfoidnoj, krovetvornoj i rodstvennyh im tkanej, rasseyannym sklerozom, gemolitiko-uremicheskim sindromom, yunosheskim artritom s sistemnym nachalom, mukopolisaharidozom I, II i VI tipov, aplasticheskoj anemiej neutochnennoj, nasledstvennym de citom faktorov II ( brinogena), VII (labil’nogo), X (Styuarta Prauera), lic posle transplantacii organov i (ili) tkanej, a takzhe o priznanii utrativshimi silu nekotoryh aktov Pravitel’stva Rossijskoj Federacii» [Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of November 26, 2018 No. 1416 (as amended on June 26, 2021) “On the procedure for organizing the provision of medicines to persons with hemophilia, cystic brosis, pituitary dwar sm, Gaucher disease, malignant neoplasms of the lymphoid, hematopoietic and related tissues, multiple sclerosis, hemolytic uremic syndrome, juvenile arthritis with a systemic onset, mucopolysaccharidosis types I, II and VI, unspeci ed aplastic anemia, hereditary de ciency of factors II ( brinogen), VII (labile), X (Stuart-Prower), persons after organ transplantation and (or ) fabrics, as well as on the invalidation of certain acts of the Government of the Russian Federation”]. (In Russ.)]. LAW_311869/

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UDC [616.43+616.1+616.24]:578.834.1:616-06

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2023.16(2).102-107


IVANOVA LIUDMILA A., ORCID ID: 0000-0001-5302-3802; D. Med. Sci., professor, Head of the Department of endocrinology of faculty of advanced training and professional specialist retraining of Kuban State Medical University, Russia, 350063, Krasnodar, Sedin str., 4, e-mail:

KOVALENKO YULIYA S., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7236-7341; С. Med. Sci., Associate Professor, Head of the Department of endocrinology of faculty of advanced training and professional specialist retraining of Kuban State Medical University, Russia, 350063, Krasnodar, Sedin str., 4, e-mail:

KOROL INNA V., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-3909-9007; C. Med. Sci., Associate Professor of the Department of endocrinology of faculty of advanced training and professional specialist retraining of Kuban State Medical University, Russia, 350063, Krasnodar, Sedin str., 4, e-mail:

SMEZINOVA ANNA V., ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3698-5924, Assistant Professor of the Department of endocrinology of faculty of advanced training and professional specialist retraining of Kuban State Medical University, Russia, 350063, Krasnodar, Sedin str., 4, e-mail:

KOKOVA YEVGENIYA A., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-7236-7341, endocrinologist of the clinic Kuban State Medical University, Russia, 350042, Krasnodar, Zipovskaya str., 4/1, e-mail:

ANANEVA ELENA I., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0781-1258, clinical resident of the Department of endocrinology of faculty of advanced training and professional specialist retraining of Kuban State Medical University, Russia, 350063, Krasnodar, Sedin str., 4, e-mail:

Abstract. Introduction. Coronavirus infection caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus is characterized by a large range of clinical manifestations, which is associated with the presence of angiotensin-converting enzyme-2 receptors in many organs and tissues of the body. Subacute thyroiditis induced by COVID-19 is di cult to recognize due to the frequent absence of classical symptoms of thyroiditis. Aim. Demonstrate the features of the clinical course of a new coronavirus infection complicated by subacute thyroiditis and pericarditis in the distant period. Material and Methods. A clinical case of patient K., 56 years old, with damage to the pulmonary, cardiovascular and endocrine systems as a result of a new coronavirus infection was presented. Results and discussion. Subacute thyroiditis as a result of SARS-CoV-2 infection may have an atypical course. A pathognomonic feature of subacute thyroiditis is the high rate of erythrocyte sedimentation. The treatment of subacute thyroiditis in most cases requires the prescription of glucocorticoids. In some patients, prescribing nonsteroidal anti-in ammatory drugs may be su cient to relieve symptoms. There was no clear association of cardiovascular symptoms in long-term COVID-19 with pre-existing cardiovascular pathology..Conclusion. In the case of subacute thyroiditis developed as a result of SARS-CoV-2 infection, it is necessary to prescribe anti-in ammatory therapy in a timely manner. From a practical point of view, it is important to recognize cardiorespiratory symptoms in time as a non-speci c manifestation of the long-term COVID-19 syndrome and the manifestation of cardiovascular pathology.

Key words: COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2, «long covid», subacute thyroiditis, glucocorticoids.

For reference: Ivanova LA, Kovalenko YS, Korol IV, et al. A clinical case of «long-covid» with damage to the endocrine, cardiovascular and pulmonary systems. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2023; 16(2): 102-107. DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2023.16(2).102-107.


  1. Коваленко Ю.С., Иванова Л.А., Король И.В., Бижева Т.В. Сахарный диабет и COVID-19. Особенности взаимного влияния двух пандемий // Вестник современной клинической медицины. – 2021. – Т. 14, вып. 4. – С.58–66. [Kovalenko YuS, Ivanova LA, Korol` IV, Bizheva TV. Saxarny`j diabet i COVID-19. Osobennosti vzaimnogo vliyaniya dvux pandemij [Diabetes mellitus and COVID-19. Features of the mutual in uence of two pandemics]. Vestnik sovremennoj klinicheskoj mediciny` [The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine]. 2021; 14 (4): 58–66. (In Russ.)]. DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2021.14(4).58-66

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  4. Brancatella A, Ricci D, Viola N, et al. Subacute Thyroiditis After Sars-COV-2 Infection. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 2020; 105 (7): 276. DOI: 10.1210/clinem/dgaa276

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  8. Rowley A.H. Understanding SARS-CoV-2-related multisystem in ammatory syndrome in children. Nat. Rev. Immunol. 2020; 20: 453–454. https://doi. org/10.1038/s41577-020-0367-5

  9. Дедов И.И., Мельниченко Г.А. Эндокринология: национальное руководство // Москва: ГЭОТАР-Медиа, 2021. – 1112 с. [Dedov II, Mel’nichenko GA. Endokrinologiya: nacional’noe rukovodstvo [Endocrinology: national guidelines]. Moskva: GEOTAR-Media [Moscow: GEOTAR-Media]. 2018; 800 p. (In Russ.)].

  10. Ghantous E, Szekely Y, Lichter Y, et al. Pericardial Involvement in Patients Hospitalized With COVID-19: Prevalence, Associates, and Clinical Implications. J Am Heart Assoc. 2022; 11 (7): 024363. DOI: 10.1161/ JAHA.121.024363



UDC: 616.216.2

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2023.16(2).108-112


ZELEVA OLESYA V., ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0143-4655; the Head of the Otorhinolaryngological Department, Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia, 443099, st. Chapaevskaya, 89, e-mail:

ZELTER PAVEL M., ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1346-5942; C. Med. Sci, Assistant Professor of the Department of Radiation Diagnostics and Radiation Therapy, Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia, 443099, st. Chapaevskaya, 89, e-mail:

KOLSANOV ALEKSANDR V., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-4144-7090; Rector of Samara State Medical University, the Head of the Department of Operative Surgery and Clinical Anatomy with a Course of Innovative Technologies, Professor of the Russian Academy of Sciences, D. Med. Sci., Professor, Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia, 443099, st. Chapaevskaya, 89, e-mail:

SIDOROV EGOR A., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2850-8768; Radiologist, Assistant Professor of the Department of Radiation Diagnostics and Radiation Therapy, Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia, 443099, st. Chapaevskaya, 89, e-mail:

TSOI ALEXANDER V., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-6746-5625; Otorhinolaryngologist, Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia, 443099, st. Chapaevskaya, 89, e-mail:

IVANOVA OLGA V., ORCID ID: 0000-0003-4524-2671; the Head of the Pathoanatomical Department, Pathologist, C. Med. Sci., Samara State Medical University, Samara, Russia, 443099, st. Chapaevskaya, 89, e-mail: o.v.ivanova@

Abstract. Introduction. Di erential diagnosis of neoplasms of the paranasal sinuses does not lose its relevance. Benign formations of the nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses at the beginning of their formation have an asymptomatic course, as well as not always speci c signs in diagnostic studies. Computed tomography monitoring of the patient’s condition indicates a favorable prognosis for this patient. Aim. TTo present our own clinical observation of the successful diagnosis and treatment of juvenile ossifying broma imitating the mucocele of the frontal sinus. Material and Methods.Patient F., 20 years old, complains of swelling of the upper and lower eyelids of the left eye, a pulsation and pain in the left brow area, discomfort in the projection of the left maxillary sinus, di culty in breathing. Conducted general clinical, laboratory and instrumental research methods. The article details the history of the disease, clinical manifestations, the results of the examination with pathomorphological examination, conservative and surgical treatment with a description of the operation. Results and discussion. The operation was successful. The patient was discharged on the seventh day after surgery with a clinical diagnosis of juvenile ossifying broma. The control CT scan of the paranasal sinuses was performed after 6 months, the content in the left frontal sinus was not determined. Conclusion. TThese data are necessary for practitioners when conducting di erential diagnosis, because only the data of the intraoperative picture and the histological veri cation made it possible to make the correct diagnosis.

Key words: benign neoplasms of the paranasal sinuses, broma, mucocele, paranasal sinuses.

For reference: Zeleva OV, Zelter PM, Kolsanov AV, et al. Clinical observation of juvenile ossifying broma imitating the mucocele of the frontal sinus. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2023; 16(2): 108-112.
DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2023.16(2).108-112.


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DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2023.16(2).113-119


KUBASOV ROMAN V., ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1698-6479; Cand. Biol. Sci., Associate Professor of the Department of Mobilization Training of Healthcare and Disaster Medicine, Northern State Medical University, 163000, Russia, Arkhangelsk, Troitskiy Ave., 51; e-mail:

SOKOLNIKOV VASILY A., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-2886-0497; Head of the Center for Disaster Medicine of "Arkhangelsk Regional Clinical Ambulance Station", 163000, Russia, Arkhangelsk, Dzerzhinsky Ave., 14; e-mail:

MARTYNOV VLADISLAV O., ORCID ID: 0000-0003-1374-5928; student of the Northern State Medical University, 163000, Russia, Arkhangelsk, Troitskiy Ave., 51; e-mail:

SMYKOVSKAYA ADELINA I., ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8140-328X; student of the Northern State Medical University, 163000, Russia, Arkhangelsk, Troitskiy Ave., 51; e-mail:

KRYMOVA EKATERINA S., ORCID ID: 0000-0003-3036-5273; student of the Northern State Medical University, 163000, Russia, Arkhangelsk, Troitskiy Ave., 51; e-mail:

MENSHUTIN IGOR Y., ORCID ID: 0000-0001-8058-8593; Candidate of Medical Sciences, Senior Lecturer of the Department of Mobilization Training of Healthcare and Disaster Medicine, Northern State Medical University, 163000, Russia, Arkhangelsk, Troitskiy Ave., 51; Chief Physician of the Arkhangelsk Region State Medical Institution "Arkhangelsk City Clinical Hospital No. 4", 163000, Russia, Arkhangelsk, Dachnaya str., 30; e-mail:

KALININ ALEXEY G., ORCID ID: 0000-0002-0425-6359; Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Institute of Public Health, Healthcare and Social Work of the Northern State Medical University, 163000, Russia, Arkhangelsk, Troitskiy Ave., 51; e-mail:

SANNIKOV ANATOLY L. ORCID ID: 0000-0003-0405-659X; Doctor of Medical Sciences, Professor of the Institute of Public Health, Healthcare and Social Work of the Northern State Medical University, 163000, Russia, Arkhangelsk, Troitskiy Ave., 51; e-mail:

KUBASOVA ELENA D., ORCID ID: 0000-0001-9683-7814; cand. Biol. sciences, Dean of the Faculty of Pharmacy, Associate Professor of the Department of Pharmacology and Pharmacy, Northern State Medical University, 163000, Russia, Arkhangelsk, Troitskiy Ave., 51; e-mail:

Abstract. Introduction. Each emergency situation is characterized by signi cant health consequences. Solving the issue of saving lives, providing medical care and keeping the health of victims is one of the most important tasks. For the timely and successful supply of emergency medical care, there is a need to create special schemes for the cooperation of medical organizations. Aim. estimation of the system of interrelation of the Arkhangelsk Regional Disaster Medicine Center with medical organizations to provide emergency medical aid to victims in emergency situations. Material and methods. Normative legal documents regulating the work of the Arkhangelsk Disaster Medicine Center were used for the study. The source of the information was the o cial websites of the Ministry of Health of the Arkhangelsk region, the Arkhangelsk Regional Clinical Ambulance Station. Results and discussion. In case of an emergency in the region, the main volume of medical evacuation measures and emergency medical care is organized by the Disaster Medicine system. Since 2019, this function has been performed by the Disaster Medicine Center of the Arkhangelsk Regional Clinical Ambulance Station. Intradepartmental and interdepartmental cooperation is strictly regulated by the relevant normative documents. Information about the su ered is sent to the operational dispatch department of the Disaster Medicine Center. At the same time, all information is transferred to the Federal Disaster Medicine Center. A medical organization is required to report about su ered to the Disaster medicine center every day. Also, the functionality of the Disaster medicine center includes the need to create a "task plan" that accumulates information about the bed pool, formations and other forces and means located in the region. Conclusion. An analysis of recent work has shown that the integration of emergency medical care stations and disaster medicine centers into one juridical entity has had a positive e ect as part of the improvement of emergency medical care. Thanks to this, the interaction schemes between the various units of the disaster medicine service have been improved. All transformations for the modernization of organizational processes conform to modern requirements and legislative needs.

Keywords: emergency situations, territorial center of disaster medicine, interaction.

For reference: Kubasov RV, Sokolnikov VA, Martynov VO, et al. The procedure for cooperation of the center for disaster medicine with medical organizations in emergency situations. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2023; 16(2): 113-119. DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2023.16(2).113-119.


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