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Editorial P.5


Medical ethics in activity of the medical personnel of medical unit of internal affairs employees. M.V.Potapova, R.S.Mingazov P.6


Endothelial dysfunction in patients with chronic heart failure. N.A.Kosheleva, A.P.Rebrov P.9

Clinical and immunological evaluation of the recombinant human interleukine-2 (roncoleukin) efficiency in the treatment of mycoplasmal and chlamidia pneumonias. G.G.Mousalimova, V.N.Saperov, D.S.Markov, L.A.Voropayeva, A.R.Rakhimzyanov, Yu.M.Nagayeva P.14

Estimation of efficiency of recombinant human interleukine-2 (roncoleukin) in complex treatment of patients with steroid-dependent bronchial asthma. T.A.Nikonorova, O.V.Petrova, G.G.Mousalimova, V.N.Saperov, D.S.Markov, L.A.Voropayeva, A.R.Rakhimzyanov, Yu.M.Nagayeva P.20


Results of dynamic observation after patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases during 2-5 years. Literature review. I.Yu.Vizel, E.I.Shmelev, A.A.Vizel P.27


Non-specific ulcerative colitis: up-to-date approaches to diagnostics and treatment. S.R.Abdoulkhakov,R.A.Abdoulkhakov P.32

Diagnosis and treatment of liver cirrhosis complications. Management of patients with edematicascitis syndrome. I.A.Gimaletdinova P.41


Analysis of results of screening examination of somatic patients for syphilis (on data of polyclinic of Ministry of Internal Affairs of RT). L.K.Bounakova,E.F.Merikova P.47


Prophylaxis, diagnostics and treatment of arterial hypertensia. Basic principles, tables, charts and commentaries to Russian recommendations of 2008 (to help the general physician). N.B.Amirov P.49


Case of successful thrombolysis in the patient with acute myocardial infarction of the left ventricle lower wall in settings of a non-specialized hospital. L.H.Safargaliyeva P.66



PDF downloadMedical ethics in activity of the medical personnel of medical unit of internal affairs employees

M.V.Potapova, R.S.Mingazov

Abstract. In the article basic principles of ethics, deontology and etiquette which are closely connected among themselves are refected. Basic requirements of medical etiquette to the doctor of the Medical UNIT of the Ministry of Internal Affairs on the Republic of Tatarstan are formulated. The concept of a new interdisciplinary science — bioethics is given.

Key words: ethics, deontology, medical ethics, ethics of employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs, etiquette, bioethics.



  1. Silujanova, I.V. Sovremennaja medicina i pravoslavie / I.V. Silujanova.—M.: Moskovskoe podvor'e Svjato-Troickoj Sergievoj lavry, 1998.
  2. Medicinskaja jetika i deontologija.—M., 1983.
  3. Deontologija v medicine.—M., 1988.
  4. Medicina i pravo.—M., 1999.
  5. Vklad vydajushhegosja russkogo jurista A.F. Koni v razvitie medicinskoj jetiki // Medicinskaja sestra. —1989.—№ 1.
  6. Gumanitarnaja sfera i prava cheloveka. Kniga uchitelja: sb. dokumentov / sost. V.A. Kornilov [i dr.].—M.: Prosveshhenie, 1992.
  7. Kar'era v medicine / ved. red. A. Jeliovich; otv. red. M. Shirokova.—M.: Avanta+, 2003.
  8. Medicinskoe pravo.—2008.—№ 4 (24).




PDF downloadEndothelial dysfunction in patients with chronic heart failure

N.A.Kosheleva, A.P.Rebrov

Abstract. One of the factors defning prognosis in patients with heart failure (CHF) is endothelial dysfunction. The aim of the given study was to defne antithrombogenic and vasolidating vascular wall activity in patients with CHF. 60 examined patients comprised two groups: the main group consisted of 40 patients after Q-myocardial infarction, the comparison group consisted of 20 patients. To determine antithrombogenic properties of vascular wall, «cuff testing» method developed by V.PBalouda was used. Endothelial vasomotor function was studied using probes with reactive hyperemia and nitroglycerin. In patients with CHF decrease of antithrombogenic and vasolidating vascular wall activity was observed. During six months of monitoring the number of repeated unfavorable cardiovascular events in patients with IV functional class CHF having long term CHF symptoms and EF value < 33% is reliably higher in comparison with patients of I, II and III functional classes of CHF.

Key words: chronic heart failure, endothelial dysfunction.


  1. Arbolishvili, G.N. Svjaz' razlichnyh pokazatelej variabel'nosti ritma serdca s mehanizmom smerti bol'nyh s hronicheskoj serdechnoj nedostatochnost'ju i sistolicheskoj disfunkciej levogo zheludochka / G.N. Arbolishvili, V.Ju. Mareev, Ju.N. Belenkov // Ser¬dechnaja nedostatochnost'.—2006.—№ 4(38).—S.172— 178.
  2. Solomon, S.D. Infuence of ejection fraction on cardiovascular outcomes in a broad spectrum of heart failure patients / S.D. Solomon, N. Anavecar, H. Skali [et al.] // Circulation.— 2005.—№ 112(24).—P.3738—3744.
  3. Mareev, V.Ju. Sravnitel'naja harakteristika bol'nyh s HSN v zavisimosti ot velichin frakcii vybrosa po rezul'tatam Rossijskogo mnogocentrovogo issledovanija JePOHA-O-HSN:
  4. snova o probleme HSN s sohrannoj sistolicheskoj funkciej levogo zheludochka / V.Ju. Mareev, M.O. Danieljan, Ju.N. Be-lenkov // Serdechnaja nedostatochnost'.—2006.—№ 112(38).— S.164—171.
  5. Ol'binskaja, L.I. Jendotelial'naja disfunkcija u bol'¬nyh ishemicheskoj bolezn'ju serdca, oslozhnennoj hro¬nicheskoj serdechnoj nedostatochnost'ju, i vozmozhnosti korrekcii izosorbid-5-mononitratom / L.I. Ol'binskaja, Zh.M. Sizova, A.V. Ushakova // Kardiologija.—2001.— № 3.—S.29—32.
  6. Peripheral vascular remodelling as a mechanism of exercise limitation in patients with chronic heart failure / Yu [et al.] // Eur. Heart. J.—1998.—№ 19.—P.65.
  7. Vizir, V.A. Perspektivy reversii jendotelial'noj dis¬funkcii u bol'nyh s zastojnoj serdechnoj nedostatochno¬st'ju / V.A. Vizir, A.E. Berezin // Klinicheskaja medicina.— 2000.—№ 7.—S.36—39.
  8. Baluda, V.P. Znachenie opredelenija antitrombogen-nyh svojstv stenki sosudov v profilaktike trombozov / V.P.Baluda, I.I.Dejanov // Kardiologija.—1988.— № 5.—S.103—104.
  9. Lieberman, E.H. Flow-induced vasodilation of the human brachial artery is impaired in patients / E.H. Lieberman, M.D. Gerhard, A. Uehata [et al.] // Am. J. Cardiol.—1996.— № 78.—P.22—27.
  10. Zatejshhikova, A.A. Jendotelial'naja reguljacija sosudistogo tonusa: metody issledovanija i klinicheskoe znachenie / A.A. Zatejshhikova, D.A. Zatejshhikov // Kardiologija.— 1998.—№ 9.—S.69—80.
  11. Cioff, G. Systemic thromboembolism in chronic heart failure. A prospective study in 406 patients / G. Cioff // Eur. Heart. J.—1996.—№ 17.—P.1381—1389.
  12. Vanhoutte, P.M. Endothelial dysfunction and atherosclerosis / P.M. Vanhoutte // Eur. Heart. J.—1997.—№ 18.—P.19— 29.


PDF downloadClinical and immunological evaluation of the recombinant human interleukine-2 (roncoleukin) efficiency in the treatment of mycoplasmal and chlamidia pneumonias

G.G.Mousalimova, V.N.Saperov, D.S.Markov, L.A.Voropayeva, A.R.Rakhimzyanov, Yu.M.Nagayeva

Abstract. There were 60 people under investigation: 44 among them having mycoplasmal pneumonia and 16 with chlamidia pneumonia. The investigated were divided into two groups. The frst group patients received traditional treatment (macrolideantibiotics, desintoxication and antioxidant therapy, bronchodilators, expectorant drugs). .Along with the traditional treatment the patients of the second group received immunity-modulating therapy. They got twice repeated drip intravenous injections of 500000 IU of Roncoleukin with the interval of 72 hours. In the result of our investigation, the patients with mycoplasmal and chlamidia pneumonias were revealed to have T-cell immunity depression, compensatory activation of humoral immunity and phagocytic neutrophilic activity. As a result of the traditional therapy, the T-cell depression was aggravated. The complex treatment with the usage of Roncoleukin led to the normalization of the essential quantitative and functional parameters of T-cell immunity, stabilized the humoral and neutrophilic phagocytosis. The immunity disorders elimination was correlated with the distinct clinical effect.

Key words: mycoplasmal and Chlamidia pneumonias, T-cell immunity, humoral immunity, phagocytic neutrophilic activity, immunity-modulating therapy, recombinant human interleukine-2 (Roncoleukin).


  1. ReferencesGlobal'naja strategija lechenija i profilaktiki bronhial'­noj astmy (peresmotr 2007 g.) / pod red. A.G. Chuchalina.—M.: Izdat. dom «Atmosfera», 2008.—108 s.
  2. Kaminskij, L.S. Medicinskaja i demograficheskaja statisti­ka / L.S. Kaminskij.—M.: Statistika, 1974.—S.27—99.
  3. Karzakova, L.M. Izuchenie immunnogo statusa naselenija, prozhivajushhego v promyshlenno-naselennoj zone Chuvashii / L.M. Karzakova, N.N. Van'kina [i dr.] // Immunodeficitnye sostojanija v klinike vnutrennih boleznej: tez. dokl. nauch.-prakt. konf., Cheboksary.—Cheboksary, 1999.—S.38.
  4. Malysheva, N.N. Immunnaja zashhita pri gormonal'no zavi­simoj bronhial'noj astme / N.N. Malysheva, R.Sh. Valiev, Z.M. Nehoroshkova [i dr.] // Problemy tuberkuleza.— 2000.—№ 2.—S.40—42.
  5. Medunicin, N.V. Citokiny i allergija, oposredovan­naja IgE / N.V. Medunicin // Immunologija.—1993.— № 5.—S.11—13.
  6. Potapnev, M.P. Molekuljarnye i kletochnye mehanizmy immunopatologii pri bronhial'noj astme / M.P.Potapnev, D.V.Pechkovskij // Pul'monologija.—1997.—№ 3.—S.74— 79.
  7. Spravochnik po immunoterapii dlja prakticheskogo vracha / pod red. A.S. Simbirceva.—SPb.: Dialog, 2002.— 480 s.
  8. Haitov, R.M. Allergologija i immunologija / R.M. Haitov, R.I. Il'ina.—M.: GJeOTAR-Media, 2009.—656 s.
  9. Haitov, R.M. Immunomoduljatory: mehanizm dejstvija i klinicheskoe primenenie / R.M. Haitov, B.V. Pinegin // Immunologija.—2003.—№3.—S.196—202.
  10. Chuchalin, A.G. Kortikozavisimaja forma bronhial'noj astmy / A.G. Chuchalin, B.I. Shmushkovich, D.Je. Mavraev // Terapevt. arhiv.—1984.—№ 3.—S.142—150.
  11. Boym, A. Separation of leucocytes from blood and bone marro / А. Boym // Scand. J. Clin. Lab. Invest.—1968.—№ 2, suppl. 87.—P.77—82.
  12. Barnes, P.J. Diffcult asthma / P.J.Barnes, A.J.Woolcock // Eur. Respir. J.—1998.—№. 12.—P.1209—1218.
  13. Romagnani, S. Human Th1 and Th2 subsets doubt no more / S.Romagnani // Immunol. today.—1991.—Vol. 12, № 8.— Р.256—257.
  14. Juniper, E.F. Quality-of-life considerations in the treatment of asthma / E.F.Juniper // PharmacoEconomies.—1995.— № 8.—Р.123—138.


PDF downloadEstimation of efficiency of recombinant human interleukine-2 (roncoleukin) in complex treatment of patients with steroid-dependent bronchial asthma

T.A. Nikonorova, O.V. Petrova, G.G.Mousalimova, V.N. Saperov, D.S. Markov, L.A. Voropayeva, A.R. Rakhimzyanov, Yu.M. Nagayeva

Abstract. The patients with steroid-dependent bronchial asthma were revealed to have T-cell immunity and depression of phagocyte and compensatory activation of humoral immunity. The complex treatment with the usage of roncoleukin led to the normalization of the basic quantitative and functional parameters of T-cell immunity, stabilized the humoral and neutrophilic phagocytosis. The removal of immunological disorders was accompanied by the expressed clinical effect.

Key words: steroid-dependent bronchial asthma, immunocorrecting therapy, recombinant human interleukine-2 (roncoleukin).



  1. Global'naja strategija lechenija i profilaktiki bronhial'¬noj astmy (peresmotr 2007 g.) / pod red. A.G. Chuchalina.—M.: Izdat. dom «Atmosfera», 2008.—108 s.
  2. Kaminskij, L.S. Medicinskaja i demograficheskaja statisti¬ka / L.S. Kaminskij.—M.: Statistika, 1974.—S.27—99.
  3. Karzakova, L.M. Izuchenie immunnogo statusa naselenija, prozhivajushhego v promyshlenno-naselennoj zone Chuvashii / L.M. Karzakova, N.N. Van'kina [i dr.] // Immunodeficitnye sostojanija v klinike vnutrennih boleznej: tez. dokl. nauch.-prakt. konf., Cheboksary.—Cheboksary, 1999.—S.38.
  4. Malysheva, N.N. Immunnaja zashhita pri gormonal'no zavi¬simoj bronhial'noj astme / N.N. Malysheva, R.Sh. Valiev, Z.M. Nehoroshkova [i dr.] // Problemy tuberkuleza.— 2000.—№ 2.—S.40—42.
  5. Medunicin, N.V. Citokiny i allergija, oposredovan¬naja IgE / N.V. Medunicin // Immunologija.—1993.— № 5.—S.11—13.
  6. Potapnev, M.P. Molekuljarnye i kletochnye mehanizmy immunopatologii pri bronhial'noj astme / M.P.Potapnev, D.V.Pechkovskij // Pul'monologija.—1997.—№ 3.—S.74— 79.
  7. Spravochnik po immunoterapii dlja prakticheskogo vracha / pod red. A.S. Simbirceva.—SPb.: Dialog, 2002.— 480 s.
  8. Haitov, R.M. Allergologija i immunologija / R.M. Haitov, R.I. Il'ina.—M.: GJeOTAR-Media, 2009.—656 s.
  9. Haitov, R.M. Immunomoduljatory: mehanizm dejstvija i klinicheskoe primenenie / R.M. Haitov, B.V. Pinegin // Immunologija.—2003.—№3.—S.196—202.
  10. Chuchalin, A.G. Kortikozavisimaja forma bronhial'noj astmy / A.G. Chuchalin, B.I. Shmushkovich, D.Je. Mavraev // Terapevt. arhiv.—1984.—№ 3.—S.142—150.
  11. Boym, A. Separation of leucocytes from blood and bone marro / A. Boym // Scand. J. Clin. Lab. Invest.—1968.—№ 2, suppl. 87.—P.77—82.
  12. Barnes, P.J. Diffcult asthma / P.J.Barnes, A.J.Woolcock // Eur. Respir. J.—1998.—№. 12.—P.1209—1218.
  13. Romagnani, S. Human Th1 and Th2 subsets doubt no more / S.Romagnani // Immunol. today.—1991.—Vol. 12, № 8.— R.256—257.
  14. Juniper, E.F. Quality-of-life considerations in the treatment of asthma / E.F.Juniper // PharmacoEconomies.—1995.— № 8.—R.123—138.



PDF downloadResults of dynamic observation after patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases during 2—5 years. Literature review

I.Yu. Vizel, E.I. Shmelev, A.A. Vizel

Department of Phthisiopulmonology, Kazan State Medical University, Kazan

Department of Pulmonology, Central Scientific-Research Institute of Tuberculosis, Moskow

Key words: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diagnosis, treatment, prognosis.



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  45. Watson, L. Predictors of lung function and its decline in mild to moderate COPD in association with gender: results from the Euroscope study / L. Watson, J.M. Vonk, C.G. Lofdahl [et al.] // Respir. Med.—2006.—Vol. 100, № 4.—P.746— 753.
  46. Wedzicha, J.A. INSPIRE Investigators. The prevention of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations by salmeterol/futicasone propionate or tiotropium bromide / J.A. Wedzicha, P.M. Calverley, T.A. Seemungal [et al.] // Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med.—2008. —Vol. 177, № 1.—P.19— 26.
  47. Wilkinson, T.M. Respiratory syncytial virus, airway infammation and FEV1 decline in patients with chronic obstructive pulmo­nary disease / T.M. Wilkinson, G.C. Donaldson, S.L. Jonston [et al.] // Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med.—2006.—Vol. 173, № 8.—P.871—876.
  48. Wilson, L. Direct medical costs of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease: chronic bronchitis and emphysema / L. Wilson, E.B. Devine, K. So // Respir. Med.—2000.—Vol. 94, № 3.— P.204—213.
  49. Yarkin, T. Short- and long-term mortality of COPD patients treated in the respiratory intensive care unit for acute respiratory failure / T. Yarkin, D. Demiryontar, Z. Karakurt [et al.] // Europ. Resp. J.—2006.—Vol. 28, suppl. 50.—Ref. P2624.
  50. Zagdanska, R. FEV1 after three years of observation in patients with bronchial asthma and patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / R. Zagdanska, I. Grzelewska-Rzymowska // Pneumonol. Alergol. Pol.—2005.—Vol. 73, № 2.—P.142— 147.



PDF downloadNon-specific ulcerative colitis: up-to-date approaches to diagnostics and treatment


Abstract. The article deals with classifcation, clinic, approaches to diagnostics and modern standards of non-specifc ulcerative colitis treatment, based on international and Russian recommendations. Criteria of assessment of severity stages of non-specifc ulcerative colitis according to Truelove/Witts and Mayo score; 5-ASA and corticosteroids recommended doses depending on severity stages; and indications for surgical treatment are presented.

Key words: non-specifc ulcerative colitis, assessment of activity and severity, treatment.



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  4. Grigor'eva, G.A. Nespecificheskij jazvennyj kolit i bo¬lezn' Krona: diagnostika i lechenie oslozhnennyh form / G.A.Grigor'eva, N.Ju.Meshalkina, I.B.Repina // Klinicheskie perspektivy gastrojenterologii, gepatologii.—2002.— № 5.—S.34—39.
  5. Masevich, C.G. Sovremennaja farmakoterapija hronicheskih vospalitel'nyh zabolevanij kishechnika / C.G.Masevich, S.I.Sitkin // Aqua Vitae.—2001.—№ 1.—S. 37—41.
  6. Rumjancev, V.G. Mestnaja terapija distal'nyh form jaz¬vennogo kolita / V.G.Rumjancev, V.A.Rogozina, V.A.Osina // Consilium-medicum.—2002.—T. 4, № 1.
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  8. Halif, I.L. Vospalitel'nye zabolevanija kishechnika (ne¬specificheskij jazvennyj kolit i bolezn' Krona): klinika, diagnostika i lechenie / I.L.Halif, I.D.Loranskaja.—M.: Miklosh, 2004.—88 s.
  9. Shifrin, O.S. Sovremennye podhody k lecheniju bol'nyh nespecificheskim jazvennym kolitom / O.S.Shifrin // Consilium-medicum.—2002.—T. 4, № 6.—S.24—29.
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  13. Lofberg, R. Oral budesonide versus prednisolone in apationts with active extensive and left-sided ulcerative colitis / R.Lofberg, A.Danielsson, O.Suhr // Gastroenterology.— 1996.—Vol. 110.—P.1713—1718.
  14. Marshall, J.K. Rectal corticosteroids versus alternative treatments in ulcerative colitis: a meta-analysis / J.K.Marshall, E.J.Irvine // Gut.—1997.— Vol. 40.—P. 775—781.
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  16. Sutherland, L.R. Sulfasalazine revisited: a meta-analysis of 5-aminosalicylic in the treatment of ulcerative colitis / L.R.Sutherland, G.R.May, E.A.Shaffer // Ann. Intern. Med.— 1993.—Vol. 118.—P.540—549.
  17. Sutherland, L.R. Alternatives to sulfasalazine: a meta-analysis of 5-ASA in the treatment of ulcerative colitis / L.R.Sutherland, D.E.Roth, P.L.Beck // Infam. Bowel. Dis.—1997.—Vol. 3.— P.5—78.


PDF downloadDiagnosis and treatment of liver cirrhosis complications. Management of patients with edematicascitis syndrome


Abstact: Clinical course of liver cirrhosis depends mostly on its complications: ascitis, hepatic encephalopathy, variceal
bleeding, etc. Methods of diagnosis of ascitis and ascitic  fuid, indications for treatment with diuretics, indications for paracentesis and surgical correction of portal hypertension as well as probable complications of treatment with diuretics are described in the article.

Key words: liver cirrhosis, ascitis, diuretics.



  1. Ivashkin, V.T. Bolezni pecheni i zhelchevyvodjashhih putej / V.T.Ivashkin.—M.: Vesti, 2002.
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  7. Kukes, V.G. Klinicheskaja farmakologija / V.G.Kukes.—M.: GJeOTAR-Media, 2008.
  8. Petrov, R.V. Spravochnik-putevoditel' praktikujushhego vracha: lekarstvennye sredstva / R.V.Petrov, L.E.Zi-ganshina.—M.: GJeOTAR-Med, 2003.
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PDF downloadAnalysis of results of screening examination of somatic patients for syphilis (on data of polyclinic of Ministry of Internal Affairs of RT)


Polyclinic-Medico-Sanitary Departament of Ministry of Internal Affairs in the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan



PDF downloadProphylaxis, diagnostics and treatment of arterial hypertensia. Basic principles, tables, charts and commentaries to Russian recommendations of 2008 (to help the general physician)


Department of General Medical Practice, Kazan State Medical Universy, Kazan



PDF downloadCase of successful thrombolysis in the patient with acute myocardial infarction of the left ventricle lower wall in settings of a non-specialized hospital


Abstract. Clinical case of the patient with obesity, arterial hypertension with the subsequent development of myocardial infarction of the left ventricle lower wall. The diagnosis of inferior myocardial infarction was verifed with the help of ECG and clinical symptoms: acute pain in pericardial area, in the left part of thoracic cage.

Keywords: myocardial infarction, arterial hypertension, thrombolysis, reperfusion.