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Editorial P.6


The history of Therapy Sub-faculty № 1 of KSMA. Thread linking the times. R.G.Sayfoutdinov P.7


The Functional state of thyroid gland and severity of atherosclerosis in patients with coronary heart diseases. A.R.Volkova, O.A.Berkovich, E.I.Krasilnikova, S.V.Dora, E.V.Shlyakhto P.12

Arterial hypertension in pregnant women: pathogenesis, classification, approaches to treatment. N.S. Volchkova, S.F. Soubkhankoulova, A.F. Soubkhankoulova P.16

«Cost — effectiveness» evaluation of antihypertensive treatment in clinical practice. S.Z. Gabitov, A.S. Akhmadoullina, N.K. Touktamyshov, R.V. Yunousov P.20

Modern approach to diagnosis and treatment of occlusion damages of renal arteries. R.Kh. Galeyev, Sh.R. Galeyev P.24


Structural changes in pancreas of сats and pancreatic bloodstream at early stages of arterial circulation disturbance. R.K.Kadyrov P.30

Comparative assessment of application of acetylsalicylic acid and acetylsalicylic acid in combination with succinic acid in the patients with CHD. N.V.Kozhevnikova, R.G.Sayfoutdinov, T.N.Galioullina P.32

Depression, anxiety, and unstable angina pectoris. F.I. Belyalov, L.E.Maltseva, R.N.Yaguоdina. P. 35

Retrospective examination of patients with ischemic heart disease and the increased level of phospholipids-directed antibodies. R.R.Saifoutdinov, V.F.Bogojavlenskji, M.V.Gorina, R.G.Saifoutdinov P.37

Endotoxin and parameters of immune status in children with atopic dermatitis. B.A. Shamov P.38

The treatment of peptic ulcer disease with tonarol. R.B.Yunousov, S.Z.Gabitov, B.M.Chesnovskiy P.42


Internal diseases and comorbidity. F.I. Belyalov P.44

Modern aspects of nonspecific ulcer colitis therapy from the standpoint of evidence medicine. Z.M.Galeyeva P.47

Doctrine of mechanical tunneling. Y.M. Ishenin P.51


The sick sinus syndrome in cardiology practice. R.G.Sayfoutdinov, E.V.Pak, A.F.Garipova, A.R.Gilyazova, S.Z.Gabitov, E.F.Roubanova, R.S.Nasyboullina P.55

The incidence of acute myocardial infarction complicated with interventricular septal rupture. R.G. Sayfoutdinov, S.Z. Gabitov, E.V. Pak, E.F. Roubanova, R.S. Nasyboullina, E.M. Mayorova, G.A. Moukhametshina, D.M. Sadykova P.64


Organization of medical care in Germany. The principles and fundamentals of insurance medicine. D.-A.Reznikov P.66


L.M. Roshal P.73

Jubilee P.74


PDF downloadThe history of Therapy Sub-faculty № 1 of KSMA. Thread linking the times.




PDF downloadThe Functional state of thyroid gland and severity of atherosclerosis in patients with coronary heart diseases

A.R.Volkova, O.A.Berkovich, E.I.Krasilnikova, S.V.Dora, E.V.Shlyakhto

Abstract. Subclinical hypothyroidism (SH) very frequently occurs among elderly population. Even mild thyroid failure can promote the development and progression of heart ischemic disease. The results of coronarography (CG) reject severe coronary atherosclerosis. It seems to be very important to compare the results of CG with thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) level of heart ischemic disease patients. 489 patients participated in our study. CG was performed for all patients. We studied an age, a gender, a body mass index of patients, their smoking history, genetic predisposition. Fasting blood samples were taken for measuring TSH level. SH was revealed in 15,8% of women and 6,7% of men. Multivessel damage of coronary vessels correlated with man's gender, age, duration of smoking, genetic predisposition, hypertension and diabetes mellitus and TSH level is more than 4,0 IU/l (p=0,041, r=0,172). The truncal damage of left coronary artery was associated with elevation of TSH level. In patients with SH the truncal damage was revealed in 38% of cases, when in patients with normal TSH level only in 19,3%. In heart ischemic disease patients the SH was associated with woman's gender, elevation of BMI and severity of coronary atherosclerosis.

Key words: hypothyroidism, coronarograph, ischemic disease.



  1. Braverman, L.I. Bolezni shhitovidnoj zhelezy / L.I. Bra-verman. — M.: Medicina, 2000.
  2. Cooper, D.S. Subclinical hypothyroidism / D.S. Cooper // Clinical practice. — 2001. — Vol. 345. — P.260—265.
  3. Kahaly, G.J. Thyroid hormone action in the heart / G.J. Kahaly, W.H. Dillmann // Endocr. Reviews. — 2005. — № 26(5). — P.704—728.
  4. Ito, M. Effect of Levo-Thyroxine Replacement on Non-High-Density Lipoprotein Cholesterol in Hypothyroid Patients / M. Ito, T. Arishima, T. Kudo [et al.] // The J. of Clin. Endoc. & Metab. — 2007. — № 92(2). — P.608–611.
  5. Rodondi, N. Subclinical hypothyroidism and risk of heart failure, other cardiovascular events, and death / N. Rodondi, A.B. Newman, E. Vittinghoff [et al.] // Arch. Intern. Med. —
  6. 2005. — Vol. 165(21). — P.2460—2466.
  7. Rodondi, N. Subclinical hypothyroidism and the risk of coronary heart disease: a meta-analysis / N. Rodondi, D. Aujesky, E. Vittinghoff [et al.] // Am. J. Med. — 2006. — Vol. 119(7). — P.541—551.
  8. Walsh, J.P. Subclinical thyroid dysfunction as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease / J.P. Walsh, A.P. Bremner, M.K. Bulsara [et al.] // Arch. Intern. Med. — 2005. — Vol. 165 (21). — P.2467—2472.
  9. Auer, J. Thyroid function is associated with presence and severity of coronary atherosclerosis / J. Auer, R. Berent, T. Weber [et al.] // Clin. Cardiol. — № 26 (12). — P.569—573.
  10. Michalaki, M.A. Thyroid function in humans with morbid obesity / M.A. Michalaki, A.G. Vagenakis, A.S. Leonardou // Thyroid. —
  11. 2006. — № 16(1). — P.73—78.
  12. 10. Helfand, M. Screening for subclinical thyroid dysfunction in nonpregnant adults: a summary of the evidence for the U.S. preventive services task force / M. Helfand // Clinical Guidelines. — 2004. — Vol. 140(2). — P.128—141.
  13. Razvi, S. The Benefcial Effect of L-Thyroxine on Cardiovascular Risk Factors, Endothelial Function, and Quality of Life in Subclinical Hypothyroidism: Randomized, Crossover / S. Razvi, L. Ingoe, G. Keeka // Trial. J. of Clin. Endocr.& Metab. —
  14. 2007. — № 92(5). — P.1715—1723.
  15. Fadeev, V.V. Gipotireoz: rukovodstvo dlja vrachej / V.V. Fa¬deev, G.A. Mel'nichenko. — M., 2002.
  16. Surks, M.I. Cubclinical thyroid disease: scientifc review and guidelines for diagnosis and management / M.I. Surks, E. Ortiz, G.H. Daniels [et al.] // JAMA. — 2004. — Vol. 291(2). — P.228—238.
  17. Hak, A.E. Subclinical hypothyroidism is an independent risk factor for atherosclerosis and myocardial infarction in elderly women: the Rotterdam study / A.E. Hak, H.A. Pols, T.J. Visser // Ann. Intern. Med. — 2000. — Vol. 132. — P.270— 278.
  18. Scanlon, P.J. ACC/AHA guidelines for coronary angiography / P.J. Scanlon, D.P. Faxon, A.M. Audet [et al.] // J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. — 1999. — № 33. — P.1756—1824.
  19. Weissman, N.J. Cardiac Imaging secrets / N.J. Weissman, G.A. Adelmann. — Philadelphia: Hanley and Belfus, 2003.
  20. Tunbridge, W.M. The spectrum of thyroid disease in a commu¬nity: the Whickham survey / W.M. Tunbridge, D.C. Evered, R. Hall [et al.] // Clin. Endocrinol. (Oxf). — 1977. — № 7. — P.481—493.


PDF downloadArterial hypertension in pregnant women: pathogenesis, classification, approaches to treatment

N.S. Volchkova, S.F. Soubkhankoulova, A.F. Soubkhankoulova

Abstract. In the given article the basic data about patogenesis, classifcations аrterial hypertension, risk factors of gestation
and approaches to treatment are refected.

Key words: arterial hypertension, pathоgenesis, pregnancy, gestation, hypertensive crisis, treatment.



  1. Adasheva, T.V. Arterial'naja gipertonija beremennyh: patogenez, klassifikacija, podhody k lecheniju / T.V. Ada-sheva, O.Ju. Demicheva // Lechashhij vrach. — 2004. — № 2. — S.43—47.
  2. Ajlamazjan, Je.K. Akusherstvo / Je.K. Ajlamazjan // Nacional'¬noe rukovodstvo / pod red. Je.K. Ajlamazjana, V.I. Kulakova, V.E. Radzinskogo, G.M. Savel'evoj. — M.: GJeOTAR-Media, 2007. — S.668—674.
  3. Apresjan, S.V. Beremennost' i rody pri jekstragenital'noj patologii / S.V. Apresjan; pod red. V.E. Radzinskogo. — M.: GJeOTAR-Media, 2009. — S.75—169.
  4. Diagnostika i lechenie arterial'noj gipertenzii. Rossij¬skie rekomendacii (tretij peresmotr) // Kardiovaskuljar- naja terapija i profilaktika. — 2008. — № 6. — 30 s. — Pril. 2.
  5. Makarov, O.V. Arterial'naja gipertenzija u beremennyh. Tol'ko li gestoz? / O.V. Makarov, N.N. Nikolaev, E.V. Vol¬kova. — M.: GJeOTAR-Media, 2006. — 174 s.
  6. Shehtman, M.M. Rukovodstvo po jekstragenital'noj pa¬tologii u beremennyh / M.M. Shehtman. — M.: Triada-H, 2008. — 815 s.
  7. Barabashkina, A.V. Novye podhody k lecheniju arterial'noj gipertonii v period beremennosti / A.V. Barabashkina // Rossijskij kardiologicheskij zhurnal. — 2005. — № 3. — S.47—52.
  8. Kulakov, V.I. Lekarstvennye sredstva, primenjaemye v akusherstve i ginekologii / V.I. Kulakov; pod red. V.I. Ku¬lakova, V.N. Serova, Ju.I. Barashneva. — M.: GJeOTAR-Med, 2004. — 66 s.
  9. Preobrazhenskij, D.V. Medikamentoznoe lechenie arte¬rial'noj gipertonii pri beremennosti / D.V. Preobra¬zhenskij, I.D. Vyshinskaja // Consilium medicum. — 2008. — T. 10, № 6. — S.46—50.
  10. Ushkalova, E.A. Lechenie arterial'noj gipertenzii vo vremja beremennosti / E.A. Ushkalova // Farmateka. — 2010. — № 1.


PDF download«Cost — effectiveness» evaluation of antihypertensive treatment in clinical practice

S.Z. Gabitov, A.S. Akhmadoullina, N.K. Touktamyshov, R.V. Yunousov

Abstract. The comparison ratio of the cost and effectiveness is the most recognized and widely used parameter for evaluating the pharmacoeconomic effectiveness of drugs. Preliminary comparison of the cost and effectiveness of antihypertensive therapy is necessary for further evaluation of the pharmacoeconomic coeffcient of effectiveness of used drugs. Implementeg by this way pharmacoeconomic investigation of angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitors, calcium channel blockers and β-adrenoblockers in 261 patients with essential hypertension of the 2nd—3rd stages, provided the most reliable comparative results.

Key words: arterial hypertension, «cost-effectiveness», antihypertensive drugs, pharmacoeconomic assessment.



  1. Belousov, Ju.B., Ol'binskaja L.I., Bykov A.V. // Klinicheskaja farmakologija i terapija. — 1997. — № 6(2). — C.83—85.
  2. Ventcel', E.S. Issledovanie operacij: zadachi, principy, metodologija / E.S. Ventcel'. — M., 2004.
  3. Vorob'ev, P.A. Kliniko-jekonomicheskij analiz / P.A. Voro¬b'ev, M.V. Avksent'eva, A.S. Jur'ev, M.V. Sura. — M., 2004.
  4. Giljarevskij, S.R. // Jekonomika zdravoohranenija. — 2001. — № 9. — S.19—22.
  5. Rebrova, O.Ju. Statisticheskij analiz medicinskih dannyh. Primenenie paketa prikladnyh programm STATISTICA / O.Ju. Rebrova. — M., 2002.
  6. Sidorenko, S.V. Infekcii v intensivnoj terapii / S.V. Si¬dorenko, S.V. Jakovlev. — M., 2003.
  7. Neumann, P.J., Allison Sc.D., Rosen B., Milton C., Wein-stein Ph.D. // N. Engl. J. Med. — 2005. — Vol. 353. — P.1516—1522.


PDF downloadModern approach to diagnosis and treatment of occlusion damages of renal arteries

R.Kh. Galeyev, Sh.R. Galeyev

Abstract. This article is devoted to the problem of occlusion damages of renal arteries and caused by them complications. The aim of the research was to study frequency and structure of occlusion damages of renal arteries in patients with an arterial hypertension. With this aim in view, 494 observations of the patients with arterial hypertension were investigated. In 92 patients with the diagnosis of occlusion damages of renal arteries the effciency of various methods of surgical correction of the pathological process in renal artery, depending on its character and spread was defned.

Key words: arterial hypertension, renovascular disease, occlusion damages of renal arteries, renal failure.



  1. Belov, Ju.V. Hirurgija vazorenal'noj gipertenzii / Ju.V. Be¬lov, A.B. Stepanenko, A.N. Kosenkov. — M.: OOO «Medicin¬skoe informacionnoe agentstvo», 2007. — 264 s.
  2. Galeev, R.H. Chastota okkljuzirujushhih porazhenij pochechnyh arterij sredi bol'nyh arterial'noj gipertoniej // R.H. Ga-leev, Sh.R.Galeev, A.H Hadaan // Obshhestvennoe zdorov'e i zdravoohranenie. — 2009. — № 1. — S.61—65.
  3. Galjavich, A.S. Diagnostika i lechenie arterial'nyh giper¬tonij / A.S. Galjavich. — Kazan': GUP PIK «Idel'-Press», 2000. — 176 s.
  4. Nazarenko, G.I. Dopplerograficheskie issledovanija v uronefrologii / G.I. Nazarenko, A.N. Hitrova, T.V. Kras¬nova. — M.: Medicina, 2002. — 152 s.
  5. Chowdhury, P. Renal failure caused by undiagnosed atheroembolic disease / P. Chowdhury, P.O. Donnell, J.E. Scoble // Journal of renovascular disease. — 2004. — Vol 2. — P.45—47.
  6. Srirajaskanthan, R. Atherosclerotic renal artery stenosis — the challenge of patient mortality / R. Srirajaskanthan, D. Goldsmith // Journal of renovascular disease. — 2003. — Vol 2. — P.3—14.



PDF downloadStructural changes in pancreas of сats and pancreatic bloodstream at early stages of arterial circulation disturbance


Abstract. Morphology of cat pancreas was studied by EPR- and MRI-spectroscopy during the experimental ischemia. The study was conducted on 38 animals, 3 animals were used as control group. The earliest changes in the structure of the pancreas occur within 5 minutes of ischemia; these changes can be reliably determined by spectroscopic methods.

Key words: pancreas, arterial circulation, ischemia, EPR-spectroscopy, MRI-spectroscopy.



  1. Bajkeev, R.F. Destrukcija tkanej i svertyvanie krovi / R.F. Bajkeev. — Kazan': REMARK, 1994. — 217 s.
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  10. Stepanov, A.A. JaMR-spektroskopija vysokogo razreshenija kak metod issledovanija biologicheskih zhidkostej cheloveka v norme i v patologii / A.A. Stepanov, V.P. Kutyshenko, V.S. Hristoforov // Materialy Pushhinskoj konferencii molodyh uchenyh. — Pushhino, 2008. — S.57—58.
  11. Timoshin, A.A. Vlijanie ishemicheskogo prekondicioniro-vanija na svobodnoradikal'nye centry izolirovannogo serdca krysy pri ishemii i na rannej stadii reperfuzii / A.A. Timoshin, V.L. Lakomkin, Je.K. Ruuge // Biofizika. — 2000. — T. 45, № 1. — S.112—118.
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PDF downloadComparative assessment of application of acetylsalicylic acid and acetylsalicylic acid in combination with succinic acid in the patients with CHD

N.V.Kozhevnikova, R.G.Sayfoutdinov, T.N.Galioullina

Abstract. The infuence of the joint application of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) and succinic acid on antiaggregatory platelet′s activity and endothelian dysfunction of the patients with CHD and cardiac insuffciency (CI) FC II-III is researched. Reliable improvement of these parameters in the examined patients in comparison with application ASA without succinic acid is elicited.

Key words: ASA, succinic acid, endothelian dysfunction, platelets disaggregation.



  1. Petrishhev, N.N. Disfunkcija jendotelija. Prichiny, meha¬nizmy, farmakologicheskaja korrekcija / N.N. Petrishhev. — SPb.: Izd-vo SPbGMU, 2003. — S.39—55.
  2. Galiullina, T.N. Teoreticheskoe i jeksperimental'noe obo¬snovanie sostava i tehnologii shipuchih i mnogokomponentnyh tabletok, soderzhashhih acetilsalicilovuju kislotu: avtoref. dis. … d-ra med. nauk / T.N. Galiullina. — Perm', 2003.
  3. Sovremennye aspekty protivovospalitel'noj terapii / R.S. Garaev, L.E. Ziganshina, V.N. Haziahmetova, R.H. Gu-merov, T.N. Galiullina // Terra Medica. — 1999. — № 3. — C.37—38.
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  5. Ivnickij, Ju.Ju. Jantarnaja kislota v sisteme sredstv metabolicheskoj korrekcii funkcional'nogo sostojanija i rezistentnosti organizma: ucheb. posobie dlja slushatelej fak. rukovod. sostava med.sluzhby/ Ju.Ju. Ivnickij, A.I. Go¬lovko, G.A. Sofronov. — SPb.: Lan', 1998. — S.16—25.
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  9. Aktaeva, I.N. Primenenie sukcinata natrija u bol'nyh, perenesshih infarkt miokarda / I.N. Aktaeva, V.Ja. Gulyj, I.E. Lihtenshtejn [i dr.] // Vrachebnoe delo. — 1985. — № 6. — S.6—8.
  10. Berkovskij, A.L. Posobie po izucheniju adgezivno-agregacionnoj funkcii trombocitov / A.L. Berkovskij, S.A. Vasil'ev, L.V. Zherdeva [i dr.]. — M.: Medicina, 1999. — S.22—26.


PDF downloadDepression, anxiety, and unstable angina pectoris

F.I. Belyalov, L.E.Maltseva, R.N.Yaguоdina.

Abstract. Relations between depression, anxiety, somatic factors and unstable angina pectoris in 55 hospitalized patients are studied. Seattle Angina Questionnaire and Zung tests are used. Severity of angina pectoris depends on anxiety, depression and age, but not on somatic factors.

Key words: unstable angina pectoris, depression, anxiety.



  1. Beljalov, F.I. Diagnostika i lechenie psihicheskih ras¬strojstv u somaticheskih bol'nyh / F.I. Beljalov. — Irkutsk: RIO IGIUVa, 2009. — S.209—213.
  2. Smulevich, A.B. Psihokardiologija / A.B. Smulevich, A.L. Syrkin, M.Ju. Drobizhev, S.V. Ivanov. — M.: MIA, 2005. — 784 s.
  3. Hemingway, H. Evidence based cardiology: Psychosocial factors in the aetiology and prognosis of coronary heart disease: systematic review of prospective cohort studies / H. Hemingway, M. Marmot // BMJ. — 1999. — Vol. 318. — P.1460—1467.
  4. Shep, D.S. Depression, Anxiety and the Cardiovascular System: the Cardiologist's Perspective / D.S. Shep, D. Sheffeld // J. Clin. Psych. — 2001. — Vol. 62, suppl. 8. — P.12—16.
  5. Ibatov, A.D. Vlijanie trevozhnyh rasstrojstv na techenie ishemicheskoj bolezni serdca / A.D. Ibatov // Russkij med. zhurnal. — 2007. — T. 15, № 20. — S.1443—1446.
  6. Ruo, B. Depressive symptoms and health — related quality of life: the heart and soul study / B. Ruo, J.S. Rumsfeld, M.A. Hlatky [et al.] // JAMA. — 2003. — Vol. 290, № 2. — P.215— 221.
  7. Arnold, S.V. Psychosocial modulators of angina response to myocardial Ischemia / S.V. Arnold, J.A. Spertus, P.S. Cie-chanowski [et al.] // Circulation. — 2009. — Vol. 120, № 2. — P.126—133.
  8. Spertus, J.A. Development and evaluation of the Seattle Angina Questionnaire: a new functional status measure for coronary artery disease / J.A. Spertus, J.A. Winder, T.A. Dewhurst [et al.] // J. Am. Coll. Cardiol. — 1995. — Vol. 25, № 2. —P.333— 341.


PDF downloadRetrospective examination of patients with ischemic heart disease and the increased level of phospholipids-directed antibodies

R.R.Saifoutdinov, V.F.Bogojavlenskji, M.V.Gorina, R.G.Saifoutdinov

Abstract. Phospholipids-directed antibodies in patients with ischemic heart disease [exertional angina pectoris (EAP) and myocardial infarction (MI)] are investigated. An increase of the level of phospholipids-directed antibodies is revealed in all the patients. The severity of complications depends directly on the IgG level in the patients’ blood. The higher the level of phospholipids-directed antibodies, the heavier complications are expected in the patient. The correlation analysis between IgG and the contents of lymphocytes and thrombocytes in patients with ischemic heart disease is carried out.

Key words: ischemic heart disease, angina pectoris, antibodies to phospholipids, lymphocytes, thrombocytes.



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PDF downloadEndotoxin and parameters of immune status in children with atopic dermatitis

B.A. Shamov

Abstract. The high endotoxin level is established at an aggravation of atopic dermatitis in children. Its ambiguous interrelations with parameters of humoral and cellular link of immunity are revealed.

Key words: endotoxin, atopic dermatitis, immunity, children.



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PDF downloadThe treatment of peptic ulcer disease with tonarol

R.B.Yunousov, S.Z.Gabitov, B.M.Chesnovskiy

Abstract. Tonarol in treatment of patients with рeptic ulcer disease demonstrated healing acceleration of ulcer defect, diminishing a number of Неlicobacter pylori microbes and improving clinical state of patients.

Key words: рeptic ulcer disease, Неlicobacter pylori, tonarol.



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PDF downloadInternal diseases and comorbidity

F.I. Belyalov

Abstract. In this article the author has made systematic review of psychosomatic factors in common somatic diseases. The role of psychic state in somatic diseases diagnostics, course, severity assessment, progosis and therapy is diseussed.

Key words: internal medicine, comorbidity.



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PDF downloadModern aspects of nonspecific ulcer colitis therapy from the standpoint of evidence medicine


Abstract. This article demonstrated modern aspects of conservative therapy of nonspecifc ulcer colitis in the context of
evidence medicine.

Key words: infammatory diseases of bowels, nonspecifc ulcer colitis, evidence medicine.



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PDF downloadDoctrine of mechanical tunneling

Y.M. Ishenin

Abstract. In work the scientifc-clinical researches on technology of mechanical tunneling on a material of 1526 operations at various ischemic syndromes of bodies and fabrics are presented. In research it is presented last materials of application of cellular technologies in treatment of an ischemic heart trouble, a cirrhosis, an ischemia of lower extremities, limfodema and others. The main moment of work was the conclusion that tunneling — the new surgical doctrine, allowing to carry out system diagnostics and surgical screening without which medical process becomes the vicious and socially dangerous phenomenon.

Key words: mechanical tunnel, ischemic disease.



  1. Izimbergenov, N.I. Ispol'zovanie SO2-lazera v hirur¬gicheskom lechenii cirroza pecheni / N.I. Izimbergenov // Aktual'nye voprosy organizacii pomoshhi bol'nym por¬tal'noj gipertenziej. — Alma-Ata, 1991. — S.119—122.
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  3. Ishenin, Ju.M. Mehanicheskoe tunnelirovanie i stvolovye kletki kostnogo mozga v hirurgii IBS: jeksperimental'no-klinicheskoe issledovanie / Ju.M. Ishenin // Singraal'naja hirurgija. — 2004. — № 3/4. — S.8—15.
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  8. Ishenin, Ju.M. Pervyj opyt hirurgicheskogo lechenija zlokachestvennoj vazorenal'noj gipertenzii metodom tunnelirovanija / Ju.M. Ishenin // Singraal'naja hirurgija. — 2008. — № 3/4. — S.4—15.
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  10. Chaj, V.A. Hirurgicheskoe lechenie diabeticheskoj angio-patii metodom tunnelirovanija / V.A. Chaj, E.E. Tulebaev, A.A. Jasakova, K.S. Murzabekov // Aktual'nye voprosy hirurgii. — Cheljabinsk, 1999. — S.327—328.



PDF downloadThe sick sinus syndrome in cardiology practice

R.G.Sayfoutdinov, E.V.Pak, A.F.Garipova, A.R.Gilyazova, S.Z.Gabitov, E.F.Roubanova, R.S.Nasyboullina

Abstract. The article represents clinical cases of sick sinus syndrome, the etiology, clinical and electrocardiographic diagnostics and indications for cardiac pacing.

Key words: sick sinus syndrome, diagnostics, electro cardiac pacing.



  1. Dzhanashija, P.H. Sindrom slabosti sinusovogo uzla / P.H. Dzhanashija, N.M. Shevchenko, N.D. Dzhanashija // Serdce. — T. 1, № 2. — 2009. — S.97—99.
  2. Zhdanov, A.M. Pokazanija k jelektricheskoj stimuljacii serd¬ca pri bradikardicheskih narushenijah ritma / A.M. Zhdanov, F.B. Votchal, O.V. Korostyleva // Serdce. — T. 1, № 2. — 2009. — S.92—93.
  3. Kushakovskij, M.S. Aritmii serdca / M.S. Kushakovskij. — SPb.: Foliant, 2004. — S.440—443, 446—450.
  4. Perepech, N.B. Kardiologija / N.B. Perepech, S.I. Rjabov. — SPb., 2008. —T. 1. — S.494—498, 582—583.
  5. Rukovodstvo po jelektrokardiografii. — M.: Medicinskoe informacionnoe agentstvo, 2004. — S.352—353.


PDF downloadThe incidence of acute myocardial infarction complicated with interventricular septal rupture

R.G. Sayfoutdinov, S.Z. Gabitov, E.V. Pak, E.F. Roubanova, R.S. Nasyboullina, E.M. Mayorova, G.A. Moukhametshina, D.M. Sadykova

Abstract. The patient with acute myocardial infarction complicated with interventricular septum rupture was supervised for 5 years. Successful surgical plastic treatment and revascularization wеre conducted with subsequent installation of permanent pacemaker.

Key words: myocardial infarction, interventricular septum rupture, left ventricular aneurysm, coronary angiography, coronary artery bypass granfting permanent pacemaker.



PDF downloadOrganization of medical care in Germany. The principles and fundamentals of insurance medicine


Abstract. German social security, established by German Chancellor Bismark in 1881, the oldest in Europe. In all countries of the European Community health system is based on the principle of social, insurance medicine. State has transmitted health management to corporative, self-government organizations: the medical organizations-the medical Chambers, hospitals, physician’s private practices and compulsory health insurance fund. Medical Association is fully responsible for the results of treatment and effective use of allocated funds. Double fnancing of medical care in Germany is carried out both by the compulsory health insurance (FOMS), and by grants from the State budget in countries with developed system of insurance reinforced methods of industrial management organization in health (DRG)-Diagnose Related group. Post-graduate training — physician’s- pulmonologist begins upon graduation from higher medical education and passes in ordinate in the workplace. Post-graduate training doctors in Germany is in establishing land physician Chambers. Time of postgraduate education (internal medicine with specialization) in the pneumology for a period of 72 months. It exists mark system of credits for raising the level of pulmonologist`s skills.

Key words: insurance medicine, corporative management system, continuous postgraduate training of physicians.



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