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Significance of heart injury biomarker (troponin I, heart-type fatty acid binding protein) in patient with acute exacerbations of COPD. G.E. Baimakanova, S.N. Avdeyev P.5

Possible mechanisms of thyroid gland pathology influence on bronchial asthma course. I.A. Кamaeva, N.L. Shaporova P.15

Organization of antituberculous treatment for the mental patients. A.M. Kuklina P.19

The influence of comlex vaccination against pneumococcus, haemophilus influenzae type B infections and influenza in the clinical course of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. A.D. Protasov, A.A. Ryzhov, A.V. Zhestkov, M.P. Kostinov P.22

Challenge tests in clinical diagnostics of bronchial asthma. O.V. Skorokhodkina, A.V. Luntsov P.24

Comment on the article «Bronhomotornye tests in clinical diagnosis of asthma». N.M. Nenasheva P.29

Active case finding of chronic nonspecific lung diseases (CNLD) by screening K.I. Soloviev, O.V. Korovina P.30

Influence of non-medication methods of pneumonia treatment on the concentration of trace elements in blood serum and microcirculation. N.B. Amirov, A.A. Vizel, M.V. Potapova P.35


Role of whole body plethysmography in practice of general practitioner. R.I. Shaymuratov, O.Yu. Mikhoparova, E.B. Frolova P.40


Update on current therapy of asthma. Majid Sadigh, Jaime P. Moskowitz, R.I. Shaymuratov, He Zhang, A.A. Vizel P.48

Sarcoidosis: the possibility of spontaneous remission. I.Yu. Vizel P.54

Acute lung injury: the definition, pathogenesis, animal models and the role of mesenchymal stem cells in experimental treatment. K.S. Voytkovskaya, A.L. Cherniaev P.60

In memory of Nikolay Grigoryevich Sokolov A.A. Vizel P.68



PDF downloadSignificance of heart injury biomarker (troponin I, heart-type fatty acid binding protein) in patient with acute exacerbations of COPD

Gulsara E. Baimakanova, Ph.D., Senior Researcher, laboratory of intensive care and respiratory failure e FGu «Institute of Pulmonology» FmBA of Russia, moscow, Russia, st.11th Park, 32, Clinical Hospital № 57, building 4, tel/fax 8(495)465-74-15, e-mail:

Sergey N. Avdeev, MD, professor, head of clinical department FGu «Institute of Pulmonology» FmBA of Russia, 105 077, moscow, Russia, st.11th Park, 32, Clinical Hospital № 57, building 4, tel/fax 8(495)465-52-64, e-mail:

Abstact. To evaluate the diagnostic and prognostic value of heart injury biomarker (Heart-type fatty acid binding protein, Troponin I) in patients with acute exacerbations of COPD (AECOPD). Prospective observational study. We enrolled 80 hospitalized patients with AECOPD [male 67, female 13, age (64,2±7,8) years, BMI (25,8±8,8) kg/m2]. These patients underwent a complex diagnostic investigation including chest radiography, pulmonary function tests, echocardiography and measurement of serum Tn I (Biomerica), H-FABP (Hycult Biotech) and BNP-fragment (Biomedica). The main causes of AECOPD were purulent bronchitis (43,7%), pneumonia (32,5%), acute decompensation of chronic heart failure (ADCHF) (12,5%) and acute myocardial infarction (AMI) (11,3%). BNP-fragment levels were significantly higher in patients with pneumonia (p=0,007), ADCHF (p=0,002), AMI (p=0,012) than in patients with purulent bronchitis. There were no significant differences between patients with pneumonia and ADCHF (p=0,128), pneumonia and AMI (p=0,651). Patients with AMI had the higher levels of H-FABP than patients with purulent bronchitis (p=0,003), there were no significant differences between other groups of patients. A positive Tn I test was defined as >0,5 ng/mL and its levels were increased in 21,3% of cases, but there were no significant differences between patients’ groups. The ROC curve (AUC) for the prediction of hospital mortality of all causes increased for BNP-fragment (AUC presentation: 0,827; 95%CI: 0,729—0,626, p<0,0001, sensitivity 0,789, specificity 0,787) and for H-FABP (AUC presentation: 0,809; 95%CI: 0,673—0,945, p<0,0001, sensitivity 0,737, specificity 0,869). Survival was worse in patients with elevated Tn I >0,5 ng/mL compared to patients with levels of Tn I<0,5 ng/mL (log-rank test, p<0,0001). Conclusions: In patients with AECOPD levels of Tn I and H-FABP were increased without coronary heart damage and were strong predictors of hospital mortality from all causes of AECOPD.

Key words: COPD, exacerbations, biomarkers.



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PDF downloadPossible mechanisms of thyroid gland pathology influence on bronchial asthma course

Irina A. Кamaeva, mD, assistant professor at General Practice Department of St. Petersburg Pavlov State medical university, e-mail:

Natalia L. Shaporova, MD, PhD, DSc, professor, head of the General Practice Department of St. Petersburg Pavlov State medical university, e-mail:

Abstract. To reveal possible mechanisms of thyroid gland pathology influence on bronchial asthma (BA) course 60 patients have been examined in 5 equal groups: BA; hypothyroidism; hyperthyroidism; BA + hypothyroidism; BA+ hyperthyroidism. Serum IgE and IgG levels were assessed. Spirometry was performed. Between BA + hypothyroidism and BA groups differences have been revealed in: asthma attack frequency (6,2±0,3, vs. 4,5±0,6; р=0,04); BA remission duration [(8,6±0,9) weeks, vs. (12,1±0,8) weeks; р=0,02]; FEF50 (48,91±3,02, vs. 60,62±2,53; р=0,04) and FEF75 (35,24±1,78, vs. 48,74±1,78; р=0,03). Between BA+ hyperthyroidism and BA groups have been revealed differences: in BA remission duration [(9,3±0,4) weeks, vs. (12,1±0,8) weeks; p=0,03]; in serum IgE levels (266,7±17,3, vs 159,4±3,8; p=0,01).The possible asthma worsening mechanism in BA+ hyperthyroidism group concerns with Th2 excessive stimulation; in BA+hypothyroidism group — concerns with mixedema.

Key words: bronchial asthma, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism



  1. Il'ina O.Ju. Osobennosti razvitija, kliniki i techenija bronhial'noj astmy v sochetanii s patologiej shhitovidnoj zhelezy.: Avtoref. dis... kand. med. nauk. SPb., 2006.-11s.
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PDF downloadOrganization of antituberculous treatment for the mental patients

Anna M. Kuklina, psychiatrist, the Naberezhnye Chelny Psychoneurological Dispensary of the Republican Clinical mental Health Center named after V.m. Bekhterev of the ministry of Healthcare of the Republic of Tatarstan. (423812), Russia, Republic of Tatarstan, Naberezhnye Chelny, World, 14, tel. (8552)588-438, 8-960-076-87-43, e-mail:

Abstract. There has been made an analysis of tuberculosis prevalence rate among the mental patients and antituberculous treatment of this group of patients. The average age of patients suffering from tuberculosis is over 30 years, more often these are patients suffering from schizo-affective psychosis. Mental patients have no somatic complaints. It is revealed that mental patients visit a physician and undergo prescribed medical tests less frequently.

Key words: tuberculosis, schizophrenia, mental patients.



  1. Baronova O.D. Osobennosti vyjavlenija, klinicheskogo techenija i jeffektivnost' lechenija tuberkuleza legkih u bol'nyh s psihicheskimi zabolevanijami, prozhivajushhih v psihonevrologicheskih internatah: dissertacija kandidata medicinskih nauk, Moskva, 2009.- S155.
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  3. Med.spravochnik, Amerikanskaja Medicinskaja klinika, Tuberkulez, Sankt-Peterburg,2011,S335.
  4. Nechaeva O.B., Arenskij V.A., Jejsmont N.V. Tuberkulez v psihonevrologicheskih internatah Sverdlovskoj oblasti// Probl.tub. – 1998. -№ 3.- S.19-20.
  5. Prikaz Minzdrava Rossii ot 21.03.2003 № 109 «O Sovershenstvovanii protivotuberkuleznyh meroprijatij v Rossijskoj Federacii»", prilozhenie №7, instrukcija po organizacii dispansernogo nabljudenija i ucheta kontingentov protivotuberkuleznyh meroprijatij.
  6. Jejsmont N.V. Organizacija kompleksnyh protivotuberkuleznyh meroprijatij v stacionarnyh uchrezhdenijah dlitel'nogo prebyvanija: Avtoref. dis. - Moskva. – 2002. S. 3-13.


PDF downloadThe influence of comlex vaccination against pneumococcus, haemophilus influenzae type B infections and influenza in the clinical course of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Andrey D. Protasov, mD, PhD, Department of microbiology, Immunology and Allergy, Samara State medical university, Samara, tel: 8-927-744-41-26, e-mail:

Alexey A. Ryzhov, mD, PhD, laboratory of vaccination and immunotherapy of allergic diseases, Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums behalf I.I. mechnikov, moscow, e-mail:

Alexander V. Zhestkov, mD, PhD, Professor, Head of the chair of microbiology, Immunology and Allergy, Samara State medical university, Samara, tel: (846) 260-33-61, e-mail:

Mikhail P. Kostinov, mD, PhD, Professor, Head of the laboratory of vaccination and immunotherapy of allergic diseases, Research Institute of Vaccines and Serums behalf I.I. mechnikov, moscow, e-mail:

Abstract. This article analyzes the clinical effect of combined use of vaccines against Pneumococcal, Haemophilus influenzae type binfections and influenza in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) compared with unvaccinated patients. I group — 48 patients with COPD, simultaneously vaccinated against Pneumococcal, Haemophilus influenzae type binfections and influenza [mean age (61,46±1,17) years]. II group — 80 non-vaccinated patients with COPD [mean age (54,65±0,6) years]. In patients with COPD the frequency of exacerbations of the disease decreased by 3,7 times after vaccination, and conducted courses of antimicrobial chemotherapy — 4,3 times.

Key words: vaccination, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.



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PDF downloadChallenge tests in clinical diagnostics of bronchial asthma

Olesya V. Skorokhodkina, Doctor of Science, PhD, Professor of Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology of Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russian Federation,

Alexey V. Luntsov, PhD, allergologist-immunologist of Republican Clinical Hospital, Kazan, Russian Federation,

Abstract. The modern representations about using of challenge tests in clinical diagnostics of bronchial asthma are reflected in the article. Bronchodilatation test and tests directed on revealing of bronchial hyperresponsivness (challenge tests with histamine, metaholine and hypertonic solution of sodium chloride, exercise challenge test) are characterized and their place in diagnostic process is discussed.

Keywords: bronchial asthma, challenge tests, bronchial hyperresponsiveness.



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PDF downloadComment on the article «Bronhomotornye tests in clinical diagnosis of asthma».

N.M. Nenasheva MD, Professor, Department of Clinical Allergology GBOU DPO RMAPO, Moscow


  1. Nenasheva N.M. Jetapy diagnostiki bronhial'noj astmy u podrostkov muzhskogo pola. RAZh.-2008;6:19-25
  2. N.M.Nenasheva Klinicheskie fenotipy atopicheskoj bronhial'noj astmy. Palmarium Academic Publishing.-2012.-319c


PDF downloadActive case finding of chronic nonspecific lung diseases (CNLD) by screening

Konstantin I. Soloviev, MD, PhD, chief pulmonologist of Novgorod region, head of pulmonology department of Novgorod region clinic, senior lecturer of Therapy chair of the State Educational Institution of Higher Vocational Education "Yaroslav-the-Wise Novgorod State University", Honoured Doctor of the Russian Federation,

Oksana V. Korovina, MD, PhD, Professor of pulmonology chair, St. Petersburg Medical Academy of Postgraduate Education.

Abstract. A screening study of 4590 citizens of Novgorod region was performed for establishing risk factors of CNLD, and its influence on prevalence of chronic bronchopulmonary disease. Results: It is established that true incidence of various forms of CNLD exceeds 3.3 times registered. Incidence depends on the prevalence of tobacco smoking habits, exposure to pollutants of industrial dust, chronic nasal infections, respiratory infections, age, and atmospheric pollution.

Keywords: CNLD, prevalence, risk factors for CNLD.



PDF downloadInfluence of non-medication methods of pneumonia treatment on the concentration of trace elements in blood serum and microcirculation

N.B. Amirov, A.A. Vizel, M.V. Potapova

Abstract. The influence of laserotherapy on blood serum microelements content and microcirculation condition in complex treatment of pneumonia studied. 105 patients with pneumonia observed. Patients were divided into two groups: examination group — 66 patients (persons) received laserotherapy during the medicamentation therapy and check-up group — 35 patients (persons) only medicamentation treatment received. In examination group a certain more significant membrane permeability decrease, iron and chromium blood serum content increase and microcirculation condition improvement at the expense of vascular component is established compared with check-up group. Indicated changes had great correlation degree with laboratory data and external breath function indicators.

Key words: рneumonia, laser therapy, microcirculation and micro-elements, the permeability of cell membranes.



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PDF downloadRole of whole body plethysmography in practice of general practitioner

Rustem I. Shaymuratov, resident of phthisiopulmonology chair, Kazan State Medical University, 420012, Kazan, Butlerova str. 49.

Olga Yu. Mikhoparova, chief of an office of functional diagnostics of clinical hospital,

Elvira B. Frolova, assistant to the head physician by a medical part of clinical hospital,

Abstract.This article describes the basic principles and methods of research in respiratory function, especially whole body plethysmography andlung diffusion capacity measurements. Interpretation of the study protocol is described in details. The possibilities of diagnosing obstructive pulmonary diseases are demonstrated in an example of whole body plethysmography study with a bronchodilator.

Key words: whole body plethysmography, lung diffusion capacity, DLCO.



  1. Rukovodstvo po klinicheskoj fiziologii dyhanija / Pod red. L.L. Shika, N.N. Kanaeva. – L.: Medicina, 1980. – 376 s., il.
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  5. M.A. Poljanskaja Bodipletizmografija i issledovanie DLCO – metodika provedenija i interpretacija rezul'tatov // Zdorov'e Ukrainy. – 2008. – № 9/1. – S. – 52-53.
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PDF downloadUpdate on current therapy of asthma

Majid Sadigh, mD, Department of Internal medicine and Infectious diseases, Saint mary’s Hospital, Waterbury, CT, uSA, Yale-affiliated, e-mail:

Jaime P. Moskowitz, mD, Internal medicine Resident, Saint mary’s Hospital, Waterbury, CT, uSA, Yale-affiliated, e-mail:

Rustem I. Shaymuratov, resident of phthisiopulmonology chair, Kazan State medical university, 420012, Kazan, Butlerova str. 49, e-mail:

He Zhang, mD, PhD, Department of Pulmonary and Critical medicine, Saint mary’s Hospital, Waterbury, CT, uSA, Yale-affiliated, e-mail:

Alexander A. Vizel, mD, PhD, Professor of phthisiopulmonology chair, Kazan State medical university, 420012, Kazan, Butlerova str. 49, e-mail:

Abstract. Asthma is a serious health problem and one of the most common causes of morbidity and mortality worldwide. The therapy of asthma has evolved significantly during the last two decades attributing to better understanding of pathogenesis. According to asthma therapy guidelines, inhaled corticosteroids and long acting beta agonist are recommended as the corner stone of moderate to severe persistent asthma therapy. Immunotherapy is recommended as an adjuvant therapy for allergic asthma. Recently, phosphodiesterase 4 inhibitor and bronchiothermoplasty therapy are approved for asthma. We reviewed the systemic side effects of long term use of inhaled corticosteroids, safety of long acting beta2-agonist,clinicalexperienceofimmunotherapyfocusingonanti-IgEtherapyandspecificimmunotherapy, clinical evidence for use of phosphodiesterase 4 inhibitor and bronchiothermoplasty.

Key words: asthma, therapy, inhaled corticosteroids, LABA, PDE4 inhibitor, specific immunotherapy, bronchiothermoplasty.



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PDF downloadSarcoidosis: the possibility of spontaneous remission

Irina Yu. Vizel cand. sci. med. phthisiopulmonology chair, Kazan State Medical University, 420012, Kazan, Butlerova str. 49.

Abstract. A review of clinical studies and examples on the possibility of spontaneous remission of sarcoidosis was presented. Regression of sarcoidosis occurred most often in foreign hospitals, where the contact with patients with tuberculosis and other infectious diseases is excluded, which can trigger granulomatosis. The possibility of spontaneous remission does not negate the purpose of active treatment according to vital indications.

Key words: sarcoidosis, prognosis, remission, treatment.



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PDF downloadAcute lung injury: the definition, pathogenesis, animal models and the role of mesenchymal stem cells in experimental treatment

K.S. Voytkovskaya, student of Faculty of Basic Medicine MSU, Russia, 119192, Moscow, Lomonosovskiy prospect, 31 corp. 5,

A.L. Cherniaev, MD, professor, head of pathology department FSI “Pulmonary Research Institute” Federal Medical and Biological Agency of Russia, Russia, 105077, Moscow, 11th Parkovaya street, 32,

Abstract. Acute lung injury (ALI) is a clinical syndrome with definite histological criteria of lung structure lesion. ALI is widespread in clinical practice and has a high lethality. In this article we describe the definition, clinics, etiology, pathogenesis, animal models of ALI. In this review we describe a role of mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) in treatment of experimental ALI, induced by lipopolysaccharide.

Key words: acute lung injury, experiment, lipopolysaccharide, mesenchymal stem cells.



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PDF downloadIn memory of Nikolay Grigoryevich Sokolov

A.A. Vizel