
 VSKM 2016 N 4

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Neuroimaging predictors of disability progression in multiple sclerosis. Kobys T.A. P.7

Topical issues of creation of automated primary health care volume calculation system in TVER region. Berseneva E.A., Lalabekova M.V., Cherkasov S.N., Meshkov D.O. P.15

Assessment of drug impact on heart rate turbulence. Gareeva D.F., Zagidullin N.Sh., Lakman I.A., Tulbaev E.L., Zulkarneev R.Kh., Zagidullin Sh.Z. P.21

Special features of remodeling of the subchondral bone in osteoarthritis with comorbidity. Kabalyk M.A. P.28

Evaluation of a specialized medical care of children with epilepsy and seizure syndromes in Transbaikal region. Marueva N.A., Shnayder N.A., Shulmin A.V., Shirshov Yu.A., Goltvanitsa G.A., Leontieva E.V., Kulinich T.S. P.33

The features of specific postoperative complications after the extirpation of esophagus with one-stage gastroplasty. Nizamkhodzhaev Z.M., Ligay R.E., Shagazatov D.B., Tsoy A.O., Khadzhibaev Zh.A., Nigmatullin E.I. P.39

Clinical manifestations and the aspects of diagnostics and treatment of lung sarcoidosis in Nizhny Novgorod. Postnikova L.B., Gudim A.L., Boldina M.V., Korotaeva L.A., Abanin A.M. P.45

Analysis of morbidity of people sentenced to imprisonment in penal colony in Tatarstan, engaged in joinery, plastering and painting work, according to a thorough medical examination. Timerzyanov M.I., Galiullin A.N., Valiyev F.V. P.52

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease comorbid with arterial hypertension: clinical, functional, molecular and genetic features. Shpagin I.S., Kotova O.S., Pospelova T.I., Gerasimenko O.N., Shpagina L.A., Ermakova M.A. P.57


Conservative treatment of arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint. Tarasov I.V., Nikitin A.A., Perova N.V., Chukumov R.M., Gusarov D.E. P.66


Diseases of the cervix during pregnancy and mo-dern diagnostic methods (the review). Atabiyeva Zh.A., Pikuza T.V., Chilova R.A., Zhukova E.V., Trifonova N.S. P.72

Management of pregnant patients with congenital heart defects. Volchkova N.S., Subkhanku-lova S.F., Subkhankulova A.F. P.83

Modern methods of minimally invasive treatment of arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint. Nikitin A.A., Tarasov I.V., Perova N.V., Chuku-mov R.M., Gusarov D.E. P.89


Clinical case of special form of demyelinating polyneuropathy: hereditary neuropathy with predisposition to paralysis from compression. Marulina V.I., Knyazeva O.V., Bolshakova T.A. P.97


«Diaskintest®» as evaluation of activity of the disease in patients with tuberculosis and HIV co-infection. Senin A.M., Eismont N.V., Golubev D.N. P.101




UDC 616.832-004.2 -036.1-073.756.8

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2016.9(4).7-14

KOBYS TATIANA A., C. Med. Sci., Head of Kyiv City Center of multiple sclerosis, Kyiv City Clinical Hospital № 4, candidate of a degree of the Department of neurology of O.O. Bogomolets National Medical University, Ukraine, Kyiv, 03110, Solomenska str.,17, tel. +38-067-287-31-65, e-mail:

Abstract. Aim. Identification of the main predictors of disability progression in multiple sclerosis (MS) patients depending on neuroimaging factors. Material and methods. A prospective ten-year study of 180  patients with MS. MRI was performed on GE unit Signa Excite HD 1.5T and was determined by the number of T2 lesions, including the ones with the size > 3 mm, T1 and Gd + lesions with subsequent determination of the level of cerebral metabolites. Results and discussion. Based on MRI monitoring we identified predictors of disability progression to EDSS > 3  points and ≥ 5 points. The prognostically significant signs were: the size of T2 lesions, their localization in cases of clinically isolated syndrome, the N-acetylaspartate to creatine ratio, and, with increasing duration of the disease, the number of T2 and T1 lesions. Conclusion. Prediction of the risk of achieving moderate to severe symptoms of MS disability in different periods from its beginning is possible on the basis of neuroimaging signs of disease activity.

Key words: multiple sclerosis, disability progression, lesions, cerebral metabolites.

For reference: Kobys TA. Neuroimaging predictors of disability progression in multiple sclerosis. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2016; 9 (4): 7—14.


1. Scalfari A, Neuhaus A, Degenhardt A et al. The natural history of multiple sclerosis, a geographically based study. Relapses and long-term disability. Brain. 2010. Vol. 133 (7): 1914–1929.
2. Ziemsenn T, Tintore M. A New Era in Multiple Sclerosis: New Consideration for Therapeutic Approaches. Elsevier. 2010; 94 p.
3. Degenhardt A, Ramagopalan SV, Scalfari A, Ebers GC Clinical prognostic factors in multiple sclerosis: a natural history review. Nat Rev Neurol. 2009; 5 (12): 672–682.
4. Fisniku LK, Brex PA, Altmann D R et al. Disability and T2 MRI lesions: a 20-year follow-up of patients with relapse onset of multiple sclerosis. Brain. 2008; 131 (3): 808–817.
5. Ann Yeh E, Bianca Weinstock Guttman. Multiple sclerosis: predicting risk and delaying progression. Neurology. 2010; 9 (1): 7–9.
6. Kister I, Chamot E, Salter AR, Cutter GR, Bacon TE, Herbert J. Disability in multiple sclerosis: A reference for patients and clinicians. Neurology. 2013; 80 (11): 1018-1824.
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13. Correale J, Peirano I, Romano L. Benign multiple sclerosis: a new definition of this entity is needed. Mult Scler. 2012; 18 (2): 210–218.
14. Bar-Zohar D, Agosta F, Goldstaub D, Filippi M. Magnetic resonance imaging metrics and their correlation with clinical outcomes in multiple sclerosis: a review of the literature and future perspectives. Mult Scler. 2008; 14 (6): 719–727.
15. Lovblad K, Anzalone N, Doflier A et al. MR imaging in Multiple Sclerosis: review and recommendation for current practice. AJNR (Am J Neuroradiol). 2010; 31: 983–989.
16. Rovaris M, Rocca MA, Filippi M. Magnetic resonance-based techniques for the study and management
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17. Sayao A, Devonshire LV, Tremlett H. Longitudinal follow-up of ‘benign’ multiple sclerosis at 20 years. Neurology. 2007; 68 (7): 496–500.



UDC 614.2(470.331):616-082:004.891

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2016.9(4).15-20

BERSENEVA EVGENIA A., D. Med. Sci., Head of the Department of higher and supplementary professional education of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health, 117485, Moscow, Miclukho-Maclay str., 27/1/15, tel. +7-916-216-84-59, e-mail:

LALABEKOVA MARINA V., vice rector for public relations and educational work of Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University, 117997, Moscow, Ostrovityanov str., 1, e-mail:

CHERKASOV SERGEY N., D. Med. Sci., chief researcher of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health, 117485, Moscow, Miclukho-Maclay str., 27/1/15, e-mail:

MESHKOV DMITRY O., D. Med. Sci., Head of sector of coordination of scientific research of Semashko National Research Institute of Public Health, 117485, Moscow, Miclukho-Maclay str., 27/1/15, e-mail:

Abstract. Topical issues of creation of the automated system of calculation of volume of primary health care in the Tver region are considered. Aim. Creation of the automated system of calculation of volume of primary health care in the Tver region, Russian Federation. Material and methods. Defining participants of the informational exchange, functional decomposition, creation of production rules. Results and discussion. The research prototype of the automated system of calculation of volumes of primary health care in the Tver region was developed. Calculation of the estimated volumes of medical care by means of this research prototype has coincided in 100% according to the results of the calculation executed earlier. Conclusion. On the basis of the results we recommend creation of an industrial prototype with introduction as the EGISZ module in different regions of the Russian Federation.

Key words: primary health-care, information technologies, expert systems.

For reference: Berseneva  EA, Lalabekova  MV, Cherkasov  SN, Meshkov  DO. Topical issues of creation of automated primary health care volumes calculation system in Tver region. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2016;



1. Habriev RU, Lindenbraten AL, Komarov JuM. Strategii ohrany zdorov’ja naselenija kak osnova social’noj politiki gosudarstva [Population Health strategies as basis of social policy of the state]. Problemy social’noj gigieny, zdravoohranenija i istorii mediciny [Problems of social hygiene, health care and history of medicine].2014; 3: 3–5.
2. Cherkasov SN, Kurnosikov MS, Sopova IL. Ispol’zovanie demograficheskogo analiza pri planirovanii ob#emov medicinskoj pomoshhi [Population analysis use when planning medical care amounts]. V sbornike: Jekologija i zdorov’e cheloveka na Severe sbornik nauchnyh trudov VI–go Kongressa s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem: pod redakciej PG Petrova [ In the collection: Ecology and health of the person in the north the collection of scientific works of the VI Congress with the international participation: under PG Petrov edition]. Kirov. 2016: 601–605.
3. Shhepin VO, Rastorgueva TI, Karpova OB. Sovremennye demograficheskie tendencii v Possijskoj Federacii [Current demographic trends in the Russian Federation]. Rossijskaja akademija medicinskih nauk: Bjulleten’ Nacional’nogo nauchno–issledovatel’skogo instituta obshhestvennogo zdorov’ja [Russian academy of medical sciences: Bulletin of National research institute of public health]. 2013; 2: 10–13.
4. Lalabekova MV, Cherkasov SN, Berseneva EA, Meshkov DO. Demograficheskie processy na territorii Tverskoj oblasti za period s 1994 po 2015 [Demographic processes in the territory of the Tver region from 1994 for 2015]. Rossijskaja akademija medicinskih nauk: Bjulleten’ Nacional’nogo nauchno–issledovatel’skogo instituta obshhestvennogo zdorov’ja [Russian academy of medical sciences: Bulletin of National research institute of public health]. 2015; 6: 87–100.
5. Shipova VM, Voroncov TN. Sovremennye problemy planirovanija medicinskoj pomoshhi [Modern problems of medical care planning]. Rossijskaja akademija medicinskih nauk: Bjulleten’ Nacional’nogo nauchno–issledovatel’skogo instituta obshhestvennogo zdorov’ja [Russian academy of medical sciences: Bulletin of National research institute of public health]. 2014; 1: 306–310.
6. Berseneva EA. Standarty medicinskoj pomoshhi kak chast’ informacionnogo obespechenija kompleksnoj informacionnoj sistemy lechebno–profilakticheskogo uchrezhdenija [Standards of medical care as part of information support of medical organization complex information system]. Jekonomika zdravoohranenija [Health care economy]. 2005; 9 (97): 21–27.
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8. Berseneva EA, Sedov AA, Goluhov GN. Aktual’nye voprosy sozdanija avtomatizirovannoj sistemy leksicheskogo kontrolja medicinskih dokumentov [Topical issues of creation of the medical documents lexical control automated system]. Vrach i informacionnye tehnologii [Doctor and information technologies]. 2014; 1: 11–17.
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UDC 616.12-008.318.4-085.22

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2016.9(4).21-27

GAREEVA DIANA F., postgraduate student of the Department of internal medicine of Bashkir State Medical University, Russia, Bashkortostan, 450000, Ufa, Lenin  str., 3, tel. +7-919-140-71-49, e-mail:

ZAGIDULLIN NAUFAL SH., D. Med. Sci., professor of the Department of internal medicine of Bashkir State Medical University, Russia, Bashkortostan, 450000, Ufa, Lenin  str., 3, tel. (347)237-71-14, e-mail:

LAKMAN IRINA A., C. Tech. Sci., Ufa State Aviation Technical University, faculty of computer science and robotics, Russia, Bashkortostan, 450000, Ufa, K. Marx  str., 12, tel. +7-927-965-56-55, e-mail:

TULBAEV EDUARD L., D. Med. Sci., Head of the Department of cardiology in City Clinical Hospital № 21, Russia, Bashkortostan, 450000, Ufa, Lesnoy proezd, 3, tel. +7-246-53-42, e-mail:

ZULKARNEEV RUSTEM KH., D. Med. Sci., professor of the Department of internal medicine of Bashkir State Medical University, Russia, Bashkortostan, 450000, Ufa, Lenin  str., 3, tel. +7-347-246-53-97, e-mail:

ZAGIDULLIN SHAMIL Z., D. Med. Sci., professor, Head of the Department of internal medicine of Bashkir State Medical University, Russia, Bashkortostan, 450000, Ufa, Lenin  str., 3, tel. (347)237-71-14, e-mail:

Abstract. Heart rate turbulence recorded after ventricular premature beats is one of the most significant risk factors for sudden death after myocardial infarction. Propafenone is 1C antiarrhythmic drug used to treat ventricular premature beats in patients without structural heart disease. If-inhibitors is a new class of anti-anginal drugs, represented by Ivabradine. Effect of ivabradine and propafenone on heart rate turbulence hasn`t been studied. Aim. To study the effect of Propafenone and Ivabradine on the daily profile of heart rate turbulence in patients with ventricular premature ангиотенbeats. Material and methods. 28  outpatients were examined in an open controlled study  — 25 in Ivabradine group and 5 in propafenone group. 3  hours after installing a 24-hour Holter monitor patients received Ivabradine in 7,5  mg or Propafenone 150  mg once. Results and discussion. The proportion of patients with pathological TO was 33,3% before the intake of Ivabradine, and later decreased to 22,2% (p=0,049). The median TS increased in 27,9%. The number of premature beats wasn`t significantly changed, but it tended to decrease. Propafenone improved TS, worsened TO and didn`t change the number of premature beats. However, a small number of patients doesn`t provide a full analysis of Propafenone`s impact. Conclusion. Positive effect of Ivabradine on heart rate turbulence was shown: TO improved (p=0,049) and stayed within the normal range after the action of Ivabradine. Propafenone`s significant effect on the parameters of heart rate turbulence was not revealed, but there was a tendency to decrease the frequency of ventricular arrhythmia, improving TS and worsening TO.

Key words: heart rate turbulence, ventricular arrhythmia, sudden death, ivabradine, propafenone.

For reference: Gareeva  DF, Zagidullin  NSh, Lakman  IA, Tulbaev  EL, Zulkarneev  RH, Zagidullin  ShZ. Assessment of drug impact on heart rate turbulence.The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2016; 9 (4): 21—27.



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UDC 616.728.3-007.248-06-07:616.718.5-073.75

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2016.9(4).27-32

KABALYK MAXIM A., C. Med. Sci., assistant of professor of the Department of internal medicine of Pacific State Medical University, Russia, 690002, Vladivostok, Ostryakov  ave., 2, e-mail:

Abstract. Aim. To characterize the features of remodeling of the subchondral bone (SCB) in patients with osteoarthritis (OA) with different levels of comorbid status using texture parameters. Material and methods. The study included 92 patients with stage I—IV OA of the knee according to Kellgren aged (66,1±10,5) years. Control group included 24  volunteers aged (29,6±5,96) years without clinical or radiological signs of OA. Patients with OA were divided into groups with «low», «moderate», «high» comorbidity and «metabolic phenotype» OA. Textural characteristics were evaluated by our own methodology. Results and discussion. The presence of radiographic evidence of OA directly correlated with the level of comorbidity. There is a statistically significant correlation between the age of patients with OA with comorbidities and the presence of cardiovascular events in the form of heart attacks and strokes. The volume of distribution of pixel values relative to the average value of grayscale tones (SDG) was significantly lower in patients with OA. The number of maximum peaks (EM) was significantly lower in patients with OA. Minimum peak on 3D-histogram (MinP) was significantly higher in OA and toning pixel row spacing in SCB was lower than in the control group. Conclusion. Our data indicate that SCB remodeling occurs in OA. Identified changes are more dependent on comorbid conditions. They give the prerequisites for pathogenetically justified classification of OA patients, depending on the presence of cardiovascular and metabolic diseases. Proposed methods of visual assessment are based on mathematical multidimensional analysis can be attributed to their potential diagnostic markers of OA on the basis of which discrimination of patients by the type of changes taking place in the SCB can be carried out. Proposed methods require morphological comparisons and clarification of the diagnostic value.

Key words: osteoarthritis, subchondral bone, remodeling, cardiovascular disease, texture analysis.

For reference: Kabalyk MA. Special features of remodeling of the subchondral bone in osteoarthritis with comorbidity. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2016; 9 (4): 27—32.



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UDC [616.853+616.831-009.24]-053.2-082(571.55)

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2016.9(4).32-38

MARUEVA NATALIA A., C. Med. Sci., candidate of a degree of the Department of medical genetics and clinical neurophysiology of V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University, neurologist-epidemiologist, assistant of professor of the Department of neurology, neurosurgery and medical genetics of Chita State Medical Academy, Russia, 672090, Chita, Gorky  str. 39a, tel. 8-924-296-23-45, e-mail:

SHNAYDER NATALIA A., D. Med. Sci., professor, Head of the Department of medical genetics and clinical neurophysiology, Head of the Neurologic centre of epileptology, neurogenetics and brain research of University clinic of V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University, Russia, 660022, Krasnoyarsk, Partizan Zheleznyak  str., 1, tel. 8(391) 221-24-49, e-mail:

SHULMIN ANDREI V., D. Med. Sci., associate professor, Head of the Department of public health of V.F. Voyno-Yasenetsky Krasnoyarsk State Medical University, Russia, 660022, Krasnoyarsk, Partizan Zheleznyak str., 1, e-mail:

SHIRSHOV YURI A., C. Med. Sci., professor, Head of the Department of neurology, neurosurgery and medical genetics of Chita State Medical Academy, Russia, 672090, Chita, Gorky  str., 39a, tel. 8(3022) 35-43-24, e-mail:

GOLTVANITSA GALINA A., C. Med. Sci., Head of the Centre antiepileptic in Transbaikal region, Regional children clinical hospital, Russia, 672000, Chita, Novobulvarnaya str., 20, tel. 8(3022) 32-57-84, e-mail:

LEONTIEVA ELENA V., C. Med. Sci., neurologist-epidemiologist of the Centre antiepileptic in Transbaikal region, Regional children clinical hospital, Russia, 672000, Chita, Novobulvarnaya str., 20, tel. 8(3022) 32-57-84, e-mail:

KULINICH TATYANA S., deputy director on expertise of the Head office of medical and social assessment in Transbaikal region, Russia, 67203811, Chita, Kokhansky str., 11, tel. 8(3022) 28-38-88, е-mail:

Abstract. The aim is to evaluate medical and social factors contributing to organization of medical care for children with epilepsy in Transbaikal region. Material and methods. The data gathered from parents of 523  children with epilepsy and seizure syndromes (febrile seizures and isolated seizures) being treated in the Regional Antiepileptic Centre (RAEC) were analyzed. Results and discussion. The majority of parents (79,54%) of children with epilepsy and seizure syndromes apply for a medical care in due time; 5,74% do not apply in due time (after 1  year or more from the onset of the disease). 82,2% of the respondents are completely satisfied with the quality of medical care given by the epileptologists at the RAEC, 78,17% — by the hospital and emergency ambulance service, 73,3% — by the neurologists at the local out-patient departments. 93,43% of the parents strictly follow doctor’s recommendations concerning chemotherapy. 38,29% of the respondents assess medication availability as «good», 24,27% — «satisfying», 22,4% — «excellent». 22,56% of the respondents experience the lack of information on their children’s disease. 22,56% of the respondents experience the lack of information concerning the child’s disease. The main suggestions for improving care for children with epilepsy and convulsive syndromes were free medical treatment (5,16%). Conclusion. Medical care for children with epilepsy and convulsive syndromes both at specialized neurological level and at other stages of outpatient and inpatient care in the Transbaikal region was assessed by parents as satisfactory. In accordance with the wishes of the parents improved medical care should include the increase of parent awareness of the diagnosis, treatment and social care for epilepsy and seizures, development of an integrated multi-disciplinary system to improve the health and social care system.

Key words: epilepsy, convulsive disorders, children, teens, profile, parents, Transbaikal region.

For reference: Marueva  NA, Shnayder  NA, Shulmin  AV, Shirshov  YuA, Goltvanitsa  GA, Leontieva  EV, Kulinich  TS. Evaluation of a specialized medical care of children with epilepsy and seizure syndromes in Transbaikal region. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2016; 9 (4): 32—38.



1. International League Against Epilepsy (ILAE). Guidelines for epidemiologic studies on epilepsy; Commission on Epidemiology and Prognosis. Epilepsia.1993; 34: 592-596.
2. Meyer AC, Dua T, Boscardin WJ et al. Critical determinants of the epilepsy treatment gap: a cross-national analysis in resource-limited setting. Epilepsia. 2012; 53: 2178-2185.
3. Guseva EN, Konovalova AN, Geht AB ed. Nevrologija; Nacional’noe rukovodstvo; Kratkoe izdanie [Neurology; National Guidance; Brief Edition]. Moskva: Izdatel’stvo «GOJeTAR-Media» [Moscow: «GOETAR-Media» Publishing House]. 2014; 688 p.
4. Marueva NA, Shnajder NA, Shul’min AV et al. Jepidemiologija jepilepsii i sudorozhnyh sindromov v detskoj populjacii Zabajkal’skogo kraja [The epidemiology of epilepsy and seizures in the pediatric population of Trans-Baikal Region]. Zabajkal’skij medicinskij vestnik [Zabaykalsky Medical Journal]. 2015; 2: 119-128.
5. Broun T, Holms G. Jepilepsija: klinicheskoe rukovodstvo [Epilepsy: clinical manual]. M: Izdatel’stvo «Binom» [Moscow “Binom” Publishing House]. 2006; 288 p.
6. Karlov VA ed. Lechenie jepilepsii v knige “Jepilepsija u detej i vzroslyh zhenshhin i muzhchin” [Epilepsy treatment. In: Epilepsy in children and adult female and male patients]. Moskva: Izdatel’stvo «Medicina» [Moscow: “Medicine” Publishing House]. 2010; 631-659.
7. Hauser WA, Annegers JF, Kurland LT. Incidence of epilepsy and unprovoked seizures in Rochester, Minnesota: 1935-1984. Epilepsia. 1993; 34 (3): 453-468.
8. Shorvon S. Handbook of epilepsy treatment, 3rded. Singapore: Wiley-Blackwell. 2010; 75-146.
9. World Health Organization (WHO). Global burden and need for a coordinaited action at the country level to address its health, social and public knowledge implications. Resolution approved by the WHO Executive Board, February 12.2015.
10. Muhin KJu, Pylaeva OA, Gluhova LJu, Mironov MB, Bobylova MJu. Osnovnye principy lechenija jepilepsii; algoritm vybora antijepilepticheskih preparatov [Basic principles of epilepsy treatment; algorithm of anti-epileptic drugs selection]. Russkij zhurnal detskoj nevrologii [Russian Journal of Child Neurology]. 2014; 9 (4): 2–11.
11. Batysheva TT, Burd SG, Rubleva JuV, Badaljan OL. Reabilitacija pacientov s jepilepsiej [Rehabilitation of the patients with epilepsy]. SPb: Izdatel’stvo «Chelovek i ego zdorov’e» [St. Petersburg: “Human Health” Publishing House]. 2015; 45-46.
12. Zupans MN. Treatment of epilepsy in children and infants. Neurological Therapeutics: Principles and Practice. 2005; 65.
13. Panayiotopoulos CP. A clinical guide to epileptic syndromes and their treatment, 2nded. London: Springer. 2010; 45-49.
14. Belousova ED, Ermakov AJu, Dorofeeva MJu, Krapivkin AI, Malinovskaja ON, Harlamov DA. Kompleksnaja reabilitacija detej s medikamentozno-rezistentnymi invalidizirujushhimi formami jepilepsij: posobie dlja vrachej [Complex rehabilitation of children with drug resistant epilepsy: doctors’ reference book]. Moskva [Moscow]. 2004; 48 p.
15. Potapova ON. Dinamika detskoj invalidnosti v mediko-demograficheskom aspekte [Dynamics of childhood disability in the medical-demographic aspect]. Zdravoohranenie Rossijskoj Federacii [Health Care of the Russian Federation]. 2012; 1: 26-29.



UDC 616.329-089.168.1-06

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2016.9(4).39-44

NIZAMKHODZHAEV ZAYNIDDIN M., D. Med. Sci., professor, Head of the Department of esophagus and stomach surgery of acad. V. Vahidov RSCS, Uzbekistan, Tashkent, tel. +998-90-348-64-57, e-mail:

LIGAY RUSLAN E., C. Med. Sci., senior research worker of the Department of esophagus and stomach surgery, of acad. V. Vahidov RSCS, Uzbekistan, Tashkent, tel. +998-90-348-64-57, e-mail:

SHAGAZATOV DANIYAR B., С. Med. Sci., resident physician of acad. V. Vahidov RSCS, Uzbekistan, Tashkent, tel. +998-71-277-26-80

TSOY ALEKSEY O., junior research worker of the Department of esophagus and stomach surgery of acad. V. Vahidov RSCS, Uzbekistan, Tashkent, tel. +998-90-348-64-57, e-mail:

KHADZHIBAEV ZHAMSHID A., junior research worker of the Department of esophagus and stomach surgery of acad. V. Vahidov RSCS, Uzbekistan, Tashkent, tel. + 998-90-348-64-57

NIGMATULLIN ELNAR I., magistracy of Tashkent Medical Academy, Uzbekistan, Tashkent, tel. +998-90-372-24-77, e-mail:

Abstract. The aim was to study character, frequency and causes of specific complications after esophagus extirpation. Material and methods. Department of esophagus and stomach surgery of acad. V. Vahidov RSCS has an experience in treatment of 234  patients who underwent extirpation of the esophagus between 1991 and 2015. All patients had undergone subtotal extirpation of the esophagus with one-stage esophagogastroplasty with formation of out-cavityneck anastomosis. Depending on the use of improved technical aspects of formation of the graft from the stomach, patients were divided into 2  groups. Control group (CG) consisted of 79  patients who underwent traditional method of stomach transplant forming in years 1991—2000. The main group (MG) consisted of 155  patients who had surgery in years 2001—2015 using patented improved method of stomach transplant forming. Results and discussion. We studied postoperative complications after esophageal extirpation in the MG. Comparative analysis of the frequency of specific complications in CG and MG was performed. Conclusion. All postoperative complications were combined into several groups: specific, bronchopulmonary, purulent-inflammatory, cardiovascular, thromboembolic, bleeding and others. Introduction of improved method of transplant forming reduced the incidence of specific complications.

Key words: esophagus, extirpation of esophagus, postoperative complications, specific complications, graft necrosis, insufficient esophageal anastomosis.

For reference: Nizamkhodjaev  ZM, Ligay  RE, Shagazatov  DB, Tsoy  AO, Khadjibaev  JA, Nigmatullin  EI. The features of specific postoperative complications after the extirpation of esophagus with one-stage gastroplasty. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2016; 9  (4): 39—44.



1. Vereshhako RI. Pozdnie oslozhnenija subtotal’noj i total’noj jezofagoplastiki i metody ih ustranenija [Late complications of subtotal and total esophagoplasty and troubleshooting]. Klinicheskie issledovanija [Clinical researches]. 2010; 4: 21–125.
2. Davydov MI. Hirurgicheskoe lechenie bol’nyh rakom grudnogo otdela pishhevoda [Surgical treatment of patients with thoracic esophageal cancer]. Vestnik RONC imeni NN Blohina RAMN [Bulletin of the RCRC by NN Blokhin]. 2010; 3: 75–79.
3. Davydov MI, Stilidi IS. Rak pishhevoda [Cancer of the esophagus]. Moskva: Izdatel’stvo «Prakticheskaja Medicina» [Moscow: Publishing House “Practical Medicine”]. 2007: 392 p.
4. Krotov NF. Vybor metoda operativnogo vmeshatel’stva pri rake pishhevoda [The choice of method of surgery for esophagus cancer]. Kongress onkologov Uzbekistana [Congress of Oncologists of Uzbekistan]. Tashkent. 2015; 3: 7–8.
5. Miroshnikov BI. Jezofagoplastika pri «ushherbnom» zheludke ili ego otsutstvii [Esophagoplasty with «flawed» stomach or lack]. Vestnik hirurgii [Bulletin of surgery]. 2004; 2: 24–28.
6. Chernousov FA. Oslozhnenija stentirovanija u bol’nyh s dobrokachestvennymi i zlokachestvennymi zabolevanijami pishhevoda [Complications of stenting in patients with benign and malignant diseases of the esophagus]. Endo Hirurgija: XI sezd hirurgov Rossii [Endo Surgery: XI Congress of Russian surgeons]. Sbornik tezisov [Abstracts]. 2010; 15–18.
7. Kimura Y, Morita M, Saeki H. Minimally invasive total pharyng–laryngo–esophagectomy and reconstruction with gastric tube: report of three cases. Fukuoka Igaku Zasshi. 2013; 104 (11): 442–448.
8. Koyanagi K, Igaki H, Iwabu J, Ochiai H, Tachimori Y. Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve Paralysis after  Esophagectomy: Respiratory Complications and Role of Nerve Reconstruction. Tohoku J Exp Med. 2015; 237 (1): 1–8.
9. Li B, Xiang J. Factors Affecting Hospital Mortality in Patients with Esophagogastric Anastomotic Leak: A Retrospective Study. World J Surg. 2015; 4: 176–182.



UDC 616.24-002.282(470.341-25)

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2016.9(4).44-51

POSTNIKOVA LARISA B., D. Med. Sci., associate professor, Head supernumerary pulmonologist of Nizhniy Novgorod region, Head of Municipal pulmonology advisory center of City Hospital № 28, Russia, 603035, Nizhny Novgorod, Chaadaev  str., 7, e-mail: plbreа

GUDIM ANDREY L., general practitioner of City Hospital № 28, Russia, 603035, Nizhny Novgorod, Chaadaev  str., 7, e-mail:

BOLDINA MARINA V., C. Med. Sci., assistant of professor of the Department of internal medicine of Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy, pulmonologist of Municipal pulmonology advisory center of City Hospital № 28, Russia, 603035, Nizhny Novgorod, Chaadaev  str., 7, e-mail:

KOROTAEVA LYUDMILA A., pulmonologist of Municipal pulmonology advisory center of City Hospital № 28, Russia, 603035, Nizhny Novgorod, Chaadaev  str., 7, e-mail:

ABANIN ALEXEY M., C. Med. Sci., associate professor of the Department of public health and health care of Nizhny Novgorod State Medical Academy, Russia, 603005, Nizhny Novgorod, Minin and Pozharsky square, 10/1, e-mail:

Abstract. Aim  — to study clinical features of sarcoidosis, to evaluate the diagnostic and therapeutic resources of Nizhny Novgorod Pulmonary Consulting Centre (Centre). Material and methods. Hospital records of 121  patients with sarcoidosis followed-up in the Centre between 2007 and 2015 were analyzed retrospectively. Results and discussion. The number of patients with sarcoidosis increased more than 2,5  times since 2011. Women prevailed among the patients with sarcoidosis  — 73,5%. The age of patients ranged from 16 to 71 years. The mean age was (42,4±14,2) years. Most women with sarcoidosis were older than 40 years (68,5%), men were younger  — 16—40  years (78,2%) (p<0,001). Chest X-ray stage I observed in 18,2% patients, stage  II  — in most patients (77,7%), stage  III  had 3,3% and IV had 0,7% of patients. 46 (38%) patients had histological verification of sarcoidosis. Lofgren’s or Heerfordt’s syndromes were revealed in 3,3%. The most frequent symptoms were cough  — 83,0%, fatigue  — 46,6%, shortness of breath  — 35,2%. The frequency of symptoms did not depend on sex of the patients or on the stage of sarcoidosis (p<0,05). Almost every fifth patient (19,1%) had extrapulmonary manifestations of sarcoidosis. 60,8% of the patients had skin lesions whereas enlarged peripheral lymph nodes were determined in 21,7% of the patients. 76,3% of the patients were receiving medications. 29% of the patients needed steroid therapy. Conclusion. The analysis of the prevalence of sarcoidosis, patient characteristics, clinical manifestations, diagnostic algorithm of sarcoidosis showed an increased attention to the problem of sarcoidosis in Nizhny Novgorod region and optimizing healthcare organization for this group of patients.

Key words: sarcoidosis, diagnosis, radiographic stage, treatment.

For reference: Postnikova  LB, Gudim  AL, Boldina  MV, Korotaeva  LA, Abanin  AM. Clinical manifestations and the aspects of diagnostics and treatment of lung sarcoidosis in Nizhny Novgorod. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2016; 9 (4): 44—51.



1. Chuchalin AG, Vizel AA, Ilkovich MM et al. Diagnostika i lechenie sarkoidoza: rezyume federalnyh soglasitelnyh klinicheskih rekomendaciy; chast 1: Klassifikaciya, etiopatogenez, klinika [Diagnosis and treatment of sarcoidosis: a summary of federal consensus clinical guidelines; Part 1: Classification, etiopathogenesis, clinic]. Vestnik sovremennoy klinicheskoy mediciny [The Bulletin of  Contemporary Clinical]. 2014; 7 (4): 62-70.
2. Chuchalin AG, Vizel AA, Ilkovich MM et al. Diagnostika i lechenie sarkoidoza: rezyume federalnyh soglasitelnyh klinicheskih rekomendaciy; chast 2: Diagnostika, lechenie, prognoz [Diagnosis and treatment of sarcoidosis: a summary of federal consensus clinical guidelines; Part 2: Diagnosis, treatment, prognosis]. Vestnik sovremennoy klinicheskoy mediciny [The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine]. 2014; 7 (4): 62-70.
3. Thomeer М, Demedts M, Wuyts W. Epidemiology of sarcoidosis. European Respiratory Monograph. 2005; 32: 23–32.
4. Vizel’ IJu, Vizel’ AA. Harakteristika registra bol’nyh sarkoidozom v Respublike Tatarstan [Characteristics of patients with sarcoidosis register in the Republic of Tatarstan].Vestnik sovremennoj klinicheskoj mediciny [The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine]. 2015; 8 (5): 18-26.
5. Baranova OP, Refickaja NV et al. Jepidemiologija sarkoidoza organov dyhanija v Sankt-Peterburge (1998-2008) [Epidemiology of a sarkoidoz of respiratory organs in St. Petersburg (1998-2008)]. Sbornik trudov kongressa: XIX Nacional’nyj congress po boleznjam organov dyhanija [Collection of works of the congress: the XIX National congress by diseases of respiratory organs]. M. 2009; 216-217.
6. Mezhebovskij AV. Projavlenija sarkoidoza u gorodskogo i sel’skogo naselenija: dis kand med nauk [Manifestations of sarcoidosis in the urban and rural population: thesis of the candidate of medical sciences]. M. 2011; 101 p.
7. Petrov DV, Ovsjannikov NV, Mazhbich SM, Kochetov AM. Zabolevaemost’ I vozmozhnosti dispansernogo nabljudenija bol’nyh sarkoidozom v Omske. [Sickness rate and dispensary examination potential of sarcoidosis in Omsk]. Vestnik sovremennoj klinicheskoj mediciny [The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine]. 2010; 3 (4): 29-32.
8. Lenshin AV, Grebennik AG, Suslova JuV, Karakulova OA. Vnutrigrudnoj sarkoidoz. Optimizacija ambulatorno-poliklinicheskoj luchevoj diagnostiki [Intrathoracic sarcoidosis. Optimization of out-patient and policlinic roentgen diagnostics]. Zdorov’e; Medicinskaja jekologija; Nauka [Health; Medical Ecology; The science]. 2009; 4-5: 105-108.
9. Robert P, Baughman RP, Grutters JC. New treatment strategies for pulmonary sarcoidosis: antimetabolites, biological drugs, and other treatment approaches. Lancet. 2015; 3 (10): 813-822.
10. Petrov DV, Ovsjannikov NV, Kononenko AJu, P’jannikova NG, Kapust’jan OV et al. Rezul’taty vnedrenija «Porjadka okazanija medicinskoj pomoshhi bol’nym sarkoidozom» v gorode Omske [Result of the introduction of «Order of medical care of sarcoidosis patients» in Omsk city].Vestnik sovremennoj klinicheskoj mediciny [The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine]. 2013; 6 (2): 42-46.
11. Valeyre D, Prasse A, Nunes H, Uzunhan Y, Brillet P et al. Sarcoidosis. Lancet. 2013. Published online October 1; 1  — 13.
12. Vizel’ IJu, Vizel’ AA. Azbuka sarkoidoza; Beseda chetvertaja: Sarkoidoz: chto i kak my lechim [The ABCs of sarcoidosis; The fourth talk; Sarcoidosis: what and how we treat]. Atmosfera; Pul’monologija I allergologija [Atmosphere; Pulmonology and Allergology]. 2013; 3: 63- 65.



UDC 343.828(470.41)

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2016.9(4).51-56

TIMERZYANOV MARAT I., C. Med. Sci., associate professor of the Department of epidemiology of Kazan State Medical University,  Russia, 420012, Kazan, Butlerov  str., 49, e-mail:

GALIULLIN AFGAT N., D. Med. Sci., professor of the Department of management in health care of Kazan State Medical University, Russia, 420012, Kazan, Butlerov  str., 49, e-mail:

VALIYEV FASIL V., physician of the Department of Medical Station of penal correction system of Russia in the Republic
of Tatarstan, Russia, 420111, Kazan, Kremlevskaya  str., 12/1

Abstract. Aim  — to study the incidence of convicts engaged in carpentry, plastering and painting works in the colonies of the Federal Penitentiary Service in the Republic of Tatarstan. Material and methods. Incidence analysis was conducted according to in-depth medical examination results of 708  convicts, depending on age, work experience, taking into account the working conditions, the characteristics of the labor process and the environment. We used hygienic and statistical methods. Results and discussion. Persons sentenced to imprisonment employed in construction and repair works have been exposed to wood dust, body, physical, dynamic load, noise from the saws, the specification of which is greater than 1,8  times. It was found that the highest incidence rates among prisoners were identified by arterial hypertension (46,6%), chronic tonsillitis (20,3%), chronic rhinitis and pharyngitis (20,9%) and chronic bronchitis (17,2%). Prevalence of hypertension increased from 15,7 to 36,6% in convicts employed in manufacturing at the experience of work from 1 to 20 years whereas chronic bronchitis incidence rose from 2,0 to 13,4%. Conclusion. The obtained data on incidence of convicts engaged in carpentry and painting works in penal colonies of the Republic of Tatarstan serves as the basis for development of measures to protect their health.

Key words: the profound routine medical examinations, incidence condemned to imprisonment, weight of labor process, repair construction works.

For reference: Timerzyanov  MI, Galiullin  AN, Valiyev  FV. Analysis of morbidity of people sentenced to imprisonment in penal colony in Tatarstan, engaged in joinery, plastering and painting work, according to a thorough medical examination. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2016; 9 (4): 51—56.



1. Borodulin VG. Ob itogah raboty v 2000 godu po organizacii medicinskogo obespechenija lic, soderzhashhihsja v uchrezhdenijah ugolovno–ispolnitel’noj sistemy Minjusta Rossii; Medicina v penitenciarnoj sisteme Rossii [On the results of work in 2000 on the organization of medical provision of persons held in institutions of the penal system of the Ministry of Justice of Russia; Medicine in the Russian penitentiary system]. Moskva: Prava cheloveka [Moscow: Human Rights]. 2001; 55–82.
2. Ermolaeva TV. Mediko–organizacionnye aspekty sovershenstvovanija medicinskogo obespechenija osuzhdennyh v ispravitel’nyh kolonijah strogogo rezhima: avtoreferat dissertacii kandidata medicinskih nauk [Medical and organizational aspects of perfection of medical maintenance of convicts in a penal colony: dissertation of the candidate of medical sciences]. Rjazan’.2012; 18 p.
3. Medik VA. Zabolevaemost’ naselenija: istorija, sovremennoe sostojanie i metodologija izuchenija [Morbidity: the history, current status and methodology of the study]. Moskva: Medicina [Moscow: Medicine]. 2003; 508 p.
4. Novikova VS ed. Sanitarno–gigienicheskie i social’no–bytovye aspekty soderzhanija VICh–inficirovannyh zhenshhin v mestah lishenija svobody: fiziologicheskaja ocenka uslovij voennoj sluzhby zhenshhin v vooruzhennyh silah RF [Sanitation and welfare aspects of HIV–positive women in prison: physiological assessment of the conditions of military service of women in the armed forces of the Russian Federation]. SPb: VmedA [St Petersburg: MMA]. 1999; 82–83.
5. Sannikov AL. Zdorov’e i social’naja zashhishhennost’ osuzhdennyh [Health and social protection of convicts]. Rossijskij medicinskij zhurnal [Russian Medical Journal].1998; 5: 10–12.

6. Statisticheskie materialy MJu RF GUIN [Statistical materials MDPE MJ RF]. Sostojanie zdorov’ja kontingentov, soderzhashhihsja v uchrezhdenijah ugolovno–ispolnitel’noj sistemy Rossijskoj Federacii v 2002 godu [Status contingents health contained in the institutions of the penal system of the Russian Federation in 2002]. Moskva: Medicinskoe upravlenie [Moscow: Medical Management]. 2003; 107 p.



UDC 616.24-036.12:616.12-008.331.1

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2016.9(4).56-65

SHPAGIN ILIA S., C. Med. Sci., assistant of professor of the Department of internal medicine and hematology of Novosibirsk State Medical University, Russia, 630084, Novosibirsk, Polzunov  str., 21, tel. +7(383) 279-99-45, e-mail:

KOTOVA OLGA S., C. Med. Sci., associate professor of the Department of internal medicine and medical rehabilitation of Novosibirsk State Medical University, Russia, 630084, Novosibirsk, Polzunov  str., 21, tel. +7(383) 279-99-45, e-mail:

POSPELOVA TATYANA I., D. Med. Sci., professor, pro-rector for scientific work, Head of the Department of internal medicine and hematology of Novosibirsk State Medical University, Russia, 630084, Novosibirsk, Polzunov  str., 21, tel. +7(383) 279-99-45, e-mail:

GERASIMENKO OKSANA N., D. Med. Sci., professor of the Department of internal medicine and medical rehabilitation of Novosibirsk State Medical University, Russia, 630084, Novosibirsk, Polzunov  str., 21, tel. +7(383) 279-99-45, e-mail:

SHPAGINA LUBOV A., D. Med. Sci., professor, Head of the Department of internal medicine and medical rehabilitation of Novosibirsk State Medical University, Russia, 630084, Novosibirsk, Polzunov  str., 21, tel. +7(383) 279-99-45, e-mail:

ERMAKOVA MARGARITA A., D. Med. Sci., assistant of professor of the Department of internal medicine and medical rehabilitation of Novosibirsk State Medical University, Russia, 630084, Novosibirsk, Polzunov  str., 21, tel. +7(383) 279-99-45, e-mail:

Abstract. Aim. To investigate chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) comorbid with arterial hypertension as a phenotype and to assess the association of polymorphisms M235T of the angiotensinogen gene, A1166C of the angiotensin  II type  1 receptor gene and I/D (insertion/deletion) of the ACE gene with COPD and arterial hypertension comorbidity development. Material and methods. It was a single center prospective observational study. A total of 403  patients were included in four strata: COPD with arterial hypertension, COPD without arterial hypertension, arterial hypertension without COPD and healthy controls. The strata were comparable in the means of age, sex and number of smokers. Duration of the study was 10 (4,5—12,5) years. COPD strata were compared by the signs of disease. K-means clustering was performed for each stratum. Genetic risk of COPD and arterial hypertension comorbidity was assessed by logistic regression. Data is present as median and quartiles. Results and discussion. COPD and arterial hypertension were characterized by higher dyspnea severity, pulmonary hypertension (PH) of moderate severity [mean pulmonary artery pressure (mPAP) was 38 (34—52) mmHg], endothelial dysfunction and high angiotensin  II serum level whereas severity of airflow limitation and lung hyperinflation were the same. Cluster analysis revealed a subgroup in COPD and arterial hypertension stratum characterized by low exacerbation rate, higher FEV1 and severe dyspnea, severe PH [mPAP 54 (48—65) mmHg] and highest angiotensin  II level. COPD comorbid with arterial hypertension and its subgroup was associated with all assessed polymorphisms. Conclusion. COPD comorbid with arterial hypertension can be considered a distinct phenotype with genetic susceptibility. Hypothetically, renin-angiotensin-aldosterone system plays an important role in pathogenesis of this phenotype.

Key words: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, arterial hypertension, phenotype, pulmonary hypertension.

For reference: Shpagin  IS, Kotova  OS, Pospelova  TI, Gerasimenko  ON, Shpagina  LA, Ermakova  MA. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease comorbid with arterial hypertension  — clinical, functional, molecular and genetic features. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2016; 9 (4): 56—65.



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UDC 616.724-007.248-08-039.73

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2016.9(4).66-71

TARASOV IVAN V., postgraduate student of the Department of maxillofacial surgery and surgical dentistry of Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute, Russia, 129110, Moscow, Shchepkin  str., 61/2, tel. +7-926-819-58-06, e-mail:

NIKITIN ALEXANDER A., D. Med. Sci., professor, Head of the Department of maxillofacial surgery, Head of the Department of maxillofacial surgery and surgical dentistry of Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute, Russia, 129110, Moscow, Shchepkin  str, 61/2

PEROVA NADEZHDA V., D. Biol. Sci., deputy director of the Institute of Biomedical Research and Technology, Russia, 123557, Moscow, Bolshoy Tishinskiy lane, 43/2, bld. 2, tel. +7-926-607-66-25, e-mail:

CHUKUMOV RINAT M., C. Med. Sci., researcher of the Department of maxillofacial surgery and surgical dentistry of Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute, Russia, 129110, Moscow, Shchepkin  str., 61/2

GUSAROV DANIIL E., postgraduate student of the Department of maxillofacial surgery and surgical dentistry of Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute, Russia, 129110, Moscow, Shchepkin  str., 61/2

Abstract. Temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is one of the frequently used joints of the human body. The most common TMJ pathologies are degenerative-dystrophic diseases, such as osteoarthritis, leading to restriction of activity, and often to disability and reduced quality of life. Aim. To assess the effectiveness of conservative treatment of osteoarthritis ofthe temporomandibular joint with heterogeneous biopolymer hydrogel Sferogel-light, medium and long. Material and methods. The article provides a personal experience in conservative treatment of osteoarthritis of the temporomandibular joint with heterogeneous biopolymer hydrogel Sferogel-light, medium and long. Sferogel is obtained from the hydrolyzed embryonic or postnatal collagen containing tissues of farm animals and comprises collagen, hyaluronic acid, chondroitin sulfate, heparin, a number of proteins (proteins of the complement system and blood plasma, interferons and antibodies) and monosaccharides (glucose, fructose, mannose, glucosamine, galactosamine, fructosamine and sialic acid). Results and discussion. The article presents an overview of modern methods of conservative treatment of osteoarthritis of the temporomandibular joint including the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs systemically and topically as well as acetaminophen, chondroprotectors, intra-articular injections of corticosteroids, anesthetics or biopolymer drugs, such as collagen, hyaluronic acid, a mixture of stem cells and plasma or a combination of biopolymers. Conclusion. Sferogel is effective in treatment of osteoarthritis of the temporomandibular joint with a long positive effect.

Key words: temporomandibular joint, osteoarthrosis, heterogeneous biopolymer hydrogel, regeneration, chondrocytes.

For reference: Tarasov  IV, Nikitin  AA, Perova  NV, Chukumov  RM, Gusarov  DE. Conservative treatment of arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2016; 9 (4): 66—71.



1. Sato H, Osterberg T, Ahlqwist M, Carlsson GE, Grondahl HG, Rubinstein B. Association between radiographic findings in the mandibular condyle and temporomandibular dysfunction in an elderly population. Acta Odontol Scand. 1996; 54 (6): 384–90.
2. Wang XD, Kou XX, Mao JJ, Gan YH, Zhou YH. Sustained inflammation induces degeneration of the temporomandibular
joint. J Dent Res. 2012; 91 (5): 499–505.
3. Alomar X, Medrano J, Cabratosa J, Clavero J, Lorente M, Serra I, Monill J, Salvador A. Anatomy of the temporomandibular joint. Seminars in Ultrasound, CT, and MRI. 2007; 28: 170–183.
4. Perova, N.V. Differencirovannyj podhod k doklinicheskoj ocenke biologicheskoj bezopasnosti implantatov [Differentiated
approach to the pre-clinical evaluation of biological safety of implants]. Moskva (Moscow). 2004; 221 p.
5. Brjuhoveckij IS, Djujzen IV, Motavkin PA. Morfohimicheskaja harakteristika spinnogo mozga krys posle torakal’noj segmentjektomii i transplantacii polimernogo kollagenovogo nejromatriksa «Sferogel’-Je»™ s inkorporirovannymi obkpadochnymi nejrojepitelial’nymi kletkami [Morphochemical characteristic of the spinal cord of rats after transplantation of thoracic segmentectomy and polymeric collagen neyromatriksa «Sferogel-E» ™ with incorporated obkpadochnymi neuroepithelial cells]. Geny i kletki [Genes and cells]. 2008; 3 (2): 57-62.
6. Porunova JuV, Perova NV, Ur’jash VF et al. Biodegradiruemyj kollagensoderzhashhij matriks Sferogel’ dlja bioiskusstvennyh organov i tkanej [Biodegradable collagen-containing  matrix Spherogel for bioartificial organs and tissues]. Vestnik transplantologii i iskusstvennyh organov [Journal of Transplantology and Artificial Organs]. 2003; 4: 46–49.
7. Sajkovskij RS, Savenkova NA, Aver’janov AV, Lisica AV. Jeffektivnost’ primenenija preparata Sferogel’ dlja lechenija gonartroza [The effectiveness of Spherogel drug for the treatment of gonarthrosis]. Klinicheskaja praktika [Clinical practice]. 2013; 3: 4–10.




UDC 618.3-06:618.146(048.8)

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2016.9(4).72-83

ATABIYEVA ZHAMILIA A., graduate student of the Department of obstetrics and gynecology № 1 of medical faculty of I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Russia, 119991, Moscow, Trubetskaya  str., 8, b. 2, tel. +7-968-565-08-80, e-mail:

PIKUZA TATYANA V., obstetrician-gynecologist of the Department obstetric observation of V.F. Snegirev clinic of obstetrics and gynecology of I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Russia, 119991, Moscow, Trubetskaya  str., 8, b. 2, tel. +7-903-170-63-30, e-mail:

CHILOVA RAISA A., D. Med. Sci., professor of the Department of obstetrics and gynecology № 1 of I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, obstetrician-gynecologist of V.F. Snegirev clinic obstetrics and gynecology, Russia, 119991, Moscow, Trubetskaya  str., 8, b. 2, tel. +7-985-761-91-35, e-mail:

ZHUKOVA ELVIRA V., obstetrician-gynecologist, the highest category physician, Head of the Department of clinical and diagnostic № 1 of the University clinic № 2 of Clinic of obstetrics and gynecology of I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Russia, 119991, Moscow, Trubetskaya  str., 8, b. 2, tel. +7-985-998-04-41, e-mail:

TRIFONOVA NATALYA S., C. Med. Sci., obstetrician-gynecologist of Clinic of obstetrics and gynecology of the University hospital № 2 of I.M. Sechenov First Moscow State Medical University, Russia, 119991, Moscow, Trubetskaya  str., 8, b. 2, tel. +7-903-773-72-20, e-mail:

Abstract. Aim. To study cervical disease as it is one of the most common pathological conditions of the female reproductive system that does not tend to decrease. Material and methods. Review of local and foreign publications has been performed. The data from clinical trials has been studied. Results and discussion. The changes in cervical state give rise to numerous irregularities during pregnancy and make the management complicated. This review presents the current state of the problem of cervical pathological state. It describes the changes in the cervix during pregnancy as well as the risk of cervical disease among pregnant women. We provide the modern international classification of pathological cervical conditions including inflammatory diseases, background and precancerous state. The peculiarities of cervical disease in pregnant women are specified, advanced diagnostic and treatment methods are provided. Conclusion. This review is relevant in modern obstetrics and gynaecology due to the increasing incidence of emerging cervical pathology during pregnancy and beyond, as well as the absence the strict criteria for the diagnosis and treatment of this pathology.

Key words: cervix, pregnancy, cervical pathology, complications of pregnancy.

For reference: Atabiyeva  JA, Pikuza  TV, Chilova  RA, Zhukova  EV, Trifonova  NS. Diseases of the cervix during pregnancy and modern diagnostic methods (the review). The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2016; 9 (4): 72—83.



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2. Chilova RA. Optimizatsiya antimikrobnoy terapii b ptrioperatsionnoy antibiotikoprofilaktiki byaektsiy u beremennih: dissertacia doktora medicinskih nauk [Antibiotic prophylaxis of infections in pregnant women: thesis of the doctor of medical sciences]. Moscow; 2006; 1-41.
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UDC 618.3-06:616.12-007-053.1(048.8)

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2016.9(4).83-88

VOLCHKOVA NATALYA S., C. Med. Sci., associate professor of the Department of internal and family medicine of Kazan State Medical Academy, Russia, 420012, Kazan, Mushtari  str., 11, e-mail:

SUBKHANKULOVA SAIDA F., C. Med. Sci., assistant of professor of the Department of internal and family medicine of Kazan State Medical Academy, Russia, 420012, Kazan, Mushtari  str., 11, e-mail:

SUBKHANKULOVA ASIA F., C. Med. Sci., associate professor of the Department of obstetrics and gynecology № 2 of Kazan State Medical University, Russia, 420012, Kazan, Butlerov  str., 49, e-mail:

Abstract. Congenital heart defects in pregnant women are a very common pathology in practice of cardiologist and obstetrician-gynecologist, which can cause complications at different stages of pregnancy. Aim. Analysis of the data on tactics of delivery in pregnant women with congenital heart disease. Material and methods. Review of publications of local and foreign authors from clinical and epidemiological studies. Results and discussion. Diagnostic approach, non-pharmacological and pharmacological correction of hemodynamic disorders, prevention of complications and tactics of delivery were presented from the perspective of evidence-based medicine, which should be a guide for practitioners engaged in management and treatment of such patients. Conclusion. Early detection, thorough clinical examination at pregravid stage, joint surveillance of cardiologist and obstetrician-gynecologist during gestation and timely provided aid will prevent possible complications in pregnant women with congenital heart disease and will help in choosing the best tactics of delivery (vaginal or operative).

Key words: pregnancy, congenital heart diseases, tactics of delivery.

For reference: Volchkova  NS, Subhankulova  SF, Subhankulova  AF. Management of pregnant patients with congenital heart defects. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2016; 9 (4): 83—88.



1. Aylamazyan EK, Kulakov VI, Radzinskii VE, Savel’eva GM. Akusherstvo [Obstetrics]: Nacional’noe rukovodstvo [Public management]. M: GEOTAR–Media. 2014; 668–674.
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3. Marcevich SJu ed. Racional’naja farmakoterapija bol’nyh s serdechno  — sosudistymi zabolevanijami [Rational pharmacotherapy
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4. Arutyunov GP. Diagnostika i lechenie zabolevanij serdca i sosudov [Diagnosis and treatment of diseases of the heart and blood vessels]. Moskva [Moscow]: GEOTAR  — Media. 2013; 275– 300.
5. Apresyan SV. Beremennost’ i rody pri jekstragenital’noj patologii [Pregnancy and childbirth in extragenital pathology]. Moskva [Moscow]:GEOTAR  — Media. 2009; 75–169.
6. Mravyan SR, Petrukhin VA, Pronin VP. Poroki serdca u beremennyh [Heart diseases in pregnancy]. St Petersburg: GEOTAR–Media. 2010; 160 p.
7. Oakley S, Marens K. Heart Disease in pregnant women. St Petersburg: Binom. 2010; 368 p.
8. Sokolova MYu. Jekstragenital’naja patologija u beremennyh: rukovodstvo dlja vrachej. [Extragenital pathology in pregnant women: a guide for physicians]. Moskva [Moscow]: MIA. 2011; 336 р.
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UDC 616.724-007.248-08-039.73(048.8)

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2016.9(4).89-96

NIKITIN ALEXANDER A., D. Med. Sci., professor, Head of the Department of maxillofacial surgery, Head of the Department of maxillofacial surgery and surgical dentistry of Moscow Regional Research and Clinical Institute, Russia, 129110, Moscow, Shchepkin  str., 61/2

TARASOV IVAN V., postgraduate student of the Department of maxillofacial surgery and surgical dentistry of Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute, Russia, 129110, Moscow, Shchepkin  str., 61/2, tel. +7-926-819-58-06, e-mail:

PEROVA NADEZHDA V., D. Biol. Sci., deputy director of the Institute of Biomedical Research and Technology, Russia, 123557, Moscow, Bolshoy Tishinskiy lane, 43/2, bld. 2, tel. +7-926-607-66-25, e-mail:

CHUKUMOV RINAT M., C. Med. Sci., researcher of the Department of maxillofacial surgery and surgical dentistry of Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute, Russia, 129110, Moscow, Shchepkin  str., 61/2

GUSAROV DANIIL E., postgraduate student of the Department of maxillofacial surgery and surgical dentistry of Moscow Regional Research Clinical Institute, Russia, 129110, Moscow, Shchepkin  str., 61/2

Abstract. Degenerative-dystrophic diseases of joints take a leading place among all diseases of the joints and are a major cause of morbidity, activity limitations, disability and loss of quality of life in patients older than 45 years. Aim. To study current data on the problem of etiology, pathogenesis and treatment of osteoarthritis of the temporomandibular joint. Material and methods. Review of publications of local and foreign authors. Results and discussion. The paper describes etiological factors that contribute to osteoarthritis of the temporomandibular joint as well as the pathogenic mechanism and clinical diagnostic criteria. Analysis of the effectiveness of the main treatment for degenerative diseases. We describe the use of combined biopolymers. Indications and contraindications of introducing heterogeneous biopolymer hydrogel Sferogel. Conclusion. The use of intra-articular injection has a positive effect on symptoms of osteoarthritis of the temporomandibular joint, demonstrating relief of pain and improving functional ability of the joint. The necessity in additional studies of the combined use of biopolymer products.

Key words: temporomandibular joint, osteoarthrosis, heterogeneous biopolymer hydrogel, regeneration, chondrocytes.

For reference: Nikitin  AA, Tarasov  IV, Perova  NV, Chukumov  RM, Gusarov DE. Modern methods of minimally invasive treatment of arthrosis of the temporomandibular joint. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2016; 9 (4): 89—96.



1. Alomar X, Medrano J, Cabratosa J, Clavero J, Lorente M, Serra I, Monill J, Salvador A. Anatomy of the temporomandibular joint. Seminars in Ultrasound, CT, and MRI. 2007; 28: 170–183.
2. Sato H, Osterberg T, Ahlqwist M, Carlsson GE, Grondahl HG, Rubinstein B. Association between radiographic findings in the mandibular condyle and temporomandibular dysfunction in an elderly population. Acta Odontol Scand. 1996; 54 (6): 384–90.
3. Wang XD, Kou XX, Mao JJ, Gan YH, Zhou YH. Sustained inflammation induces degeneration of the temporomandibular joint. J Dent Res. 2012; 91 (5): 499–505.
4. Perova NV. Differencirovannyj podhod k doklinicheskoj ocenke biologicheskoj bezopasnosti implantatov [Differentiated approach to the pre-clinical evaluation of biological safety of implants]. Moskva (Moscow). 2004; 221 p.
5. Sevastyanov VI, Perova NV, Saikovskij RS, Solovieva IV. Primenenie iniekcionnyh form biopolimernyh geterogennyh gidrogelej pri degenerativno-distroficheskih porazhenijah sustavov [The use of injectable biopolymer heterogeneous hydrogels with degenerative lesions of the joints]. Moskva [Moscow]: Triada. 2012; 27 p.
6. Brjuhoveckij IS, Djujzen IV, Motavkin PA. Morfohimicheskaja harakteristika spinnogo mozga krys posle torakal’noj segmentjektomii i transplantacii polimernogo kollagenovogo nejromatriksa «Sferogel’-Je»™ s inkorporirovannymi obkpadochnymi nejrojepitelial’nymi kletkami [Morphochemical characteristic of the spinal cord of rats after transplantation of thoracic segmentectomy and polymeric collagen neyromatriksa «Sferogel-E» ™ with incorporated obkpadochnymi neuroepithelial cells]. Geny i kletki [Genes and cells]. 2008; 3 (2): 57-62.
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UDC 616.833-056.76-053.2

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2016.9(4).97-100

MARULINA VALENTINA I., C. Med. Sci., associate professor of the Department of pediatric neurology of Kazan State Medical Academy, Russia, 420012, Kazan, Mushtary str., 11, tel. (843) 273-49-09, e-mail:

KNYAZEVA OLESYA V., C. Med. Sci., assistant of professor of the Department of pediatric neurology of Kazan State Medical Academy, Russia, 420012, Kazan, Mushtary str., 11, tel. (843) 273-49-09, e-mail:

BOLSHAKOVA TATYANA A., neurologist of Children’s City Hospital № 8, Russia, 420061, Kazan, Galeev str., 11, tel. (843) 273-49-09, e-mail:

Abstract. Hereditary neuropathies are widespread diseases of peripheral nervous system. In majority of cases they are characterized by steady progression. One of such diseases is hereditary neuropathy with predisposition to paralysis from compression. Difficulties in diagnostics and clinical manifestations characterized by frequent relapsing mononeuropathies caused by hypersensitivity to compression require the depth study of this disease. Aim  — to analyze the features of hereditary neuropathy with predisposition to paralysis from compression on clinical case. Material and methods. Forms of hereditary neuropathy with predisposition of paralysis, clinical features and diagnostics methods according to the literature and case report of a special form of demyelinating polyneuropathy were presented. Results and discussion. Our results confirm higher prevalence of such neuropathies. Conclusion. The results demonstrate different forms of the disease and possible «masks».

Key words: children, nervous diseases, paralysis from a neurothlipsia, hereditary diseases.

For reference: Marulina VI, Knyazeva OV, Bolshakova TA. Clinical case of special form of demyelinating polyneuropathy: hereditary neuropathy with predisposition to paralysis from compression. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2016; 9 (4): 97—100.



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UDC [616-002.5:616.98:578.828HIV]-078

DOI: 10.20969/VSKM.2016.9(4).101-107

SENIN ANDREY M., postgraduate student of Ural Scientific Research Institute of Phthisiopneumology, Head of affiliate TB dispensary № 2, Russia, 623100, Sverdlovsk region, Pervouralsk, Gagarin  str., 46, tel. 8-343-966-20-49, e-mail:

EISMONT NATALIA V., D. Med. Sci, senior researcher of Ural Scientific Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology, deputy chief doctor of Rabukhin Tuberculosis hospital, Russia, 141504, Moscow region, Solnechnogorsk, Rabukhin str., 7, tel. 8-496-264-62-18, e-mail:

GOLUBEV DMITRIY N., D. Med. Sci, professor, chief researcher of Ural Scientific Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology, Russia, 620039,Yekaterinburg, XXII  Parts’ezd  str., 50, tel. 8-912-222-24-02, e-mail:

Abstract. Aim. Assessment of effectiveness of recombinant tuberculin in determination of activity of tuberculosis (TB) process in patients with HIV co-infection. Material and methods. The results of the «Diaskintest®» of 207  patients with HIV and TB infection co morbidity at different state of the disease were studied. Comparison of test results between a group of patients with active TB and a group of patients with clinically cured TB was held. Results and discussion. Significant prevalence of positive samples in individuals with active TB at different states compared to ones with clinically cured TB was revealed. There was a statistically significant prevalence of patients with deep immune deficiency in individuals with active TB. Statistically significant predominance of negative samples was revealed in persons with clinically treated TB comparing to patients with an active process. The sensitivity of the test for patients with HIV infection in combination with newly diagnosed TB was 78,2%, in combination with exacerbations and relapses of TB was 76,2%. Conclusion. «Diaskintest®» is an effective additional method of follow-up, determining the activity of the TB process in TB patients with HIV co-infection.

Key words: tuberculosis, HIV infection, «Diaskintest».

For reference: Senin AM, Eismont NV, Golubev  DN. «Diaskintest®» as evaluation of activity of the disease in patients with tuberculosis and HIV co-infection. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2016; 9 (4): 101—107.



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