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The influence of the treatment by extrafinelly dispersed beclomethasone and formoterol on the quality of life, anxiety and depression disorders in the patients with bronchial asthma and arterial hypertension L.V. Berdnikova, I.S. Dobrotina, N.N. Borovkov P.5

Evaluation of psychological status of internal affairs officers received for rehabilitation department of clinical hospital Ministry of internal affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan. F.F. Agliullina, I.A. Burenina, A.N. Iskhakova P.10

Developing of medical rehabilitation program and evoluation of its efficiency in pulmonary sarcoidosis patients. H.L. Baradzina P.12

Early discharge and post-discharge care at home: prospective areas for early rehabilitation of breast cancer patients. I.M. Shaymuratov, R.Sh. Khasanov, R.Sh. Kamaletdinov, R.R. Nugayeva, O.B. Druzhkov P.20


Philosophy of private herbal medicine in gastroenterology. A.V. Spiridonov, L.R. Absalyamova, I.A.Gimaletdinova P.24

Multidetector computed tomography in diagnosis of pulmonary diseases in out-patient department. Y.V. Marchenkov P.26

Medico-social examination at patients with chronic renal failure. E.G. Barskova, L.R. Ginyatullina P.36


Experience of bacterial vaginosis treatment. L.R. Gabdullina, E.P. Vorobyova P.40

Advantages of combined therapy for chronic recurrent candidal vulvovaginitis. L.R. Gabdullina, E.P. Vorobyova, O.Y. Sadetdinova P.42

The experience of fenspiride application in treatment of patients with sarcoidosis. V.V. Romanov, O.N. Shemetun , S.V. Shelukhina, E.I. Shmelev P.46

Modern technologies of home clinical nutrition in the complex treatment of cancer patients in Tatarstan. I.M. Shaymuratov, A.K. Sayetgarayev, A.F. Khasanov, R.Sh. Khasanov P.49


Somatotype and dermatoglyphics phenotypes as marker of system organization of physique process. I.A. Zhavoronkova P.54

Long-term prognosis in bronchial asthma: from diagnosis to chronic process. R.I. Shaymuratov, A.A. Vizel P.56


The changes of the thyroid function during somatic disease. R.A. Nadeyeva P.63

Clinical case of ascites of unknown origin. R.G. Sayfutdinov, E.M. Mayorova, E.V. Pak, E.F. Rubanova, R.S. Nasybullina, A.E. Bastrakova, S.V. Moskayeva P.65

QT prolongation syndrome in cardiology practice. E.V. Pak, R.G. Sayfutdinov, A.F. Garipova P.67

The case of stomach cancer complicated with hemorrhagic pericarditis and hemopericardium. L.V. Tokareva, E.V. Zhilyaev, V.S. Tebenikhin, M.A. Grishkina, L.N. Soboleva P.70



PDF downloadThe influence of the treatment by extrafinelly dispersed beclomethasone and formoterol on the quality of life, anxiety and depression disorders in the patients with bronchial asthma and arterial hypertension

L.V. Berdnikova, I.S. Dobrotina, N.N. Borovkov

Abstract. The aim of the investigation was to estimate the effectiveness of the treatment by extrafinely-dispersed beclomethasone and formoterol, to assess the changing of quality of life, anxiety and depression disorders during this therapy in the patients with bronchial asthma and arterial hypertension. Spirography, arterial blood pressure, general and asthma-associated quality of life, anxiety and depression disorders were studied. The extrafinelydispersed beclomethasone and formoterol and the medium dose of beclomethasone had the same effect. Extrafinelydispersed beclomethasone and formoterol did not effect on the blood pressure. The Physical Functioning become better and personal alarm reduced, but situational alarm level was the same.

Key words: bronchial asthma, arterial hypertension, quality of life, beclomethasone.



  1. Global'naja strategija lechenija i profilaktiki bronhial'noj astmy (peresmotr 2006 g.) / pod red. A.G. Chuchalina. — M.: Atmosfera, 2007. — 104 s.
  2. Diagnostika i lechenie arterial'noj gipertenzii. Rossijskie rekomendacii (chetvertyj peresmotr). — M.: 2010. — S.34.
  3. Kliniko-funkcional'nye osobennosti arterial'noj gipertonii pri hronicheskom bronhoobstruktivnom sindrome / V.S. Zadoinchenko, N.V. Kuzmicheva, A.A. Sviridov [i dr.] // Terapevticheskij arhiv. — 2000. — № 1. — S.51—55.
  4. Sutochnyj profil' AD pri hronicheskih obstruktivnyh zabolevanijah legkih i pri sochetanii s arterial'noj gipertenziej / L.I.Ol'binskaja, A.A.Belov, V.F.Opalenkov // Rossijskij kardiologicheskij zhurnal. — 2000. — № 2. — S.20—25.
  5. Makolkin, V.I. Osobennosti lechenija arterial'noj gipertenzii v razlichnyh klinicheskih situacijah / V.I.Makolkin//Russkijmedicinskijzhurnal.—2002.— № 17. — S.12—17.
  6. Modullite: a means of designing the aerosols generated by pressurized metered dose inhalers / D. Garderton, D. Lewis, R. Davies [et al.] // Respire Med. — 2002. — Vol. 96 (suppl. D). — P.3—8.
  7. Beclometasone/formoterol versus budesonide/formoterol combination therapy in asthma / A. Papi, P.L. Paggiaro, G. Nicolini [et al.] // Eur. Respir. J. — 2007. — Vol. 29. — R.682—689.
  8. Beclometasone/ formoterol vs fluticasone/salmeterol inhaled combination in moderate to severe asthma / A. Papi, P.L. Paggiaro, G. Nicolini [et al.] // Allergy. — 2007. — Vol. 62. — P.1182—1188.
  9. Il'ina, N.I. Jeffektivnost' i bezopasnost' preparata foster u bol'nyh bronhial'noj astmoj v real'noj klinicheskoj praktike / N.I. Il'ina, K.S. Pavlova // Rossijskij allergologicheskij zhurnal. — 2010. — № 5. — S.82—90.
  10. Kachestvo zhizni bol'nyh bronhial'noj astmoj v Rossii: rezul'taty mnogocentrovogo populjacionnogo issledovanija / A.G. Chuchalin, A.S. Belevskij, I.V. Smolenov [i dr.] // Pul'monologija. — 2003. — № 5. — S.88—96.
  11. Belevskij, A.S. Ocenka urovnja kontrolja bronhial'noj astmy s pomoshh'ju AST-testa / A.S. Belevskij, N.P. Knjazheskaja, Ju.A. Novikov // Atmosfera. Pul'monologija i allergologija. — 2007. — № 1. — S.43—47.


PDF downloadEvaluation of psychological status of internal affairs officers received for rehabilitation department of clinical hospital Ministry of internal affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan

F.F. Agliullina, I.A. Burenina, A.N. Iskhakova

Abstract. Professional career of law enforcement officers have a negative impact on physical and mental health.

Conducted a psychological diagnosis of patients admitted for treatment at the Department of Rehabilitation.

Key words: psychological diagnosis, psychological testing, post-traumatic stress disorder.



  1. Zajcev, V.P . Sovremennye psihodiagnosticheskie tehnologii v vosstanovitel'noj medicine / V.P. Zajcev // Materialy I Vseros. s#ezda vrachej vosstanovitel'noj mediciny. — M., 2007. — S.103.
  2.     Leont'ev, D.A . Test smyslozhiznennyh orientacij / D.A. Leont'ev. — M., 2000. Panteleev,S.R. Metodika issledovanija samootnoshenija / S.R. Panteleev — M.: Smysl, 1993. — 32 s.
  3.     Profilaktika professional'noj deformacii lichnosti sotrudnika organov vnutrennih del: metod. posobie / pod obshh. red. V.M. Burykina. — M.: IMC GUK MVD Rossii, 2004. — 144 s.
  4.     Rukovodstvo po reabilitacii lic, podvergshihsja stressornym nagruzkam. — M.: Medicina, 2004 — 400 s.


PDF downloadDeveloping of medical rehabilitation program and evoluation of its efficiency in pulmonary sarcoidosis patients

H.L. Baradzina

Abstract. The aim of our study was developing of multidisciplinary medical rehabilitation program in pulmonary sarcoidosis patients. 111 biopsy proved sarcoidosis patients [(37,1±4,3) yrs] were examined in order to evaluate the efficiency of individualized rehabilitation program. Pulmonary rehabilitation has positive impact on health status and quality of life in sarcoidosis. Reducing of clinical features and positive clinical-R logical dynamics were faster and more often in base group. Lung function improved in base group and did not change in control group. There was significant improvement of physical toleration in base group in walking test, in Shtange test, in orthostatic and unloading tests and other functional tests and health-depended quality of life.

Key words: pulmonary sarcoidosis, medical rehabilitation program, evaluation of efficiency.



  1. Borisov, S.E. Sarkoidoz kak biologicheskaja i medicinskaja problema / S.E. Borisov // Problemy tuberkuleza i boleznej legkih. — 2006. — № 4. — S.4—8.
  2.     Vizel', A.A. Sarkoidoz / A.A. Vizel' // Serija monografij Rossijskogo respiratornogo obshhestva / pod red. A.G. Chuchalina. — M.: Izdat. holding «Atmosfera», 2010. — 416 s.
  3.     Kljachkin, L.M. Medicinskaja reabilitacija bol'nyh s zabolevanijami vnutrennih organov / L.M. Kljachkin, A.M. Shhegol'kov. — M.: Medicina, 2000. — 328 s.
  4.     Smychek, V.B. Mediko-social'naja jekspertiza i reabilitacija / V.B. Smychek, G.Ja. Hulup, V.K. Mil'kamanovich. — Minsk: JuNIPAK, 2005. — 420 s.
  5.     Hmara, I.M. Medicinskaja reabilitacija bol'nyh differencirovannymi formami raka shhitovidnoj zhelezy / I.M. Hmara. — Minsk: Sovremennye znanija, 2006. — 188 s.
  6.     Chernikov, A.Ju. Jeffektivnost' dispanserizacii i reabilitacii bol'nyh sarkoidozom v obshhelechebnoj seti: avtoref. dis. ... kand. med. nauk / A.Ju. Chernikov. — M., 2008. — 20 s.
  7.     American Thoracis Society / European Respiratory Society Statement on Pulmonary rehabilitation // Am. J. Resp. Crit. Care Med. — 2006. — Vol. 173. — P.1390—1413.


PDF downloadEarly discharge and post-discharge care at home: prospective areas for early rehabilitation of breast cancer patients

I.M. Shaymuratov, R.Sh. Khasanov, R.Sh. Kamaletdinov, R.R. Nugayeva, O.B. Druzhkov

Abstract. On the 106 cases of patients with breast cancer, early discharged from the hospital after surgery, we have shown the positive experience of early medical and psychological rehabilitation of patients in the home by way of «a hospital at home» with a good economic effect.

Key words: breast cancer, early discharge, psychological rehabilitation, medical rehabilitation, economic effect.



  1.  Valegova, N.Ju. Reabilitacija bol'nyh rakom molochnoj zhelezy posle organosohrannogo lechenija / N.Ju. Valegova, A.V. Vazhenin, L.Je. Brezhneva [i dr.] // Voprosy onkologicheskoj pomoshhi na jetape reformirovanija zdravoohranenija: sb. st. — Ekaterinburg, 1996. — C.67—68.
  2. Demidov, V.P. Rak molochnoj zhelezy / V.P. Demidov // Izbrannye lekcii po klinicheskoj onkologii / pod red. akad. RAMN V.I. Chissova, prof. S.L. Dar'jalovoj. — M., 2000. — S.361—389.
  3. Demin, E.V. Puti sovershenstvovanija poslegospital'noj reabilitacii bol'nyh rakom molochnoj zhelezy i tela matki: avtoref. dis. ... d-ra med. nauk / E.V. Demin. — 1990. — 34 c.
  4. Egorova, A.G. Social'no-jekonomicheskoe obosnovanie organizacii mammologicheskoj sluzhby Samarskoj oblasti: avtoref. dis. ... kand. med. nauk / A.G. Egorova. — Orenburg, 1998. — 22 s.
  5. Egorova, A.G. Rol' jepidemiologicheskih issledovanij v finansovo-jekonomicheskom obosnovanii lechenija i diagnostiki raka molochnoj zhelezy / A.G. Egorova, M.V. Sharapova, A.G. Soprykina, S.V. Kozlov // Materialy nauch. prakt. konf., posvjashh. 75-letiju kafedry social'noj mediciny i organizacii zdravoohranenija KGMU. — Kazan', 1998. — C.120—122.
  6. Letjagin, V.P. Rak molochnoj zhelezy: jepidemiologija, klassifikacija, diagnostika, lechenie, prognoz / V.P. Letjagin, K.P. Laktionov, I.V. Vysockaja, V.A. Kotov. — M., 1996. — S.138—149.
  7. Lopuhin, Ju.M. Hirurgija / Ju.M. Lopuhin, V.S. Savel'ev. — M.: GJeOTAR Medicina, 2000. — S.58—68; 683—686.
  8. Ovcharova, R.V. Psihologicheskij status onkologicheskih bol'nyh i problemy ih reabilitacii / R.V. Ovcharova, A.N. Velikolug // Palliativnaja medicina i reabilitacija. — 1997. — № 1. — S.26—30.
  9. Perevodchikova, N.I. Protivoopuholevaja terapija / N.I. Perevodchikova. — M.: Medicina, 1993 — S.9—39; 191—206.
  10. Polkovnikova, R.V. Reabilitacija onkologicheskih bol'nyh / R.V. Polkovnikova // Aktual'nye voprosy mammologii: materialy nauch.-prakt. konf. — Izhevsk, 1998. — S.181—182.
  11. Trapeznikov, N.N. Lechenie opuholej molochnoj zhelezy / N.N. Trapeznikov, V.P. Letjagin, D.A. Aliev. — M.: Medicina, 1989. — S.56—64; 139—158.
  12. Harchenko, V.P. Medicinskaja reabilitacija bol'nyh rakom molochnoj zhelezy / V.P. Harchenko, G.A. Pan'shin, M.N. Ivanov // Materialy nauch.-prakt. konf., posvjashh. pamjati prof. B.K. Sharova. — Cheljabinsk, 1997. — C.170—171.
  13. An overview of cancer economics. Based on a presentation by C. Daniel Mullins, PhD // Am. J. Manag. Care. — 1999. — № 5 (suppl. 6). — R.371—376.
  14. Bonnema, J. Cost of care in a randomised trial of early hospital discharge after surgery for breast cancer / J. Bonnema, A.M. van Wersch, A.N. van Geel [et al.] // Eur. J. Cancer. — 1998. — Vol. 34(13). —P.2015—2020.
  15. Davis, C. Early discharge following breast surgery: assessing care, support, and informational needs of women with early breast cancer in Australia / C. Davis, P. Williams, S. Redman // Aust. N. Z. J. Surg. — 2000. — Vol. 70(8). — P.569—572.
  16. Driscoll, A. Managing post-discharge care at home: an analysis of patients’ and their carers’ perceptions of information received during their stay in hospital / A. Driscoll // J. Adv. Nurs. — 2000. — Vol. 31(5). — P.1165—1173.
  17. Hester, L.E. Coordinating a successful discharge plan / L.E. Hester // Am. J. Nurs. — 1996. — Vol. 96(6). — P.35—37.
  18. Hoehn, J.L. Definitive breast cancer surgery as an outpatient: a rational basis for the transition / J.L. Hoehn // Semin. Surg. Oncol. — 1996. — Vol. 12(1). — P.53—58.
  19. Kambouris, A. Physical, psychological, and economic advantages of accelerated discharge after surgical treatment for breast cancer / A. Kambouris // Am. Surg. — 1996. — Vol. 62(2). —P.123—127.
  20. Khandekar, J.D. Recommendations on follow-up of breast cancer patients following primary therapy / J.D. Khandekar // Semin. Surg. Oncol. — 1996. — Vol. 12(5). — P.346—351.
  21. MacBride, S.K. Survivorship and the cancer follow-up clinic / S.K. MacBride, F. Whyte.
  22. Northover, J. Which type of follow-up? / J. Northover // Hepatogastroenterology. — 2000. — Vol. 47(32). — P.335—336.
  23. Penrod, J.D. Effects of post-hospital medicare home health and informal care on patient functional status / J.D. Penrod, R.L. Kane, M.D. Finch, R.A. Kane // Health Serv. Res. — 1998. — Vol. 33(3. Pt 1). — P.513—529.
  24. The economics and challenges of breast cancer in a managed care environment. Based on a presentation by Alan H. Heaton, Pharm D. // Am. J. Manag. Care. — 1999. — Vol. 5 (suppl 6). — P.383—388.
  25. Weaver, F.M. Patients’ and caregivers’ transition from hospital to home: needs and recommendations / F.M. Weaver, L. Perloff, T. Waters // Home Health Care. Serv. Q. — 1998. — Vol. 17(3). —P.27—48.
  26. Will, B.P. Estimates of the lifetime costs of breast cancer treatment in Canada / B.P. Will, J.M. Berthelot, C. Le Petit [et al.] // Eur. J. Cancer. — 2000. — Vol. 36(6). — P.724—735.



PDF downloadPhilosophy of private herbal medicine in gastroenterology

A.V. Spiridonov, L.R. Absalyamova, I.A.Gimaletdinova

Abstract. In the article the approaches to treatment gastroenterology patients from a position of modern traditional and nonconventional therapy are revealed. Examples from clinical practice are resulted. At the heart of approaches principles joint medicamentous and herbal medicines are put. Most often met gastroenterology diseases and leading symptoms are considered, recommendations about therapy are made. Article is calculated on practising doctors of an out-patient link.

Key words: herbal medicine, gastroenterology, practice, medicines, treatment, gastroenterologic diseases, clinical examples.



  1. Bagnenko, S.F. Hronicheskij pankreatit: rukovodstvo dlja vrachej / S.F. Bagnenko, A.A. Kurygin, N.V. Ruhljada, A.D. Smirnov. — SPb.: Piter, 2000. — 416 s.
  2.     Belousova, E.A. Starye i novye aspekty primenenija fermentnyh preparatov v gastrojenterologii / E.A. Belousova, A.R. Zlatkina, N.A. Morozova, N.N. Tishkina // Farmateka. — 2003. — № 7. — S.39—44.
  3.     Maev, I.V. Sindrom vneshnesekretornoj pankreaticheskoj nedostatochnosti / I.V. Maev, Ju.A. Kucherjavyj // Vrachebnaja gazeta. — 2003. — № 11. — S.19—21.
  4.     Maev, I.V. Polifermentnye preparaty v gastrojenterologicheskoj praktike / I.V. Maev, Ju.A. Kucherjavyj // Vrach. — 2003. — № 10. — S.59—61.
  5.     Cimmerman, Ja.S. Ocherki klinicheskoj gastrojenterologii / Ja.S.Cimmerman. — Perm': Izd-vo Permskogo un-ta, 1992. — 336 s.
  6.     Jakovenko, A.V. Klinika, diagnostika i lechenie hronicheskogo pankreatita / A.V. Jakovenko // Klinicheskaja medicina. — 2001. — № 9. — S.15—20.
  7.     Lechebnye faktory fitoterapii // Vrach. — 1996. — № 7. — S.14—15.
  8.     Teoreticheskie osnovy razvitija fitoterapii // Itogi i perspektivy razvitija tradicionnoj mediciny v Rossii: sb. materialov Nauch. jubilejnoj konf., posvjashh. 25-letiju so dnja otkrytija v Moskve Central'nogo nauchno-issledovatel'skogo instituta refleksoterapii (Moskva,1—2 marta 2002 g.). — M., 2002. — S.28—30.
  9.     Fitoterapija zabolevanij gepatobiliarnoj sistemy // Farmacija. — 2003. — № 1. — S.47—48.
  10.     Lekarstvennye rastenija pri disfunkcii kishechnika // Tez. dokl. VI s#ezda Nauchnogo obshhestva gastrojenterologov Rossii; 1—3 fevralja 2006 g. — M., 2006. — S.185—186.
  11.     Fitoterapija gepatitov: podhody i resurs // Hvorobi pechinki v praktici klinicista: materiali naukovo-praktichnoi konferencii z mizhnarodnoju uchastju; 1—2 bereznja 2007 roku. — Har'kiv, 2007. — S.290—291.


PDF downloadMultidetector computed tomography in diagnosis of pulmonary diseases in out-patient department

Y.V. Marchenkov

Abstract. This article is about the role of computed tomography in diagnosis of pulmonary disorders. In first pages of this paper different CT methods which important in pulmonary radiology are discussed. The principal aim of this paper is explanation of indications for multidetector computed tomography in pulmonary radiology in outpatient department. The main attention is focused on COPD patients, patients with inflammatory disorders of the lungs, differential diagnosis with pulmonary tumors and on the screening programs of nodular opacities. Also great attention is focused on computed tomography morphometry of COPD (chronic obstructive pulmonary disease) patients and on screening programs of lung cancer.

Keywords: X-raycomputedtomography,bronchopulmonarysystem,chronicobstructivepulmonarydisease,pneumonia, bronchioloalveolar carcinoma, nodular opacities.



  1. Alberg, A.J. Epidemiology of lung cancer: Looking to the future / A.J. Alberg, M.V. Brock, J.M. Samet // J. Clin. Oncol. — 2005. — Vol. 23. — P.3175—3185.
  2. Arakawa, H. Expiratory high-resolution CT scan / H. Arakawa, W.R. Webb // Radiol. Clin. North. Am. — 1998. — Vol. 36(1). — P.189—209.
  3. Aziz, Z.A. CT techniques for imaging the lung: recommendations for multislice and single slice computed tomography / Z.A. Aziz, S.P. Padley, D.M. Hansell // Eur. J. Radiol. — 2004. — Vol. 52. — P.119—136.
  4. Beasley, M.B. The 2004 World Health Organisation classification of lung tumors / M.B. Beasley, E. Brambilla, W.D. Travis // Semin. Roentgenol. — 2005. — Vol. 40. — P.90—97.
  5. Chooi, W.K. High-resolution volume imaging of airways and lung parenchyma with multislice CT / W.K. Chooi, S.K. Marcos // Br. J. Radiol. — 2004. — Vol. 77 (spec. № 1). — P.98—105.
  6. Collins, J. CT signs and patterns of lung disease / J. Collins // Radiol. Clin. North. Am. — 2001. — Vol. 39. —P.1115—1135.
  7. Flohr, T.G. Multi-detector row CT systems and imagereconstruction techniques / T.G. Flohr, S. Schaller, K. Stierstorfer [et al.] // Radiology. — 2005. — Vol. 235. — P.756—773.
  8. Hansell, D.M. Bronchiectasis / D.M. Hansell // Radiol. Clin. North. Am. — 1998. — Vol. 36. — P.107.
  9. Hasegawa, M. Growth rate of small lung cancers detected on mass CT screening / M. Hasegawa, S. Sone, S. Takashima [et al.] // Br. J. Radiol. — 2000. — Vol. 73. — P.1252—1259.
  10. Herold, C.J. Community-acquired and nosocomial pneumonia / C.J. Herold, J.G. Sailer // Eur. Radiol. — 2004. — Vol. 14 (suppl. 3). — P.E2—E20.
  11. Lee, I. Mycoplasma pneumoniae pneumonia: CT features in 16 patients / I. Lee, T.S. Kim, H.K. Yoon // Eur. Radiol. — 2006. — Vol. 16. —P.719—725.
  12. Macfarlane, J. Radiographic features of staphylococcal pneumonia in adults and children / J. Macfarlane, D. Rose // Thorax. — 1996. — Vol. 51. — P.539—540.
  13. Muller, N.L. Diseases of the bronchioles: CT and histopathologic findings / N.L. Muller, R.R. Miller // Radiology. — 1995. — Vol. 196. —P.3—12.
  14. Quint, L.E. Solitary pulmonary nodules in patients with extrapulmonary neoplasms / L.E. Quint, C.H. Park, M.D. Iannettoni // Radiology. — 2000. — Vol. 217. — P.257—261.
  15. Syrjala, H. High-resolution computed tomography for the diagnosis of community-acquired pneumonia / H. Syrjala, M. Broas, I. Suramo [et al.] // Clin. Infect. Dis. — 1998. — Vol. 27. — P.358—363.
  16. Webb, W.R. High-resolution CT of the lung parenchyma / W.R. Webb // Radiol. Clin. North. Am. — 1989. — Vol. 27. — P.1085—1097.


PDF downloadMedico-social examination at patients with chronic renal failure

E.G. Barskova, L.R. Ginyatullina

Abstract. Detail current approaches to medical and social examination of patients with chronic renal failure receiving replacement therapy by dialysis program, the main complication. Reflected fundamental aspects of the expert in making decisions.

Key words: chronic renal failure, hemodialysis program, complications, medical and social examination, limitation of activity.



  1. Mediko-social'naja jekspertiza pri vnutrennih boleznjah: posobie dlja vrachej / pod red. Z.D. Shvarcmana. —SPb., 2009.
  2. Puzin, S.N . Mediko-social'naja jekspertiza: sb. normativ-no-pravovyh aktov / S.N. Puzin [i dr.]. — M., 2007.
  3. Nefrologija: rukovodstvo dlja vrachej / pod red. N.E. Tareevoj. — 2-e izd., pererab. i dop. — M.: Medicina, 2000 —S.596—657.
  4. Chizh, A.S. Nefrologija v terapevticheskoj praktike / A.S. Chizh. — M.: Medicina, 2001.
  5. Okorokov, A.I. Lechenie boleznej vnutrennih organov: prakt. rukovodstvo / A.I. Okorokov. — Minsk, 1997. — T. 2.



PDF downloadExperience of bacterial vaginosis treatment

L.R. Gabdullina, E.P. Vorobyova

Abstract. The experience in treatment of 50 patients not aggravated by venereal infections with the diagnosis bacterial vaginosis using the medication trichopol showed good tolerance along with high efficiency (92%). The recurrence of the disease after the end of the therapy was not diagnosed for any of the patients during a month after treatment, and adverse reactions in the form of nausea, dyspepsia, weakness, hyposthenia, and somnolence were observed for a small percent of cases and did not demand the cancellation of the medication.

Key words: bacterial vaginosis, trichopol.



  1. Ankirskaja, A.S. Bakterial'nyj vaginoz: osobennosti klinicheskogo techenija, diagnostika i lechenie / A.S. Ankirskaja, V.N. Prilepskaja, G.R. Bajramova, V.V. Murav'eva // Russkij medicinskij zhurnal. — 1998. — T. 6, № 5. — S.276—82.
  2.     Apolihina, I.A. Bakterial'nyj vaginoz: chto novogo? / I.A. Apolihina, S.Z. Muslimova // Ginekologija. — 2008. — T. 10, № 6. — S.36—37.
  3.     Korshunov, V.M. Mikrojekologija vlagalishha. Korrekcija mikroflory pri vaginal'nyh disbakteriozah: ucheb. posobie / V.M. Korshunov, N.N. Volodin, B.D. Efimov [i dr.]. —M.: VUNMC MZ RF, 1999. — 80 s.
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  5.     Prilepskaja, V.N. Jetiopatogenez, diagnostika i sovremennye napravlenija v lechenii bakterial'nogo vaginoza / V.N. Prilepskaja, G.R. Bajramova // Russkij medicinskij zhurnal. — 2002. — T. 10, № 18. — S.795—797.
  6.     Prilepskaja, V.N. Narushenie mikrobiocenoza vlagalishha, puti ego korrekcii / V.N. Prilepskaja, G.R. Bajramova // Ginekologija. — 2007. — T. 9, № 4. — S.25—27.
  7.     Prilepskaja, V.N. Vaginal'naja mikrojekosistema vlagalishha v norme i pri patologii / V.N. Prilepskaja, G.R. Bajramova, A.S. Ankirskaja // Ginekologija. — 2010. — T. 11, № 3. — S.9—11.
  8.     Torchinov, A.M. Smeshannye urogenital'nye infekcii u zhenshhin: diagnostika i kompleksnaja terapija / A.M. Torchinov, M.V. Mazurkevich // Ginekologija. — 2008. — T. 10, № 6. — S.38—41.
  9.     Uvarova, E.V. Vlagalishhe kak mikrojekosistema v norme i pri vospalitel'nyh processah genitalij razlichnoj jetiologii (obzor literatury) / E.V. Uvarova, F.Sh. Sultanova // Ginekologija. — 2002. — T. 4, № 4. — S.189—195.


PDF downloadAdvantages of combined therapy for chronic recurrent candidal vulvovaginitis

L.R. Gabdullina, E.P. Vorobyova, O.Y. Sadetdinova

Abstract. Comparative analysis of Itraconazole and Natamycin treatment of 68 patients with candidal vulvovaginitis
revealed the advantage of Itraconazole which along with high efficiency (97%) showed good tolerance. The recurrence of the disease was detected for none of the patients during one month after the end of the treatment.

Key words: candidal vulvovaginitis, Candida albicans, Itraconazole, Natamycin.



  1. Ankirskaja, A.S. Nekotorye aspekty lechenija urogenital'nogo kandidoza / A.S. Ankirskaja, V.V. Murav'eva, S.A. Fursova, T.G. Mironova // Vestnik Ros. associacii akusherov-ginekologov. — 2001. — № 1. — S.106—110.
  2. Bajramova, G.R. Kandidoznaja infekcija. Polienovye antibiotiki v lechenii vaginal'nogo kandidoza / G.R. Bajramova // Ginekologija. — 2001. — T. 3, № 6. — S.212—214.
  3. Mirzabalaeva, A.K. Osnovnye principy lechenija hronicheskogo kandidoza genitalij u zhenshhiny / A.K. Mirzabalaeva // Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. — 1994. — № 2. — S.20—22.
  4. Prilepskaja, A.K. Vaginal'nyj kandidoz / A.K. Prilepskaja, A.S. Ankirskaja, G.R. Bajramova, V.V. Murav'eva. — M., 1997. — 40 s.
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  6. Romanovskaja, T.A. Sovremennaja praktika i voprosy standartizacii terapii kandidoznogo vul'vovaginita / T.A. Romanovskaja // Ginekologija. — 2004. — T 6, № 1. — S.14—17.
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  9. Bykov, V.L. Dinamika invazivnogo rosta Candida albicans v tkanjah hozjaina / V.L. Bykov // Vestnik dermatologii i venerologii. — 1990. — № 4. — S.25—28.
  10. Kisina, V.I. Zavisimost' klinicheskoj kartiny kandidoznogo vul'vovaginita ot vidovogo sostava gribov Candida i jeffektivnost' flukonazola pri pervichnoj i recidivirujushhej kandidoinfekcii / V.I. Kisina, Zh.V. Stepanova, M.A. Mirzabekova, V.A. Kurchavov // Ginekologija. — 2000. — T. 2, № 6. — S.193—195.


PDF downloadThe experience of fenspiride application in treatment of patients with sarcoidosis

V.V. Romanov, O.N. Shemetun , S.V. Shelukhina, E.I. Shmelev

Abstract. Search of new anti-inflammatory preparations for treatment of patients with sarcoidosis is an actual problem. Authors analyse experience of fenspiride treatment of 42 patients with various forms sarcoidosis in a dose of 240 mg per day within 4 months. As a result of the spent therapy 64% of patients have a good clinical and radiological dynamics of process and only at 12% of patients progressing of disease against treatment is fixed. The received results have allowed authors to recommend fenspiride as one of anti-inflammatory preparations for treatment of patients with sarcoidosis.

Key words: pulmonology, sarcoidosis, anti-inflammatory treatment, fenspiride.



  1. Il'kovich, M.M. Sarkoidoz organov dyhanija / M.M. Il'kovich, L.N. Novikova, V.S. Luchkevich. –– SPb., 1996. –– 66 s.
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  3. Shmelev, E.I. // Russkij medicinskij zhurnal. — 2001. — № 9(21). — S.140, 919—922.
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PDF downloadModern technologies of home clinical nutrition in the complex treatment of cancer patients in Tatarstan

I.M. Shaymuratov, A.K. Sayetgarayev, A.F. Khasanov, R.Sh. Khasanov

Abstract. This article represents first experience of organization and carrying out home clinical nutrition of cancer
patients. This study is based on analyze patients which received enteral tube feeding, full parenteral feeding, and
both enteral and parenteral feeding before surgical operation, after chemo- or radiotherapy, and among patients with
advanced cancer complicated by dysphagia. The results demonstrate that appropriate home clinical feeding of cancer patients suffering from malnutrition should be carried in presurgical period, chemo- or radiotherapy; which enable to shorten patient days. “All-in-one” technology with the addition of dipeptiven and omegaven in home clinical nutrition provides high efficiency with minimum complications, improves quality of life, improves preparation of patient for radical surgery, chemo- and radiotherapy.

Key words: home clinical nutrition, enteral tube feeding, malnutrition, mixtures for enteral and parenteral nutrition.



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  9. Sviridov, S.V. Sipping — sposob korrekcii belkovo-jenergeticheskoj nedostatochnosti u pacientov v ORIT / S.V. Sviridov, S.V. Fedorov, A.O. Shvarcev // Anesteziologija i reanimatologija. — 2008. — № 4. — S.31—33.
  10. Shajmuratov, I.M. Nutritivnaja podderzhka onkologicheskih bol'nyh otdeleniem palliativnoj pomoshhi po sposobu stacionar na domu / I.M. Shajmuratov, A.K. Saetgaraev, V.R. Trifonov, L.G. Karpenko // Parenteral'noe i jenteral'noe pitanie: tez. dokl. HI Mezhdunarodnogo kongressa. — M., 2007. — S.113.
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  13. Hasanov, R.Sh. Opyt organizacii domashnego klinicheskogo pitanija onkologicheskih bol'nyh v Respublike Tatarstan. Vybor pitatel'nyh smesej po forme vypuska / R.Sh. Hasanov, A.K. Saetgaraev, L.G. Karpenko, I.M. Shajmuratov // Vestnik intensivnoj terapii. — 2007. — № 3. —S.78—81.
  14. Horoshilov, I.E. Ispol'zovanie Omega-3 zhirnyh kislot v kachestve komponenta parenteral'nogo pitanija pri sepsise / I.E. Horoshilov, S.V. Gavrilin, V.F. Lebedev // Parenteral'noe i jenteral'noe pitanie: tez. dokl. HII Mezhdunarodnogo kongressa. — M., 2008. — S.65
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PDF downloadSomatotype and dermatoglyphics phenotypes as marker of system organization of physique process

I.A. Zhavoronkova

Abstract. The paper analyzes today’s concepts on the causes of dermatoglyphics. It characterizes various marker
(functional asymmetry by brain, marker of blood system (ABО), so we‘re also considers somatotype and dermatoglyphics phenotypes as marker of system organization of physique process.

Key word: functional asymmetry, marker of blood system, somatotype, phenotype, ontogenesis.



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PDF downloadLong-term prognosis in bronchial asthma: from diagnosis to chronic process

R.I. Shaymuratov, A.A. Vizel

Abstract. The natural history of bronchial asthma is still poorly known. Asthma is a heterogeneous disease with a genetic basis. It characterized by chronic airway inflammation in which many cells and cellular elements play a role. Asthma manifests as a variety of phenotypes. In this article we analyzed main prognostic factors in adult patients. We presented a view of the prognosis of the disease in the course of development of modern conceptions of disease. Much attention is paid to the genetics of asthma, the basic pathophysiological processes (inflammation and airway remodeling), drugs and their effects on prognosis.

Key words: bronchial asthma, long-term prognosis, airway inflammation, airway remodeling, severity, asthma genetics.



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PDF downloadThe changes of the thyroid function during somatic disease

R.A. Nadeyeva

Abstract. The article presents a clinical case of nodular goiter in a patient with central lung cancer. Minor changes in the thyroid hormones levels have been considered to be a symptom of the thyrotoxicosis. In connection with the incorrect primary diagnosis, the lung cancer was established in the later stages. Thus, the presence of nodes in the thyroid tissue and subclinical changes in the levels of thyroid hormones does not always indicate the presence of thyroid disease, and require the exclusion of other somatic diseases.

Key words: nodular goiter, the thyrotoxicosis, the thyroid pseudodysfunction syndrome.



  1. Budnevskij, A.V. Sindrom netireoidnyh zabolevanij / A.V. Budnevskij, T.I. Grekova, V.G. Burlachuk // Klinicheskaja tireoidologija. — 2004. — T. 2, № 1. — S.5—9.
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  3. Grineva, E.N. Uzlovye obrazovanija v shhitovidnoj zheleze. Diagnostika i vrachebnaja taktika / E.N. Grineva // Problemy jendokrinologii. — 2003. — T. 49, № 6. — S.59—61.
  4. Madjanov, I.V. Funkcional'nye narushenija tireoidnogo statusa v praktike vracha: inform.-metod. pis'mo / I.V. Madjanov, V.A. Kichigin, A.A. Kublov [i dr.]. — Cheboksary, 2004. — 15 s.
  5. Troshina, E.A. Sindrom jeutireoidnoj patologii (Euthyroid sicksyndrome) / E.A. Troshina, F.M. Abdulhabirova // Problemy jendokrinologii. — 2001. — № 6. — S.34—36.
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  10. Stockigt, J.R. Thyroid hormone transport / J.R. Stockigt, C.-F. Lim, J.W. Barlow, D.J. Topliss; A.P. Weetman, A. Grossman (eds) // Pharmacotherapeutics of the thyroid gland. — Berlin, 1996. — P.119—150.
  11. Williams, G.R. Cloning and characterization of two novel thyroid hormone receptor beta isoforms / G.R. Williams // Mol. Cell. Biol. — 2000. — Vol. 20. — P.8329—8342.


PDF downloadClinical case of ascites of unknown origin

R.G. Sayfutdinov, E.M. Mayorova, E.V. Pak, E.F. Rubanova, R.S. Nasybullina, A.E. Bastrakova, S.V. Moskayeva

Abstract. The paper presents the results of the survey and monitoring patients with ascites, developed due to metastatic malignant tumour. CT-scanning, examination of ascitic fluid allowed to diagnose the cause of ascites, to direct to oncologist for a consultation and appoint treatment.

Key words: ascites, celiocentesis, malignant tumour.



  1. Galeeva, Z.M. Osobennosti vedenija pacientov s ascitom / Z.M. Galeeva // Prakticheskaja medicina. — 2011. — № 1 (48). — S.62—65.
  2. Egorov, I.V. Trudnosti v differencial'noj diagnostike serdechnoj nedostatochnosti / I.V. Egorov // Russkij medicinskij zhurnal. — 2010. — S.1146.
  3. Gancev, Sh.H. Onkologija / Sh.H. Gancev. — M.: Medicinskoe informacionnoe agentstvo, 2006.
  4. Voznyj, Je.K. Special'nye klinicheskie situacii: metastazy v legkie, plevru, pecheni, golovnoj mozg / Je.K. Voznyj, N.Ju. Dobrov, S.A. Bol'shakov // Prakticheskaja onkologija. — 2011.
  5. Vinogradov, A.V. Differencial'naja diagnostika vnutrennih boleznej / A.V. Vinogradov. — M.: Medicinskoe informacionnoe agentstvo, 2001. — T. 1.


PDF downloadQT prolongation syndrome in cardiology practice

E.V. Pak, R.G. Sayfutdinov, A.F. Garipova

Abstract. Presented a clinical case of long QT syndrome, a hereditary genesis. Its demonstration of great interest to
clinicians in terms of the etiology of serious arrhythmias and conduction of a young woman with no history of organic
heart disease. In most cases, the basis of their origin lays prolongation of the interval QT syndrome.

Key words: long QT-interval syndrome, syncope, paroxysms of ventricular tachycardia, WPW syndrome.


PDF downloadThe case of stomach cancer complicated with hemorrhagic pericarditis and hemopericardium

L.V. Tokareva, E.V. Zhilyaev, V.S. Tebenikhin, M.A. Grishkina, L.N. Soboleva

Abstract. The rare case of hemorrhagic pericarditis and hemopericardium as a first clinical manifestation of stomach
low-grade differentiated adenocarcinoma in male patient 52 years old is presented. Acute cardiac tamponade was
terminated by pericardiocentesis. However after a few hours hemopericardium appeared, which forced to perform the
pericardiotomy. Patient died due to appeared at the same time pulmonary thromboembolism and stomach bleеding.

Key words: hemorrhagic pericarditis, hemopericardium, stomach cancer, adenocarcinoma.



  1. Chiles, C. Metastatic involvement of the heart and pericardium: CT and MR imaging / C. Chiles, P.K. Woodard, F.R. Gutierrez, K.M. Link // Radiographics. — 2001. — Vol. 21. — P.439—449.
  2. Kobayashi, M. Study of cardiac tamponade due to pericardial metastasis originating from gastric cancer / M. Kobayashi, T. Okabayashi, K. Okamoto [et al.] // World J. Gastroenterol. — 2005. — Vol. 11. — P.6899—6904.
  3. Permanyer-Miralda, G. Acute pericardial disease: approach to the aetiologic diagnosis / G. Permanyer-Miralda // Heart. —2004. — Vol. 90. — P.252—254.