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Modern concepts on the mechanisms of low level laser therapy. Abdrakhmanova A.I., Amirov N.B. P.7


A variety of dyspnea in patients with hypertensive disease. Abrosimov V.N., Glotov S.I., Zhukova L.A., Alekseeva E.A. P.13

Characteristic of sarcoidosis register in the Republic of Tatarstan. Vizel I.Ju., Vizel A.A. P.18

Pathogenetic pathways of maladjustment of the cardiovascular system in neonates and prospective analysis of follow-up data. Gafarova F.M., Gafarova K.A. P.27

Heart morphological features of children died from acute pneumonia. Israilova N.A. P.32

New opportunities of early diagnosis of pleuropulmonary involvement in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Leineman Ja.A. P.36

Medicine assistance of population by pharmaceutical organizations of private ownership as a public health factor. Tukhbatullina R.G., Nagayeva A.R. P.43

The influence of renal function on long-term outcomes of patients with acute myocardial infarction undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. Khasanov N.R., Belkorey O.S. P.48

The aberration of vitamin D metabolism during hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome. Khasanova G.M., Valishin D.A., Khasanova A.N., Muzychenko A.V. P.52

Predictors of cardiovascular events in patients with end-stage renal disease. Bilevich O.A., Ovsyannikov N.V., Bunova S.S., Semchenko S.B. P.55

Thermometers face in patients with influenza A(H1N1). Tyutyunnikov S.V., Antonov Yu.A., Kuzyakin G.V., Volodin M.M. P.64

Thyroid status changes in patients with intestinal form of ascariasis. Khasanova G.M., Valishin D.A., Khasanova A.N. P.68

Diagnosis of latex allergy among health care workers by clinical and immunological signs. Garipova R.V., Berkheeva Z.M., Reshetnicova I.D. P.71


Amine structures reactions in the bone marrow allotransplantation. Vorobievа O.V. P.77

The influence of bone marrow heterotransplan-tation on neuroamines. Vorobevа O.V. P.80



PDF downloadModern concepts on the mechanisms of low level laser therapy

Abdrakhmanova Alsu I., C. Med. Sci., associate professor of the Department of cardiology, roentgen-endovascular and cardiovascular surgery of Kazan state medical academy, Kazan, Russia, tel. +7-917-922-66-29, e-mail:

Amirov Nail B., D. Med. Sci., professor of the Department of general medical practice of Kazan state medical university, Kazan, Russia, e-mail:

Abstract. Aim. To analyze the recent publications about the biological basic mechanisms of laser radiation action. Material and methods. We carried out a review of publications in scientific and medical literature about modern ideas about the mechanisms of action of laser radiation. Results and discussion. We performed an analysis of the current points of views of low-intensity laser radiation action in the human body. Conclusions. The primary mechanisms of therapeutic action of low intensity laser radiation are thermodynamically starting calcium-dependent processes, both at the cellular and tissue level. Secondary processes, initiated by the primary impact, are a whole range of adaptive and compensatory reactions in the tissues, organs and living organism and aimed to its restoration, resulting from laser-induced changes at the cellular level.

Key words: low-intensity laser radiation, low level laser therapy.

For reference: Abdrahmanova AI, Amirov NB. Modern concepts on the mechanisms of low level laser therapy. Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (5): 7—12.



  1. Amirov NB, Abdrahmanova AI. Dinamika kliniko-laboratornyh pokazatelej u bol'nyh IBS pri vkljuchenii v kompleks lechenija lazernoj terapii [Dynamics of clinical and laboratory indicators in patients with ischemic heart disease in complex laser therapy]. Lazernaja medicina [Laser Medicine]. 2003; 2: 4−7.
  2. Amirov NB. Klinicheskaya ehffektivnost ispolzovaniya lazernoj terapii v kompleksnom lechenii yazvennoj bolezni dvenadcatiperstnoj kishki. [Clinical efficiency of laser therapy of duodenum ulcerus disease] Kazanskij medicinskij zhurnal. 2003; 84 (3): 169−174.
  3. Amirov NB, Kamalov I.I., Oslopov VN. Mehanizmy terapevticheskogo lazernogo vozdejstija v klinike vnutrennih boleznej [The therapeutic mechanisms of laser exposures in the clinic of internal diseases]. Kazanskij medicinskij zhurnal. 2001; 5: 369−372.
  4. Amirov NB. Pokazateli membrannoj pronicaemosti, mikrocirkuljacii, funkcii vneshnego dyhanija i soderzhanie mikrojelementov pri medikamentozno − lazernoj terapii pnevmonii [Indicators of membrane permeability, microcirculation, respiratory function and the content of trace elements in drug − laser therapy pneumonia ]. Terapevticheskij arhiv . 2002; 3: 40−44.
  5. Amirov NB, Abdrahmanova AI. Primenenie nizkointensivnogo lazernogo izluchenija v kompleksnom lechenii ishemicheskoj bolezni serdca [The use of low-intensity laser radiation in complex treatment of coronary heart disease]. Rossijskij kardiologicheskij zhurnal. 2002; 5: 24−27.
  6. Babushkina GV, Moskvin SV. Lazernaja terapija v kompleksnom lechenii bol'nyh arterial'noj gipertenziej [Laser therapy in complex treatment of patients with arterial hypertension]. M: OOO Izdatel'stvo «Triada». 2013; 102 р.
  7. Brill' GE, Bugaeva IO. Izmenenie soderzhanija deproteidizirovnnoj DNK i urovnja RNK v kletkah limfoidnyh organov pri obluchenii zhivotnyh infrakrasnym lazerom [Changing the content deproteinizing DNA and RNA levels in cells of lymphoid organs during irradiation of the animals with an infrared laser ]. Lazernaja medicina. 2005; 9 (3): 48−52.
  8. Gafijatullina GSh, Omel'chenko VP, Evtushenko BE, Chernikova IV. Fizioterapija: uchebnoe posobie [Physiotherapy]. M: GEOTAR−Media. 2010; 272 р.
  9. Gejnic AV, Moskvin SV. Lazernaja terapija v kosmetologii i dermatologii [Laser therapy in dermatology]. M: Triada. 2010; 400 р.
  10. Ivanchenko LP, Kozdoba AS, Moskvin SV. Lazernaja terapija v urologii [Laser therapy in urology]. M: Triada. 2009; 132 р.
  11. Kochetkov AV, Moskvin SV, Karneev AN. Lazernaja terapija v nevrologii [Laser therapy in neurology]. M: Triada. 2012; 360 р.
  12. Kochetkov AV, Moskvin SV. Lazeroforez v reabilitacionnoj i sportivnoj medicine: Uchebno−metodicheskoe posobie [Laseroforez in rehabilitation and sports medicine]. M: Triada. 2012; 22 р.
  13. Marri R, Grenner D, Mejes P et al. Biohimija cheloveka [Human biochemistry]. M: Mir.1993; 84 р.
  14. Mejl D, Brostoff Dzh, Rot DB et al. Immunologija [Immunology]. M: Logosfera. 2007; 568 р.
  15. Moskvin SV. Jeffektivnost' lazernoj terapii [The effectiveness of laser therapy]. M: Tehnika. 2003; 256 р.
  16. Moskvin SV. K voprosu o mehanizmah terapevticheskogo dejstvija nizkointensivnogo lazernogo izluchenija [To the question on the mechanisms of therapeutic action of low-intensity laser radiation]. Vestnik novyh medicinskih tehnologij. 2008; 1: 167−172.
  17. Moskvin SV, Nasedkin AN, Osin AJa et al. Lazernaja terapija v pediatrii [Laser therapy in pediatrics]. M: Triada. 2009; 480 р.
  18. Moskvin SV, Amirhanjan AN. Metody kombinirovannoj i sochetannoj lazernoj terapii v stomatologii [Methods of combined and combined laser therapy in dentistry]. M: Triada. 2011; 208 р.
  19. Moskvin SV, Achilov AA. Osnovy lazernoj terapii [Fundamentals of laser therapy]. M: Triada. 2008; 256 р.
  20. Moskvin SV. Osnovy lazernoj terapii [Fundamentals of laser therapy]. Triada. 2015; 600 р.
  21. Moskvin SV. Jeffektivnost' lazernoj terapii [The effectiveness of laser therapy]. M: Triada. 2013; 800 р.
  22. Moskvin SV. Jeffektivnost' lazernoj terapii [The effectiveness of laser therapy]. M: Triada. 2014; 896 р.
  23. Nechipurenko NI, Pashkovskaja ID, Stepanova JuI et al. Mehanizmy dejstvija i biologicheskie jeffekty nizkointensivnogo lazernogo izluchenija [Mechanisms of action and biological effects of low level laser radiation]. Medicinskie novosti. 2008; 12: 17−21.



PDF downloadA variety of dyspnea in patients with hypertensive disease

Abrosimov Vladimir N., D. Med. Sci., Professor, Head of the Department of postgraduate education of therapy with a course of family medicine of Ryazan State Medical University, Ryazan, Russia, tel. +7-910-642-13-68, e-mail:

Glotov Sergei I., C. Med. Sci., associate professor of the Department of postgraduate education of therapy with a course of family medicine of Ryazan State Medical University, Ryazan, Russia, tel. +7-910-507-73-10, e-mail:

Zhukova Lydia A., C. Med. Sci., associate professor of the Department of postgraduate education of therapy with a course of family medicine of Ryazan State Medical University, Ryazan, Russia, tel. +7-910-903-81-12, e-mail:

Alekseeva Elena A., C. Med. Sci., assistant of professor of the Department of postgraduate education of therapy with a course of family medicine of Ryazan State Medical University, Ryazan, Russia, tel. +7-910-626-96-11, e-mail:

Abstract. Aim. To investigate the characteristics of dyspnea in patients with hypertensive heart disease (HHD). Material and methods. 80 patients with HHD and dyspnea at the age from 35 to 62 (35 HHD-I); 45 with HHD-II were examined. The specific of the group was that besides typical complaints, patients noticed dyspnea, intensity of which didn’t correspond to the degree of functional changes of the cardiovascular system. Examination of functional condition of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems, including ECG, heart ultrasound, spirography, and assessment of gas and acid-base balance of blood, capnography was carried out. Capnographic examination was carried out using gas analyzer «Normocap-200-OXY» («Datex», Finland). Psychophysiological assessment of the degree of dyspnea was carried out with the use of Borg scale and visual analogue scale. For detection of hyperventilation and its severity we used 4-scored scale Nijmegen questionnaire. Results and discussion. 41 patients with HHD (26 HHD-I, 15 HHD-II stage) with hypocapnic type of ventilation had dyspnea complaints, dyspnea intensified during physical exertion. Patients characterized it as «feeling of lack of air», «breathing discomfort», «restraint in the chest», gasps, dry cough. Hypercapnic type of breathing disorders in patients with HHD was diagnosed in 12 patients. Lability of ventilation types at different moments of investigation was marked in 7 patients with HHD-II stage, normocapnic type of ventilation with various breathing disorders was marked in 4 patients with HHD-I and 16 patients of HHD-II stage. Conclusion. In half of the examined patients hyperventilation syndrome was the reason of dyspnea.

Key words: hypertensive heart disease, hyperventilation syndrome, dyspnea.

For reference: Abrosimov VN, Glotov SI, Zhukova LA, Alekseeva EA. A variety of dyspnea in patients with hypertensive disease. Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (5): 13—18.



  1. Abrosimov VN. Giperventiljacionnyj sindrom v klinike prakticheskogo vracha [Hyperventilation syndrome and clinic practitioner]. Rjazan. 2001; 136 p.
  2. Averko NN, Chernjavskij AM, Kuznecova TV. Kolichestvennaja ocenka giperventiljacionnogo sindroma [Quantification of hyperventilation syndrome]. Odyshka i associirovannye sindromy: sbornik nauchnyh statej [Shortness of breath and the associated syndromes: a collection of scientific articles]. Rjazan. 2005; 57–63.
  3. Breslav IS, Glebovskij VD. Reguljacija dyhanija [Regulation of breathing]. L: Nauka.1981; 280 p.
  4. Bjalovskij JuJu, Abrosimov VN. Kapnografija v obshhevrachebnoj praktike [Capnography in general medical practice]. Rjazan. 2007; 142 p.
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  17. Shhjokotov VV, Varlamov PN, Urban PI. Gipertonicheskaja bolezn' s giperventiljacionnym sindromom i markery povrezhdenija jendotelija [Hypertensive heart disease with hyperventilation syndrome and markers of endothelial damage]. Materialy Pervogo sezda terapevtov Privol-]. Materialy Pervogo sezda terapevtov Privolzhskogo federal'nogo okruga RF «Sovremennye problemy zabolevanij vnutrennih organov cheloveka»[Proceedings of the First Congress of Physicians of the Volga Federal District of the Russian Federation «Modern problems of diseases of the internal organs»]. Perm. 2011; 58-62.
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PDF downloadCharacteristic of sarcoidosis register in the Republic of Tatarstan

Vizel Irina Ju., C. Med. Sci., assistant of professor of the Department of phthisiopulmonology of Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia, e-mail:

Vizel Alexander A., D. Med. Sci., professor, Head of the Department of phthisiopulmonology of Kazan State Medical university, chief supernumerary specialist pulmonologist of Ministry of Health of tatarstan, Kazan, russia, e-mail:

Abstract. Aim. To create a register of patients with sarcoidosis and conduct its analysis in the Republic of Tatarstan. Material and methods. Registration of cases until 2010 was performed retrospectively, and then on an annual requests from the Ministry of Health during the preparation of annual reports. Results and discussion. From January 1 1969 to July 15 2015 in Tatarstan founded 2017 patients aged 15 to 87 years [(43,65±0,28) years, median age 44], 40,2% (811 patients) of them underwent invasive verification of diagnosis. Chest X-ray stage I was in 952 patients (47,2%), stage II — 847 (42,0%), stage III — 190 (9,4%) 14 patients (0,7%) had stage 0 and 14 patients (0,7%) — IV. Lofgren's syndrome was revealed in 14,2%. In 2014 the prevalence of sarcoidosis in Tatarstan amounted 51,35 per 100 thousand population, and the incidence — 2,72 per 100 thousand population. 71,1% were women and they were significantly older than men, dominated the stage I (50,6% vs. 38,8% in men, p<0,001), and Lofgren's syndrome met 3 times more often (17,8% vs. 5,5%, p < 0,001). Over the past 20 years, the proportion of verified cases of sarcoidosis increased from 29,2% to 58,2% (p<0,001). Systemic glucocorticоsteroids treatment immediately after diagnosis were prescript in 18,2%; methotrexate — 1,2%, azathioprine — 0 1%. Conclusion. Register analysis demonstrates the growing prevalence of sarcoidosis in Tatarstan and optimizing healthcare organization to this group of patients.

Key words: sarcoidosis, registry, epidemiology, treatment.

For reference: Vizel IJu, Vizel AA. Characteristic of sarcoidosis register in the Republic of Tatarstan. Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (5): 18—26.



  1. Chuchalin AG, Vizel AA, Ilkovich MM, Avdeev SN, Amirov NB, Baranova OP, Borisov SE, Vizel IYu, Lovachyova OV, Ovsyannikov NV, Petrov DV, Romanov VV, Samsonova MV, Soloveva IP, Soloveva IP, Stepanyan IE, Tyurin IE, Chernyaev AL, Shmelyov EI, Shmelyova NM. Diagnostika i lechenie sarkoidoza: rezyume federalnyh soglasitelnyh klinicheskih rekomendaciy. Chast 1: Klassifikaciya, etiopatogenez, klinika [Diagnosis and treatment of sarcoidosis: a summary of federal consensus clinical guidelines. Part 1: Classification, etiopathogenesis, clinic]. Vestnik sovremennoy klinicheskoy mediciny [The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical]. 2014; 7 (4); 62—70.
  2. Vizel AA, Sozinov AS, Farrahov AZ, Tuishev RI, Potanin VP, Amirov NB, Guslyakova RP, Safin IN, Vizel IYu, Potanin AV. Okazanie medicinskoy pomoschi bolnym sarkoidozom v Respublike Tatarstan [Provision of medical care to patients with sarcoidosis in the Republic of Tatarstan]. Effektivnaya farmakoterapiya: Pulmonologiya i otrinolyaringologiya [Effective pharmacotherapy: Pulmonary and otrinolyaringologiya]. 2011; 4: 6—11.
  3. Hunninghake GW, Costabel U, Ando M et al. Statement on sarcoidosis. Amer J Crit Care Med. 1999; 160 (2): 736–755.
  4. Vizel AA red. Sarkoidoz: Monografiya (Seriya monografiy Rossiyskogo respiratornogo obschestva; Gl red serii Chuchalin AG) [Sarcoidosis: monograph / Ed. Vizel AA (Series of monographs of the Russian Respiratory Society; Ch. Ed. Chuchalin AG]. M: Izdatelskiy holding «Atmosfera» [M .: Publishing Holding «Atmosphere»]. 2010; 416 р.
  5. Chuchalin AG, Vizel AA, Ilkovich MM, Avdeev SN, Amirov NB, Baranova OP, Borisov SE, Vizel IYu, Lovachyova OV, Ovsyannikov NV, Petrov DV, Romanov VV, Samsonova MV, Soloveva IP, Soloveva IP, Stepanyan IE, Tyurin IE, Chernyaev AL, Shmelyov EI, Shmelyova NM. Diagnostika i lechenie sarkoidoza: rezyume federalnyh soglasitelnyh klinicheskih rekomendaciy Chast 2: Diagnostika, lechenie, prognoz [Diagnosis and treatment of sarcoidosis: a summary of federal consensus clinical guidelines. Part 2: Diagnosis, treatment, prognosis]. Vestnik sovremennoy klinicheskoy mediciny [The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical]. 2014; 7 (5): 73—81.
  6. Wells AU, Hirani N and on behalf of the British Thoracic Society Interstitial Lung. Interstitial lung disease guideline: the British and the Irish Thoracic Society Thoracic Society of Australia and New Zealand Thoracic Society in collaboration with the Thoracic Society of Australia and Disease Guideline Group, a subgroup of the British Thoracic Society Standards. Thorax. 2008; 63 (5): 1—58.


PDF downloadPathogenetic pathways of maladjustment of the cardiovascular system in neonates and prospective analysis of follow-up data

Gafarova Feruza M., C. Med. Sci., assistant of professor of the Department pediatrics of Tashkent Institute of Postgraduate Medical Education, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, tel. +9-989-465-703-87, e-mail:

Gafarova Kamola A., assistant of professor of the Department of pediatrics of Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, tel.+9-989-465-703-87, e-mail:

Abstract. Aim. To explore the dysfunctional status of cardiovascular system during postnatal adaptation. To perform a retrospective analysis of the course of pregnancy in mothers of examined newborns and catamnestic analysis. Material and methods. A total of 282 full-term infants born from mothers with various extragenital pathology were included; retrospective analysis and prospective analysis were performed of all mothers; children catamnestic analysis was performed in newborns with cardiovascular system dysfunctions. Results and discussion. Dysfunction of the cardiovascular system (CVS DF) in the early neonatal period was found in 66.3% of the surveyed newborns. As a result of comparison the impairments of mother with her newborn dysfunctional state, a clear pattern has been established. Conclusion. Causal factors negatively affect perinatal outcomes, causing the failure of adaptation process and the development of pathological conditions in the newborn in the early neonatal period.

Key words: maternal, newborn babies, maladjustment of the cardiovascular system.

For reference: Gafarova FM, Gafarova KA. Pathogenetic pathways of maladjustment of the cardiovascular system in neonates and prospective analysis of follow-up data. Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (5): 27—31.



  1. Ahmatova Sh, Hajdarova S, Mirzaeva G. Faktory vysokogo riska formirovanija postgipoksicheskoj kardiopatii u novorozhdennyh [Factors of formation of high-risk posthypoxic cardiomyopathy in infants]. Problemy biologii i mediciny [Problems of biology and medicine]. 2013; 4: 125.
  2. Babakishi GS, Panahova NF, Alieva MN. Izmenenija cerebral'noj i serdechnoj gemodinamiki u novorozhdennyh s perinatal'noj jencefalopatiej [Changes in cerebral and cardiac hemodynamics in neonates with perinatal encephalopathy]. Materialy kongressa detskih nevrologov [Proceedings of the Congress of Child Neurology]. Stambul. 2002; 189.
  3. Prahov AV. Sistematizacija neonatal'nyh funkcional'nyhkardiopatij [Ordering of neonatal functional cardiopathy]. Ross.vest.perin.i pediatrii [Russian Gazette Perinatology and pediatrics]. 2010; 2: 14-19.
  4. Tabolin VA, Kotlukova NP, Simonova LV et al. Sindrom dizadaptacii serdechno-sosudistoj sistemy u novorozhdennyh, perenesshih perinatal'nuju gipoksiju, ego kliniko-patogeneticheskie varianty i rol' v formirovanii patologii serdca u detej rannego vozrasta [Syndrome disadaptative cardiovascular system in newborns with perinatal hypoxia, its clinical and pathogenetic variants and their role in the formation of heart disease in infants]. Kardiologija detskogo vozrasta [Cardiology childhood]. 2010; 1: 1-6.
  5. Mikkola K, Leipala J, Boldt T. Fetal growth Restriction in preterm Infants and Cardiovascular Function at Five Years of age. J. Pediat. 2007; 30 (4): 547-552.
  6. Perez Cruz M, Cambra FJ, Gomez O, Carretero J, Gomez Roig MD, Crispi F, Bartrons J. Cardiac function in newborns with fetal growth restriction: morphological and functional changes. The 5th Congress of the European Academy of paediatric societies EAPS Barcelona Spain. 2014; 1032.


PDF downloadHeart morphological features of children died from acute pneumonia

Israilova Nigora A., assistant of professor of the Department of GP pediatrics of Tashkent Medical Academy, Tashkent, Uzbekistan, tel.+9-989-465-703-87, e-mail:

Abstract. Aim. To study histopathological characteristics of hearts of children who died from acute pneumonia. Material and methods. The results of 78 autopsies of children who died from acute pneumonia. We used histological, bacteriological and immunofluorescence (IAF) methods. 260 specimens of internal organs of children dead in the first year of life were examined using histological, virological and bacteriological methods. Results and discussion. Demonstrated, that in viral pneumonia pathological changes had toxic and dyscirculatory character and developed mainly in as microvascular endarteritis, endotheliosis and thrombus formation. In mixed bacterial and viral infection infectious process manifested by formation of foci of leukocyte infiltration with diffuse vasculitis, nearby area necrosis and destruction of cardiomyocytes, which were mainly located in subepicardial zones of myocardium.

Key words: children, heart pathology, bacterial pneumonia, histological studies.

For reference: Israilova NА. Heart morphological features of children died from acute pneumonia. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (5): 32—35.



  1. Allanazarova ZH. Jetiologicheskaja struktura i patologicheskaja anatomija ostryh pnevmonij u detej rannego vozrasta[The etiological structure and pathological anatomy of acute pneumonia in infants].Uzbekistontibbijot zhurnali [Uzbekistontibbiеt magazine]. 2007; 5: 19–21.
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  11. Ilten F. Cardiovascular changes in children with pneumonia. Turc J Pediatr. 2003; 45 (4): 306–310.
  12. Kiilil U, Pauselinger M, Noutsias M. Diagnosis and treatment of patients with virus induced inflam- matory cardiomyopathy. Eur Heart J. 2002; 4 (1): 173–180.
  13. Woodhead MA. Community acquired pneumonia in Europe: causative pathogens and resistence patterns. EurRespir J. 2002; 20: 20–27.


PDF downloadNew opportunities of early diagnosis of pleuropulmonary involvement in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus

Leineman Jana A., postgraduate student of the Department of therapy and rheumatology named after e.e. eikhwald of north-Western State Medical university named after i.i. Mechnikov, Saint-Petersburg, russia, tel. +7-921-344-98-96, e-mail:

Abstract. The study of pleuropulmonary involvement in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a complicated and important problem not only in rheumatology, but also in the X-ray diagnostics. Due to the high incidence and polymorphism of respiratory pathology, as well as a significant impact on the progression of disability and death in patients with SLE it is required to improve methods of early detection and differential diagnosis of pleuropulmonary involvement. Aim. To evaluate the efficacy of new methods in the early diagnosis of respiratory involvement in patients with SLE. Material and methods. The study included 60 patients with a proved diagnosis of SLE. We studied the structure of the respiratory involvement and evaluated the significance of the various functional and radiographic methods for diagnosis and differential diagnosis in patients with SLE. Results and discussion. In the study group clinical variants of pleuropulmonary involvement were lupus pneumonitis — 11 (18%); pneumofibrosis — 13 (22%); pleurisy — 9 (15%); chronic thrombosis of pulmonary arteries due to antiphospholipid syndrome — 5 (8%). The results of color mapping on the native multispiral computed tomography (MSCT) scans are significantly correlated (р<0,05) with restrictive type of ventilation disorders (rs=-0,698), anti-double stranded DNA antibodies (rs=0,827), reduced diffusion capacity (rs=-0,87), hypoxemia (rs=0,735) and pulmonary hypertension (rs=0,655). No significant differences in the evaluation of sites with altered perfusion according to color mapping, CT angiography and perfusion scintigraphy has been obtained (p=0,042). Conclusion. The decrease of diffusion capacity is an early indicator of the involvement of the respiratory system. Standard radiography and MSCT native scans do not give full information about the involvement of the lungs in the pathological process in the early stages. The additional use of functional tests and postprocessing of the native MSCT scans increases the information content of MSCT in the verification and differential diagnosis of respiratory involvement in patients with SLE.

Key words: systemic lupus erythematosus; antiphospholipid syndrome; pulmonary vasculitis; diffusion capacity of the lungs; color mapping; postprocessing methods.

For reference: Leineman IaA. New opportunities of early diagnosis of pleuropulmonary involvement in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus. Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (5): 36—43.



  1. Torre O, Harari S. Pleural and pulmonary involvement in systemic lupus erythematosus. Presse Med. 2011; 40: 19–29.
  2. Bernatsky S, Boivin JF, Joseph L. Mortality in Systemic Lupus Erythematosusю Arthritis & Rheumatism. 2006; 54 (8): 2550–2557.
  3. Pego-Reigosa JM, Medeiros DA, Osenberg DA. Respiratory manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus: old and new conceptsю. Best Pract Res Clin Rheumatol. 2009; 23: 460–480.
  4. Kim JS, Lee KS, Koh EM, et al. Thoracic involvement of systemic lupus erythematosus: clinical, pathologic, and radiologic findings. J Comput Assist Tomogr. 2000; 24 (1): 9-18.
  5. Beigelman-Aubry C, Hill C, Guibal A, et al. Multi-detector row CT and postprocessing techniques in the assessment of diffuse lung disease. Radiographics. 2005; 25 (61): 639-652.
  6. Haupt HM, Moore GW, Hutchins GM. The lung in systemic lupus erythematosus. Analysis of the pathologic changes in 120 patients. Am J Med. 1981; 71: 791-798.
  7. Mittoo S, Fell CD. Pulmonary manifestations of systemic lupus erythematosus. Semin Respir Crit Care Med. 2014; 35 (2): 249-254.
  8. Rolla G, Brussino L, Bertero MT, et al. Respiratory function in systemic lupus erythematosus: relation with activity and severity. Lupus. 1996; 5 (1): 38–43.
  9. Beigelman-Aubry C. Post-processing and display in multislice CT of the chest. JBR-BTR. 2007; 90 (2): 85-88.
  10. Arakawa H, Sasaka K, Lu WM, et al. Comparison of axial high-resolution CT and thin-section multiplanar reformation (MPR) for diagnosis of diseases of the pulmonary parenchyma. J Thorac Imaging. 2004; 19: 24–31.


PDF downloadMedicine assistance of population by pharmaceutical organizations of private ownership as a public health factor

Tukhbatullina Ruzaliya G., D. Pharm. Sci, Head of the Department of pharmaceutical technology of Kazan State Medical university, Kazan, russia, tel. +7-917-266-45-66, e-mail:

Nagayeva Alina R., Sales Manager of RAN LLC, Kazan, Russia, tel. +7-987-296-34-26, e-mail: nagaevaalina

Abstract. Aim. The aim of the research is to study the influence of indicated factors on the quality of medicine assistance of population with regard to preservation and promotion of public health in terms of the company life cycle. Material and methods. We analyzed the indexes in the pharmacy chain activity reports (case study of Saulyk LLC, Kazan), including the pharmaceutical products range, reports on procurement and realization of product groups for 2011-2013 applying the comparative, systematic, economic and correlation analysis using Stat Soft Statistica 10 Program of statistical data processing, questionnaire method. Results and discussion. It has been established that there is a close interrelation of factors depending on the company life cycle. Conclusion. The results of the research showed that the range of products placed in the studied pharmacy chain in the form of physical units and in certain volumes meets the consumers’ requirements in terms of preservation and promotion of public health; together herewith the optimization of the pharmacy products range providing maximum efficiency and adequate sustainability of the company on the whole.

Key words: public health, quality, availability, medicine assistance, company life cycle, merchandise lines, pharmacy chain.

For reference: Tukhbatullina RG, Nagayeva AR. Medicine assistance of population by pharmaceutical organi- zations of private ownership as a public health factor. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (5): 43—47.



  1. Kuznecova A.M. Social'noe regulirovanie lekarstvennogo obespechenija l'gotnyh kategorij naselenija v sovremennyh rossijskih uslovijah (na primere Respubliki Tatarstan) Avtoref Kand dissertacii na soiskanie uchenoj stepeni kandidata sociologicheskih nauk [Social regulation of medicine assistance for welfare beneficiaries in modern Russian conditions (case study of the Republic of Tatarstan) Synopsis of a PhD thesis in Sociology]. М. 2013; 24 р.
  2. Tuzikov A.R. Gosudarstvennoe proektirovanie obshhestvennogo zdorov'ja v Rossii skvoz' prizmu sociologii [State drafting of public health in Russia in view of sociology]. Kazan. 2009; 100–102.
  3. Savel'eva ZhV. Konstruirovanie social'noj problemy zdorov'ja i bolezni SMK: konceptual'naja model' i procedury issledovanija [Construction of the social problem of health and decease SMC: concept model and the research procedures]. Vestnik Kazanskogo tehnologicheskogo universiteta [Kazan Technological University Herald]. 2011; 9: 316–322.
  4. Nagaeva AR, Tuhbatullina RG. Organizacionno-jekonomicheskie podhody k povysheniju dostupnosti i kachestva lekarstvennoj pomoshhi naseleniju farmacevticheskimi organizacijami negosudarstvennoj formy sobstvennosti [Organizational and economic approaches to the accessibility and quality increase of medicine assistance to the population by the pharmaceutical organizations of non-state ownership]. Vestnik jekonomiki, prava i sociologii [Herald of economy, law and sociology]. 2014; 3: 67–71.


PDF downloadThe influence of renal function on long-term outcomes of patients with acute myocardial infarction undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention

Khasanov Nijaz R., D. Med. Sci., professor of the Department of internal medicine propaedeutic of Kazan State Medical university, Kazan, Russia

Belkorey Olga S., cardiologist of Outpatient Department № 218, Chief cardiologist of North-East Moscow District., Moscow, Russia, tel. +7-916-044-36-68, e-mail:

Abstract. Aim. Of the study was to investigate the influence of renal function, measured by the glomerular filtration rate on long-term outcomes of patients with acute myocardial infarction undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. Material and methods. This retrospective study included 179 patients who were admitted to hospitals north-eastern district of Moscow with acute myocardial infarction (AMI). Patients were divided into two groups: 1) eGFR ≥ 60 mL/min/1,73m2; 2) eGFR < 59 mL/min/1,73m2. The cutpoint was death and complications during hospitalization and follow-up. The mean follow-up period was 18 months. Results and discussion. The 2nd group demonstrated a significantly greater comorbidity. Stenosis of the left main coronary artery (LCA) > 50% was an independent risk factor for death (p=0,021). The mortality rate during follow-up in the 2nd group was significantly higher than the 1st group (p=0,001). Undergoing PCI in patients of the 2nd group was a significantly better long-term survival compared with conservative treatment strategy (Log-rank test = 0,002). Conclusion. Tactics of early PCI compared with conservative tactics of AMI patients with low GFR contributes to better survival.

Key words: acute myocardial infarction, chronic kidney disease, glomerular filtration rate, invasive, revascularization.

For reference: Khasanov NR, Belkorey OS. The influence of renal function on long-term outcomes of patients with acute myocardial infarction undergoing percutaneous coronary intervention. Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (5): 48—52.



  1. Goldenberg I, Subirana I, Boyko V, et al. Relation between renal function and outcomes in patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome: real-world data from the European public health outcome research and indicators collection project. Arch Intern Med. 2010; 170: 888–895.
  2. Han JH, Chandra A, Mulgund J, et al. Chronic kidney disease in patients with non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndromes. Am J Med. 2006; 119: 248–254.
  3. Fox CS, Muntner P, Chen AY, et al. Use of evidence-based therapies in short–term outcomes of ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction and non-ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction in patients with chronic kidney disease: a report from the National Cardiovascular Data Acute Coronary Treatmenand Intervention Outcomes Network Registry. Circulation. 2010; 121: 357–365.
  4. Gibson CM, Dumaine RL, Gelfand EV, et al. Association of glomerular filtration rate on presentation with subsequent mortality in non-ST-segment elevation acute coronary syndrome; observations in 13.307 patients in five TIMI trials. Eur Heart J. 2004; 25 (22): 1998–2005.
  5. Elias B Hanna, Anita Y et al. Characteristics and In–Hospital Outcomes of Patients With Non-ST-Segment Elevation Myocardial Infarction and Chronic Kidney Disease Undergoing Percutaneous Coronary Intervention. JACC: cardiovascular interventions. 2011; 4 (9): 312–318.
  6. Medi C, Montalescot G, Budaj A, et al. Reperfusion in patients with renal dysfunction fater presentation with ST-segment elevation or left bundle branch block: GRACE (global registry of acute coronary events). JACC Cardiovasc Interv. 2009; 2: 26–33.
  7. Medalion B, Cohen H, Assali A, et al. The effect of cardiac angiography timing, contrast media dose, and preoperative renal function on acute renal failure after coronary artery bypass grafting. J Thorac Cardiovsc Surg. 2010; 139 (6): 1539–1544.
  8. Latif F, Kleiman N, Cohen DJ, et al. In hospital and 1 year outcomes among percutaneous coronary intervention patients with chronic kidney disease in the era of drug-elutin stents: a report from the EVENT (evaluation of drug-eluting stents and ischemic events) registry. JACC Cardiovasc Intev. 2009; 2: 37–45.
  9. Henry D Huang, Mahboob Alam, et al. Patients with chronic kidney disease benefit from early revascularization after acute coronary syndrome. Inter J Cardiology. 2013; 168: 3741–3746.
  10. Ix JH, Mercado N, Shlipak MG et al. Association of chronic kidney disease with clinical outcomes after coronary revascularization: the arterial revascularization therapies study (ARTS). Am Heart J. 2005; 149: 512–519.
  11. Levey AS, de Jong PE, et al. The definition, classification,  and prognosis of chronic kidney disease: a KDIGO Controversies Conference report. Kidney Int. 2011; 80 (1): 17–28.
  12. Marenzi G, Lauri G et al. Contrast-induced nephropathy in patients undergoing primary angioplasty for acute myocardial infarction. JACC. 2004; 44: 780–785.


PDF downloadThe aberration of vitamin D metabolism during hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome

Khasanova Guzel M., D. Med. Sci., professor of the Department of infectious diseases of Bashkir State Medical university, ufa, russia; professor of the Department of Social Work of Bashkir State university, ufa, russia, tel. +7 917 470-40-36, e-mail:

Valishin Damir A., D. Med. Sci., professor, chief infectious diseases specialist of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Bashkortostan, Head of the Department of infectious diseases of Bashkir State Medical university, ufa, russia, tel. +7 917 754-86-45, e-mail:

Khasanova Alya N., 5 year student of Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia, tel. +7 917 -470-40-36, e-mail:

Muzychenko Anna V., graduate student of the Department infectious diseases of Bashkir State Medical university, ufa, Russia, tel. 8-917-470-40-36, e-mail:

Abstract. Aim. Of the current article is to study levels of 25(OH) vitamin D (calcidiol) and 1,25(OH)2 vitamin D (calcitriol) in the blood of patients with hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome (HFRS) depending on disease severity and its term. Material and methods. 114 patients with hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome aged 18—55 (average age 37,4±2,6) were under the care of physician. Among them 53 patients with middle-bad form of (HFRS) and 61 patients with bad form of (HFRS) were presented. High performance liquid chromatography was used to define the calcidiol and calcitriol levels in the blood serum. Results and discussion. During oliguric period the level of calcitriol in blood serum seriously decreased. In case of bad form of HFRS calcitriol deficiency during oliguric period has been registered. Calcitriol level in patients with bad from of HFRS was much lower than in patients with moderate form of HFRS. Calcidiol level in blood serum in patients with HFRS was lower than in normal findings only during oliguric period. In bad forms of HFRS both calcidiol level and calcitriol level were lower than in moderate form of HFRS. Conclusion. The lowest calcitriol and calcidiol levels in blood serum both in moderate and bad forms of HFRS during oliguric period have been exposed. The worse form of disease accompanied with the higher level of vitamin D active metabolite deficiency. This may become one of the factors causes hypocalcemia affected by hypocalciuria at the height of HFRS.

Key words: hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome, calcidiol, calcitriol.

For reference: Khasanova G, Valishin D, Khasanova A, Muzychenko A. The aberration of vitamin D metabolism during hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome. Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (5): 52—55.



  1. Khasanova GM, Tutel’yan AV, Valishin DA. Svyaz’ vitaminno-mikroelementnogo balansa s citokinovym statusom pri gemorragicheskoj lihoradki s pochechnym sindromom [Vitamin and microelement balance with cytokine status interaction in hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome]. Rossijskij immunologicheskij zhurnal [Russian Immunological Journal]. 2013; 7 (16): 445–450.
  2. Khasanova GM. Aktual’nye aspekty immunopatogeneza, vitaminno-mikroelementnogo balansa i lecheni’ya gemorragicheskoj lihoradki c pochechnym sindromom [Immunopathogenesis and microelement balance urgent issues in hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome treatment]; abstract Doctoral dissertation. Moscow. 2012; 47 p.
  3. Khasanova GM Vzaimosvyaz' urovnya tsirkuliruyushchikh tsitokinov i mikroelementov u bol'nykh gemorragicheskoy likhoradkoy s pochechnym sindromom [Level of circulating cytokines and microelements in patients with hemorrhagic fever accompanied by renal syndrome]. Saratovskiy nauchno-meditsinskiy zhurnal [Saratov Journal of Medical Scientific Research]. 2011; 7(4): 863-865.
  4. Zharskiy SL. Sostoyanie obmena kal'tsiya i fosfora pri ostroy pochechnoy nedostatochnosti u bol'nykh gemorragicheskoy likhoradkoy s pochechnym sindromom. [Status of calcium and phosphorus in acute renal failure in patients with hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome]: abstract Kand dissertation. Khabarovsk. 1991; 24 p.
  5. Sirotin BZ. Gemorragicheskaya likhoradka s pochechnym sindromom [Hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome]. Khabarovsk. 1994; 302 p.
  6. Rusnak FI Vitamin D i progressirovanie zabolevaniy pochek [Vitamin D and progression of kidney disease]. Vestnik nauchno-tekhnicheskogo razvitiya [Bulletin of scientific and technological development]. 2009; 11(27): 52-64.


PDF downloadPredictors of cardiovascular events in patients with end-stage renal disease

Bilevich Olga A., assistant of professor of the Department of internal diseases propedeutics chair of Omsk State Medical University, Omsk, Russia, e-mail:

Ovsyannikov Nikolay V., D. Med. Sci, Head of the Department of internal diseases propedeutics chair of Omsk State Medical University, Omsk, Russia

Bunova Svetlana S., D. Med. Sci, senior researcher of Central research laboratory of Omsk State Medical University, Omsk, Russia

Semchenko Sergey B., C. Med. Sci., Head of the Department of transplantation of Kabanov Omsk City Clinical Hospital № 1, Omsk, Russia

Abstract. Aim. Identification of cardiovascular risk factors and assessment its prognostic significance by comprehensive study of the cardiovascular system in patients with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) who are on different types of renal replacement therapy (RRT). Material and methods. Hemodialysis patients (HD group, n=83) and kidney recipients (KT group, n=27) underwent echocardiography for definition of the left ventricle (LV) remodeling and heart valves calcification degree, heart rate variability (HRV) (supine position and orthostatic), pulse wave velocity (PWV) by photoplethysmography. Logistic regression analysis was used to create predictive models. Results and discussion. Both groups’ patients had similar characteristics: a significant reduction HRV, increased PWV, high (98%) prevalence of LV hypertrophy. Noted significant differences in the LV geometry: concentric hypertrophy was in 42% of the HD group and in 76% of the KT group, eccentric hypertrophy 55% and 20% of patients respectively (p=0,010). Calcification of heart valves is more common in the HD group (р=0,009). HD procedure increases sensitivity to cardiac autonomic effects but also increases arterial stiffness. Low HRV in orthostasis, low cholesterol and increase PWV are predictors of fatal cardiovascular events (CVE) in hemodialysis patients. HD, as a form of RRT, compared with the TP is a risk factor for CVE in ESRD patients. Conclusion. The study shows a high diagnostic and prognostic value of the data obtained by applying the proposed methods.

Key words: hemodialysis, kidney transplant, cardiovascular events, risk factors.

For reference: Bilevich OA, Ovsyannikov NV, Bunova SS, Semchenko SB. Predictors of cardiovascular events in patients with end-stage renal disease. Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (5): 55—63.



  1. Tomilina NA , Storozhakov GI, Gendlin GE, Badaeva SV, Zhidkova DA, Kim IG et al. Faktory riska I patogeneticheskie mehanizmy gipertrofii levogo zheludochka pri progressirujushhej hronicheskoj bolezni pochek I posletransplantacii pochki [Risk factors and pathogenetic mechanisms of left ventricular hypertrophy in progressive chronic kidney disease and after kidney transplant]. Terapevticheskij arhiv [Therapeutic Archives]. 2007; 6: 34–40.
  2. Shugushev HH, Hamizova MM, Vasilenko VM. Pokazateli variabel'nosti ritma I aritmii serdca u bol'nyh s terminal'noj stadiej hronicheskoj pochechnoj nedostatochnosti, nahodjashhihsja na programmnom gemodialize [Rate variability and cardiac arrhythmias in patients with end stage renal failure on hemodialysis]. Rossijskij kardiologicheskij zhurnal [Russian Cardiology Journal]. 2003; 4: 32–35.
  3. Semenkin AA, Novikov AI, Prockij Ju A. Metod opredelenija strukturnyh izmenenij krupnyh arterij po harakteristikam perifericheskoj pul'sovoj volny: sravnenie s ul'trazvukovym issledovaniem vysokogo razreshenija [Method for determination of structural changes of large arteries on the characteristics of the peripheral pulse wave: comparison with high –resolution ultrasound]. Terapevticheskij arhiv [Therapeutic Archives]. 2007; № 9: 54–59.
  4. Fresenius Medical Care Italia. ESRD Patients in 2013. A Global Perspective [electronic data]. Available from: URL:
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  6. Parker TF 3rd, Glassock RJ, Steinman TI. Conclusions, consensus, and directions for the future. Clin J Am Soc Nephrol. 2009; 4 (1): 139–144.
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PDF downloadThermometers face in patients with influenza A(H1N1)pdm09

Tyutyunnikov Sergey V., D. Med. Sci., associate professor, Professor of the Department of faculty therapy and occupational diseases with the course of clinical pharmacology of Altai State Medical university, Barnaul, tel. 8-903-949-67-10, e-mail: tsvagmu @

Antonov Yuri A., Head of the Center for psychophysiological diagnostics Medical Department Russian Interior Ministry in the Altai region, a graduate student of the Department of faculty therapy and occupational diseases with the course of clinical pharmacology of Altai State Medical university, Barnaul, tel. (3852) 391-846, e-mail:

Kuzyakin Grigory V., Chief of Medical Department of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Altai region, Barnaul, tel. (3852) 391-852

Volodin Mikhail M., deputy head of Military-medical commission of Medical Department of Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia in the Altai region, Barnaul, tel. 8-960-951-05-05

Abstract. Aim. To study the changing face of the local temperature in patients with influenza A (H1N1) pdm09. Thermometry persons in patients with influenza A (H1N1)pdm09 mild to moderate severity (70) was carried out using a non-contact medical thermometer «Kelvin-CD 201 (M1)».Thermometers face surface was carried out in four points: the inner corner of the eye on the right and left wings of the nose right and left, followed by calculation of the index face thermometry as the algebraic sum of the indicators expressed in °С. The control group consisted of healthy individuals in the amount of 35. Results and discussion. It is shown that in patients with influenza A (H1N1)pdm09 observed a significant increase in the face of thermometry compared to healthy. Conclusions. Assessment index thermometry person with influenza A (H1N1)pdm09 serves as an additional diagnostic tests to objectify the severity of local inflammatory changes in the upper respiratory tract in patients. Meaning PTL 140 °С indicates the flu A (H1N1)pdm09.

Key words: flu, thermometer face.

For reference: Tyutyunnikov SV, Antonov YA, Kuzyakin GV, Volodin MM. Thermometers face in patients with influenza a(h1n1)pdm09. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (5): 64—67.



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  2. Sostojanie zdorov'ja naselenija i dejatel'nost' zdravoohranenija Altajskogo kraja v 2013 godu 2014 [Health conditions and the medicare situation in the Altai region, year 2013]. Barnaul, 2014; 1: 52.
  3. Karpova LS, Pelih MJ, Stoljarov KA, Popovceva NM, Stoljarova TM et al. Pandemija grippa v Rossii kak chast' global'nogo rasprostranenija grippa A(H1N1)PDM09 v 2009 — 2011 g.g. [Flu epidemics in Russia as a part of global flu spread A(H1N1)PDM09, years 2009 — 2011] 2012; 57: 26–30.
  4. Ruggiero T, Cerutti F, Allice T et al. // Influenza and other respiratory viruses. A(H1N1)PDM09 Hemagglu- tinin D222G and D222N variants are frequently harbored by patients requiring extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and advanced respiratory assistance for severe A(H1N1)PDM09 infection. 2013; 6: 1416–1426.
  5. Bokova NO, Dudina KR, Kutateladze MM et al. Faktory neblagoprijatnogo techenija grippa A(H1N1)PDM09 [Factors of hazardous flu growth A(H1N1)PDM09]. 201; 3: 12–18.
  6. Jimenez–Alberto A, Alvarado–Facundo F, Ribas–Aparicio RM, Castelian–Vega JA Analysis of adaptation mutants in the hemagglutinin of the influenza A(H1N1)PDM09 virus 2008; 7: 705.
  7. Prokopeva EA, Kurskaja OG, Sajfutdinova SG, et al. Biologicheskie svojstva virusa grippa A(H1N1)PDM09, cirkulirovavshego v Zapadnoj Sibiri v pandemicheskij i postpandemicheskij periody [Biological properties of the flue A(H1N1)PDM09 virus, found in Western Siberia during the pandemic and post–pandemic period] 2013; 11: 620–627.
  8. Meijer A, Jonges M, Koopmans MP et al. Oseltamivir — resistant influenza A(H1N1)PDM09 virus in dutch travellers returning from Spain, August 2012; 17 (36): 2–9.
  9. Breslav NV, Shevchenko EV, Abramov DD et al. Jeffektivnost' primenenija antinejraminedaznyh himio- preparatov vo vremja pandemii grippa i v post- pandemicheskij period [The use of antineuromine chemotherapy during and after the flu pandemic]2013; 58: 28–32.
  10. Kolobuhina LV, Shhelkanov MJ, Burceva EI et al. Kliniko — jepidemiologicheskaja harakteristika grippa A (H1N1) PDM09 v jepidsezone 2012–2013 gg. v g.Moskve [Clinical and epidemiological characteristics of A(H1N1) PDM09 flu in the epidemy zone 2012–2013 Moscow]. 2013; 1: 90–101.
  11. Suhoveckaja VF, Dondurej EA, Drinevskij VP et al. Laboratornaja diagnostika ostryh respiratornyh virusnyh infekcij v uslovijah jevoljucionnoj izmenchivosti virusov grippa [Laboratory diagnostics of respiratory viral infections in conditions of evolving flu virus] 2012; 1: 36–41.
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  13. Tjutjunnikov SV, Antonov YuA, Osobennosti klinicheskih projavlenij grippa A/N1N1 v sravnenii s klinicheskoj kartinoj sezonnogo grippa u bol'nyh v jepidemicheskij period 2009–2011 gg. [Flu A/H1N1 clinical symptoms properties comparing with the clinical dynamics of season flu during the epidemical period, years 2009–2011] 2011; 1: 262–265.
  14. S.V. Tjutjunnikov, Ju.A. Antonov, N.I. Malahova, M.M. Volodin et al. Beskontaktnaja termometrija lica i osobennosti klinicheskih projavlenij u bol'nyh grippom A/N1N1(pdm09) [Non–contact facial thermometry and clinical symptoms properties of patients with flu A/N1N1(pdm 09)], 2014; 1: 187–188.



PDF downloadThyroid status changes in patients with intestinal form of ascariasis

Khasanova G.M., Valishin D.A., Khasanova A.N.

Khasanova Guzel M., D. Med. Sci., professor of the Department of infectious diseases of Bashkir State Medical university, ufa, russia; Professor of the Department of social work of Bashkir State university, ufa, russia, tel. +7 917 470-40-36, e-mail:

Valishin Damir A., D. Med. Sci., Professor, chief infectious diseases specialist of the Ministry of Health of the republic of Bashkortostan, Head of the Department of infectious diseases course of Bashkir State Medical university, ufa, russia, tel. +7 917 754-86-45, e-mail:

Khasanova Alya N., 5 year student of Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia, tel. +7 917 -470-40-36, e-mail:

Abstract. Aim. Of the given research is to study thyroid hormones dynamics in patients with Ascaris lumbricoides before deworming and after compared to a healthy control group. Matherial and method. 104 patients with Ascaris lumbricoides aged 18—59 were under the supervision before deworming and after. 30 apparently healthy people according to age and gender presented a control group. Results and discussion.Triiodothyronine and thyroxine decrease as well as thyroid stimulating hormone increase have been diagnosed in intestinal phase of ascariasis. Thyroid hormones level dynamics has improved after deworming. Conclusion. Thyroid maladjustment, resulted in triiodothyronine (p<0,05), thyroxine (p<0,05) increase and thyreotrphin (p>0,05) decrease in patients with intestinal phase of ascariasis has been revealed. The given maladjustment suggests remodeling thyroid function interventions.

Key words: triiodothyronine, thyroxine, thyroid stimulating hormone, ascariasis.

For reference: Khasanova G, Valishin D, Khasanova A. Thyroid status changes in patients with intestinal form of ascariasis. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (5): 68—71.



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  3. Zayac RG, Rachkovskaya IV, Karpov IA. Osnovy obschhej i medicinskoj parazitologii [Basis of common and medical parasitology]. Minsk: BSMU. 2002; 184 p.
  4. Khasanova GM. Aktual’nye aspekty immunopatogeneza, vitaminno-mikroelementnogo balansa i lecheni’ya gemorragicheskoj lihoradki c pochechnym sindromom [Immunopathogenesis and microelement balance urgent issues in hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome treatment]; abstract Doctoral dissertation. Moscow. 2012; 47 p.
  5. Khasanova GM, Tutel’yan AV, Valishin DA. Immunopatogenez i immunokorekcia gemorragicheskoj lihoradki c pochechnym syndromom [Immunopathogenesis and immune correction in hemmorragic fever with renal syndrome]. Ufa: RIC BashSU. 2012; 158 p.
  6. Khasanova GM, Tutel’yan AV, Valishin DA. Svyaz’ vitaminno –mikroelementnogo balansa s citokinovym statusom pri gemorragicheskoj lihoradki s pochechnym sindromom [Vitamin and microelement balance with cytokine status interaction in hemorrhagic fever with renal syndrome]. Rossijskij immunologicheskij zhurnal [Russian Immunological Journal]. 2013; 7 (16): 445–450.
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PDF downloadDiagnosis of latex allergy among health care workers by clinical and immunological signs

Garipova Railya V., D. Med. Sci, assistant of professor of the Department of hygiene and occupational health of Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia, tel. 8-917-255-38-44, е-mail:

Berkheeva Zukhra M., C. Med. Sci, associate professor of the Department of hygiene and occupational health of Kazan State Medical University, Kazan, Russia, tel. 8-905-310-74-46, е-mail:

Reshetnicova Irina D., C. Med. Sci, associate professor, deputy director of Kazan Scientific-Research Institute for Epidemiology and Microbiology, Kazan, Russia, tel. 8-903-305-18-16, e-mail:

Abstract. Aim. Study the clinical and immunological symptoms of latex allergy among health care workers to develop preventive measures. Material and methods. A screening survey of 1,346 health care workers who had contact with latex products in the workplace was performed. Immunological examination with determination of total IgE and latex-specific IgE passed 120 medical workers. 36 health care workers undergone skin prick testing with standard allergens. Results and discussion. Found the following trend: when the increasing number of latex specific IgE was greater than 0,5 IU/ml, total numbers IgE increased too. Showed correlation relationship between an increase in total IgE and latex specific IgE > 0,5 IU/ml (r = 0,43; p=0,018). Determination of latex specific IgE 0,35—0,5 IU/ml accompanied with no increase of total IgE. Local skin manifestations were registered when latex specific IgE levels were 0,35—0,5 IU/ml. When latex specific IgE increased above 0,5 IU/ml skin manifestations were f accompanied with systemic reactions such as rhinitis and conjunctivitis. Conclusion. The most common latex allergy in health care workers was characterized by skin manifestations and allergic rhinitis. It was revealed that latex allergy in health care workers was most prevalent among subjects with compromised allergic background, confirmed by elevated total IgE (r = 0,42; p=0,018), which required special attention to issues of occupational diseases at the preliminary medical examination.

Key words: health care workers, latex-specific immunoglobulin IgE, IgE total, preventive measures, occupational disease.

For reference: Garipova RV, Berkheeva ZM, Reshetnicova ID. Diagnosis of latex allergy among health care workers by clinical and immunological signs. Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (5): 71—76.



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  5. International Labour Conference Recommendation 194 Recommendation concerning the List of Occupational Diseases and the recording and notification of occupational accidents and diseases, adopted by the Conference at its Ninetieth Session, Geneva, 20 June 2002 [Electronic resource]. Geneva. 2002. URL:
  6. Liss GM, Sussman GL. Latex sensitization: оccupational versus general population prevalence rates. Am J Ind Med. 1999; 35: 196-200.
  7. Turjanmaa K. Incidence of immediate allergy to latex gloves in hospital personnel. Contact Dermatit. 1987; 17: 270-275.



PDF downloadAmine structures reactions in the bone marrow allotransplantation

Vorobievа Olga. V., C. Med. Sci., associate professor of the Department of general and clinical morphology and forensic medicine of chuvash State university n.a. i.n. ulyanova, cheboksary, russia, e-mail:

Abstract. Aim. To determine the content of neuroamines: histamine, serotonin, catecholamines in biogenic amines containing structures of bone marrow after allogeneic transplantation in period of time. Material and methods. Animals had i/v injections of bone marrow suspension derived from the femoral bone of the other mouse lines. 2 ml of bone marrow were placed in 4 mL of saline and thoroughly stirred. 1 ml of bone marrow suspension was injected into the tail vein (allotransplantation). Freshly cryostat sections were processed with luminescent-histochemical methods. Results and discussion. In the bone marrow after 40 min after allogeneic bone marrow transplantation, founded a decrease of mast cells and granular cells. Granular cells had decreasing granules, as result of total decomposition. These cells had reduced neuroamines content. Groups of bright luminescent cells with mitotic activity were clearly identified. White blood cells mature forms sharply reduced in the myelogram. Conclusion. Allogeneic transplantation apparently suppresses the synthesis of biogenic amines and causes disintegration of cells controllers.

Key words: allograft bone marrow, catecholamines (CA), serotonin (ST), histamine, granular luminescent cells (HCA), mast cells (MC).

For reference: Vorobeyva OV. Amine structures reactions in the bone marrow allotransplantation. Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (5): 77—80.



  1. Abdusalamov SN, Melkova KN, Chernjavskaja TZ. Gradaciya intensivnosti i podhody k optimizacii soprovoditel'noj terapii pri transplantacii kostnogo mozga [Grading of intensity and approaches to optimizing accompanying therapy with bone marrow transplantation]. Klinicheskaja onkogematologija. Fundamental'nye issledovanija i klinicheskaja praktika [Clinical oncohematology, Basic research and clinical practice]. 2009; 4 (2): 334−342. Artashyan OS, Yushkov BG, Hramtsova YS. Morfologicheskie aspekti uhastija tuchnih kletok v formirovanii obsego adaptacionnogo sindroma [Morphological aspects of mast cells participated in the formation of the general adaptation syndrome]. Tavricheskii medico-biologicheskii vestnik [Tauride Medical and Biological Bulletin]. 2012; 15 (3): 22–25.
  2. Gentle NM, Sepiashvili. Tuchnye kletki i gistamin: fiziologicheskaja rol' autoadrenoreceptorov [Mast cells and histamine: physiological role autoadrenoretseptorov]. Allergologija i immunologija [Allergology and immunology]. 2003; 4(3): 29−38.
  3. Guselnikova V, Pronina AP, Nazarov PG et al. Proishozhdenie tuchnyh kletok: sovremennoe sostojanie problemy [Origin of mast cells: state of the art]. Voprosy morfologii XXI veka [Questions of the morphology of the XXI century]. 2010; 2: 108–115.
  4. Lyubovtseva LA, Lyubovtseva EV. Bioaminsoderzhashhie struktury kostnogo mozga pri sistemnyh zabolevanijah krovi [Bioamin structure of the bone marrow in systemic blood diseases]. Morfologija [Morphology]. 2012; 3: 95−96.
  5. Savchenko VG. Transplantacija kostnogo mozga v onkogematologii [Bone marrow transplantation in hematology]. Klinicheskaja onkogematologija. Fundamental'nye issledovanija i klinicheskaja praktika [Clinical oncohematology. Basic research and clinical practice]. 2010; 4 (3): 478−479.
  6. Stavinskaya OA. Rol' gistamina i serotonina v podderzhanii immunnogo gomeostaza [The role of histamine and serotonin in maintaining immune]. Rossijskij Allergologicheskij Zhurnal [Russian Allergic Journal]. 2008; 1: 238−243.
  7. Abedi M, Foster ВМ, Wood КD. Haematopoietic stem cells participate in muscle regeneration. Br. J. Haematol. 2007; 138 (6): 792−801.
  8. Azuma Y, Shinohara М, Wang Р. Histamine inhibits chemotaxis, phagocytosis, superoxide anion production, and the production of TNFα, and IL 12 by macrophage via H2 receptors. Int. Immunopharmacol. 2001; 9: 1867–1875.
  9. Cross SAM, Ewen SWB, Rost EWDA. Stindi of the methods available for the cytochhem: cal localization of histamine by fluorescence induced with o−phthalaldehyde or acetadehude. J Histochem. 1971; 6: 471−476.
  10. Ringden O, Blanc KLe. Allogeneic hematopoietic stem 10. cell transplantation: State of the art and new perspectives [APMIS]. 2005; 113: 813–830.


PDF downloadThe influence of bone marrow heterotransplantation on neuroamines

Vorobevа Olga. V., C. Med. Sci., associate professor of the Department of general and clinical morphology and forensic medicine of chuvash State university n.a. i.n. ulyanova, cheboksary, russia, e-mail:

Abstract. Aim. The study of the influence of BMT on neuroamines in mice bone marrow after heterotransplantation. Material and methods. Mice were injected bone marrow suspension obtained from cat’s femoral bone. 2 ml of bone marrow was placed in 4 mL of saline and thoroughly stirred. 1 ml of bone marrow suspension was injected into the tail vein (heterotransplantation). Fresh cryostat sections were processed with luminescent-histochemical methods. Results and discussion. In the experiment, the bone marrow luminescent granular and mast cells gradually stopped synthesizing neuroamines, destroyed and new populations did not form. It was revealed that a foreign bone marrow suppresses synthesis of biogenic amines and cause cell regulators disintegration. It results to a gradual neuroamines release from the own cells, rapid aging and death. There was a fatty degeneration of the bone marrow. Conclusion. There was cells devastation, leaded to bone marrow cells differentiation, followed by fatty degeneration.

Key words: bone marrow heterotransplantation, catecholamines (CA), serotonin (ST), granular luminescent cells (HCA), mast cells (MC).

For reference: Vorobeyva OV. The influence of bone marrow heterotransplantation on neuroamines. The Bulletin of Contemporary Clinical Medicine. 2015; 8 (5): 80—82.



  1. Grivtsova LY, Tupitcin NN. Subpopuljacii trasplantiruemyh stvolovyh krovetvornyh kletok [Trasplantable subpopulation of stem cell]. Klinicheskaja onkogematologija [Clinical oncohematology]. 2006 ; 8 (1): 65–71.
  2. Zubarovskaya LS, Fregatova LM, Afanasiev BV. Transplantacija gemopojeticheskih stvolovyh kletok pri gemoblastozah [Hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in hemoblastoses]. Klinicheskaja onkogematologija: rukovodstvo dlja vrachej [Clinical oncohematology: a guide for doctors]. 2007; 912 р.
  3. Lyubovtseva LA, Lyubovtseva EV. Bioaminsoderzhashhie struktury kostnogo mozga pri sistemnyh zabolevanijah krovi [Bioamin structure of the bone marrow in systemic blood diseases]. Morfologija [Clinical Morphology]. 2012; 3: 95–96.
  4. Savchenko VG. Transplantacija kostnogo mozga v onkogematologii [Bone marrow transplantation in hematology]. Klinicheskaja onkogematologija. Fundamental'nye issledovanija i klinicheskaja praktika [Clinical oncohematology. Basic research and clinical practice]. 2010; 4 (3): 478–479.
  5. Stavinskaya OA. Rol' gistamina i serotonina v podderzhanii immunnogo gomeostaza [The role of histamine and serotonin in maintaining immune]. Nacional'naja konferencija «Allergologija i klinicheskaja immunologija — mezhdisciplinarnye problemy». — Rossijskij Allergologicheskij Zhurnal. [National Conference «Allergology and Clinical Immunology — disciplinary problems.» — Russian Allergic Journal]. 2008; 1: 238– 243.
  6. Abedi M., Foster ВМ, Wood KD. Haematopoietic stem cells participate in muscle regeneration [Br. J. Haematol]. 2007; 138 (6): 792–801.