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The impact of a complex therapy with immunomodulator «imunofan» on quality of life of patients with microbial eczema. N.A. Abdrakhimova, Z.R. Khismatullina, R.M. Nadyrchenko, E.M. Gareev, G.R. Mustafina

Long-term dynamics and structure of occupational diseases in Republic of Tatarstan. Z.M. Berkheeva, A.M. Giniyatova

Organization of medical care in pleural diseases. A.A. Varin, A.L. Khanin, Y.B. Razvozzhaev, N.V. Chistykova

Tuberculous empyema of pleura as a predictor of death in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis. A.A. Varin, A.L. Khanin, V.A. Fenster

Comparative assessment of cardiovascular risk for arterial hypertension and comorbid pathology. G.A. Mukhetdinova, Z.R. Vakhitova, R.M. Fazliyeva, L.A. Ibragimova

Risk factors of mycobacterium tuberculosis infec-tion in children living in rural areas. T.G. Podkopaeva, A.A. Turitsa, E.S. Leontieva, G.Zh. Sa-galbaeva, P.N. Gerasimov

A capability of cardiopulmonary exercise testing in the assessment of physical health and functional condition of respiratory system in healthy persons. L.B. Postnikova, I.A. Dorovskoy, V.A. Kostrov, I.V. Dolbin, A.A. Fedorenko

Efficiency of antimicrobic treatement in treatment of reversible pulpitises by the biological method. G.R. Ruvinskaya, J.V. Fazylova

Possibilities of basophil activation test in diagnostic of hymenoptera sensitization. L.F. Safina, R.S. Fas-sakhov, E.V. Agafonova

Extrapulmonary tuberculosis in children: the 20-year observation. A.A. Turitsa, N.I. Porkulevich, E.A. Tsygankova

Experience of erosive colonic bleeding treatment. I.M. Fatkhutdinov


The evaluation of the effectivity of hemostatic ac-tivity of Haemoblock for local topical use Haemo-block in different surgical situations. multicenter clinical trials. A.V. Plotkin, E.Zh. Pokrovskij, G.V. Voronova, K.A. Menglet


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) changes as a cause for discussion. A.A. Vizel, I.Yu. Vizel, N.B. Amirov

Cognitive impairment in chronic heart failure. G.S. Galjautdinov, M.A. Lonkin


Applying risk-management technology for effec-tivization the primary prevention of myocardial infarction. A.M. Nazarov

Occupational pathology services in tatarstan: past and present. S.A. Osipov, I.Yu. Malysheva, Z.M. Berkheeva

Economic efficiency of laser technologies using in surgical hospital of short-term stay. S.V. Shakh-ray, Yu.M. Gain, Yu.Yu. Polumiskov, M.Yu. Gain, V. V. Grusha


PDF downloadThe impact of a complex therapy with immunomodulator «imunofan» on quality of life of patients with microbial eczema

Nadezhda A. Abdrakhimova, dermatologist, State Independent Healthcare Institution Republican Dermatovenerologic Dispensary, Ufa, Russia, tel. 8-962-527-98-34, e-mail:

Zarema R. Khismatullina, M.D., Professor, Head of the Department of dermatology with the course of dermatology and cosmetology of the Institute of Professional Training at the Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia, tel. 8-987-255-43-01, e-mail:

Robert M. Nadyrchenko, Head of the Clinical and Diagnostic laboratory of the State Independent Healthcare Institution Republican Dermatovenerologic Dispensary, Ufa, Russia, tel. 8-927-323-02-62, e-mail: nadirob@

Evgeniy M. Gareev, Ph.D., associate professor, Senior research fellow of the All-Russian center of eye and plastic surgery, Ufa, Russia, tel. 8-927-351-01-86, e-mail:

Gulgina R. Mustafina, Ph.D., assistant of Department of dermatology with the course of dermatology and cosmetology of the institute of Professional Training at the Bashkir State Medical University, Ufa, Russia, tel. 8-917-430-76-73, e-mail:

Abstract. Aim. The aim of the research was to study the influence of a complex therapy with immunomodulator «Imunofan» on quality of life of patients with microbial eczema. Material and methods. The patients were divided into 2 groups: the 1 group included 80 patients — 50 women (62,5%) and 30 men (37,5%) aged 35—56 who, along with traditional therapy, were administered imunofan in the form of rectal suppositories 100 mkg once a day for 25 days; the 2 group consisted of 104 patients (62 women (59,6%) and 42 men (40,4%) aged 35—56) with microbial eczema receiving only traditional treatment (hyposensibilitive and antibacterial medicines, vitamins, microcirculation correctors).To assess quality of life the Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI) was used. It is a 10-question validated questionnaire where the total score is calculated by summing the score of all items, resulting in a maximum score of 30 and a minimum score of 0 (patient’s quality of life is inversely proportional to the total score). The numeral value obtained after analyzing the patient’s answers indicates the level of negative influence of the disease on patient’s quality of life. DLQI may be used as a criterion for health-related quality of life measure for a dermatological disease. Results and discussion. After the treatment, the group of patients receiving traditional therapy showed no substantial changes — the assessment of quality of life shifted to the area of 4 category (change from «extremely large effect on patient’s life» to «very large effect on patient’s life»). 47% of patients in the group used imunofan at the end of treatment assessed the impact of microbial eczema on their quality of life as «moderate», 47% — as «small» and 6% noticed no effect of the disease on their life. Conclusions. The use of a complex therapy with Imunofan is characterized by gradual restoration of quality of life of patients with microbial eczema.

Key words: microbial eczema, immunomodulator «Imunofan», Dermatology Life Quality Index (DLQI).



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  2. Belousova, T.A. Allergodermatozy — bolezni sovremennoi civilizacii [Allergic dermatoses — diseases of modern civilization] / T.A. Belousova // Rossiiskii medicinskii zhurnal [Russian Medical Journal]. — 2004. — T. 11, № 27. — S.1538—1542.
  3. Ivanova, V.L. Kozhnye i venericheskie bolezni [Skin and venereal diseases]: spravochnik / V.L. Ivanova. — M.: Medicina, 2007. — S.315—320.
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  5. Pokrovskii, V.I. Imunofan. Opyt primeneniya v klinicheskoi praktike [Imunofan. Clinical practice experience] / V.I. Pokrovskii. — M., 2010. — S.1—2.
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  7. Qualiti of life and depression in a population of occupational hand eczemapatients / R.S. Cvetkovski, R. Zachariae, H. Jensen [et al.] // Contact Dermatitis. — 2006. — Vol. 54. — P.21—22.
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  9. Impact of chronic hand dermatitis on quality of life, work productivity, activity impairment and medical costs / J.F. Fovler, A. Ghosh, S. Sung [et al.] // J. Am. Acad. Dermatol. — 2006. — Vol. 54. — P.448—457.


PDF downloadLong-term dynamics and structure of occupational diseases in republic of Tatarstan

Zukhra M. Berkheeva, Ph.D., associate professor of Department of hygiene and occupational health of SBEI HPE «Kazan State Medical University» of Russian Ministry of Health, Kazan, Russia, tel. 8-905-310-74-46, е-mail:

Alsu M. Giniyatova, Department of the Federal service for supervision of consumer rights protection and human well-being in the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Russia, tel. 8-97-240-95-03, е-mail:

Abstract. The aim of the work was to study the dynamics and structure of occupational diseases in the Republic of Tatarstan. Analysis is made on the basis of the data of the national register of occupational diseases, the Epidemiology service of the Republic of Tatarstan. Results. Occupational morbidity over the past 10 years is stayed within 1,52—1,99 per 10 000 working population in Russian Federation and 1,16—1,87 in the Republic of Tatarstan. Diseases caused by the influence of physical factors prevail in the structure of the pathology are. Diseases caused by industrial aerosols are on the second place followed by diseases associated with physical overload, acute and chronic intoxication and infectious diseases. Conclusion. The level of registered chronic occupational diseases does not reflect the real situation concerning working conditions. Poor quality of the periodic health examination and diagnostic patients with initial signs of occupational diseases also important. It is necessary to consider desire of the worker to keep his workplace and thereof late examination of communication of a disease with a profession. Among patients registered over the last 5 years 20—30% applied for professional pathological examination by themselves, not during periodic medical examination. The majority of the cases of professional pathology revealed at request of workers consisted of chronic forms of occupational diseases which are, as usual, were established at workers with 20—39 year experience with harmful production factor (80%) and age over 50 years (to 70%). The complex health protection of working population with interdepartmental coordination will provide preservation of labor potential, extension of labor longevity, decrease general and professional incidence.

Key words: occupational service, occupational diseases, periodical medical examinations.



  1. Berheeva, Z.M. Osobennosti professional’noi zabo- levaemosti v Respublike Tatarstan / Z.M. Berheeva, I.M. Berheev, I.Yu. Malysheva [i dr.] //Kazanskii medicinskii zhurnal. — 2009. — № 4. — S.518—521.
  2. Gosudarstvennyi doklad «O sostoyanii sanitarno-epidemiologicheskogo blagopoluchiya v Rossiiskoi Federacii v 2013 godu». — М., 2014. — S.72—80.
  3. Gosudarstvennyi doklad «O sostoyanii sanitarno-epidemiologicheskogo blagopoluchiya v Respublike Tatarstan v 2013 godu». — Kazan, 2014. — S.62—68.
  4. Voprosy professional’noi zabolevaemosti: retrospektiva i sovremennost’ / N.F. Izmerov, I.V. Buhtiyarov, L.V. Pro- kopenko // Professiya i zdorov’e: materialy XI Vseros. kongr., Moskva, 27—29 noyabrya 2012 g. — M.: FGBU «NII MT» RAMN, 2012. — S.29—35.
  5. Malysheva, I.Yu. Sostoyanie professional’noi zabolevaemosti, organizaciya i kachestvo periodi- cheskih medicinskih osmotrov lic, zanyatyh na vrednyh rabotah i na rabotah s vrednymi i opasnymi proizvodstvennymi faktorami, v Respublike Tatarstan v 2013 godu / I.Yu. Malysheva, Z.M. Berheeva, M.V. Trofimova // Informacionnyi sbornik. — Kazan’, 2013. — 28 s.
  6. Materialy zasedaniya Pravitel’stvennoi komissii po voprosam ohrany zdorov’ya grazhdan / I.V. Buhtiyarov, N.F. Izmerov, L.V. Prokopenko, G.I. Tihonova, N.A. Kosten- ko // Medicina truda. — 2014. — № 7. — S.1—19.
  7. Prikaz Ministerstva zdravoohraneniya i social’nogo razvitiya Rossiiskoi Federacii «Ob utverzhde- nii perechnei vrednyh i (ili) opasnyh proizvodstven- nyh faktorov i rabot, pri vypolnenii kotoryh provo- dyatsya predvaritel’nye i periodicheskie medicinskie osmotry (obsledovaniya), i Poryadka provedeniya predvaritel’nyh i periodicheskih medicinskih osmotrov (obsledovanii) rabotnikov, zanyatyh na tyazhelyh rabotah i na rabotah s vrednymi i (ili) opasnymi usloviyami truda».
  8. Trofimova, M.V. Regional’nye osobennosti professional’noi zabolevaemosti v Respublike Tatarstan / M.V. Trofimova, Z.M. Berheeva // Nauchno-metodicheskoe obespechenie deyatel’nosti centrov profpatologii v sovremennyh usloviyah: materialy Vseros. nauch.-prakt. konf. s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem,. Shahty Rostovskoi oblasti, 19—21 iyunya 2013 g. — Shahty, 2013. — S.218—221.


PDF downloadOrganization of medical care in pleural diseases

Alexander A. Varin, Ph.D., associate professor of Department of phthisiopulmology of novokuznetsk State institute of Postgraduate Medicine of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Novokuznetsk, Russiа, e-mail:

Arkadiy L. Khanin, D.M., Professor, Head of Department of phthisiopulmology of novokuznetsk State institute of Postgraduate Medicine of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Novokuznetsk, Russia, e-mail:

Yuriy B. Razvozzhaev, Ph.D., associate professor of Department of roentgenology of Novokuznetsk State Institute of Postgraduate Medicine of the Ministry of Health of russia, novokuznetsk, russia, e-mail:

Natalia V. Chistykova, physician-phthsiologist of clinical tB Dispensary, novokuznetsk, russia, e-mail:

Abstract. Aim. To develop methods and reasonable principles of organization diagnostic and treatment for the pleural diseases (PD). Material and methods. Six-year retrospective analysis of case histories of 968 patients with PD, at a specialized center at Novokuznetsk Clinical Tuberculosis Dispensary. Set of basic techniques including needle biopsy of the pleura; additional biopsy (clinical-based decision); trial therapy for TB in exceptional cases; clinical supervision for discharged patients. Results. In the structure of pleural diseases the main ones are: TB — 41,5% cancer — 23,3%, pneumonia — 15,3%, cardiogenic effusions — 5,8%. Group of rare lesions, includes urgent conditions (pulmonary embolism, acute abdominal pathology, Dressler’s syndrome) — 10,4%, idiopathic pleuritis — 3,7%. The main criteria for the diagnosis of pleural disease are presented. Effectiveness of basic techniques and diagnostic value of indirect symptoms is analyzed. It is possible to construct a situational action algorithm, which allows not only to solve specific problems survey, but also to interact experts — members of the diagnostic process. The creation of a specialized regional pleural center of the Southern Kuzbass based on Novokuznetsk Clinical TB Dispensary was another organizational solution. There are about 160 patients examines here for a year, advisory assistance provides. Conclusion. Organizational Technologies (standardized approach, the algorithm of doctor’s actions, creation of a specialized pleural center) demonstrate its effectiveness. Time of verification of the diagnosis for the majority of patients (91,0%) was (10,4±2,0) days. Thus, a reasonable management is a promising resource, providing the solution of specific clinical tasks.

Key words: pleurisy, pleural disease, a needle biopsy of the pleura, the Specialized Center, algorithm.



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PDF downloadTuberculous empyema of pleura as a predictor of death in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis

Alexander A. Varin, PhD., associate professor of Department of phthisiopulmology of novokuznetsk State institute of Postgraduate Medicine of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Novokuznetsk, Russia, e-mail:

Arkadiy L. Khanin, D.M., Professor, Head of Department of phthisiopulmology of novokuznetsk State institute of Postgraduate Medicine of the Ministry of Health of Russia, Novokuznetsk, Russia, e-mail:

Veniamin A. Fenster, pathologist of novokuznetsk clinical tB Dispensary, novokuznetsk, russia, e-mail:

Abstract. Aim. To study the effectiveness of standard complex of medical events at TB empyema of pleura (TEP) in surgical in-patients of TB hospital. Management of patients with TEP corresponded with the protocols and standards of medical care, and also with basic principles of surgical treatment of empyema. Material. The retrospective investigation of thoracic department patient’s past medical history data in 2011—2012. Results and discussion. In 97% (31) of cases empyema was organized due to the lungs destruction with formation of bronchopleural fistula which changed qualitatively the progress of disease. A total of lethal ends counted up to 62,5%. The massiveness of TB process plays the significant role in thanatogenesis and its evolution caused by the variety of interconnected factors. The basic clinic forms of TB according to the autopsy were the fibro-cavernous TB and caseous pneumonia (90% of cases). The acute progress of TEP was due the interaction of drug resistant (DR/MDR) strains of TB mycobacteria (73% of cases) in combination with non-specific polymicrobial microflora (50%). For example, 50% of patients’ death occurred in the first 15 days of staying in the thoracic department. Thus, the progress of TEP among patients with wide-spread destructive forms of lungs TB is the lethal predictor and low effectiveness of medical events translate them into the palliative category.

Key words: tuberculosis empyema of pleura, drug resistant forms of tuberculosis, lethality.



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PDF downloadComparative assessment of cardiovascular risk for arterial hypertension and comorbid pathology

Guzel A. Mukhetdinova, M.D., associate professor of Department of faculty therapy of SBEI HPE «Bashkir State Medical university», ufa, russia, tel. 8-927-23-371-09, e-mail:

Zulfiya R. Vakhitova, candidate of a degree of Department of faculty therapy of SBEI HPE «Bashkir State Medical University», Ufa, Russia, tel. 8-917-37-078-28, e-mail:

Raisa M. Fazliyeva, M.D., Professor of Department of faculty therapy of SBEI HPE «Bashkir State Medical University», Ufa, Russia, tel. 8-989-95-325-79, e-mail:

Ludmila A. Ibragimova, M.D., Professor of Department of faculty therapy of SBEI HPE «Bashkir State Medical University», Ufa, Russia, tel. 8-347-27-392-82, e-mail:

Abstract. Aim. The purpose of our study is a comparative study of risk factors for cardiovascular diseases in patients with arterial hypertension (AH) and subclinical hypothyroidism (SG). Material and methods. Under our observation were 86 patients in the age from 35 to 50 years. Depending on the functional state of thyroid, patients were divided into 2 groups: the first group — patients with hypertension stage 2, the second group — patients with subclinical hypothyroidism, with previously diagnosed hypertension stage 2. A control group consisted of 25 almost healthy persons All patients underwent a comprehensive survey, identification of risk factors and the definition of high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (RF CRP) in the blood serum. Results. We revealed correlation of the levels of thyroid hormones with risk factors for cardiovascular disease. We demonstrated data on the prediction of a 10-year risk of cardiovascular complications in patients with arterial hypertension and subclinical hypothyroidism based on Reynolds scale. Conclusion. Subclinical hypothyroidism is accompanied by changes in lipid spectrum, and, as a consequence, predisposes to the earlier development of cardiovascular complications in patients with hypertension.

Key words: risk factors, arterial hypertension, hypothyroids, high-sensitivity CRP, scale Reynolds.



  1. Oganov, R.G. Strategii profilaktiki serdechno-sosudistyh zabolevanii v Rossiiskoi Federacii [The strategy of prevention of cardiovascular diseases in the Russian Federation] / R.G. Oganov, G.Ya. Maslennikova // Klinicheskaya medicina [Clinical medicine]. — 2012. — № 3. — S.4—7.
  2. Balabolkin, M.I. Fundamental’naya i klinicheskaya tireoidologiya: rukovodstvo [Fundamental and clinical tireoidologiya: management] / M.I. Balabolkin, E.M. Klebanova, V.M. Kreminskaya. — M.: Medicina, 2007. — 816 s.
  3. Petunina, N.A. Ispol’zovanie preparatov gormonov schitovidnoi zhelezy v klinicheskoi praktike [Use of preparations of hormones of a thyroid gland in clinical practice] / N.A. Petunina. — Petrozavodsk: IntelTek, 2003. — 48 s.
  4. Bakirova, N.M. Faktory riska serdechno-sosudistyh oslozhnenii i sostoyanie lipidnogo obmena u pozhilyh bol’nyh arterial’noi gipertenziei pri razlichnyh intervalah urovnya tireotropnogo gormona gipofiza [The risk factors of cardiovascular complications and a condition of a lipidic exchange at elderly patients with arterial hypertension at various intervals of level of a tireotropny hormone of a hypophysis] / N.M. Bakirova, A.O. Pozdnyak // Prakticheskaya medicina [Applied medicine]. — 2010. — T. 43, № 4. — S.112—117 (Kazan’).
  5. Vel’kov, V.V. S-reaktivnyi belok i lipoproteinassociiro- vannaya fosfolipaza A2: novye fakty i novye vozmozhnosti dlya diagnostiki i stratifikacii serdechno-sosudistyh riskov [C-reactive protein and lipoprotein-associated phospholipase A2: new facts and new possibilities for diagnosis and stratification of cardiovascular risk] / V.V. Vel’kov // Kliniko-laboratornyi konsilium [Kliniko-laboratorny consultation]. — 2009. — T. 31, № 6. — S.28—33.


PDF downloadRisk factors of mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in children living in rural areas

Tatiana G. Podkopaeva, Ph.D., phthisiatrician, Omsk, Russia, tel. 8-913-679-10-89, e-mail:

Anna A. Turitsa, Ph.D., associate professor of Department of outpatient pediatrics of SBEI HPE «Omsk State Medical Academy» of Russian Ministry of Health, Omsk, Russia, tel. 8-913-961-69-25, e-mail:

Evgeniya S. Leontieva, resident of Department of tuberculosis and surgery of SBEI HPE «Omsk State Medical Academy» of Russian Ministry of Health, Omsk, Russia, tel. 8-908-110-24-34, e-mail:

Gulmira Zh. Sagalbaeva, resident of Department of tuberculosis and surgery of SBEI HPE «Omsk State Medical Academy» of Russian Ministry of Health, Omsk, Russia, tel. 8-951-414-61-49, e-mail:

Pavel N. Gerasimov, graduate student of Department of tuberculosis and surgery of SBEI HPE «Omsk State Medical Academy» of russian Ministry of Health, omsk city, russia, tel. 8-913-069-23-93, e-mail:

Abstract. Aim. To identify risk factors for primary M. tuberculosis development in children and adolescents living in rural areas, and to improve prevention measures. Material and methods. A prospective comparative study included 269 children from VIA accounting group in TB dispensary register, who were in the early period of primary TB infection, and 269 not infected children living in the Lyubinsky territory Omsk region. Results. When we assessed the risk factors we found that the group of newly infected children had significantly more contacts with TB patients (χ2=101,168; p=0,000), they are more likely to live in socially maladjusted or sociopathic families, boarding schools, in families with low income below the subsistence minimum (χ2=72,983; p=0,000). An analysis of variance with ranking showed that the main risk factors for M. tuberculosis infection in countryside children were: maladjusted social status of the family (F=181,2; p=0,000, rank 1); low income of the family (F=33,45; p=0,000, rank 2); contacts with TB patients (F=11,23; p=0,000, rank 3). Conclusion. In the development of primary M. tuberculosis infection in children living in the village, prevailed a set of social and epidemiological factors with the greatest significance of social factors and unknown dispensary contact with TB patients.

Key words: M. tuberculosis infection, risk factors, children, countryside.



  1. Aksenova, V.A. Tuberkulez u detei v Rossii i zadachi ftiziatricheskoi obschei pediatricheskoi sluzhby po profilaktike i rannemu vyyavleniyu zabolevaniya [Tuber- culosis in children in Russia and the problem of TB general pediatric services for prevention and early detection of the disease] / V.A. Aksenova, L.A. Baryshnikova, T.A. Sevast’yanova, N.I. Klevno // Tuberkulez i bolezni legkih [Tuberculosis and Lung Disease]. — 2014. — T. 91, № 3. — S.40—46.
  2. Aksenova, V.A. Aktual’nye voprosy skrininga detei na tuberkulez [Actual questions screening children for tuberculosis] / V.A. Aksenova, L.A. Baryshni- kova, N.I. Klevno [I dr.] // Tuberkulez i bolezni legkih [Tuberculosis and Lung Disease]. — 2013. — T. 90, № 6. — S.7—8.
  3. Ivanova, O.G. Effektivnost’ meropriyatii po vyyavleniyu tuberkuleza organov dyhaniya v Omskoi oblasti [The effectiveness of measures to identify pulmonary tuber- culosis in the Omsk region] / O.G. Ivanova, A.V. Mordyk, L.V. Puzyreva [i dr.] // Kubanskii nauchnyi medicinskii vestnik [Kuban Research Medical Gazette]. — 2011. — № 4. — S.102—104.
  4. Krasnov, V.A. Faktory, prepyatstvuyuschie uluchsheniyu situacii po tuberkulezu v sub’ektah Sibirskogo federal’nogo okruga [Obstacles to improved TB situation in the subjects of the Siberian Federal District] / V.A. Krasnov, V.M. Chernyshev, O.V. Strel’chenko [i dr.] // Tuberkulez i bolezni legkih [Tuberculosis and Lung Disease]. — 2012. — T. 89, № 10. — S.8—14.
  5. Krivonogova, A.V. Effektivnost’ tuberkulinodiagnostiki pri obsledovanii shkol’nikov v sel’skoi mestnosti [The effectiveness of tuberculin diagnostic at inspection of schoolchildren in rural areas] / A.V. Krivonogova, E.A. Amosova, B.E. Borodulin // Tuberkulez i bolezni legkih [Tuberculosis and Lung Disease]. — 2013. — T. 90, № 6. — S.50.
  6. Lysov, A.V. Klinicheskoe nablyudenie vrozhden- nogo tuberkuleza u novorozhdennogo rebenka [Cli- nical observation of congenital tuberculosis in a new- born baby] / A.V. Lysov, A.V. Mordyk, M.A. Pleha- nova [I dr.] // Tuberkulez i bolezni legkih [Tuberculo- sis and Lung Disease]. — 2010. — T. 87, № 4. — S.54—57.
  7. Mordyk, A.V. Sovremennye mezhdunarodnye i nacio- nal’nye koncepcii bor’by s tuberkulezom [The modern concept of international and national TB control] / A.V. Mordyk, L.V. Puzyreva, L.P. Aksyutina // Dal’ne- vostochnyi zhurnal infekcionnoi patologii [Far East Journal of Infectious Pathology]. — 2013. — № 22(22). — S.92—97.
  8. Mordyk, A.V. Protivotuberkuleznyi immunitet i mehanizmy ego formirovaniya (obzor literatury) [TB immunity and the mechanisms of its formation (review)] / A.V. Mor- dyk, E.A. Cygankova, L.V. Puzyreva, A.A. Turica // Dal’nevostochnyi medicinskii zhurnal [Far East Medical Journal]. — 2014. — № 1. — S.126—130.
  9. Mordyk, A.V. Faktory riska razvitiya tuberkuleza u detei (obzor literatury) [Risk factors for tuberculosis in children (review)] / A.V. Mordyk, E.A. Cygankova, T.G. Podkopaeva [i dr.] // Zhizn’ bez opasnostei. Zdorov’e. Profilaktika. Dolgoletie [Life without danger. Health. Prevention. Longevity]. — 2013. — T. 8, № 2. — S.92—95.
  10. Mordyk, A.V. Tuberkulez u detei Rossiiskoi Fede- racii na sovremennom etape [Tuberculosis in child- ren of the Russian Federation at the present stage] / A.V. Mordyk, E.A. Cygankova, L.V. Puzyreva, A.A. Turica // Pediatricheskaya farmakologiya [Pe- diatric pharmacology]. — 2014. — T. 11, № 3. — S.27—30.
  11. Nechaeva, O.B. Epidemicheskaya situaciya po tuber- kulezu sredi detei Rossii [Epidemiological situation of tuberculosis among children in Russia] / O.B. Nechaeva // Tuberkulez i bolezni legkih [Tuberculosis and Lung Disease]. — 2013. — T. 90, № 6. — S.62—63.
  12. Poddubnaya, L.V. Skrining tuberkuleza v sovremennyh usloviyah [Screening for tuberculosis in modern conditions] / L.V. Poddubnaya, E.P. SHilova, E.V. Silaikina // Tuberkulez i bolezni legkih [Tuberculosis and Lung Disease]. — 2013. — T. 90, № 6. — S.71—72.


PDF downloadA capability of cardiopulmonary exercise testing in the assessment of physical health and functional condition of respiratory system in healthy persons

Larisa B. Postnikova, Ivan A. Dorovskoy, Vladimir A. Kostrov, Igor V. Dolbin, Andrey A. Fedorenko, Nizhny Novgorod, Russia

Abstract. The article examines of the use of cardiopulmonary exercise testing (CPET) in healthy young men to assess physical health and functional condition of respiratory system. The authors presented the main indicators for CPET and analyzed their physiological value. They discussed methodology and interpretation of results CPET. The authors demonstrated own results of CPET in healthy persons.

Key words: cardiopulmonary exercise testing, veloergometry, young healthy men.



  1. Kerbikov, O.B. Kardiopul’monal’noe nagruzochnoe testirovanie v klinicheskoi praktike [Cardiopulmonary exercise testing in clinical practice] / O.B. Kerbikov, A.V. Aver’yanov, E.N. Borskaya, T.V. Krutova // Zhurnal klinicheskaya praktika [Zhurnal clinical practice]. — 2012. — № 2. — S.58—70.
  2. Balady, G.J. Clinician’s Guide to Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing in Adults: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association / G.J. Balady, R. Arena, K. Sietsema [et al.] // Circulation. — 2010. — Vol. 122. — P.191—225.
  3. Mustafina, M.H. Kardiorespiratornyi nagruzochnyi test [Cardiopulmonary exercise testing] / M.H. Mustafina, A.V. Chernyak // Atmosfera. Pul’monologiya i allergologiya [Zhurnal Atmosphere. Pulmonology and allergology]. — 2013. — № 3. — S.56—62.
  4. Mezzania, A. Standards for the use of cardiopulmonary exercise testing for the functional evaluation of cardiac patients: a report from the Exercise Physiology Section of the European Association for Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilitation European tion / A. Mezzania, P. Agostonib, A. Cohen-Solald // Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention and Rehabilita. — 2009. — Vol. 16. — P.249—267.
  5. Tavrovskaya, T.V. Veloergometriya: рrakticheskoe posobie dlya vrachei [Veloergometry. A practical guide for physicians] / T.V. Tavrovskaya. — SPb., 2007. — S.4—26, 68—71.
  6. Sherwood, L. The respiratory system / L. Sherwood // Fundamentals of Human Physiology. — 4th ed. (Chapter 12). — 2011. — P.344—435.
  7. Wasserman, K. Coupling of external to cellular respiration during exercise: the wisdom of the body revisited / K. Wasserman // Am. J. Physiol. — 1994. — Vol. 266(4/1). — P.519—539.
  8. American College of Sports Medicine. ACSM’s Guidelines for Exercise Testing and Prescription. — 8th ed. — Baltimore: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2010. — P.286—299.
  9. Forman, D. Cardiopulmonary exercise testing: Relevant but underused / D. Forman, J. Myers, C.J. Lavie [et al.] // Postgrad. Med. — 2010. — Vol. 122(6). — P.68—86.


PDF downloadEfficiency of antimicrobic treatement in treatment of reversible pulpitises by the biological method

Guzel R. Ruvinskaya, Ph.D., associate professor of Department of therapy pediatric and orthodontic dentistry of SBEI APE «Kazan State Medical Academy», Russia, Kazan, tel. 8-917-278-98-34 e-mail:

Julia V. Fazylova, Ph.D., associate professor of Department of therapy, pediatric and orthodontic dentistry of SBei APe «Kazan State Medical university», russia, Kazan, tel. 8-903-341-63-82, e-mail:

Abstract. The purpose of the study was to conduct a clinical evaluation of the effectiveness of combination products containing topical corticosteroids for the treatment of reversible forms of pulpitis by biological method. Material and methods. We analyzed the treatment of 17 patients with acute focal serous pulpitis, hyperemia of the pulp by the results of the pulp electroexcitability, X-ray pattern of the periapical tissues, assessment of pain using a numeric rank scale. Results and discussion. We demonstrated that the application of combined srugs containing an antibiotic and topical corticosteroid, had a pronounced analgesic effect, which occurs in 22% of cases in the first hours after the application, and in 66,7 % — during the 1st day. Conclusion. The application of a paste with antibiotic and topical corticosteroid for vitality of the pulp was indicated due to the expressed anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial action, coming at 2—3 days of starting treatment and continued throughout the rehabilitation period in 77,8% of patients.

Key words: reversible pulpitis, biological treatment.



  1. Borovskii, E.V. Oshibki endodonticheskogo lecheniya zubov [Errors endodontic treatment of teeth] / E.V. Borovskii // Klinicheskaya endodontiya [Clinical Endodontics]. — M., 2003. — S.32—35.
  2. Masyukova, E.A. Primenenie pasty «LEDERMIKS» pri lechenii bol’nyh s oslozhnennymi formami kariesa [Use of LEDERMIKS paste at treatment of patients with the complicated caries forms] / E.A. Masyukova // Vestnik KazNMU [The Messenger of KAZNMU]. — 2013. — № 3(1). — S.159—160.
  3. Petrikas, A.Zh. Pul’pektomiya [Pulpektomiya] / A.Zh. Petrikas. — M.: Al’faPress, 2006. — 300 s.
  4. Endodontologiya / pod red. G. Berdzhenhol’c [Endodontologiya. Under edition Gunnar Berdzhencholz]; per. s angl. pod nauch. red. S.A. Kutyaeva. — M.: Tarkomm, 2013. — 408 s.
  5. Bonica, J.J. The management of pain // J.J. Bonica. — 2nd ed. — Philadelphia, PA: Lea&Febiger, 1990. — P.28—94.
  6. Briseno Marroquin, B. Die antibakterielle Wirkung von Ledermix als medikamentöse Wurzelkanaleinlage — eine In vitro Ver such sreihe / B. Briseno Marroquin, E. Viola, A.B. Christoffers, B. Willershausen // Dtsch. Zahnarztl. Z. — 2004. — Vol. 59. — P.650—654.
  7. Lewis, B.B. Formaldehyde in dentestry: a rewiew of mutogenie and carinogenic potential / B.B. Lewis, S.B. Chestner / J. Am. Dent. Assoc. — 1981. — Vol. 103. — P.429—434.


PDF downloadPossibilities of basophil activation test in diagnostic of hymenoptera sensitization

Leysen F. Safina, allergologist of Kazan Scientific and Research institute of epidemiology and microbiology, Kazan, Russia, tel. 8-843-236-67-21, e-mail:

Rustem S. Fassakhov, M.D., Professor, Principal allergologist-immunologist at Ministry of Healthcare and Social Development of Tatarstan Republic, Head of Kazan Scientific and Research institute of epidemiology and microbiology, Kazan, Russia, tel. 8-843-236-67-21, e-mail:

Elena V. Agafonova, Ph.D., assistant of Рrofessor of Department of pediatry chair of SBEI HPE «Kazan State Medical University», Head of the clinical laboratory of Kazan Scientific and Research institute of epidemiology and vicrobiology, Kazan, Russia, tel. 8-843-236-67-21, e-mail:

Abstract. Aim. to compare clinical and diagnostic significance of laboratory methods for Hymenoptera sensitization detection. Material and methods. 102 patients with systemic allergic reactions to Hymenoptera sting were involved. All of them were treated in allergy department of Kazan Clinical Hospital №7. There were 2 groups of patients formed, both of them with systemic allergic reactions and anaphylactic shock. The structure of groups shows 2 subgroups: first — with positive anamnesis to wasp and bee sting, second — with anamnesis to unknown insect sting. The controlled group was forms of 30 persons. Measurement of specific IgE levels (ELISA test) and Basophil activation test for bees, wasps and hornets’ allergens were performed for these patients. Conclusion. Basophil activation test was more sensitive and specific compared to ELISA test in diagnostic of Hymenoptera sensitization.

Key word: systemic allergic reactions, hymenoptera sting, ELISA test, Basophil activation test.



  1. Guschin, I.S. Allergiya k nasekomym. Klinika, diagnostika i lechenie [Allergy to insects. Clinical features, diagnosis and treatment ] / I.S. Guschin, V.G. CHitaeva. — M., FarmarusPrint, 2003. — 328 s.
  2. Bilò, B.M. EAACI Interest Groupon Insect Venom Hypersensitivity. Diagnosis of Hymenoptera venom allergy / B.M. Bilò, F. Rueff, H. Mosbech [et al.] // Allergy. — 2005. — Vol. 60. — P.1339—1349.
  3. Bilò, B.M. Epidemiology of insect-venom anaphylaxis / B.M. Bilò, F. Bonifazi // Curr. Opin. Allergy. Clin. Immunol. — 2008. — Vol. 8. — P.330—337.
  4. Hausmann, O. Insektengiftallergie — wichtiger Ausloser sind Wespen- und Bienengiftstiche / O. Hausmann, P. Jandus, G. Haeberli [et al.] // Schweiz. Med. Forum. — 2010. — Vol. 10. — P.698—704.
  5. Johnson, T. Management of stinging insect hypersen- sitivity: a 5-year retrospective medical record review / T. Johnson, J. Dietrich, L. Hagan // Ann. Allergy. Asthma. Immunol. — 2006. — Vol. 97(2). — P.223—225.
  6. Zidarn, M. Anaphylaxis after Hymenoptera sting without detectable specific IgE / M. Zidarn, M. Kosnik, I. Drinovec // Acta Dermatovenerol. Alp. Panonica. Adriat. — 2007. — Vol. 16. — P.31—33.
  7. Sainte-Laudy, J. Diagnosis of venom allergy by flow cytometry. Correlation with clinical history, skin tests, specific IgE, histamine and leukotriene C4 re- lease / J. Sainte-Laudy, A. Sabbah, M. Drouet [et al.] // Clin. Exp. Allergy. — 2000. — Vol. 30. — P.1166—1171.
  8. Ebo, D.G. Basophil activation test by flow cyto- meter: present and futureapplications in allergology. Cytometery B / D.G. Ebo, C.H. Bridts, M.M. Hagendorens [et al.] // Clin. Cytom. — 2008. — Vol. 74. — P.201—210.
  9. Peternelj, A. Basophil activation test (BAT) in «in vitro» diagnosis of hymenoptera venom hypersensitivity / A. Peternelj, M. Šilar, R. Eržen [et al.] // Zdravn. Vest. 2008. — Vol. 77. — P.183—187.
  10. Sturm, G.J. The CD63 basophil activation test in Hymenoptera venom allergy: a prospective study / G.J. Sturm, E. Bohm, M. Trummer [et al.] // Allergy. — 2004. — Vol. 59. — P.1110—1117.
  11. Peternelj, A. Diagnostic value of the basophil activation test in evaluating Hymenoptera venom sensitization / A. Peternelj, M. Silar, N. Bajrovic [et al.] // Wien. Klin. Wochenschr. — 2009. — Vol. 121(9—10). — P.344.
  12. Erdmann, S.M. The basophil activation test in wasp venom allergy: sensitivity, specifi city and monitoring spe- cifi c immunotherapy / S.M. Erdmann, B. Sachs, R. Kwiecien [et al.] // Allergy. — 2004. — Vol. 59. — P.1102—1109.
  13. Gober, L.M. Expression of activation markers on basophils in a controlled model of anaphylaxis / L.M. Gober, J.A. Eckman, P.M. Sterba [et al.] // J. Allergy. Clin. Immunol. — 2007. — Vol. 119(5). — P.1181—1188.


PDF downloadExtrapulmonary tuberculosis in children: the 20-year observation

Anna A. Turitsa, Ph.D., аssociate professor of Department of outpatient pediatrics of SBEI HPE «Omsk State Medical Academy» of Russian Ministry of Health, Omsk, Russia, tel. 8-913-961-69-25, e-mail:

Nadezhda I. Porkulevich, resident of Department of tuberculosis and surgery of SBEI HPE «Omsk State Medical Academy» of Russian Ministry of Health, Omsk, Russia, tel. 8-908-107-30-73, e-mail:

Elena A. Tsygankova, Ph.D., Head of Department of «Specialized Children’s Tuberculosis Hospital», Omsk, Russia, tel. 8-913-634-14-13, e-mail:

Abstract. Aim. To evaluate the extrapulmonary manifestations of tuberculosis in children over a 20 year period in the Omsk region. Material and methods. A retrospective study of 1637 children with TB, for the period from 1994 to 2013 was performed. We formed two comparison groups: I (1994 to 2003) — 774 children and II (2004 to 2013) — 863 children. Results. Demonstrated that in the period from 2004 to 2013 infants had an increase of tuberculosis (χ2 = 14,537; p<0,05), decrease in the percentage of isolated extrapulmonary forms from 11,0 to 4,5% of cases (χ2 = 23,429; p<0,05), the growth of isolated lesions of the urinary system from 57,6 to 71,8% (χ2 = 7,996; p = 0,005), an increase of generalizations process 2,3 times (χ2 = 10,395; p = 0,001), bacterial isolation in generalized forms 4 times (χ2 = 4,206; p = 0,04). The most frequent combination was the combination of renal tuberculosis and hilar lymph nodes tuberculosis. Conclusion. The last decade (2004—2013) in the Omsk region in children from 0 to 14 years was characterized by negative pathomorphosis of tuberculosis, which allows us to conclude the epidemiological situation of tuberculosis as in particular strain.

Key words: extra-pulmonary tuberculosis, clinical forms, children.



  1. Aksenova, V.A1. Tuberkulez u detei v Rossii i zadachi ftiziatricheskoi obschei pediatricheskoi sluzhby po profilaktike i rannemu vyyavleniyu zabolevaniya [Tuberculosis in children in Russia and the problem of TB general pediatric services for prevention and early detection of the disease] / V.A. Aksenova, L.A. Baryshnikova, T.A. Sevast’yanova, N.I. Klevno // Tuberkulez i bolezni legkih [Tuberculosis and Lung Disease]. — 2014. — T. 91, № 3. — S.40—46.
  2. Klinicheskoe nablyudenie vrozhdennogo tuberkuleza u novorozhdennogo rebenka [Clinical observation of congenital tuberculosis in a newborn baby] / A.V. Lysov [i dr.] // Tuberkulez i bolezni legkih [Tuberculosis and Lung Disease]. — 2010. — T. 87, № 4. — S.54—57.
  3. Krasnov, V.A. Faktory, prepyatstvuyuschie uluchsheniyu situacii po tuberkulezu v sub’ektah Sibirskogo federal’nogo okruga [Obstacles to improved TB situation in the subjects of the Siberian Federal District] / V.A. Krasnov, V.M. CHernyshev, O.V. Strel’chenko [i dr. ] // Tuberkulez i bolezni legkih [Tuberculosis and Lung Disease]. — 2012. — T. 89, № 10. — S.8—14.
  4. Kul’chavenya, E.V. Sovremennye tendencii epidemicheskoi situacii po vnetorakal’nomu tuberkulezu [Modern trends in the epidemiological situation of tuberculosis extrathoracic] / E.V. Kul’chavenya, V.A. Krasnov, S.N. Skornyakov [i dr.] // Tuberkulez i bolezni legkih [Tuberculosis and Lung Disease]. — 2013. — T. 90, № 12. — S.34—39.
  5. Kul’chavenya, E.V. Differencial’naya diagnostika tuberkuleza mochepolovoi sistemy [Differential diagnosis of urogenital tuberculosis] / E.V. Kul’chavenya, D.P. Holtobin // Tuberkulez i bolezni legkih [Tuberculosis and Lung Disease]. — 2013. — T. 90, № 7. — S.3—8.
  6. Mordyk, A.V. Sovremennye mezhdunarodnye i nacional’nye koncepcii bor’by s tuberkulezom [The modern concept of international and national TB control] / A.V. Mordyk, L.V. Puzyreva, L.P. Aksyutina // Dal’nevostochnyi zhurnal infekcionnoi patologii [Far East Journal of Infectious Pathology]. — 2013. — № 22(22). — S.92—97.
  7. Mordyk, A.V. Harakteristika sluchaev zabolevaniya tuberkulezom detei na territorii Omskoi oblasti za period s 2007 po 2012 g. [Characteristics of cases of tuberculosis of children in the Omsk region in the period from 2007 to 2012] / A.V. Mordyk, L.V. Puzyreva, A.A. Turica // Biozaschita i biobezopasnost’ [Biosecurity and Biosafety]. — 2013. — T. 5, № 4(17). — S.18—20.
  8. Mordyk, A.V. Tuberkulez u detei Rossiiskoi Federacii na sovremennom etape [Tuberculosis in children of the Russian Federation at the present stage] / A.V. Mordyk, E.A. Cygankova, L.V. Puzyreva, A.A. Turica // Pediatricheskaya farmakologiya [Pediatric pharmacology]. — 2014. — T. 11, № 3. — S.27—30.
  9. Nechaeva, O.B. Epidemicheskaya situaciya po tuberkulezu sredi detei Rossii Epidemiological situation of tuberculosis among children in Russia] / O.B. Nechaeva // Tuberkulez i bolezni legkih [Tuberculosis and Lung Disease]. — 2013. — T. 90, № 6. — S.62—63.
  10. Nechaeva, O.B1. Epidemicheskaya situaciya po vnelegochnomu tuberkulezu v Rossiiskoi Federacii [The epidemiological situation of extrapulmonary tuberculosis in the Russian Federation] / O.B. Nechaeva, V.V. Skachkov // Tuberkulez i bolezni legkih [Tuberculosis and Lung Disease]. — 2013. — T. 90, № 8. — S.3—9.
  11. Puzyreva, L.V. Epidemicheskaya situaciya po vnelegochnomu tuberkulezu v Omskoi oblasti za desyatiletnii period nablyudeniya (2003—2012 gg.) [The epidemiological situation of extrapulmonary tuberculosis in the Omsk region of the ten-year period of observation (2003-2012 year)] / L.V. Puzyreva, A.V. Mordyk // Medicina i obrazovanie Sibiri [Medicine and education in Siberia]. — 2013. — № 5. — S.9.


PDF downloadExperience of erosive colonic bleeding treatment

Ilsur M. Fatkhutdinov, Ph.D., associate professor of Department of surgical diseases № 1 of SBEI HPE «Kazan State Medical University» of the Ministry of Health of the Russian Federation, Kazan, Russia, tel. 8-917-287-69-99, e-mail:

Abstract. The aim of study: to determine the optimal scheme of diagnosis and complex treatment of erosive colonic bleeding, evaluate the effectiveness of the treatment. Material and methods: 18 patients (14 (77,8%) women and 4 (22,2%) of men aged 17 to 60 years) with erosive colonic bleeding were observed from 2010 to 2014. Results. A haemostatic effect and improving the quality of life of patients from the ongoing complex treatment were observed in all cases. Epithelialization of erosions noted at all the patients after 8 weeks. Conclusion. Complex haemostatic therapy (salofalk, mucofalk and zakofalk) of an erosive colonic bleeding allows stopping bleeding and normalization of the clinical picture in the short term.

Key words: diagnosis, comprehensive treatment, erosive colonic bleeding.



  1. Minasyan, A.M. Puti uluchsheniya rezul’tatov lecheniya bol’nyh s tolstokishechnym krovotecheniem [Ways of improving the treatment results of patients with colonic bleeding] / A.M. Minasyan, A.M. Simonyan // Voprosy teoreticheskoi i klinicheskoi mediciny [Questions of theoretical and clinical medicine]. — 2012. — № 7. — S.218—222.
  2. Shtopel’, A.E. Massivnye krovotecheniya pri patologii tolstoi kishki [Massive bleeding in the pathology of the colon] / A.E. Shtopel’, A.A. Zaharchenko // Aktual’nye problemy proktologii [Actual problems of proctology]. — 2005. — S.234—237 (Volgograd).
  3. Barnert, J. Management of lower gastrointestinal tract bleeding / J. Barnert, H. Messmann // Best. Pract. Res. Clin. Gastroenterol. — 2008. — № 22. — P.295—312.
  4. Longstreth, G.F. Epidemiology and outcome of patients hospitalized with acute lower gastrointestinal hemorrhage: a population-based study / G.F. Longstreth // Am. J. Gastroenterol. — 2004. — № 92. — P.419—424.



PDF downloadThe evaluation of the effectivity of hemostatic activity of haemoblock for local topical use haemoblock in different surgical situations. multicenter clinical trials

Alexsander V. Plotkin, M.D., Professor, Head of Moscow region scientific research institute, Moscow, Russia

Evgeniy Zh. Pokrovskij, M.D., assistant professor, Head of hospital surgery chair GBou VPo ivGMA, Ivanovo, russia

Galina V. Voronova, deputy of head doctor of Hospital of Kineshma, Russia

Ksenia A. Menglet, Moscow region scientific research institute, research officer, Moscow, Russia

Abstract. Aim. The trial refers to the evaluation of the effectivity of Haemoblock as a hemostatic aid solution for local topical use in different surgical situations. Material and methods. The trial included 89 patients. 31 patients were operated on with videolaparoscopic method with Haemoblock being delivered through 5 mm tubus on a soaked gauze wad on the wound surface. 35 patients were operated on using different methods of abdominal surgery while Haemoblock was delivered by a soaked gauze wad on the surface of the wound. 23 patients were operated on with the laparoscopic method of aimed irrigation of the hemostatic aid solution through ezophagogastroduodenoskope. Results. Haemoblock demonstrated reliable hemostasis in all groups of patients and proved to be highly efficient.

Key words: haemoblock, capillary hemorrhage, parenchymal hemorrhage, hemostatic.



  1. Pfaf, V.F. Opyt klinicheskogo primeneniya novogo gemostaticheskogo sredstva «Gemoblok» v hirurgicheskoi praktike / V.F. Pfaf; pod red. V.F. Pfaf. — M., 2014. — 56 s.
  2. Sitnikova, O.Yu. Pervyi opyt ispol’zovaniya preparata gеmoblok v endoskopii zheludochno-kishechnyh krovotechenii / O.Yu. Sitnikova, E.A. Tryasenogova, V.Yu. Podshivalov // Aktual’nye voprosy endoskopii: IV Vseros. nauch.-prakt. konf. s mezhdunarodnym uchastiem: tez. dokl., Sankt-Peterburg, Rossiya, 27—28 marta 2014. — SPb., 2014.



PDF downloadChronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). changes as a cause for discussion

Alexander A. Vizel, M.D., Professor, Head of Department of phthisiopulmonology of SBEI HPE «Kazan State Medical university» of Ministry of Health of russia, chief freelance specialist pulmonologist Ministry of Health of tatarstan, Kazan, Russia, e-mail:

Irina Yu. Vizel, Ph.D., assistant of professor of Department of phthisiopulmonology of SBEI HPE «Kazan State Medical University» of Ministry of Health of Russia, Kazan, Russia, e-mail:

Nail B. Amirov, M.D., Professor of Department of general practice of SBEI HPE «Kazan State Medical University» of Ministry of Health of Russian, academician of the RAE, Kazan, Russia, e-mail:

Abstract. Aim. To analyze the recent publications on the problem of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). Material and methods. A review of recent publications on the standardization of methods of diagnosis, differential diagnosis, and the development of standards of treatment of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease were performed. We analyzed the prevalence of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease in different countries with different levels of income; analyzed the current recommendations of the European Respiratory Society and the points of interests or differences with the Russian national guidelines. We reviewed the proposed new warrants classification of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The results of their own research are included in current article. Paid more attention to the selection of drug therapy, depending on the forms of COPD in accordance with GOLD-2014. We surveyed the possibilities of pharmacotherapy drugs as separate groups, and combinations. Conclusions. Currently, the doctrine of COPD undergoing continuous changes, including as better understanding of the disease, improving the classification and treatment, based on the optimization of existing facilities and the introduction of new molecules and delivery devices.

Key words: chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, classification, diagnosis and treatment.



  1. Global'naya strategiya diagnostiki, lecheniya i profilaktiki hronicheskoi obstruktivnoi bolezni legkih (peresmotr 2011 g.): per. s angl. / pod red. A.S. Belevskogo. — M.: Rossiiskoe respiratornoe obschestvo, 2012. — 80 s.: il.
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  3. Chuchalin, A.G. Rossiiskoe respiratornoe obschestvo. Federal'nye klinicheskie rekomendacii po diagnostike i lecheniyu hronicheskoi obstruktivnoi bolezni legkih / A.G. Chuchalin, S.N. Avdeev, Z.R. Aisanov [i dr.] // Pul'monologiya. — 2014. — № 3. — S.15—54.
  4. Soler-Cataluсa, J.J. Impact of exacerbations on the clinical course of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / J.J. Soler-Cataluсa, M.A. Martinez-Garcia, P. Catalan Serra, P. Roman Sanchez // Rev. Clin. Esp. — 2011. — Vol. 211, suppl. 2. — P.3—12.
  5. Qureshi, H. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease exacerbations: latest evidence and clinical implications / H. Qureshi, A. Sharafkhaneh, N.A. Hanania // Ther. Adv. Chronic. Dis. — 2014. — Vol. 5(5). — P.212—227.
  6. Agusti, A. FAQs about the GOLD 2011 assessment proposal of COPD: a comparative analysis of four different cohorts / A. Agusti, S. Hurd, P. Jones [et al.] // Eur. Respir. J. — 2013. — Vol. 42(5). — P.1391—1401.
  7. Haughney, J. The distribution of COPD in UK general practice using the new GOLD classification / J. Haughney, K. Gruffydd-Jones, J. Roberts [et al.] // Eur. Respir. J. — 2014. — Vol. 43(4). — P.993—1002.
  8. Vogelmeier, C. COPD assessment: I, II, III, IV and/or A, B, C, D / C. Vogelmeier, J. Vestbo // Eur. Respir. J. — 2014. — Vol. 43(4). — P.949—950.
  9. Jones, P.W. Comparisons of health status scores with MRC grades in COPD: implications for the GOLD 2011 classification / P.W. Jones, L. Adamek, G. Nadeau, N. Banik // Eur. Respir. J. — 2013. — Vol. 42(3). —P.647—654.
  10. Sonstein, L. Improving adherence for management of acute exacerbation of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / L. Sonstein, C. Clark, S. Seidensticker [et al.] // Am. J. Med. — 2014. — Vol. 127(11). — P.1097—1104.
  11. Aaron, S.D. Management and prevention of exacerbations of COPD / S.D. Aaron // BMJ. — 2014. — Vol. 22, № 349. — P.5237.
  12. Suissa, S. Inhaled corticosteroids in COPD and the risk of serious pneumonia / S. Suissa, V. Patenaude, F. Lapi, P. Ernst // Thorax. — 2013. — Vol. 68(11). — P.1029—1036.
  13. Welte, T. Efficacy and tolerability of budesonide/formoterol added to tiotropium in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / T. Welte, M. Miravitlles, P. Hernandez [et al.] // Am. J. Respir. Crit. Care Med. — 2009. — Vol. 180(8). — P.741—750.
  14. Frampton, J.E. QVA149 (indacaterol/glycopyrronium fixed-dose combination): a review of its use in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease / J.E. Frampton // Drugs. — 2014. — Vol. 74(4). — P.465—488.
  15. Malerba, M. Differential pharmacology and clinical utility of emerging combination treatments in the management of COPD — role of umeclidinium/vilanterol / M. Malerba, J.B. Morjaria, A. Radaeli // Int. J. Chron. Obstruct. Pulmon. Dis. — 2014. — Vol. 9. — P.687—695.
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  24. Kruis, A.L. Primary care COPD patients compared with large pharmaceutically-sponsored COPD studies: an UNLOCK validation study / A.L. Kruis, B. Stellberg, R.C. Jones [et al.] // PLoS One. — 2014. — Vol. 9(3). — P.e90145.
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PDF downloadCognitive impairment in chronic heart failure

Genshat S. Galjautdinov, M.D., Professor of Department of faculty therapy and cardiology of SBEI HPE «Kazan State Medical University» of Russian Ministry of Health, Kazan, Russia, tel. 8-960-048-37-63, e-mail:

Marat A. Lonkin, graduate student of Department of faculty therapy and cardiology of SBEI HPE «Kazan State Medical University» of Russian Ministry of Health, Kazan, Russia, tel. 8-904-664-10-02, e-mail:

Abstract. Aim. To study cognitive impairment development in patients with chronic heart failure and possible mechanisms of its development. Material and methods. Current article is an analytical and retrospective review of foreign and Russian literature. Results and discussion. During the analysis of the literature we revealed significant correlation between the course of chronic heart failure and the development of cognitive impairment. That was confirmed by many pathophysiological and biochemical changes induced in the development of chronic heart failure. Summary and сonclusions. At present time, given the fact-finding should significantly change the approach to tactics of patients with chronic heart failure, implying a problem not only medical but also social, resulting that the goal of treatment should be not only achieve required essential and the already routine levels, but also improving the quality of life of patients with chronic heart failure.

Key words: chronic heart failure, cognitive impairment.



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PDF downloadApplying risk-management technology for effectivization the primary prevention of myocardial infarction

Alekcander M. Nazarov, Ph.D., Сhief of Department intensive therapy, Orenburg Regional Clinical Hospital, Orenburg, Russia, tel. 8-903-367-96-51, e-mail:

Abstract. Aim. The purpose of this study is to separate groups of patients with the high risk of myocardial infarction development and high treatment cost for effective and economy primary prevention of myocardial infarction. Matherial and method. A database of health insurance company was used. We have processed 5 186 056 medical records of 615 519 patients who had sought medical advice in medical organizations (an outpatient, an inpatient department or an Emergency Call Service) for different cases including angina, arterial hypertension, myocardial infarction in 2012—2013 years. The correlations were found between angina and myocardial infarction, arterial hypertension and myocardial infarction, the other diseases and myocardial infarction. Results. It was found that the risk of myocardial infarction development in patients with angina was 13 times more than in patients with arterial hypertension and 39 times more than patients with the other diseases. The highest risk of myocardial infarction development was observed in age groups up to 45 years and from 45 up to 59 years. The risk of myocardial infarction development in men was 1,9 times more than in women. With more hospital admissions and ambulance call-outs of patients with angina risk of myocardial infarction development and its treatment cost increase. Conclusion. In order to receive maximum clinical and economic benefits from primary prevention of myocardial infarction it should be performed for patients with angina, in age up to 45 years and from 45 up to 59 years old, mostly for men, and for patients with most frequent hospital admissions and ambulance call-outs with angina.

Key words: prevention of myocardial infarction, angina, probability.



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PDF downloadOccupational pathology services in Tatarstan: past and present

Sergey A. Osipov, Ph.D., Deputy of Minister of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Russia

Irina Yu. Malysheva, Head of the treatment and prevention of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Tatarstan, Kazan, Russia

Zukhra M. Berkheeva, M.D., associate рrofessor of Department of hygiene and occupational health SBEI HPE «Kazan State Medical University» of Russian Ministry of Health, Kazan, Russia, tel. 8-905-310-74-46, е-mail:

Abstract. The aim of the research is to study the organization of occupational pathology services in the Republic of Tatarstan. Material and methods. The analysis of normative documents concerning the organization of occupational pathology services. Results and discussion. Fundamentals of occupational pathology workers in the Republic of Tatarstan were laid in 1958, when the first medical advices for occupational diseases performed. The first ten beds were in therapeutic department of city hospital number 12. In 1989 MOH had decided to establish a National Center of occupational pathology. Today the center has 60 beds. Nowadays occupational pathology services provides primary health care to patients working in harmful production factors and conditions, and specialized health care in a center of pathology. Cooperation between the Centre and chair of occupational medicine of the Medical University, enabling continuity of treatment, assistance to implement a computerized accounting information system with the formation of the register of patients, organize additional professional education about occupational diseases.

Key words: occupational pathology service, periodic medical examinations, occupational pathology Centre.



  1. Berheev, I.M. Etapy razvitiya profpatologicheskoi sluzhby v Respublike Tatarstan / I.M. Berheev, A.R. Vagizova, O.A. Pugacheva, K.R. Safina // Materialy nauch.-prakt. konf., posvyasch. 45-letiyu organizacii profpatologicheskoi sluzhby v Respublike Tatarstan. — Kazan’, 2004. — S.17—23.
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  3. Izmerov, N.F. Organizaciya obrazovatel’noi deyatel’nosti v sfere mediciny truda: zadachi, problemy i puti preodoleniya / N.F. Izmerov, L.V. Pohodzei, T.V. Morozova // Professiya i zdorov’e: materialy X Vseros. kongr., Moskva, 6—8 dekabrya 2011 g. — M., 2012. — S.209—211.


PDF downloadEconomic efficiency of laser technologies using in surgical hospital of short-term stay

Sergey V. Shakhray, Ph.D., associate professor of Department of urgent surgery of BelMAPO, head of the Minsk city center of out-patient and minimally-invasive surgery of the 11th CCH, Belorusia, Minsk, tel. +3-751-72-25-88-10, e-mail:

Yurij M. Gain, M.D., professor of Department of urgent surgery of BelMAPO, vice rector of scientific work of BelMAPO, Belorusia, Minsk, tel. +3-751-72-92-25-52, e-mail:

Yurij Yu. Polumiskov, director of JSC «Fotec», Belorusia, Minsk, tel. +3-751-73-85-19-22

Mikhail Yu. Gain, assistant of Department of urgent surgery of BelMAPO, Belorusia, Minsk, tel. +3-751-72-25-88-10

Vladimir V. Grusha, Ph.D., the deputy chief physician on surgery of the 11th CCH, Belorusia, Minsk, tel. +3-751-73-98-22-44

Abstract. Aim. The assessment of economic effects of use of the developed methods of treatment of several surgical diseases using laser technologies in the hospital of short-term stay conditions is made. Material and methods. Economic efficiency of laser technologies using was estimated by treatment of patients with chronic hemorrhoids, chronic paraproctitis, chronic anal fissure, a varicose disease of the feet. The algorithm of economic effects calculation consisted of a total score of effects of specific economy of costs of hospitalization, payments of temporary disability benefits, the prevented losses of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), as result of reduction of average duration of hospitalization. The total of economy is presented by coefficient of usefulness of expenses. Result. The general benefit by the results three years work was 381 028,8 US dollars. The volume of costs of purchase of the laser equipment and expendables was the sum in an equivalent of 43 200 US dollars, expenses on scientific and methodical work — 17 100 US dollars. Pure economic effect of was 320 728,8 US dollars. The coefficient of usefulness of costs of the acquired equipment and scientific and methodical work was 6,4.

Key words: surgical laser, surgery of short-term stay, economic efficiency, minimally-invasive surgery.



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